Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I would really like to hear from Levy. Who else knows who I was before?

The ones we came here for in the first place, Rhoan and Meredy.

Miss... how should i call you @Zeal? If we leave a note with you that we were looking for a medic and a samurai with these names with you... do you think if they ever pop back here, you may be able to tell them an old friend of theirs was looking for them?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*takes the gold bars and hands you three small silver-ish bars that have circuit etching with runes and feel oddly light*
Borderlands? hardly. It's just vast. You take your time with all of this, I don't recommend starting anything until your head is on straight. and take solace that there are many who share your loss in their own lives.
*smiles warmly*
You're not alone.

Thank you warmly! And good advice!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I hope you're a good judge of character. Your dream relies on it.

Skills to learn man... skills to learn. Judge of character... i would have been a good one when it came to judging others. Myself? Just learning to do it as i go now.

So shall we head back? Do you want to talk to anyone else here in particular? We already got some valuable hints as to what happened to you, so what's next?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm just asking. Who is a hero to you? To Ben?

*Pulls out a small what looks like a book, shifts through some pages, then points out to you*

At this moment, i'm trying to be more like him.
Love your neighbour as yourself, love your enemies, bless those who persecute you...

Yeah lofty goals for somebody like me. I'm about as far from these ideals as one can be. But one step at a time, even if these things are possibly meaningless out here. People generally seem to understand these concepts, even if a god doesn't rule over them.

I may fail, i may turn 180 and do the exact opposite, but for now... this is who i think a hero should be!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It is good, but not really. Gold isn't a hot commodity as you think, especially in the realm of omniversal connections. Unless it has some sort of properties, you'd be better of trading it for another resource.
*finishes my drink*
I guess I should explain that there really isn't a "traveller" anything. This is a place for those of tier four to find something to do, rest, and eat. A nice pitstop of sorts. The Tavern personal project of mine that I've been working on for a long time. Also, I wouldn't say there is much of a "traveller system" as more of there are just people moving about and adjusting to the tier four life.
*thinks as I scratch my head with my eyes closed*
Ram mentions that you can utilize the credits for other universes that has knowledge of tier fours or use it to buy stuff here.
*points to the board*
You can find some of those places with the board, just grab a stub and leave the Tavern and it'll send you there. You can always return here from any door you find.

Good to know then! I love the idea you're going for with this tavern. It definitely is an inspiration for what i should aspire for eventually. *Smiles as i drink*

I guess i'll take the 3,000 credits you were offering then. Something is better than nothing for these borderlands type of places i presume.

At the moment, the only thing on my mind is still processing all of this. When i said i lost my world, i mean that literally. people, family, friends... the lot... I'm still currently processing the whole spiel. But good to know there is a place for people here.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What is your currency? Or if you wish to trade for supplies, I can do that as well. But considering it is just gold…
*picks one up and it floats above my hand*
In the Tavern’s generalized currency it is about 3,000 credits.

My civilization, the Terran dominion, would value one of these at 8,550 TD (Terran Dominion) Credits. But considering this is an entirely new world, i don't even know the true value of a credit here... 3000 seems like a lot! What would that do for me in traveller market?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm not saying it's pointless. But now that you're on your own, what's a hero to you?

If i don't stick by these morals, then nothing, but i will for as long as i can. I'm sick and tired of my old self. And not living up to God's... *Looks at you resigned* Fine; my world's god, morals, even if pointless out here, then i might as well dig a hole for myself and just die...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I utilize all currencies. Gio’s homeworld utilizes coins.

Interesting. *Pulls out 3 seemingly greek or romanic gold pocket bars almost like rectangle large coins*

What would they fetch here if i may ask?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Heroes? What makes a hero?

Funny question isn't it Prism... *Spins the drink in my glass* Remember heaven? and the lessons learned there? Yeah... that! It may be pointless out here... but not necessarily at the same time. It could turn out to be a very rewarding endeavour! I chose to believe that!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Easy to say when you have a goal to work toward. Other than recovering my memories, what should I be aiming for?

Building a community of heroes? Genuine ones? With me?

How about that? Doing a thing just because it feels right and moral!
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