Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Server>

Any number of folks, honestly. I’d be more insightful if I was the type of expert to truly diagnose, but the best I could do is give advice that may or may not be misguided. We don’t want that.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Swirls what little I have around in the glass before taking a swig of what’s there before letting out a huge sigh*
There sure is a kick to that one.

*Lifts the bottle up* Think you can handle a full glass of it then? *I chuckle*

*The effect of hemp and strong alcohol coursing through you may be dampened due to your resilience, but you certainly start feeling a little... senselessly happy and drifty...*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

One could say I’ve got a tolerance. Among the best in my family, anyway.
*Takes the glass and then tilts it toward you*

<Snipped quote by Server>

I won’t insert myself into your problems then. But if you need a guy who knows a guy? I’m your guy.

*Grins and clings the glass* Cheers! And may our journeys be as epic as they can possibly be! *I grin and chug the entirety of mine down without so much as a blink then proceed to pour another one shamelessly*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

My name is Jade... and I think I understand? Or maybe I don't...

It isn't necessarily an easy concept to understand Miss Jade. Not everyone ponders the nature and functionality of living beings unless their journey leads them that path, completely understandable. But for me to help you, i have to pinpoint within your ethereal being, the mind and the barrier between the soul, what exactly is blocking the feeding channels and functions so i can dispel them... I can't think of any other way that would be less intrusive and safer than this...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It's not a mental issue, I think...

Everything starts from the mind miss... apologies i have never asked your name... I feel you have me at a disadvantage there *I chuckle* If you think about it, the brain is responsible for managing all bodily functions and in the brain also exists the control centre for deeper layers of being such as soul, spirit and consciousness. And if you are some kind of being that needs energy to survive, i presume that lies somewhere between the soul and the mind before the physical... am i wrong?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Uh... why do you need a trance?

We're going in a mind space... call it what you will, but i ain't entirely sure we would look very conscious while our minds talk it out in a deeper plane of existence... unless i'm mistaking...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

More than willing... part of the reason I'm still here is I'm hoping someone who comes by will be able to help.

*Nods and smiles* Then... i wouldn't presume us being in a trance while we talk in a mind space in the middle of the public area would look good on visitors? Any place where we could do this without potentially causing a scene?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

He's much older than that, but you're right... he probably would complain and then let it go.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I don't remember...

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

I hope it's reversible. SideSlash is working on it now.

Hmmm Gio much older than 100 and still acting like a kid. That's funny, if it wasn't concerning...

But back to the point you were making. Perhaps i already have a solution for your condition, though i'm uncertain as to what it actually is other than what you said. I would need to analyse as much information as possible and we could do that in a mind space of sorts... *I pull out my tesseract and place it on the table as it hums gently in its crimson warm light*

It's up to you if you are willing to try however...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Glances down at the label for just a brief moment*
Maybe a sip for the sake of trying it if you swear by it so earnestly. But I’m going out of my way to not go crazy, today, you know?

*Pours you a small glass* Cool! That's my man! But be warned this stuff is strong... and if you are not familiar with strong spirits and hemp high... y'might end up dropping on the ground from just this glass. I know a friend who did just that.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Or think about it differently. There’s always something to do for people like us, yeah?

For sure! *Drinks my full glass then pours another and then shows you the bottle for you to also see what writes on its label* You sure you don't want to try? This stuff's good! Made by yours truly!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Grins with a hint of pride*
I’m glad you think so. You know, I don’t get out often enough to talk with folks who’ve never heard of it at this point. I’m inclined to think you’re new to… Multidimensionality, but really it’s just such a big world that even a thousand IAs are a speck.

*Adjusts my voice* Ahem... Not new to interdimensionality, but new to this sector of infinity if you will... and yeah, you are totally right. Infinity cannot be fully explored even if it were by another infinity if that one would be smaller... Its... its best to not dwell on that...
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