Fionn MacKerracher
His climb had been halted, for a moment, as Arken's spell slammed into the construct's head. As soon as it had righted itself enough, however, he began pulling himself up along the giant snake again—climbing was usually slow going, but given how he'd sped himself up, he was making much better time than he otherwise might. Even as the wounds it had been taking twisted themselves outward to grasp at him, he had no trouble evading or striking back as was needed.
It was almost boring, really. Beyond the grinding noise of multiple trees rubbing against each other as the thing moved, he could hear the three further back talking between themselves and shouting orders. Upper half, at least? Not terribly creative, that was where snakes usually kept their hearts anyways—
He shook off a limb that wrapped itself around his ankle, the branch shattering with a hard kick. When the snake rolled right afterwards, however, he was left with no option but to release his hold, landing on the ground beneath it as it writhed further away to get a new angle on Fanilly and Gertrude. "Enough of this," he muttered, before squaring his stance back towards the beast, feet firmly planted in the dirt below.
Boars, bears, giant boars even, and even more monstrous creatures than those—none particularly filled Fionn with fear. He knew he would have to think to figure out the best way to take down each and every one, but for a man as divorced from the concept of terror as he was, putting himself directly in harm's way to do it was no object. Unlike a dragon, this one couldn't even breathe he felt more comfortable taking an older tactic against it.
He started chanting under his breath, raising his sword overhead. The orichalcum that Ardor had worked into the weapon began to glow in response, an intensifying nimbus of light radiating out from the blade that waxed and waned with the rhythm of his speech. Among the things that Erich had taught him in Merilia's otherworld, this was, perhaps, the most appealing to the Veltish man's sensibilities. As reliant on proper timing and sheer fortitude as anything else, and a simple enough variation on one of his other spells to teach quickly...and spectacular if it should connect.
He ceased chanting, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead as his sword shook in his grip, vibrating from the energy stored within it. There was only one word left to release the spell, so all he needed was the target to come close enough—"Drive it back towards me!" he yelled at the four that still held to its sides. Hopefully Arken and Gertrude would catch on enough to join in.