Avatar of The Otter


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3 mos ago
Current are we sure that kneecaps are real or has big ortho gaslit us all into believing in them
8 mos ago
1.5 oz gin, 1.5 oz sweet vermouth, 2 to 4 dashes orange bitters
1 like
12 mos ago
dra til helvete
2 yrs ago
sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
2 yrs ago
praise snail


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Callum regrets that he can't tell the people up over the surface to keep an eye out for that dragon and the guy on it to keep them from getting away, but he can't just go and leave the queen when she says "you should join me down in Athius now!"
"Haha, what? That's crazy. Wait, you're serious? What?"
[going for broke]

"But moooom!"
"I don't know what this sword is, or why it appeared in front of me and why I have it, but it's mine now and I'm not just handing it over."
none of you remember the things i do. it's a lonely existence being the only one to remember everything in all my friend groups
@HereComesTheSnow Indeed, I've seen your name pop up quite a few times! :> I'm glad you've decided to join us.

Dang, really cycling into the B Cast eh.

i think it is important to note here that he is the one that first brought this game to my attention and i've been intermittently yelling at him to join for months
Fionn MacKerracher

It wasn't surprising that he didn't even get a moment to catch his breath before Fiadh and Tyaethe were both on him—literally, in the one case—though he would've hoped for at least a moment more to stand back up and inspect the damage himself. Alas, that was not meant to be, with the pair bolting towards him to chat about what he'd just done. The thin trail of smoke coming off of his blade made it clear that he'd exceeded anything their smith had prepped it for, anyways, without having to look...and he could feel that the balance was off in his hand.

"Ach. Ardor's gonna kill me." He'd left the sword with the dwarf just before he and Tyaethe left to go hunting giant boars, so it had been modified by the smith's expert hands to account for where his skills and prowess had been. Not to account for running into Fiadh again, or the entire time they'd spent training in Merilia's other world. The orichalc had been burnt out beyond use, the pommel and guard deforming as well...he was lucky the grip hadn't burnt away or disintegrated under his fingers.

Of course, that luck couldn't continue, as Gertrude came intent to give him a dressing down he hadn't gotten since he'd still been a mercenary.

No doubt, the growing grin on his face wouldn't do anything to make her happier about it all.

He stood, brushed some of the dust off of himself, be it ashes from the enchanted beast, from his burnt-out runework, or just some of the dirt, before putting his blade back in its scabbard. "Aye, well, then it's a good thing I could trust the two of you, isn't it?" he replied, completely calm in the face of her stormy mood. "Would you like a hug, now that you've assured yourself I'm okay enough to start yelling at me?"
"They say you foreigners do strange things with your livestock."

Hey, wait, the script says I'm not in this scene, dammit.
i'm holding you to that
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