Avatar of The Otter


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3 mos ago
Current are we sure that kneecaps are real or has big ortho gaslit us all into believing in them
8 mos ago
1.5 oz gin, 1.5 oz sweet vermouth, 2 to 4 dashes orange bitters
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12 mos ago
dra til helvete
2 yrs ago
sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
2 yrs ago
praise snail


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haha. yeah. interrogation. let's call it that.

Callum Prosser

"Oh, good, you did manage to keep out of the way of all...that..."

If he was relieved at seeing that Anabel hadn't gotten hurt during the fight, any recognition of that relief went away as his tone shifted into a dubious rise at seeing her reaction. Seeing the girl worried almost to tears, after how she'd dealt with nearly getting kidnapped or speaking face to face with the queen, was about as far from his expectation as could be possible. "Yes, well, you know how it is. The queen asks, we have to follow. I'm sure you would've been more excited by everything down there."

Leaning the now-sheathed sword against his legs on the deck, he finally pulled off the necklace that had been placed on his neck, the pearls and mother-of-pearl shells gleaming in the sunlight. "Would you like this?" he asked, holding it towards the short girl. Easier just to push on ahead than to keep wondering why she was getting so worked up when she'd barely known him for more than a week. "It's not really my sort of thing, anyways—I'm more interested in what I just heard Vulluin saying. Raiden couldn't manage to run this time, eh?"
Fionn MacKerracher

Fionn's grin only grew wider as Gertrude's scowl deepened. He, of course, didn't believe her for a second—if she were truly so unconcerned, after all, she wouldn't have bothered trying to help him or yelling at him, after all. But if she needed it to feel a little better about everything, he was willing to let her tire herself out. Not that she stayed focused on him for long, between Renar and Fanilly jumping in.

Renar even started trying to warn Fanilly away from playing the witch-apprentice's game before him.

He pulled his gauntlets off, shaking them to make sure there was no dirt or bark stuck in them. "I don't rightly think there's too much else we can do right now, unless we want to go wandering off into the forest," he mused. He started to walk towards the overlarge tree that they'd just been fighting, though not without casually reaching out and ruffling Gertrude's hair as he walked past.

Just a small reminder that he was still there, and wasn't going to fall for her games or protestations.

"Gerard and the others left to try and find this realm we're looking for ahead of us, or at least as much of a general-Fae-territory as they could, and I don't have any way to call them in. They shouldn't have too much trouble seeing what we've found, and Arken and Fiadh are pretty well convinced this is the right spot. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll have found some help to get in, but no matter what we're probably better off setting a watch and taking the moment to relax while we can like Tyaethe is doing."

He suddenly faced the taller knight with another grin.

"Unless you fancy running off through the woods in search of them with Fleuri?"
Esben Mathiassen


Esben wiped his hair out of his eyes. He hadn't yet stepped out from behind the cover of his own pillar, but that made little difference to the torrents that Leviathan was intent on unleashing upon the party. The rest were similarly drenched, some worse than others; it was nearly impossible not to notice Éliane a short ways behind him, struggling with a thoroughly waterlogged rotary cannon. "Of course she tried to set that up here," he muttered to himself.

It was a shame she hadn't been a bit faster, given what the eidolon was up to now. He wasn't much of a monster fighter, after all.

He jogged over, coming to a stop behind a nearby pile of rubble. "May I borrow your rifle? I promise I'll try not to break it." With an unhappy glance his way, she handed it over wordlessly before returning to her impromptu maintenance. Esben nodded appreciatively, peeking back over his new cover. "Cover your ears, Eos," he commanded sternly, before disengaging the safety and firing on Leviathan's barrier.

He would have called Selene back, as well, to try and speed up Éliane's work—but the glowing sprite had ideas all her own. Given that Izayoi hadn't been able to capitalize on the boost she gave, and already well aware of just how fast the samurai was, she had left her side and made her way over to Rudolf. She shuddered for a moment coming close to him, like a chill wind had just passed her by, before pressing closer. Once again, her glow suffused Rudolf, and the younger man would suddenly find himself moving noticeably faster.

Out of the corner of his eye, Esben could see Miina preparing a similar spell, from what he'd seen of her repertoire thus far. "Put it on Rudolf, Miina!" he called, before sending another shot into the barrier. If they were to bring everything they had to bear against the Eidolon, then until Éliane was ready to fire with the cannon, letting loose a whirlwind of blades was nearly their only option—letting Rudolf become a whirlwind all his own seemed an effective enough method, especially if he was bringing his own borrowed powers into the mix.
@The Otter The Queen does love him. //serious nod

i'm beginning to think this queen has a soft spot for lost-seeming children
and poor callum's mentor-to-be got assassinated the night before he showed up

it's cool though the queen loves him
i think he’s reviewing my payroll right now i might be cooked

don't worry you'll get a notice eventually

i just had three teeth pulled out today so i'm not going to be doing too much this evening, perhaps tomorrow
Esben Mathiassen

"Well, that isn't ideal," Esben muttered to himself, where he sat with his back to one of the pillars that the group had taken shelter behind, having barely slid behind it in time to avoid one of the eidolon's high-pressure blasts. Fitting, in a way, that the ruin of an ancient temple to Leviathan's power should be the only thing giving them a fighting chance against her. "Alright, you two, time to come out—"

He pulled his cloak open a bit, and the two faeries that had been hiding inside shot out instantly.

"UWAAAAAAAAAAH!" Eos screamed, the small green fairy immediately flying upwards. She planted her hands firmly on Esben's cheeks, her head dancing between one eye and the other. "What did you do? We thought you were nice!"

"Only following instructions..."

Selene flew up higher, casting the other two in her purple glow as she peeked out from behind the pillar. "She's not normally like this," she observed, pensively fidgeting with her skirt as she pulled back behind cover. As if in response to the brief glint of light, a fresh jet shot right where she had been, eliciting a short yelp. "She's really trying to kill you all!"

Esben glanced up, only to have Eos's head follow his pupils upwards. "What did you do?!" she demanded again, slamming her tiny fists against his cheekbones. Esben winced; she wasn't as much smaller than him as she seemed to think, and if she kept that up, he was guaranteed to get bruises. "You said this was just the Trial of the Waters!"

"So, I take it that this isn't how this is supposed to go..."


Eos drooped, landing on his chest and burying her head under his chin in obvious despair. Selene descended back to them and nodded. "She's right, this isn't how the Trial of the Waters goes. I've never seen her this mad..." She put herself down on his shoulder, laying across the top of his head despondently. "Sorry, Eos, I think I made a mistake this time..."

Esben reached up with both hands, plucking a green fairy off his chest and a purple one off his head. "You say this isn't normal. When's the last time you remember one of these happening? Any time recently?" The pair looked at each other, before turning back to him and shrugging. "Don't know? That's still more helpful than you think, you two."

He released the pair, their wings instantly buzzing again to make sure they didn't fall the couple of feet to the ground. Eos pitifully wiped tears from her eyes, and Selene tried to straighten her posture. Attempting to look brave, if he had to guess, given how he'd seen their eyes widen when he didn't share in their despondency.

"That still leaves us with quite a few options as to what is going on, but at least we can guess that the Grovemasters haven't done anything in recent memory to make her so angry. So, this may be due to the Blight that has befallen Osprey and is trying to move further south riling her up, or it may be because of some Valheim experiments siphoning her power away. Maybe she can still smell that we've run into them, and had one of them travelling with us for a while."

Or, perhaps, Isolde was a better liar than he would've guessed, and purposefully gave them the wrong ritual to use. Maybe the Grovemasters were compromised by a rogue actor, or maybe they were all in agreement; after all, the deliberations took part away from Neve's ears as well, so there was no relying on her to catch them in any lie. Regardless, even though knowing that there hadn't been any such trial recently that either of the faeries who lived so near had known of meant that there were more questions rather than fewer, he was glad that it at least gave him a place to start.

With luck, they could survive long enough to get Leviathan to calm down and hear reason.

"Alright. Eos, stay by me, I might be needing you by the end of this. Selene—" The pair seemed like they were struggling to keep up. He took a breath, slowing down so that they couldn't risk misunderstanding him, motor mouth thinking out loud wouldn't help either of them. "The others are making moves. Go to Izayoi and see if you can't speed her up like you told me about. No fairy dust on her if you can help it, I don't need her angry with me again."

The purple fairy gave a short, crisp salute, before flying out from behind the pillar fast enough that his eyes could barely follow. He drew his sword as she stopped next to Izayoi, her faint glow suffusing the samurai's form as well. "Okay, Eos, be my extra eyes for now, ja? We're going to be fine, don't worry." Would only that he had Eve around as well, then Leviathan might be a fair bit easier to deal with.

Eos nodded, returning to her place tight in against his chest—just peeking over his shoulder. "Got it!"
and being a smartass is eighty percent of the way to being challenged to a due—oh wait right that's what he wants
amerigo's halfway somewhere at any rate
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