Avatar of The Watcher
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. The Watcher 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Whats new pussy cat?
8 yrs ago
Watching... Yo....


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Welcome. You're appearance on this site has been noted and added to my logs. Thank you for joining!
Awesome! Ill have my character up before the end of today! (Or really early tomorrow morning depending on your time zone).
@ScreenAcne@Pair of Hearts

I'm afraid I must agree with Pair of Hearts in the matter of not shaming. So be it if they are sent my satan. I too must attempt to earn the bread of which is spoken, so why shame them?

Hehe. Thank you both. If either of you know of anything interesting point me towards it.
I am extremely interested in what you've posted so far. A sort of time traveling adventure that could lead to a veeerrry interesting rp! Message me if you're still looking for someone.
I'm looking for someone who might be interested in trying to put together an original one on one superhero RP.

It could possibly be back dropped within Marvel or the DC Universe however I'd definitely like to use original (or semi original) characters if possible.

Drop a comment here or PM me of you have questions or are interested!
I'm interested in trying to start up a new roleplay. I'd be extemely interested in a Supernatural style story (preferably an Original story with new characters over playing as say Sam and Dean).

PM Me if you're interested!
Seems my name invokes different thoughts from everyone. It will be noted and added to your records.

Anyone have any suggestions for a Modern Fantasy/Supernatural style Roleplay I might be able to join?
Thank you all for you kind welcomes! :)
Oh don't worry I won't kill you. I'm just the watcher... I just watch... I leave the killing up to..... other hands.

:P Thank you for the welcome. Hopefully I can just right in soon.
Greetings Roleplayer Guild!

I am Dalton.. aka.. The Watcher!

I'm new to the website, but in no way am I new to Roleplaying. I've been active in various internet roleplaying sites for several years now, and roleplayed on World of Warcraft for several years. I'm also very active in my Table Top Roleplaying Gaming Group, which I am a very capable Game Master.... long story short.. I'm very familiar with the ideas.

I'm hoping to get a fresh start here and jump into some stories asap!

I hope I get to know you all and you get a chance to know me!
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