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2 mos ago
Current And it will continue to spin on. youtube.com/watch?v=rePFEUu…
3 mos ago
The one adorned in the red of heroes had need to finally drop his mask. A funeral for summer, for our youth. Goodbye, those heated days... youtube.com/watch?v=UxwHkqk…
3 mos ago
It seems the long summer, which gouged with fangs and gave us hope, has come to its end...
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6 mos ago
Late in it, but happy Kagerou Day!
6 mos ago
"Jesus does not like very many girls." - Grant (GOODTIMESZone)


"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

Up a bit later than I expected to be and I'm writing out a skeleton for my future self to work from so I have a question. Can Mascots be killed, and if so, are there limitations on what can kill them? (I'm not planning to have my character kill one or anything, just need to know for the sample post)
If there's still room for interested people, I'd throw in my hat. I'll get to work on a CS as soon as my brain stops hurting from Java, which means hopefully tomorrow, lol.
@Big McLargehuge
No worries at all. Just wanted to check, thank you for the heads-up and I hope things get better soon!
In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by The World>

Ah. Yes. The one paying to keep this site fully hosted. The one that at one point had no money to pay for this to actually stay up. The one that refused donations, causing the site to get wiped. That guy?

You know, the 10th anniversary of guildfall is coming up? Still salty about that.

... To be honest? I totally forgot about guildfall. My bad.
I know the GM hasn't been on in four days, but for when they come back: Are we still alive here?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
I mean, we at least know more this time than last time he left. There's a good chance he'll be back soonish. Let's be calm and let Legend do his thing in the meantime. That'll also make it easier for Mahz to push stuff forwards when he does come back.

On the flipside, it's selfish of us to expect Mahz to drop irl for the forum. He's been the one paying to keep it up all this time, we should give him some credit. Just like we should give the mods credit for doing their best in the ways they have.
The X-Antibody event? Oh, that's right, that was about to start in the area, wasn't it? Tsubomi had nearly forgotten, so smitten was she by her Dodomon. If the boy who had just shown up hadn't said something, Salamon popping on her screen to say "An event is starting!" would have reminded her. It was the perfect event for raising Dodomon as it was not only a good source of XP, but also fitting since it was a natural carrier of the antibody. Having cared for its Digitama perfectly, and having used almost her entire stock of stat boosters on it, it should by all rights be strong enough to fight the Baby II and Child/Rookie digimon that would appear, despite being a Baby I itself. Granted that the only consistent X digimon that was Baby II was Tokomon, and it was already a common prey digimon in the lore, at least she wanted its data anyway. It should only take a single battle to digivolve, though, so fighting Child digimon wasn't an unrealistic goal. Especially if she could get Salamon involved by running into a two-on-two battle. As soon as the event started, her map flashed a red -WARNING- label across itself, the sign of X-antibodies shown in the top right corner. Very quickly, digimon began popping up nearby, including quite a few X digimon. She sat still, waiting for the enemy to come to her. Her eyes raised beneath her hood to look at the other people nearby. She'd watch them while she waited.
There was an annoyance. Not necessarily a major issue, but it was still bothersome. Tsubomi waved off the offending insect with a gloved hand, and just barely was able to hear over her music that another girl had appeared. For the first time since entering the park, she looked up from her phone. The girl across from her seemed slightly nervous, though the more pressing matter was that the other girl had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Not that Tsubomi was the type to notice when people were around. The girl saluted her and the girl and boy on the other benches, saying something about the wind? She turned her music down slightly, just enough to be able to hear better, and when she looked back up she noticed the cocksure boy who was standing nearby as well. Honestly, none of them were as interesting as Dodomon, but the boy at least seemed to be playing Emergence. So Tsubomi switched her map view to include nearby players.

It seemed that all four of them at least had the app, if not were actively playing at the moment. It wasn't surprising to see so many people playing the popular game; if anything it was more surprising that there were only a handful of them in the park at the moment. Even the timid looking boy sitting across the way and trying to crawl into his shell was a player, it seemed. There were a couple others in the park proper but these were the nearest ones. Still, as long as they didn't bother her too much, Tsubomi wouldn't bring it up.
Who are we still waiting on to post?
Mizumoto Park, Katsushika Ward


Tsubomi was perhaps not dressed the best for the weather, given that it was June and hot out during daytime. Wearing her signature black hoodie, she was at least somewhat protected from her surroundings, even if she was sweating a bit from it and her earlier exertion. She was used to that though, but not as used to the chemical scent of bug-spray that enveloped her. Those that got especially close might be able to smell the scent of chlorine instead, a by-product of the bleaching of all of her clothes other than her favorite sweatshirt, or notice the off-coloring of her originally black but now nearly orange in places track-pants. Close inspection of the girl would reveal that she was taking careful, slow steps through the park, her head down and looking towards where she walked, even past her phone in her gloved hand.

The phone in question, a silver model with a black and violet case and as many screen protectors as one could stack on without rendering it inoperable, was running her lifeline app, Digimon: Emergence, with 100% battery despite the day's use. Two cords ran from the phone, one to her complete with microphone headset and one to a large battery-pack in her left pants-pocket, next to her pocketknife. Being somewhat boyish in this regard, she carried not a purse, but a wallet in her right pocket, alongside a small multi-tool. Though these items were not for the world to see, as the pockets they were in had zippers that were closed tight, letting only the cord through to her phone. While many would find it strange to wear a headset in public rather than a pair of regular headphones, it saved her from having to unplug them when she got a call, as rare as that was.

On her screen was her pride and joy, her "baby," as it were, Dodomon. The result of winning a TCG tournament earlier in the year, it had taken a long time for its Digitama to hatch. Her partner, as she liked to think of it, Salamon was just a few taps of the phone away as well. A quick check of her Farms gave her a small hoard of items, and reassured her that they were all still self-sufficient.

Finally, she found an unused bench to sit on, though unfortunately across from someone, and sat down, never once looking up from the ground or her phone for more than a second.
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