It would be an immature amatuer who laughed at a time like this. The Lupincas - immovable, invincible - cracked in two, split by the largest javelin ever thrown, guided true by technicolor waves of stardust, and she was to, what; throw back her head and cackle like a wild animal at the thrill of it all? Really now, she had more composure than that. Besides, Jas’o wasn’t even here to hear it.
Captain Vasilia doffed her hat, swept out her coattails, and dipped low in an immaculate bow. “Fare thee well, oh great king. A pity we could not provide an opponent of your caliber.” She straightened, and smirked, and...sniffed, catching the undeniable odor of an entire room burning.
Right. Yes. Not a good time to catch fire too. Best take care of that.
This wasn’t that different from the kitchens.
You see, that plasma fire? That was just like a flambe gone a little wrong. The screaming pressure valves, those were just like when you’re in the middle of chopping vegetables, and your water starts boiling, and your rolls only have seconds left in the oven. And the shaking deck, well, if you had to mop up a nasty spill, then sometimes that left the floor quite slippery, and you had to be careful where you stepped. Oh. The falling pipes. Those didn’t happen often, but your rack of pots and pans could come loose, right as you were focused on your stew, and you had to get out of the way in a hurry. The giant gear that just sprang loose from its housing and nearly ran them all over, you see, that one…
He’d have to think about that one. But when he did, he was certain that it would be almost exactly like working in the kitchens. Thus, all he had to do here was what he did there when things got out of hand; run, vault, leap, swing, man the dials, fix the pipes, don’t linger anywhere, he’s forgotten his oven mitts, everything’s burning, don’t you dare lose your count, get to the oven on time, and eventually. Eventually! He’ll run out of fires to put out!
“Attention, crew!” Vasilia called out from the pipes, and what was that hissing noise in the background? Was that a hose? “I am so very pleased to report that the Veterosk has been completely disabled, and Jas’o’s forces scattered. Once you’ve put yourselves back together, report to the hangar; we still have a Princess to save.”
A frazzled bleat escaped his lips. Eventually...
[Rolling to Overcome with Daring Devils: 6 + 3 + 1 = 10.]
Captain Vasilia doffed her hat, swept out her coattails, and dipped low in an immaculate bow. “Fare thee well, oh great king. A pity we could not provide an opponent of your caliber.” She straightened, and smirked, and...sniffed, catching the undeniable odor of an entire room burning.
Right. Yes. Not a good time to catch fire too. Best take care of that.
This wasn’t that different from the kitchens.
You see, that plasma fire? That was just like a flambe gone a little wrong. The screaming pressure valves, those were just like when you’re in the middle of chopping vegetables, and your water starts boiling, and your rolls only have seconds left in the oven. And the shaking deck, well, if you had to mop up a nasty spill, then sometimes that left the floor quite slippery, and you had to be careful where you stepped. Oh. The falling pipes. Those didn’t happen often, but your rack of pots and pans could come loose, right as you were focused on your stew, and you had to get out of the way in a hurry. The giant gear that just sprang loose from its housing and nearly ran them all over, you see, that one…
He’d have to think about that one. But when he did, he was certain that it would be almost exactly like working in the kitchens. Thus, all he had to do here was what he did there when things got out of hand; run, vault, leap, swing, man the dials, fix the pipes, don’t linger anywhere, he’s forgotten his oven mitts, everything’s burning, don’t you dare lose your count, get to the oven on time, and eventually. Eventually! He’ll run out of fires to put out!
“Attention, crew!” Vasilia called out from the pipes, and what was that hissing noise in the background? Was that a hose? “I am so very pleased to report that the Veterosk has been completely disabled, and Jas’o’s forces scattered. Once you’ve put yourselves back together, report to the hangar; we still have a Princess to save.”
A frazzled bleat escaped his lips. Eventually...
[Rolling to Overcome with Daring Devils: 6 + 3 + 1 = 10.]