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Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Those encountered at the Grand Armada

Those encountered on Baradissar

Those encountered on Ridenki

Those encountered on Bitemark

Hidden 5 yrs ago 9 mos ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Initiate of the Silver Divers Clan
Favored by Zeus Limenodkopos and Poseidon Asphalios

One eye sapphire, one eye emerald
Olympic body
Waterproof silks and fish-scale armor
Shining golden hair

But What Of Ceron? (Act on behalf of Ceronian wealth and honor, first and foremost)
Territorial (Aggressively defend your friends)

Blood +3
Courage 0
Grace +1
Sense -1
Wisdom +2

# Stalwart Defenders (never pay a price to Overcome Threats to the World, roll with Hope when Overcoming on behalf of someone she has 3 Bonds with)
# Ceronian Treatment (when she introduces herself to a ruler, they must— even begrudgingly— offer a room for the night and a hot meal, and their subjects become valid targets for the following move)
# Yes, My Lady (when she issues a command to someone below her rank, they’ll do it immediately without any need to Talk Sense, until such time as a command causes them direct harm)
# Strike True! (when she has an Advantage over someone, she can choose to stop them from causing further harm in the scene, stop them from giving chase, or remove a damaged stat entirely, no Finish Them roll necessary)
# Foreign Exchange [Survivor] (when she Overcomes harm directed at herself, she can heal or mixed beat Get Away)
# How Dare You?! (when insulted to her face, she can try to Finish Them with Blood or Grace, or ask two questions from Look Closely instead)

Chalcedony (Melee, Precious)
Little Fang (Melee)
Scout Training (Armor 1)
Ceronian Spoils (Food 3)
Medpack (Healing/Slow 2)
The Jewels of the Seven-Colored Rainqueen (Precious 2)
A Strange Eye
A Secret

Mosiac is… wow. Have you seen her? She’s just. Mmmph.
Mosiac and I both emerged from the sea together.
Mosiac’s sisters are under my protection, even if she swears she can do it herself.
Dolce is a sweetheart who deserves my protection.
Gemini and Taurus sponsored me in joining the Silver Divers, and I can’t disappoint them!
Plundering Fang never lets an opportunity to humiliate me slide.
I tamed the wild surf-steed Belle; she’s feisty, but I managed to rein her in.


Level 2- +1 Blood
Level 3- How Dare You?!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Kennels

The Palace

The Games

The Servitor



Marked by Hera and Aphrodite


Inferiority Complex (prove your worth, at all costs, and at every opportunity)

Blood 0
Courage +2
Grace +1
Sense -1
Iron +2

A Moment’s Hesitation:
When you make a move against the Fellowship, they may erase a Bond they hold with you. Choose one: show them mercy, tell them something important, or act anyway, rolling with Despair

Steel Heart:
Your Wisdom stat has been replaced by Iron. You cannot Speak Softly without a Wisdom stat, and cannot Talk Sense with Wisdom or finish with Wisdom, either. When you Finish by outlasting them in a contest of power or endurance, roll with +Iron. On a 10+ they pass out

Tenacity Incarnate:
On 6- or a Fellowship 10+, gain Vigor and you cannot have Despair
Dark Authority:

Your companions are Threats and follow Threat rules. They make cuts and do not roll dice. When a threat harms the Fellowship and survives the scene, you may forge a bond with them. If you need more minions, damage a stat and forge a bond with a local Threat, recruiting them instantly.

Speak Harshly:
When you demand answers from someone weaker than you, roll +Iron. On a 7+, ask 2 questions (they must answer honestly). On a 9-, one of the answers may be a lie. You will not be told which one, or even if there is a lie. On a 6-, you may only ask one question.
  • What can you tell me about the Fellowship?
  • What are you hiding?
  • Where is ____?
  • No more questions. You deal damage to them, ending the interrogation.

The Bad Guy:
You are not part of the Fellowship. Any 10+ Finish attempts by either you or they against the other cause the target to damage all their stats and be Taken Out instead of killed. When you are Taken Out, you are out of play for the rest of the session, but will Recover between sessions. You do not Recover when the Fellowship does. When you join the Fellowship, temporarily or otherwise, replaced this playbook with The Redeemed.

Cut Them (Loveless Family):
The Nemesis may make Cuts under specific situations. If the Fellowship ignores you, you may Cut them. When you Cut something under the protection of the Fellowship, it begins as a Soft Cut. If nobody can responds, or if they respond but fail, it becomes a Hard Cut. Cuts made against targets the Fellowship cannot protect may be as hard or soft as you like.
Bella may make Cuts when she acts in Redana's best interests (according to Bella or Empress Nero)

Cornered Rat Cat:
While you are Damaged, your attacks gain the Dangerous tag

Avatar Imperial Regalia:
You have Protection. This gives you immunity to a Location stat of your choosing, and you may choose which one to be immune to at the beginning of any scene.

Dark Power:
You are a Threat to the World

Alone Against The World
When you fight against them by yourself, you can try to Keep Them Busy no matter who they are, how outnumbered you are, or how poor your position is, even if they are a Group, Gang, or Army.
When you Keep Them Busy by yourself, they take damage once you are done Keeping Them Busy.

Limitless Skies
You can appear anywhere you can see, effectively teleporting through the air. Whether this is actual teleportation, divine insight, or extreme speed is up to you. You roll with Hope when using this to Get Away.


Bella is a melee weapon
Clever Tricks (Useful, 2 Uses)
High Mobility (Armor, 1 Use)

The Empress Nero Claudius has given Bella a ship, a crew, and a command. It is ridiculous to expect her to grant a twice-marked failure real supplies. Bella’s title is worse than just for show, but by Zeus’ glittering smile, do not suggest that where she can hear you.

"I will capture Redana, no matter what the cost."
"My feelings for Redana confuse me."
"I do not understand why Alexa acts the way she does."
"...Redana betrayed me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Balmas
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Member Seen 1 day ago

The Construct

Marked by Athena and Hera
Seeking Peace

Courage: +3
Blood: +2
Wisdom: +1
Sense: +0
Grace: -1

Agenda: What is my Purpose: Find a reasons for who you are and what you do.

Built For This
You have only one purpose in this world: You were built to explore the Horizon. You must follow your orders. It is what you were made to do. You do not have your own society. You are artificial. You Command Lore about your creators, their secrets, and their science. Tell us who made you - it may even be the people of another member of the fellowship. You also Command Lore about yourself - your purpose, your functions, your creation. Only you can tell us what you are.
This Move cannot be Shared

By Your Command
You were created to serve, and serve you shall. You have three Locked Bonds, and you begin the game with the first one filled in with the name of another member of the fellowship. These Locked Bonds are:
-Like it or not, I must follow _______ ‘s orders.
-I have chosen to follow _______ ‘s orders.
-I have grown emotionally attached to _______ .
When someone named in your Locked Bonds gives you an order, you are filled with Hope if you follow it, and filled with Despair if you ignore or go against it. Either way, this Hope or Despair only lasts for one roll.
When you Forge a Bond, you may write a name into an unwritten Locked Bond. Once it is written, it is permanent. You can never change or erase a Locked Bond, unless a Move specifically tells you to.
Locked Bonds count towards your maximum of 3 Bonds with a single

The Robot
You cannot eat Food, and the Healing tag has no effect on you. When you Fill Your Belly, you must use Fuel--the ichor of the Gods-made just for you. You can be healed by items with the Repair tag.
You do not need to breathe or sleep to survive. Your severed limbs or eyes can function remotely from your body, although you need an item with the Repair tag to re-attach them.

Hold Them Back
When you successfully Keep Them Busy by grabbing them, pinning them, catching them, or otherwise holding them close, you grab them. Someone you have grabbed cannot move and cannot harm you, but otherwise this works just like Keeping Them Busy normally does.
You may end the grab at any time to do one of the following things:
Throw them to the ground. They land prone right where you want them.
Slam them into something, hard, dealing damage to them.
Talk Sense or Speak Softly with them, rolling with Hope. You hold them close until you’ve said your piece and they’ve said theirs.

Advanced Sensors
When you Look Closely, you may ask one question from the list before you roll. You may choose whether or not you still want to roll after hearing the answer to your first question.
You may only use your Advanced Sensors once per scene.

What are you made of?
Stone and Bronze
You are a very tough golem, built of marble and bronze, and animated through the will of Athena. Add your Aegis (Armor, 1 Use) to your Gear.
When you Fill Your Belly, when you are Repaired, or when you get a 10+ on any roll, restore 1 Use to your Aegis. It can never have more than 1 Use at a time.

A pair of spears, presented to me by Athena herself (Melee, piercing)
As a replica of Athena, I share her multilimbed nature and can walk or run on walls and the ceiling.
I have a riding pod, perfect for defending my ward or restraining naughty kitties.
Redana, as a clever princess, has a small crucible of bronze with which to patch chips in my stone (Repair, 2 uses, slow). She’s also figured how to use the Seal to summon me to her side whenever it is needed (1 Use). Now, if only she could figure out other things…
Crucible: [ ][ ]
Seal: [ ]

I must obey any order Redana gives me.
I enjoy the elaborate tea ceremonies I have with Dolce.
I'm slowly sharing the booze recipes I've accumulated with Vasilia.
Isty and I played tag in a flirty way.
I told Redana who I am.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by TheAmishPirate
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TheAmishPirate Horse-Drawn Tabletop

Member Seen 1 day ago

Marked by Mars and Artemis? Aphrodite?


Blood: -1
Courage: +0
Grace: +1
Sense: +2
Wisdom: +3

-Be Brave, Take Risks
-Tell Us Of Your People
-Improve The World Around You
-Friendship Is Magic

WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE - Remembered By History

You want to be a hero so bad, even if the only way to do it is to tag along with the real heroes.

Whenever anyone near you goes anywhere, you can always choose to tag along with them, even if doing so should be impossible.


Fast Friends: When you spend a scene by someone's side or Speak Softly with them, you may gain a Bond with them immediately.

You can have an unlimited number of Bonds with anybody. People who you have Bonds with do not become Companions. You do not have enough pull with the fellowship to just recruit people. Those you have Bonds with will think well of you and will try not to harm you if they can help it, regardless of their feelings for the rest of the fellowship.

You can Command Lore about anyone you have any Bonds with, except for your Bonds with other players. You can Command Lore about Companions, friends, and minions of the Overlord who you have Bonds with, but you cannot Command Lore about the other heroes of the fellowship or about the Overlord.

This move cannot be Shared.

Please, Just Listen: When you Talk Sense to someone, you may erase a Bond with them instead of owing them a favor.

When you Speak Softly with someone, you may erase a Bond with them to make them answer a question they refuse to answer.

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone: When you watch someone's back and keep your eyes peeled, you can roll to Overcome any harm against them with +Sense instead of +Blood


I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This: When you're certain something's wrong here, you may ask the Overlord to tell you the safest way out, and also the quickest way out. They will answer truthfully.

Voice of Reason: You alone are the voice of reason in this insane world. When you offer advice to another player and they ignore it, you are filled with Hope during any attempts to bail them out of whatever mess they got themselves into. Basically, if you could say "I told you so" after your action, you have Hope to do it.

We’ll Make It: Your Bonds have the Healing tag, and you can Use them by erasing them. Your Bonds can only be used to heal the person listed in them, and only while you are by their side. This move cannot be Shared.


-I know the fear that grips the heart of the Royal Architect. I may be the only person alive who knows it.
-Inexplicably, I've caught the eye of the Crystal Knight, and I would do well to steer clear of her impish smile.
-20022 was the first of my kind that looked at me as anything more than an outlier.
-Vasilia taught me how to make sense of the world when it all seems too much for me.
-I feel nervous and lost about how to show affection to Vasilia, but she's clever and quick-witted and we always figure something out.
-When I feel lost, and like there's nothing I can do, I know Mosaic will find us a way through.
-I trust Ember never to bite or bark at me.
-The Ancient Craftsman takes me under his wing, and I could listen to his stories and lessons for hours.
-[Bond with Assassin]

-Squire Custom (Voice of Reason)
-Increase Courage or Wisdom by 1 (Wisdom +1)
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