The creature, whatever has been had escaped her and the fury instead coursed through her own blood, filling every extremity of her body. She breathed slowly to contain the malcontent.
"I'm not sure. Hills and rocks look very similar around here." she admitted with a strain in her tone. Before she was done calming, Rook had started up again for another go. Jenna shrugged and went along after her. The liveliness of her brought its own benefits, especially to curb the boredom of the endless hours of barely-trodden paths.
Jenna looked upon Rook wearing that impenetrable hope again and sighed again, waiting for the another square rock with bugs under it.
Jenna was right about two things. There was indeed a square rock and the centipede crawling along the side of it but this square rock was the intricately carved centerpiece of a conspicuous and perhaps ancient entrance. It was a wonder it wasn't ruins, the fallen trees in the area considered. She scanned the perimeter again, due to habit.
"And no one else heard you before? Are you sure?" She asked for what must have been the fourteenth time.
"I'm not sure. Hills and rocks look very similar around here." she admitted with a strain in her tone. Before she was done calming, Rook had started up again for another go. Jenna shrugged and went along after her. The liveliness of her brought its own benefits, especially to curb the boredom of the endless hours of barely-trodden paths.
Jenna looked upon Rook wearing that impenetrable hope again and sighed again, waiting for the another square rock with bugs under it.
Jenna was right about two things. There was indeed a square rock and the centipede crawling along the side of it but this square rock was the intricately carved centerpiece of a conspicuous and perhaps ancient entrance. It was a wonder it wasn't ruins, the fallen trees in the area considered. She scanned the perimeter again, due to habit.
"And no one else heard you before? Are you sure?" She asked for what must have been the fourteenth time.