Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

A big yes! I love the idea and Sparkles videos as well!
Name: Artemis Pearl
Alias: "The True Hunter" or "The Silent Hunter" (either one until I find a shorter one)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan-sexual (doesn't mind gender or age)

Powers: She has the ability to charge her arrows in her bow she created with electricity. The more she charges up they do more damage but she can only super charge them once or twice per fight. It drains too much of her power so she only uses it when she has to. She is also very silent when she is running or walking around. Its almost as if you cant hear her at all and suddenly she is right behind you in the hall.
Bio: She was raised homeless most of her life in the forest. She used to catch her food for her family to keep them from starving. She knew that there was a better life they could be living but her mother was unable to work because of different "health issues" they never told her about until she was 17. Her father was always out of the picture but would find them every once in a while to yell at her mother about how bad she was doing as a mother. One day it pissed off Artemis. She knew her mother was doing everything she could. She picked up her bow and had felt her power manifest and she aimed right at her father with her bow and arrow. When her mother say the electricity around the arrow her mother grabbed her daughter to stop her from using it. She blacked out and woke up in the dorm rooms at the Academy. Her mother was there and told her that she too was a mutant. She told Artemis that she had to stay at the school to learn how to control her powers better than she could come back and live with her if she wanted to.

Am I approved or not yet? I am really excited about this :3 and I really hope you like my character. Its a totally different power that I came up with :3
I am very interested! Im a total comic book nerd and love your pairings. I even have a few more to add but I have always wanted to play black widow :)

Pm me if you are still looking for someone :) thanks!
Name: Artemis Pearl
Alias: "The True Hunter" or "The Silent Hunter" (either one until I find a shorter one)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan-sexual (doesn't mind gender or age)

Powers: She has the ability to charge her arrows in her bow she created with electricity. The more she charges up they do more damage but she can only super charge them once or twice per fight. It drains too much of her power so she only uses it when she has to. She is also very silent when she is running or walking around. Its almost as if you cant hear her at all and suddenly she is right behind you in the hall.
Bio: She was raised homeless most of her life in the forest. She used to catch her food for her family to keep them from starving. She knew that there was a better life they could be living but her mother was unable to work because of different "health issues" they never told her about until she was 17. Her father was always out of the picture but would find them every once in a while to yell at her mother about how bad she was doing as a mother. One day it pissed off Artemis. She knew her mother was doing everything she could. She picked up her bow and had felt her power manifest and she aimed right at her father with her bow and arrow. When her mother say the electricity around the arrow her mother grabbed her daughter to stop her from using it. She blacked out and woke up in the dorm rooms at the Academy. Her mother was there and told her that she too was a mutant. She told Artemis that she had to stay at the school to learn how to control her powers better than she could come back and live with her if she wanted to.
I am very interested! This is totally up my alley.
I am interested as well. I already have a character that I use but I can drop her down to level one to use her for this story line. If you are still looking for people to join this let me know! :)

Hey everyone!!!

I am back on Role-player guild! I was on the original site on a few different accounts but now I am back to come up with more stories to help my writers block for my books I am working on. This site has changed quite a bit though but I am not to worried about it :) Message me below or pm me if you have any advice for little old me :)

Thanks For Reading~~!!
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