Avatar of themadhatter420


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
yes i agree xD but im a tough cookie :) Let me know if I need to fix my cs. I had all new re-rolls for this character but I have used her before.
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Esmeralda Saunders

Languages: Elvish, Common
Age: 21
Species: Half-Elf Drow
Class: Rouge
Gender: Female
Strength: 9
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 10
intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 18 (+2)
Speed: 13
HP: 6
Initiative: +3
My Skills are: stealth, pick pocketing, level one pick-locking
Weapons: Two daggers duel wielded, small crossbow
Armor: Leather armor dyed red and black with skirt instead of pants.
Items: 5 gold pieces (Hermit).
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@MonstrousMan eh it hurts super bad. Im allergic to pain killers so i cant take anything to help with that currently. I will get hives everywhere.
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Its going to take me a bit longer than i thought....had to get stitches in my middle finger. I will have to simplify the cs sheet like Kurai
@MonstrousMan if thats okay with you?
just so everyone knows posting for me is a little hard. had to get stitches on my middle finger and im allergic to pain killers but i will keep trying to post.
@nookzer alright. Btw everyone....i had to get stitches in my left hand so typing is a little hard but I will still post if I can with out hurting my hand too much
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
i have a dice app on my phone from d2 to d20
Okay awesome! Thanks :)
Name: Layla Saunders
Age: 26
Gender: Female

Nationality: American
weapon: a bow and arrows
Job: Archeologist/Scientist
Bio: Layla grew up in the clouds. She was trained from a young age to write down every thing she saw and experimented with. She was on the ship to write down all the discoveries she could take from the altitude samples from the gases in the air. She has always tried to find out if the planet could be livable for everyone again or if too much radiation was preset. She has been more interested in this history of the people more than the science but she was trained to do both so she does her best to do her job.
I liked the post actually :)
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