As much as it pained her to do so, Aya was fully prepared to murder the adorable sloth-like monster that Ragi had brought back to the hole. Her biggest concern really was the mushrooms that grew from the creature's body. Aya hadn't a clue how to distinguish between a poisonous fungus and an edible one. Hell, she couldn't even tell if the mushrooms were some kind of parasite or a part of the creature itself and in either case, if the fungus was poisonous she was worried they might have contaminated the entire meal.
She was just about to voice her concerns to Ragi when it hit her, her sister was above and beyond the smartest goblin she'd interacted with yet and if Aya had thought of the potential risk of poison there was no way Ragi hadn't, but what if Ragi hadn't brought the sloth-like creature back as a quick meal but instead as a long term investment. If the mushrooms were edible then they'd have a steady supply of food for their family for who knows how long and if they were poisonous then that could be used to increase the families offensive capability instead. Furthermore, the creature was clearly docile enough to be easily domesticated, in fact it seemed Ragi had already managed to do so to some degree.
Once again Aya found herself in awe of Ragi's intelligence and embarrassed by her own lack of foresight. Where Aya had been thinking only of the now and inadvertently laying the groundwork for unsustainable hunting practices, her sister was already thinking months and years into the future, already setting the foundations for a goblin agricultural revolution, whatever that meant, and on her very first day out of the cave no less!
"Great work sister! I wasn't expecting you to be thinking so far ahead so soon!", Aya praised her sister,
"With this guy, we might be able to grow food for the family for years to come! Or maybe we could manufacture poison? I don't know we'll have to test things later!". She could already see it, countless scenarios in which Ragi established herself as ruler of the goblins, within many of which Aya would outlive her usefulness and fall by the wayside. The thought left her with a panicky feeling, but she couldn't afford to wait on acting like she normally would if she wanted to avoid that fate.
Her best bet as far as Aya's reasoning went was to endear herself to Ragi or to otherwise prove herself sufficiently useful.
"Umm sister...", Aya cautiously began, flashing Ragi her most charming smile, a look pretty much exactly the same and certainly as creepy as all her other ones,
"I was going to get started on trying to disguise this trap and maybe go check on Twig, but we still need to find something to catch, so which job do you want? Or do you want me to do both?".
Only now did Aya notice the makeshift weapon wrapped around Ragi's shoulder, a rock attached to a vine, allowing not only for the rock to hit with greater power and accuracy, but also to be recovered after being thrown. With the realisation that her sister had somehow managed to find the time to design and make what was quite possibly the perfect weapon for the trap Aya had devised even while she planned years of agricultural innovation, Aya felt a good portion of what little hope she'd had of impressing her sister die.