Avatar of Theodorable
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1905 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Theodorable 11 yrs ago
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Test image. Have the rest finished tonight.
Budget passed. I’ll post IC tomorrow for the setup for the first turn!
I would recommend casting your vote Aye in favor of the Budget or Nay if against.

Accepted. Want to represent a Corporation, the Syndicate, be in the Government or the Melizean Church?

Accepted. Want to represent a Corporation, the Syndicate, be in the Government or the Melizean Church?
@Theodorable I knoe you probably have this all planned but can we see a map of Melizea and its provinces please theo?

Yeah, it should be done before the Budget and Appointments are finished. I'm sure there will be lively discussion about both in IC and OOC.
Death, Oil and Paradise

[Melizean Stability: 7]


Campaigns were held, rallies had. People flocked into the streets shouting: "Saavedra por el presidente!" and "Marcela Linhares Lópes por el president!" There were whispers alleging of electioneering, and others worse of direct bribes and promises being given. These were not covered in the Melizean news at all, however.

In July, 2020 the election was held, the results were in:
- Diego Saavedra: 8,543,341 Votes (8 Votes)
- Marcela Linhares Lópes: 3,853,853 (3 Votes)

President Elect Saavedra had a few crucial weeks to begin forming his cabinet and passing the budget.

[President Saavedra must Appoint a Cabinet and Propose a Budget in IC. This will then be voted on by all Cabinet Members.]
[If the Proposed Budget is Voted Down Melizea immediately loses 1 Stability. The Minister of Security can order Security Units into the capital for a Approval at Gunpoint. Otherwise, a new Budget must be proposed.]

Accepted. Please vote. Tomorrow the results will be announced.
Death, Oil and Paradise

[Melizean Stability: 7]


There would be two candidates: Marcela Linhares Lópes and Diego Saavedra. They would be the future of Melizea. The winner would serve three years, and of course be eligible for reelection. There would be several weeks of campaigning, and then the Melizean's would head to the ballot boxes. Undeniably, in true Melizean fashion, promises for office would be made. The future of Melizea was now to be decided.

[Each Player may now send a PM to the GM to cast their vote for the President of the Melizean Republic.]
[Votes count for +1 if accompanied by an IC Post.]
Death, Oil and Paradise

[Melizean Stability: 7]


April, 2020.

Melizea was not known for it's elections. Uniquely Melizean, the Melizean democratic process was simple--those who feel they were worthy would nominate a Candidate, there were a maximum of three Candidates allowed and after weeks of campaigning, a President would emerge. These processes were notably unfair and undemocratic, but they were Melizean.

- Every Player may post IC to Nominate either themselves or another characters.
- After three Candidates are nominated, no more can be nominated.
- Wheeling and dealing and promises are allowed. These are not binding.
- See PM's for your "Private Objectives." Choose one.


"And as you can see the building behind me, the Joint Mission for COVID-19 has convened for it's seventh hour after an unprecedented discovery of a separate and new mutation of this harrowing new virus. Back to you, Margarette."

"Thanks, Kenneth. Stayed tuned to the BBC for additional coverage on COVID-19. Unfortunately, the People's Republic of China have disallowed the traditionally open forum for joint discussions, but we will keep you informed as we receive information from our sources on the ground."

April 20th Hearing on COVID-19 Jiāngshī Mutation

[Joint China-WHO COVID-19 Convene: No effect.]
[Players may now Post IC.]
Tomorrow at 4 PM we'll get started.
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