
Faction Name: The Holy Lands of Tuzok
Alias: The Shroud, the Redspawn, the Demonkin - very little is known of Tuzok, apart from their worship of the Red Gods. Some more ignorant kingdoms do not even know of Tuzok's existence.
Type of Government: Theocratic Autocracy; the Sorcerer-Priest Amarith acts as a vassal and prophet to the Red Gods, passing on their divine message to their somewhat less than divine followers.
Faction Species: Humans and Beastkin, living in near-harmony thanks to their unanimous reverence of the Red Pantheon.
Species Descriptions:- Humans: Disgusting, greedy, self-serving creatures, with the capacity to do incredible things. Do humans really need explaining?
- Beastkin: Foul fusions of beast and man. Abhumans and mutants warped by prolonged exposure to unrefined Ichor, the Beastkin are everywhere the scourge of civilization and are almost universally despised. Violent tribes roam the vast, empty wastes, haunting especially the ruins of the Old Ones. They are frequently led by wizards, warlords, and the occasional red god. They come in an immense variety of shapes and sizes, most vaguely humanoid, and are occasionally used by other factions as slaves or mercenaries. Occasionally a warlord or sorcerer-priest will unite several tribes and pose a significant danger to more civilized peoples.
Location: The Broken Coast and Northern Cinderlands (Labelled map is still WIP)
Faction Religion/Ideology: The Red Gods. The Tuzokites have answered directly to the Demon Lord Barexur no Volakh ever since Barzakh the Sacrifice gave himself to secure the demon's patronage. (I will develop the Pantheon and the Practices as need be if you'd like)
Faction Description: Tuzok is a small, dark territory shrouded in blood and mystery, centred around the ancient city of Tuzok and its surrounding territories. Situated in the mountains on the Broken Coast, the land of Tuzok is harsh and unforgiving, with the westernmost region embedded in the volcanic Cinderlands and the eastern region situated in rocky, dangerous and unforgiving mountain terrain.
Known worshippers of the Red Pantheon, the Tuzokite culture is one dependent on sacrifice and religious connection. For guidance, the people look to Amarith the Pure. The chosen successor of Fovokh Death-Hand, Amarith is the true Prophet of the Red Gods, communing often through visions and rituals to ensure the will of the Gods is enacted upon the pathetic plane of Azoth. In particular, Amarith often communes directly with the evil Demon Lord Barexur no Volakh, who guides his Holy followers on their crusades. Sacrifice is common in these dark lands; both the fiery mouth of the Bleeding Peak, all the way off in the Smouldering Mountains, and the Soulpit in the dark city of Tuzok itself, act as ritual sacrifice grounds. The appetite of the Tuzokites to appease their Gods is insatiable.
As the Salished Empire fades, the balance of power in Azoth begins to shift, and the War Gods send forth dark omen after dark omen. Barexur no Volakh stirs beneath the Holy City of Tuzok, whispering foul in the ear of Amarith the Pure, urging the dark Priest to rally his soldiers and march on the southern civilisations. The Tuzokites have united behind a single leader and a single goal. The Red Gods demand blood; the believers must be united, and the heretics must be destroyed.
Faction History: Tuzok cannot claim to boast the rich or colourful history of the other powers of Azoth. These holy lands have stood as one for little more than a few centuries after an underground cult of Red God worshippers fled the heretical authority of the Salished Empire. Making their way through the Godsfang Mountains, the group stumbled upon a culture of Beastmen inhabiting the ruins of the ancient city of Tuzok. The group were quick to claim dominion over the city, passing themselves off as messengers sent by the Red gods themselves to guide the city's inhabitants.
The human pilgrims intermingled with the Beastkin, teaching them all they knew of civilization, and quickly set about restoring Tuzok over almost a century and a half. In this time, the five cult members believed to be the most in-touch with the Red Gods established a council to oversee their new city. Ultimately, however, the dark nature of man reared its ugly head as it always does, and through treachery and deceit, a powerful sorcerer named Djago Direheart either killed off or disgraced his four fellow councillors and positioned himself as High Prophet of Tuzok.
Djago entirely reorganised the political structure of his city, acting as a dictator and appointing trusted friends and allies to powerful positions. Although Tuzok does, in theory, have a form of political council to debate decisions, the councillors are chosen by the High Prophet and he or she makes the overall decision regardless of what the council thinks. Perhaps the most important factor of Djago's system of government is that the High Prophet chooses his successor. This decision is never questioned; to do so would be heresy. While this can lead to the rise of weak leaders, the decision is always made in an honest fashion based on who is actually connected strongly to the Gods.
Character Information (WIP)
Faction Leader: Amarith the Pure, the Red Prophet - Amarith resides as High Prophet over the Holy Lands of Tuzok, guiding his people to the will of the Red Gods. In particular, Amarith answers to the Demon Lord Barexur no Volakh, who has come to reside underneath the city, guiding the High Prophets of centuries past to enact his will.
Key Political Characters: - Astaroth Ichorborn - Amarith's right-hand man and most trusted friend. Astaroth dabbles heavily in the consumption of Ichor, claiming that in the near-comatose state it induces he can commune directly with the Red Gods and learn their will. Astaroth is charged with overseeing the city of Naraka.
- Verdis the Pale - The Chief Warlord of Tuzok, Verdis holds dominion over the bulk of Tuzok's military forces from the fortress-town of Breakwater Watch by the Broken Coast. Verdis is a Beastman, something resembling a twisted and more humanlike Minotaur, with patches of pale flesh among the dark, matted black fur.
- Moazuhr the Plaguebringer - A madman in every sense of the word, Moazuhr is charged with overseeing Ichor harvesting operations in and outside of Tuzok. The lethal concoctions he derives from this blessed substance earned him his nickname.
- Daeron the Divine - Current leader of the Priesthood order that resides in the Temple of the Red Son. A shrewd and devout man, Daeron directs initiates and experienced priests alike in their rituals and worship as they prepare to fulfil important roles in Tuzok.
- Khrosh the Choker - Master of Sacrificial Ceremony. Khrosh is an enormous Trollkin man, loyal to Amarith. He is cruel and merciless, and utterly in love with his work. It is very rare to see Khrosh anywhere outside of the Soulpit.
- Fenexx Firesoul - Fenexx is the closest thing to an Agricultural Minister in Tuzok. His sole duty is to ensure ample food and water supply to both Tuzok and Naraka by any means necessary.
Other Key Characters:- Caedes Swiftblade, the Red Champion - The proven champion of Tuzok, a frighteningly gifted young human warrior. One to be feared for sure.
- Ragmir Blackblood, the Man of Glass - Ragmir is Amarith's older brother and a powerful sorcerer. Ragmir leads regular expeditions to the Sea of Glass on the behalf of Moazuhr the Plaguebringer.
- Nero Darkheart - Head of the Warrior-Priest Order that leads the Tuzokite Hordes alongside their Warlords
Important Holdings: - The Holy City of Tuzok
- Naraka, the City of Demons, discovered by Barzakh the Sacrifice
- The Shadowbane Tower, constructed by Thalefar Shadowbane
- The Temple of the Red Son, constructed in the honour of Barexur no Volakh after Barzakh the Sacrifice offered himself in exchange for adoption under the Demon Lord's dominion.
- Breakwater Watch, a fortress-town home to the bulk of Tuzok's military forces.
- Kas Mortuus, a medium sized town near Naraka.
- The Bloodpeak, a site of holy and often fatal pilgrimage in the Smouldering Mountains.
- Santhaurik, the Isle of Shrines, located just off the coastline, it is a small forested Island now home to dozens of shrines to various Red Gods
Notable Artefacts/Tech: Tuzok currently holds no archeo-tech, however does have magical strength through the will of the Demon Lord Barexur no Volakh. In particular, Tuzok's isolated position in the world means that they have not discovered gunpowder weaponry, but instead rely on well-forged arms and armour to do their killing.
Relations with Other Factions: (WIP)
Military: (WIP)
Wealth: (WIP)
I like to provide visual aids, pretty pictures and the like. Eventually I'll put some here.