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Yavin IV: Jedi Temple

The First Council

@Lotrix Molick@Piercing Light

"Y'know? I don't even think we have coffers at the moment" Mara muttered making a melodramatic disappointed sigh before she broke contact with the Felinoid and walked forward towards Luke. The stair wars taking a sort of pale blue color as sensors ignited the wall lights that clung to the ancient stone in place of the torches that would have given off a pale light in their time. "Hamner, tell me you're not funding us" Mara queried back giving the man an impish grin. She knew the man was a master at logistics but he lacked the average quartermaster's appetite for graft which made her wonder just how much of the family fortune he burned through amassing his collection of Jedi artifacts (unless he pillaged for that, then maybe she had underestimated the book keeper who looked like he belonged in an action holo about the old Jedi Order). Hamner for his part let out a raspy laugh "I'm rich but I'm not that rich, no about seventy percent of the funding is coming out of the military budget"

A sore spot for Luke he knew, feeling that the Jedi Order should have been funded by a combination of donations and the same civic budgets the New Republic operated for management and upkeep. They were servants of the denizens of the Galaxy, keepers of the peace and agents of the sort of order the force seemed to crave and the New Republic advanced but they weren't soldier's to be ordered by the Republic Joint Chiefs or the Alliance council. Garm Bel Iblis convinced him once to lie to his Knights, it would never happen again, not unless he made the call without any external pressure. "The other thirty percent?"

Hamner grinned and for a second looked like a pirate. "Why from the personal wealth of the Imperial flag officers we've captured and the Republic has tried or executed"

Luke turned giving him a stare that seemed to be a mix of shock and outrage "I thought we weren't doing that?" he asked alarmed. Hamner sighed seemingly like he shared Luke's aprehension on at least some level. "The alternative is that we're stuck between Mothma and Iblis and their war for control of the Council and the government..." He seemed to want to add more but Mara gave him a look that said the less Luke knew about their little alliance of mutual benefit with Borsk of Clan Failure (as Mara Jade disparagingly called him), the better. Thankfully, Tasaia broke up that conversation to remind them that while they all had big old Galactic concerns and someone doing the "Drunken Hutt in a titty bar" to the force every few days they had a much more pressing concern here. "She's right you know, whatever we felt coming off Coruscant made the presence here angry"

"It made me angry" Hamner muttered, it had felt like blasphemy, deep down in his core. "Yeah but you're not the ghost of a dead Sith Lord for which we have no idea how to address or how powerful he or she might have been"

"Assuming it's just one" Hamner remarked eying Luke. "Do you have any notions?"

"About how to deal with it?" Luke blinked "I didn't even know what it was until Tasaia confirmed my suspicions. And it wasn't a threat before, I guess it might be now, the force feels..I don't know. Like it's waking up, ever since Palpatine's death and this? Whatever happened the other night only hastened it, but I don't think it's capable of affecting us overtly"

"Yeah but the kids? We've got some teenagers here Luke and Kale's apprentice is case study in post traumatic stress disorder in a species that isn't capable of conventional articulation" Hamner murmured, figuring it wouldn't matter since Tasaia would run into those two sooner or later and if she was to be part of this new council, she needed to know. She had a better understanding than anyone here, except maybe Luke as he didn't think Palpatine bothered to teach Mara how to handle those problems while being a force user.

Luke chuckled, understanding why he broached the topic. "I don't think she's that bad Knight Hamner, but you make a good point. I remember hearing stories as a kid about Jedi Knights of old who learned how to banish malevolent spirits, but it came from traders and even if it's not a child's fable, I'm not comfortable playing around with a soul. At least not yet, I can figure something out, but"

Jade laughed "Are we really talking about exorcisms? Even the Emperor didn't touch upon this subject, this is surreal. Are we Jedi or Pais Dei crusaders?"

"THE POWER OF THE LIGHT COMPELS YOU!" Hamner shouted only to grow suddenly silent as he realized, that might have really been a part of some ancient ritual..Since..it was part of other abilities. "Maybe we can"

Luke's comm device came on and the voice of the smuggler turned Jedi, turned one of the first members of Luke's praxeum echoed through the stairwell. For a moment he seemed about to tell Kale that it would have to wait, but to join him any way only to catch the look in Mara's eyes. "Tasaia, Kenth and myself can keep the discussion going about what to do about our local problems, we'll touch base with you when we've got a concrete plan"

"Besides, they haven't finished putting in the dehumidifiers and cooling systems, I'd much rather have this conversation outside in the open air where there's at least a breeze"

"misty as it might be" Mara added back "Surprised the Farghul here hasn't been wandering around like a furball, I've been to jungle worlds, fought in 'em but Yavin is punishing"

Rolling his eyes Luke set aside the fact that as the only person from a desert planet, he should be suffering more than everyone else but found that he rather enjoyed the climate to answer Kale. "I'll be in the reception chamber on the last level of the temple. Come find me there"

"Right then" Jade added turning to head down the stairs. "Let's go talk about how we're supposed to deal with dead people"

Tarisian Blood Baths: Conclusion

@countlessinsect@Honesty Crow @Wildling

Rheanessya Aladar remained calm, her tall figure a mask of stoicism as she watched The droid who might have been the progenitor of the whole High-Singer line, massacre its way through the assorted thugs. Rivers of blood began to mesh with the Tarisian streets and her eyes remained gemstones without emotion. Internally it was another matter, she disliked how much joy the High Singer droid seemed to get out of butchering Felinoids. Oh, it was enjoying itself in general, the droid was created by to be an artifice of war for a master of the force from an era of ceaseless war and the millennia hadn't soften either it's master nor the droid itself. But there was something oddly, mirthful about the contempt it seemed to feel towards the Felinoids it was butchering and the joy it seemed to gain from it was akin to a release. As though it long it had been since he'd slaughtered them. "I'll never understand the hatred some sentients have for anthroid species" Granted they could be really smug sometimes and cavaliere about their nature, or play up to certain stereotypes but she'd seen far worse both as a Padawan and later as a sex slave and far worse still as an Inquisitor. Once High-Singer was done Aladar leaped from the building, allowing for a controlled descent by gently slowing her "fall" using the force, gliding gracefully down until she landed on the balls of her feet.

The world was still in the death throes of a riot that was finally in its terminus, buildings burned around them but she heard none of it. She merely allowed herself a nostalgic smile. It had been, almost twenty years since her connection to the force was strong enough to do that and it felt good to allow the power to flow through her again. The light warmed her flesh as it passed through her being into her inner forge. As Highsinger finished his massacre she reached out with a hand and pulled the Comm device from its corpse. A police officer finally managed to fight through the rioting and began to command her to deactivate her droid. Aladar turned, she was not graceful like her master, but she was tall, beautiful and wild enough in her motions it caught most people off guard. "Knight business officer, we'll take it from here"

"oh, you're one of the New Jedi?" The officer who asked was a Zabrak who was immense enough in height that he was almost a head taller than her (which meant he was just slightly taller than Phasma.), idly Aladar waved her hand towards Phasma as if to say don't shoot him I've got this. Though she wanted to make the gesture as mundane as possible to keep the officer from growing too suspicious. She inclined her head, technically The Imperial Knights were "the New Jedi" from a certain point of view. -Master would be offended- she thought, but she also knew Invictus Janus trusted her enough to make such calumnies in the service of a great cause without punishing her. Then again, her master never really punished her. physically, she would be pushed to the breaking point, beyond it and require her master's sorcery to heal from but it was always during a lesson. "Dense not dumb" she repeated to herself, those had been honestly some of the kindest words she'd ever heard.

As the officer turned to leave the woman Held the comm aloft, her features grew stoic once again, her eyes narrowed. "This was an invitation, one I suggest you honor, or the next time the four of us meet will be the end of you" Aladar made a point of discounting all the men they killed, recognizing that the Chiss likely same them as resources denied and not as brothers in arms killed. "buried within the entrails of your Rodian is the location of an old Imperial storehouse, in an asteroid field. There you'll fine a thousand tons of spice and enough Aurodium to devalue Tyber Zaan's money laundering operations. I speak on behalf of Head of State Bertoff Hissa and Invictus Janus, grand master of the order of Imperial Knights...The Empire, my supreme pontiff has need of your skills, consider the storehouse compensation for your lost men. Understand this, we give that to you freely, we do not expect anything from that. Your attendance however, is not voluntary"

With that she tossed the comm aside and let out a breath "Well, I remember reading about the Rhakguls that used to plague Taris and how their dens, which were always flooded with a layer of drying blood were called "Tarisian Bathhouses" At their feet, a thick black liquid, sweet and rancid in its stench began to run towards the storm drains, the combined blood from everyone they killed here today.

"We should probably leave this planet before they realize we revived the tradition"

Beyond that...They had a war to start.

Yavin IV: Congregates

@Lotrix Molick

"Defender Tasaia then" Luke remarked suppressing an amused laugh at the look Mara Jade suddenly sported when the Farghul offered to play a game of strip Dejarik, he was grateful for that for it served to defuse Mara from her -why don't we just assassinate the crazy fraud on Coru- rant that he knew was building up inside despite her agreement with Hamner's vehemence that assassinations be avoided unless there was no other choice. That was Mara, someone who often contradicted herself, yet remained steadfast in her own convictions. She was pained, she was chequered, she held her own grief tight and yet, was probably the most enthusiastic of his Jedi. It was probably what drew them together, that solidity in spirit. He'd found himself starting to feel for her, the sentiment was mutual but he'd gained so many new followers in the last two months that he'd hardly had time to stop and think on it, much less everything else. "Kale should be returning soon, you'll find him interesting"

Hamner had to nod in assent, a smuggler and mercenary who'd been self taught and much like Kenth brought insights to the order that were invaluable as "outside perspective". "Strip Dejarik sounds fun, but I say we hustle these two out of their clothes and credits as well" Mara beamed causing Kenth to shake his head as Luke lead them further through the immense temple. "You've given us all much to think on Defender Straka" Hamner remarked, his hands were folded behind his back and compared to Mara who had an arm around the Farghul's shoulders like a drunk giving salutations to an old buddy and Luke who just strolled leisurely with the typical nonchalance of a field hand, Hamner was really the only one who looked the part of a Jedi.

He did his best to maintain that distinction as well, for it allowed him to act more like a Jedi of old and manage the politics so Luke didn't have to get his hands dirty. "Yeah the whole, this place might literally be haunted is the part that surprises me" Mara put to words that Kenth was thinking and what Tasaia inferred. Around them, lights began to bend around shadows as the force seemed to surge through the hall as they made their way towards a stairwell up to the rooms that served as the Council's meeting chambers. "The Emperor was obsessed with finding a way to cheat death, but he never did. I didn't even think it was possible for Sith"

"It doesn't surprise me in the least" Luke admitted, but he also didn't think the presence here was solely Sith, there were other things too, some dark and twisted and some gentle and kind a menagerie of the dead, of their antecedents and while it seemed to spook Hamner and many of the Republic soldiers, it was oddly comforting to him. "Master Yoda and Ben found a way to survive in death, it doesn't surprise me the greatest enemies of the old order would also find their own ways. Though, the people who built this temple seemed to be far more mystically inclined than the man I faced in the second Deathstar"

Palpatine was a dangerous wizard in the force, Luke thought, but his traditions felt, secular, almost a copy, a funhouse mirrors rendition of the knowledge and devotion, the power that came before. Deadlier, perhaps, greater in raw might maybe, but different. Less overt, more pragmatic and subtle but far less refined than what he felt here.

"This place is a place of power, its like..a monument to a culture built on hubris and independence. The Sith Lord I faced made such a monument of his own flesh"

"You think these ghosts are what we felt last week" Hamner asked. Mara laughed "He means the force seemed to have a mini seizure, don't know if you sensed it too"

Luke shook his head emphatically. "What I sensed last week, reminded me of what I felt when the Emperor died, as if something choking the lightside of the force was suddenly removed. The light came roaring back, but last week it felt violent..unnatural not like the last time when it felt like a correction over Endor"

"there's something to be said, that we're asking these questions of you" Hamner remarked to Tasaia which made Luke laugh. "Right we lack tradition and we're trying to build that and a knowledge base as well, it's kinda like, trying to ring water out of sand. So I am glad you offered your help, we need it bad"

"Zsinj and his Star dreadnaught?" Kenth asked and Luke shook his head. "No, not really, Jerec though..his power is growing, its getting stronger every day, it's immense. And the one on Coruscant, I can't sense her, just everything around her and I can see less and less every day" He didn't even know if that one was a threat, the other "blank" presence, certainly wasn't. It was doing its own thing, generally being peaceful. Good things happened around it, Luke didn't realize he was struggling to sense them both because they were wielding more than one aspect of the force, he hadn't been trained to sense "the gray". But both seemed content to be stationary for a time, the question was, which one would move first and how?

@Thunder Falcon

Coruscant:A serpent amongst the rainbows.

As they entered the grand hall of the former Presidential palace, the Jedi turned prelate said nothing. Merely leaving the blind one in meditative peace. It was time for the former cripple to think, not speak, earlier the prelate had gently prodded the edges of the other females psyche. She'd done this to show the woman what it was like to immerse ones awareness in the force, to harness the raw material around your conscience and to draw it into yourself. To use it as fuel for your inner forge, to sharpen senses and open the doorways to higher awareness. As they crossed along a soft, carpet, wind blew through the palace lifting tapestries that were as immense as some buildings. "That one" She gestured towards an old banner, nearly twenty two hundred years of age now and neglected by that pathetic Sith Emperor and his fool predecessors. "It commemorates the fall of the Ubba system, the Sith had taken those worlds as a bastion. The ubese, degenerate reprobate, scum that they are. Accommodated those heretical vermin. This was early in the war" she paused, taking a breath, around her the force seemed to constrict, the air grew cold as her cloak hugged onto armor that might have begun to creak had she not regained her thoughts. "I suppose, I should clarify, There have been many wars in the near nineteen hundred years since that banner was laid down. The New Sith Wars as we called it, the Thousand years war as your history books call it now" Many called her an imposter, doubting that she was who she said she was. Others called her lunatic, after Endor, all would know the truth and the great crusade would be one step closer to becoming more than an aspiration. "I took that wretched system and tore through their infantile defenses, I slew the Sith lord Garrisoning that world and I killed his idiot son" Her voice brimmed, not with venom but with conviction. "I drowned his infant grandson as well" she remarked as an aside, giving the confession no greater consideration than as if she was speaking of swatting a fly or envenomating a womprat. For that's what the bawling infant was, crimson skinned, verminous, a relic of a damned species of worthless heretics.

She killed the precious few that were left, she consecrated the new path in their blood. "I retook the sector within the week. That banner commorerates my victory" the last part was spat out, hissing in an almost barely contained manner as if the inner animal was about to tear loose. "The Jedi council abandoned that system and the whole sector was retaken weeks later" That had been one of the moments perhaps one of the final nails in the proverbial coffin that sealed the fate of the Jedi as well, when she decided it was time to bring down both sides of that great apostasy. She flicked her wrist, the force surged around her and the immense tapestry began to flutter, metal hinges that had held to a grav suspensor for near two millennia shuddered. "Sith, Jedi, pathetic, voyeuristic! Fetishists who perverted the sanctity of sentience by deifying aspects of the force! One cloistered in a tomb that was their High temple and the other? Fell upon each other like rodents until at least, weakened and discordant they fought to their own extinction..to be replaced by simpleton conjurers, merchants and schemers, low born filth grasping in the dark" slowly she raised a hand and the immense tapestry ruptured, tearing down the middle until it's great metal hangar splintered and it all came crashing down. The interior of the palace shook, candelabras and stained transparsteel windows trembled and synth marble rumbled below their feet as an ocean of fabric large enough to crush them both to death washed around them, breaking about the Miralukan and her apprentice in waves. the woman took a breath and her mask of certitude and imperiousness reappeared, as though the emotional outburst was intentional designed to show Jidith that Miryia like her was a creature of flesh and bound by limitations that she tore apart at great cost. Perhaps it was merely a momentary lapse and not a trick to intrigue and inspire the girl, not false vulnerability but the real deal, or perhaps she was simply illustrating her philosophy and removing an eyesore.

"The Jedi Council, much of it any way. Was assassinated by the Sith later that year" Or so the official story went, by that point it had long become clear what needed to be done. As soldiers, slaves and droids rushed to inquire as to what the thunderous noise was, rushing to defend their leader, the woman stopped them with a gesture. "This one is to be bathed and provided with new clothing, she is to be given a meal and some intravenous fluids while she bathes, let her sleep until nightfall and have her meet me in the north tower"

There, amongst the stars her second lesson would begin. "I allowed myself to be visible through the force, you saw how I commanded that power, reflect upon it as you convalesce and come to me, less ignorant then, than you are now"

She waited, indeed and the woman's words were honored, a meal easy on a starving stomach, hearty but soft was presented after the woman was bathed and given enough electrolytes and nutrients to compensate for her ordeals. The stench of destitution and abandonment was washed away, fresh clothing was laid out on a large bed. A tunic of silver and crimson with traces of Imperial black and purple forming a small symbol on the right breast, that of the Galactic Empire and at the center of her chest, the symbol of the Jedi Order, made flamelike, with the Phoenix wings blazing, instead of passive and cool. In its "talons" and beak, the blade it wielded that was in ancient times pointed defensely ahead of a starburst was instead thrusting into it.

The symbol not of Luke's New Jedi Order, but the Imperial Knights of the Pontifex Invictus. The Twi'lik twins lead the Miraluka silently, up an enormous sequence of stairs rising nearly eight hundred meters through labyrinthian halls, cavernous courtyards and indoor solariums and banquet halls that likely hadn't been used by any head of state in thousands of years. beyond the windows, the imperial palace of Emperor Palpatine and the Castle of Darth Vader rose above them, dark and vile mountains that cast an eerie shimmer in the starlight and the flickering lights from edifices and speeders. The Miralukan was lead at last down a hall where the carpet was indigo, the lights flickered in a silver color and within an enormous room was a vast series of shelves, telescopes and holographic projectors centered around a cool floor that seemed to be made of the finest transparasteel, below was a black abyss that suddenly came alive with starlight.

At the center of it all, by a window, gazing out into the night stood Invictus Janus, her calculating eyes gazing defiantly at the Sith castle. -In the end, all heretics shall fall-

She turned, slowly, her back "uncoiling" then her neck and head as she turned inclining her features ever so lightly. Around her, the room radiated through the force, a barrage of colors, as dark, light and the living force met in this tower of power, designed eons ago by Jedi architects for some forgotten Supreme Chancellor. A room, perfect for instruction, for training in the "new" ways of the force.

"Can you see yet Miralukan? Have you learned that to see, is to be blind? That with each new wave on the spectrum of light you gain access too, more await you?" Her right index and middle finger twitched and the force wrapped around the projectors, altering their vision until the whole of the known universe appeared below their feet.

"Your first lesson was how to form a circle around yourself, you learned that well in your trials. Your second, was to learn to see not the power but the mechanics of that power. You have seen me move great objects with my mind, you have seen me compel smaller objects..Here, in this nexus, you will learn how to move yourself, how to enhance muscle and bone, how to increase the speeds of your neurons and their discharges, how to regulate blood and oxygen, how to command your heart to slow, to accelerate, how to repair and mend scars. To master yourself is to master the universe"

She'd told Phanius that once, when he was a boy. A pang of guilt, flickered in her heart as it had when she'd imparted this lesson to Aladar, yet as with her other broken thing, the woman pushed it aside.

The age of Ruin had ended, the age of enlightenment by the sword, of crusade would begin.

-All is, as justice wills it..All is..as I will it-

Yavin IV: Comedic Intrusions

The unlikely duo might have been forgiven for their shock at the lack of acknowledgment of their hail, had they not also mistaken dozens of orbital defense platforms, space stations and docks coupled with weather control sats and a hundred other pieces of debris or tech in space that shimmered against the rust crimson of the jungle moons immense gas giant for empty space. Within a moment, alarms had gone off all around the entire system. It was made all the worse by the fact that they came out of hyperspace so close to a freighter that it almost looked like an attempt at a suicide charge on the planet itself by some New Order fanatic. Soon enough a dozen sector patrols were speeding towards the gas giant and soon enough a warning shot streaked out in the dark as bright blue plasma from the medium turbo laser battery of a Recusant class Mon Calamari cruiser, it was a warning shot that preceded the large shadow of the vessel looming over the pairs craft.

At last com channels were open and the voice of an irate Mon Calamari passed over the vessel and a rather startled Fishman's face appeared as the pair finally caught an answer. "Dampeners?" the Fishman shouted, a look of utter bewilderment over his face as he observed the crew of the Nexu. Was he talking about inertial dampeners?! The maniacs?! How were they not a very fine red mist plastered all over the interior of the vessel? For that matter, how was the Nexu still flying, most vessels would just come apart if their AG or ID's failed. "Moron! you came out of hyperspace right on top of our defense system! This is the Republic Capital world not some vacation world! You're lucky our defensive systems didn't tear you all apart!"

He'd been given orders to treat them as hostile, but the goofy looks on their faces made him think they were less a threat to planetary security and the New Republic and more just really awkward but well meaning denizens of the galaxy on their way to something greater. Especially given how close they came out of hyperspace near two gravity wells. No one trying up to no good would be that cavalier about the chances of failing their mission due to planetary drag. "I am Captain Argus, my ship is called Krayt, for your own sake, the next time you come through here, please remember to exit Hyperspace at least a million klicks from the Gas giant or its moon...And come in slow" The Mon Cal let out a relieved sigh, with everything happening in the Galaxy right now.

"Alright then, Nexu, state your business and intentions and I'll, see about getting you escorted to a civilian space port and not a military one."

Yavin IV: Jedi Temple

Hunter, schemer, Teacher, Killer

@Lotrix Molick

As she began to speak, security shuffled away nodding in cautious obedience to Skywalker who turned towards the Farghul listening to her answers. When she began to speak about what the Jensaarai were, he raised an eyebrow in fascination. "Not so confused after all I suppose, though I wonder how many more force using cults are out there." There was the woman on Coruscant, he knew about a cult that called itself the disciples of Ragnos, they seemed to serve Jerec who was hellbent on proclaiming himself a Dark Lord of the Sith, but with the Sith extinct and much of their knowledge seemingly destroyed, he had to wonder exactly what Jerec's new order would become. He'd heard rumors of a bunch of monks from a species of armored weasels who viewed the force like a rainbow and possessed the ability to teleport by bending space around themselves. Even a cult of eccentric gemstones incase in armor that fought and served like Jedi and all Luke could do was listen like an enthusiastic child, all these different disciplines. As she continued to speak he wanted to interrupt, to ask about the other Jedi she said she'd met as he had been told he was the last living Jedi. Although, the more Luke thought about it the more he believed that was Yoda speaking from his perception of what it meant to be a Jedi, or perhaps the senility of his final moments of life.

Then Luke realized Farghuls who weren't enhanced by the force could live a little over two centuries and that the force tended to nearly double the lifespans of the sentients that wielded it and the woman who stood before him could very well be as old as the Jensaarai sect was (which would put her in her seventies), perhaps that meant the Jedi she spoke of were long dead? "Funny how the Jedi preached that about aggression but they fought in a Galaxy spanning war before the end" Mara muttered, there was a lot about the old Order to admire, even she could see that. But that didn't mean they weren't phenomenal hypocrites ninety percent of the time. Jade had remained skeptical, since the other two idiots were gawking at her story like a bunch of academy graduates listening to a veteran tell war stories or like wide eyed children hearing a fable.

It had been when she spoke of her childhood that the redhead softened a bit, slaves didn't remember nothing. Either she was lying, had repressed the memories or, she was lucky? Part of Jade's psyche envied her that. The things Palpatine had done to her in the service of advancing her "knowledge" were, things she wished she could forget.

Around them, the lighting began to shift as the sun light of the gas giant's star began to dim. Ancient holograms began to spring to life all around them, some depicting great Jedi, others depicting ancient beings with feral eyes and bright red skin. Soon, the bustle of Republic troopers and servicemen would die down and the sounds of the jungle moon would flow into the temple filling it with a chorus of the wild.

"The Disciples of Twilight fascinate me, you fight for the little guy but shun anything on a large scale if my information is correct." That had been what confused Kenth the most about her. For her to come here, to seek out Yavin, for whatever was happening and had been happening to be so profound as to draw out one of those vigilantes? Vigilantes, he thought...Right..Something needed to be set straight then. "You can't just go about butchering every idiot in power whose character it would improve" Hamner muttered, a look of vehemence in his eyes that suggested he'd oppose any wetworks she tried to do in that area. Luke turned his head towards the merchant Jedi with a wry sgrin "By that logic my father shouldn't have thrown the Emperor down that reactor shaft?"

"No" Mara shook her head "That's different, the Emperor was insane, he had to be destroyed, he was a threat to all life"

"and it still splintered the galaxy into a million pieces" Hamner added his scratchy voice taking a dim, smoky, somewhat grim tone. "Still, there are times when the Galaxy would better off with one less malcontent in power. I can't fault the disciples for doing that on a small scale, on a moon or a planet or an asteroid it probably changes everything for the better.."

"All the same" Luke offered "While with us, please refrain from assassinating leaders unless we've no other choice. The last thing the Galaxy needs right now is for more power vacuums to form"

"Hey, caty lady wanna come with me to Coruscant?" Mara asked, her eyes flashing with a mix of humor and mischief "we'll have some fun, hit up a few gaming houses, maybe throw a crazy person down a flight of stairs?" Mara let out a laugh when she saw the look on Luke's face "oh come on! It's not an assassination it's gravity!"

"Right..well" Skywalker turned back to the woman and reached out a hand "We haven't asked for your name in all this mess and I apologize for that. Knight of many orders, what do you call yourself? And, I would welcome you to the Jedi temple but it seems like you've always been here. So, more, I'm sorry for not inquiring sooner"

Hamner reached up to rub his shoulder, the more he thought about it. The more sense it made to have her here, the more he felt the force twist and scream over whatever happened on Coruscant....The more he realized Luke was right. While they had to build their own force tradition slowly, they needed help and they needed a deeper reservoir than before.

Yavin IV: Jedi Temple

Hunter. Killer, Teacher, Panther.

@Lotrix Molick

"One of these days Luke's permissiveness is going to bite him in the a-" Hamner blinked, stopping mid sentence as the force seemed to bend about him, filling the room with a soft of crimson and violet static that danced on the edges of his senses until the world about him turned into an onyx black that began to drown out the light around him until nothing was left but what seemed like an empty space in which they floated. It was curious, like nothing he'd felt before. At once the vibrancy of Yavin's biome, its ancient wonders and its demonic past which had produced an almost total symphony of "noise" through the force was drowned out and Hamner realized she wasn't just projecting a mental illusion to them, but to everyone in the temple, to the machinery itself. As if she was defying photon sensors and bending light, manipulating and dampening sound waves as her craft convinced people to that they were hearing things differently. The distinction was subtle, but from what he read about the illusion powers of old which relied more on the power of suggestion this was another matter entirely. "huh? No wonder Luke let this one run around for so long, this is pretty impressive", of course, part of Hamner sighed internally. If the guy wanted to learn these abilities all he had to do was ask the wielder, sitting around and letting someone else run wild in the temple doing Xendor knows what...That frustration with their leaders willingness to observe was what finally yanked him back out of contemplating the mechanics of the technique long enough to reach for his lightsaber hilt.

Hamner stopped short of grabbing and igniting it but now that he knew what to look for (and was suitably chastened by the fact that he needed to be told what to look for. It was mortifying), his robes hugging to his body as even the wind seemed to cease, its entry barred by the power of the caster. In front of them a being appeared clad in rather brilliantly crafted armor, armor infused with all sorts of force power via exotic runes and spells that seemed to match the inscriptions on the walls of this ancient temple. Inscriptions shimmered in the force though they would have hardly been visible on the armor proper. And he recognized as them being derived from the ancient glyphs of the Sith but the accents all wrong, grammatically it seemed closer to the old Jedi runes and it made Hamner suppress a laugh because the binding "spell" on her breast plate would have read been a list of things a Sith wanted on his fast food if Hamner attempted to read it as if it were purely "sith". As it stood, it seemed to be a command of reinforcement. "Her armor could probably weather a few lightsaber blows before giving out" Blaster fire too, he thought and when her tail swished the man whistled "Farghul huh? You guys are usually off being drug dealers or mercenaries."

"What I'd like to know" Mara put in her eyes narrowing at the female her power defenses in the force rising to begin to challenge the illusions. "Why a vigilante from that Twilight cult is dressed up as one of those Jensawhatever guys?" Her illusions might have been well crafted but Mara bristled at the arrogance. She'd seen illusions before, force witches were rare but when she was Emperor's hand she'd killed more than a few of them. When she announced she'd been here three years Mara's brow twitched. That meant she'd been here through the Alliance resettling Yavin and then their retreat to the jungle moon after Endor, the entire duration of Luke's order's existence and well before that and Luke hadn't bothered to say anything?! -I'm going to kill him- she thought with annoyance, it was only when the Farghul turned the conversation to the presence in the temple that Mara raised an eyebrow. She seemed to be talking about it as if it were sentient, or had been once and not just the lingering presence of ancient power? "The Emperor said the Sith of his order and the ancients were different breeds, with different power. I was raised in the dark, but this place feels, alien, grander and more terrible. But you're saying a piece of those old dead Dark lords exists here?"

"not of many, but one" Hamner murmured, he'd felt that since they arrived. The relic hunter, no stranger to the echoes of multiple faded Jedi but this was wholly different. Oh, to be sure, there was an echo of that power, the collective power of tens of thousands of Jedi and just as many creatures of the dark. But it was all, background noise to him, this though? Something else entirely, something intelligent, angry.

He'd only voice this because the woman confirmed his speculation. "Master Skywalker insists we remain here though" On that he agreed, this was a place of power whereas the tomb Temple on Coruscant was a place of complacency and arrogance. Constructed when the Jedi Order had passed their zenith and grown stagnant and sedentary, when they walled themselves up not to pool their knowledge and expand it. They'd gone from sowing seeds of life and order to embalming themselves and holing up in a tomb of their own making. Here, on Yavin they'd taken the moon by storm and set themselves up as masters at the height and splendor. She continued, raising an honest point about how sorely this New Jedi Order needed people with some kind of experience and tradition even if it wasn't strictly Jedi tradition and when she admitted her pedigree Hamner had to stop Mara from stepping forward.

-I wonder who the naive-self Jedi is, and who the warrior is?- Hamner was no warrior, nor was he a self taught Jedi. He was learning now but he'd always be an amateur compared to Luke and Mara. "I see nothing wrong with your offer..."

"I do" Mara remarked "a lot of questions that aren't answered, like why the Disciples of Twilight would take in a Jeensarai? Last I heard you guys were a complete clusterkriff of misguided nonsense wrapped up in a lightsided Sith cult"

Hamner laughed "And they made it work somehow, don't be so dismissive Knight Jade"

"Master Jade, I outrank you, y'know"

"Only in title" both of them turned towards the "rear" of the spatial maze of shadow and unlight to see something bright slowly "push" through the illusion, gently tearing it like a bubble until it popped around the trio, restoring light and sound to the pair who'd been suddenly blinded by that light. Luke Skywalker stood there, in his usual black untic and one leather glove over a robotic hand (He'd had the artificial skin repaired long ago, but kept the glove as tribute to his father). Around him were bewildered Republic techs and a few soldiers who reached for a blaster only to stop when Luke waved them off. "It's alright, this is Jedi business. Besides she's a friend, if she meant to hurt us, she'd have done so"

And killed a lot of people before Luke could put a stop to it. Hamner thought in annoyance, why was he so trusting?

"sorry for ending your illusion, but I thought it was better than causing a panic" And he was genuinely sorry, it seemed that like Hamner Luke was really enjoying her illusions and was eagerly studying the mechanics of it. That he'd been able to dispel it despite no prior training might have surprised those who didn't know him but it hadn't shocked Mara or Kenth who'd been used to Luke's...intuitiveness. As Jade was so fond of saying it "The guy's like an idiot Savant with force powers". Luke bowed his head in a gesture of welcome then motioned to the other two. "I suppose you already know their names, but this is Kenth Hamner a Jedi Knight who keeps refusing my attempts to promote him and this is Mara Jade, former Emperor's hand and one of the senior instructors on in my little school"

"I'm Luke Skywalker" he added and then reached out with his hand "and I am humbled by your offer, though you may end up adding "former Disciple of Twilight" to your resume when this is over, I'd very much like to steal your talent for my order if possible!"

Yavin IV

Hunter, killer, vulture, stag.
@Lotrix Molick

"Easy, easy now, one at a time!" The raspy voice of Jedi Knight Kenth Hamner did its best to cut through the cacophony of voices, some in basic, others Huttese, Boccee and he could make out a few chirps in binary as well. That must have been the R4 unit who was the main reporter for the Automated Services Network, a current events and "as they happen" interest network. "Excuse me, Master Jedi" "I'm not Jedi master lady" Hamner countered, his voice held a note of annoyance which caused the woman to correct herself "Knight Hamner, Qyra Arissia, HoloNet Free Republic. Can you comment on whether or not you were meeting with Senator Fey'la over the recent data leak in regards to the Naval budget?" before he could even answer another called out "And will the Jedi Order issue a condemnation of head of state Mothma?"

Hamner raised an eyebrow, doing his best to feign incredulity. "The Jedi aren't in the business of politics mystery shouter, even if we were. The data indicates that both Head of State Mon Mothma and Senator Garm Bel Iblis share blame in these matters and while the Jedi Order does not weigh in on political matters, I'll say this as a Citizen of the Republic. While I respect The Chancellor and the Senators convictions, it's my belief their feud seems to be taking precedent over their constituents and even the war itself. As to my presence in Senator Fey'la's office, the Senator has returned home to take a hard earned rest. I was meeting with his aids to discuss vetting the data"

"So the Jedi Order is taking a stance on this issue?" The HoloNet Free Republic reporter asked. Hamner waved his hand "My dear, offering our services as an impartial third party to examine the data and vet said data, is hardly poliical"

"And why do you think that?"

Hamner smiled slowly, his features beaming "Because, clarity is the antithesis of politics. If you'll excuse me I need to meditate" More questions followed and Hamner waved them off as he headed towards the Jedi Temple, which rose out of the jungles like a beacon of civilization and light in a wild, untamed land. Which was what was always odd for Hamner, for while the Jedi temple was infused with the power of the force, it didn't always feel bright. There was something dark and prideful within its vast halls and the impression Hamner got was that the Temple itself wasn't always Jedi (even though the hieroglyphs and runes on the obelisks and ziggurats in the gardens were very much Jedi in origin), that it might have been something else, something depraved and dark. His blue robes fluttered in the tropical breeze and Hamner took a moment to reach a gloved hand up to rub the scar at his throat, his one complaint about the planet was that the humidity always made his scar ache which in turn made his voice far more gravelly than it was off world. Hook, line and sinker Kenth thought with an amused grin.

Yes, the Jedi would bring clarity to this matter, no the Jedi were not political. But that didn't mean this was going to benefit the Jedi Order immensely, it also didn't mean a Jedi, didn't totally leak that information to expose the absolute foolishness of both factions within the Republic. -Wedge and his Rogues might have to be next- Hamner thought, which was a thought that pained him because he admired the Rogues and he liked Wedge a lot, they'd been friends for two years now and maneuvering him into a position where he'd catch a public chastening for this was not something he wanted to do, but this was unacceptable. Holocrons were dangerous, even when they were Jedi Holocrons, what little he was able to read on Rakata and Sith holocrons suggested that they were better off dumped into suns or held in reserve for the only most mentally stable Jedi to study. Whether they held one and knew and lied to Luke until the last minute or convinced the Naive Grand Master to lie to Kale was irrelevant. Their meddling was unwelcome and unwanted, worse it was dangerous given the failings of the old Order, failings Luke was dedicated to avoiding. Something flickered across his senses, disrupting his train of thought and Hamner, thought for the briefest of moments that he'd heard footfall only to see a custodial droid? And something blurry, he couldn't quite make out, as if part of the field ahead of him was warped.

The feeling vanished as quickly as it came and broad shoulders shrugged as he continued to walk. moving from the grand campus outside towards the interior of the temple where he noticed a young redhead, green eyes that had once been filled with hatred and murderous intent now seemed filled only with mischief. Hamner felt his thigh stiffen where her old crimson lightsaber had dug into his flesh, a reminder of her relentless attempt to assassinate Luke. An assassination attempt which turned into a conversation, a promise not to kill him for a day, long enough to hear him out. That day turned into two, two, into three and one day the two were not only a pair but out rebuilding the order. The woman was laughing and shaking her head as he came up towards her "You sure you didn't hear the wrong calling? You were born for this political stuff big guy"

She tossed him a warm piece of bread lifted from the commissar, Hamner nodded in gratitude and broke it half offering the woman a share. She shook her head "Already had breakfast, but I figured you wouldn't have had time". They were an odd pair as far as friends went, Hamner had been a logistics officer when Jade tried to assassinate Luke, Hamner had used his dirk made of Mando Iron to parry her blows until she grew tired of his games and stabbed him in the thigh. His skills as a duelist had increased since then by leaps and bounds, but Hamner had no doubt in his mind that she could still wipe the floor with him. The woman was skilled and strong and like Luke her powers were still growing while he believed he'd already reached his limits (Even if both of them vehemently disagreed). "I didn't" Kenth conceded "Thank you Jade and for the record someone has to be political around here..the alternative is we let those maniacs rip the order apart as they rip the Republic apart"

Mara nodded, that had been one of the reasons they became fast friends, both were determined to protect Luke's dream, help it grow even if that meant sometimes playing dirty. "She wants to focus on the hundreds of independent warlords out there, or focus on Zsinj or Kaine and Jerec. Iblis and Wedge want to wipe the Empire out"

"An Empire that was militarily neutered well before it's head of state and a bunch of its military and civil leaders were publicly assassinated? Hissa hasn't made any moves, yet" He had a theory about that, but voicing it right now would only lend ammo to one side and do the opposite of what he promised. "Besides, we still don't know anything about that woman, for all we know she really is a Jedi"

Mara raised an eyebrow "You really believe that?" she asked incredulously. Hamner shook his head "No the Miryia Janus of the history books was a moral absolutist. Her writings on the Sith were downright venomous, it's unbelievable that she'd accept service in something built by a Dark Lord....She's probably some untrained savant with the force who studied incomplete manuscripts and is being used by Hissa to legitimize himself"

Mara nodded at that, though not everyone knew the Emperor was a Sith, most of the Galaxy still believed in the lie that the Jedi attempted to assassinate the Emperor while he was still Supreme Chancellor, though most believed it was over his refusal to relinquish emergency powers. She agreed the woman was an imposter, but, earlier in the week her senses, kriff all of their senses were overwhelmed by something horrifying in the force..a perversion Luke was convinced was centered around Coruscant. Either way, it wasn't their problem yet "Either way, neither Iblis nor Mothma are wrong"

"Right" Hamner conceded "We need to be ready to fight the Remnant, but picking a fight with them is foolish. Especially when Zsinj and Kaine are far more organized and stable". "And Zsinj has Screed" Jade continued, Screed who'd been a peer of Jan Dodonna and one of the greatest Generals the Republic ever produced and one of the best Imperial Admirals. "Rua Skirata isn't far behind him either, he acts like a screwball but I've seen him fight both on the ground and in space"

"He any good?" Hamner asked raising an eyebrow. She took a breath, trying her best to accurately assess someone that annoyed her to no end. "He's no Pellaeon or Ackbar, but Screed is..Put a great commander and a good one together and you have a pretty dangerous combination. They've more money and manpower than Remnant as well"

Skirata was dangerous in a fight too, he could easily be a Jedi killer if he wasn't so terminally afraid of fighting Jedi. Screed was a holy terror if Zsinj turned him loose, or motivated him enough to fight. "Maybe we can bring the Remnant to the table, so we can focus on kicking the poodu out of guys who aren't a joke and then encircle the Remnant with the resources of the rest of the Galaxy"

"hohohoh...I think the Republic Navy would mutiny if we brought that up"

"I can see it now" Hamner rolled his eyes "Order sixty six was an act of self defense! The clones did nothing wrong!" Both shared laughter as they headed towards the main meditation chamber where Luke was holding class. "Speaking of weird, have you noticed..anything..odd outside by the butterfly obelisk?"

Mara grinned, finally, she thought. He's paying attention to the force and not his job, enough to sense it. "You mean the illusions? The slights of hand tricks?"

Hamner's jaw dropped "wha..what?!"

"HAH! You've been so distracted by two geriatrics that you missed the fact that we got a Night sister or a Force Witch or..one of those weird unknown region cultists in the temple?!" her smirk turned into a conciliator grin as Hamner's face contorted into a mortified grimace. "It's okay, they're good!"

"Where is she? He? Can witches be men?"

Mara shrugged "Not if she's a Nightsister, no idea where she is now, saw her stealing breakfast earlier though. No idea how long she's been here, she's good"

"...Luke's allowing her to run around isn't?"


"And we're gonna let him...let..her?"



@Thunder Falcon

The Persistent vagrant.

"That one, the limbless cripple" A voice, imperious, yet lyrical echoed through the curtained windows of one of the balconies rising out of the old Presidential palace. Purple eyes that might have belonged to a serpent, peered out to the crowd gathered outside the immense steps leading to the grand doors. People bowed in supplication, others stood in quiet observation, more yet gazed with wavering uncertainty, those interested her the most. The ones who came as skeptics, or as enemies only to throw down their metaphorical arms and begin to listen to the gospels she'd preach. It would have been a lot harder, she thought had The Empire not torn itself apart, hard warlordism and decay not gripped the cosmos and had the resurgent New Republic movement not stood on the metaphorical throat of a core where the social divide split along lines that made her at once a unifying force and a threat of incredible instability. -The elite in the core favor the empire. Not much changed for them, they merely wore new uniforms or had to learn to bribe the loudest humanocentirst fools. The middle class is pro Republic, violently so- She thought, which was dangerous because Coruscant, Alsakan and Chandrilla boasted the largest middle classes in the galaxy. But the poor? The poor were an interest mix, at once reviling the abuses heaped upon them by Corsec and the regular army and yet Imperial public works projects, from ship building to founding new cities. All a grand scheme to keep the masses employed and sated and with the Empire in ruins, the New Republic moving in? People needed something to hold onto, but that lifeline manifested its own dangers and risks. Navigating the energies of a holy war in the making was going to be a task greater than anything she'd ever done before and the festering problems her machinations all those centuries ago exacerbated and created had been simmering to near boiling point for far longer than she'd intended. It was why she had to be selective, more so than she would ordinarily be (and she was above and beyond rigid in her criteria). In the days since the departure of Highsinger, the Apprentice and the Mule she watched as the crowds gathered, she watched as force sensitives new to their talen. Stumbling like infants walked up to her hallowed steps and begged, pushed against the soldiers only to be thrust back.

Most were discouraged within the first hour.

She didn't need them, that Miralukan amateur Jerec could have them.

Some endured hours, to a day.

The abomination on Yavin could have those weaklings.

"It's her second day mistress" The Twi'lik slave, one of the two of them anyway, she couldn't remember which not that she cared too. slaves were for utility, not for speaking or recognition. The bold few who did manage to become more than they were, she might decide to honor with acknowledgement, maybe. "shall I have the army throw her out?" "No" the serpent said, her awareness reaching out through the masses of agitants and wrapping around the crippled supplicant, ribbons of awareness enmeshing the Miralukans being in the force. Serpentine perceptiveness delved into the borders of her psyche, dancing on the edge but stopping out right from a mind probe. She was powerful, her inner forge could handle enormous amounts of the force. Purple eyes flickered, glowing in the morning sun, remaining obscured the snake turned holy warrior took the full measure of the cripples potential and walked away, leaving the window and the gentle brush against her awareness only to grab a com device and order a storm. "Let us see, if she is more than she appears, or if she is just another cripple ambling about the Galaxy wasting oxygen by existing" Arkanians had sympathy for those disabled in battle or in the glorious pursuit of research but for those born defective? Better they had never been born at all, her two and a half centuries of life spent in war had taught her the value of not underestimating even the most base and defective. Still, for the accident of her birth, this one would have to do more than be powerful in the force.

And so, Pontifex Invictus Miryia of house Janus ordered a severe rainstorm, which lasted well into the night.

On the third day, Invictus Janus observed from the balcony openly, gazing down with cold, assessing eyes brimming with certitude at the one with no arms. She endured the rain, refusing to budge from her position at the foot of her stairs. So, the miter adorned Arkanian cobra ordered the storm to become harsher, for winds and lightning to rise. By nightfall on the third day, the Serpent returned to the balcony, defying the rain as it fell around her, she regarded the Miralukan with the same cold, confident eyes. Eyes that judged her, eyes that in a lesser being might have said that it didn't matter what you were inside, only what you were on the outside. And a worthless cripple she would always be. But beyond the judgment, these eyes said something else "prove me wrong. Show me how wrong I am". That night, nine souls stood beside the limbless one in the rain, called by her dedication and her perseverance, motivated by curiosity, driven by a desire to see what the blind woman saw. Perhaps they too hoped they would be chosen or arrive to whatever sublime epiphany they mistakenly believed the female was chasing. Of the nine four departed before the dawn and another three before breakfast, winds howled on the fourth day and the two who remained were joined by twenty, who refused to budge and endured.

Some possessed force potential, they would be chosen as well but for a different duty. They were not yet ready for training, but Miryia Farlina of House Janus had seen enough. In the morning of the fifth day the Coruscanti weather control offices were contacted and ordered to disperse the storm. The great Doors opened and flanked by members of the five hundred and first the Jedi turned prelate descended the steps towards the girl and her circle of adherents. Adorned in armor, her purple cloak flowing in the wind which began to scatter the storm, her bone white hair weaving in the billowing purple fabric, she came with her lightsaber as well, adorned as if greeting the dawn before a battle.

Sher locked eyes with the woman's blindfolded empty sockets. a hand reached down and threaded its index and middle finger through soaking wet hair. "You" she spoke, her voice lyrical yet commanding. "there is no greater enemy than our own limitations, they are cruel, unrelenting, punishing barriers that when broken leave one as confused as they were before dejected. You understand this" There was no room for doubt in that voice and she made the assessment as if she were stating a fact so obvious and widely accepted that it was redundant to even state it. "you broke your barriers, congratulations Miralukan, you are more than a crippled freak and with your newfound freedom comes blindness"

She let the woman's hair go brushing her fingertips along Shomas' cheek before turning her way up the stairs only to pause. "Would you like to see again?" A slow smile crept across the woman's features, a reward she gave few and the offer even fewer still. "I can show you how...Apprentice"

The others moved to ascend the stairs, a subtle inclination of her head and the forced roared about her and the others were hurled back. "Not you, you will start below with the servants, if you wish to be more than a mere beast of the field next time do not follow, lead as this child has" The woman turned and began her ascent as the crowds cheered the new apprentice. "Come, Shoma Jidith. The last time you bent your knees you were an exploited, discarded freak. Rise a woman and follow me inside"

Destiny was not meant for the weak.

The glorious future was not meant for broken things...Save for those who found the strength to forge themselves anew.

Alright, so my character species is canon in this (Clone Wars yay) and is the Diathim, the "Angels" of which Anakin spoke of. However, her Force Tradition is a minor faction in the EU, the Disciples of Twilight from Dyspeth, in the Outer Rim. If that is not ok, I can always be a Jensaarai, which is from various EU sources. However, if Disciple, I was gonna dabble with Jensaarai and have their armor.




Ultimately this resides with the primary GM, but weighing on it here (You should join the discord too). I like the idea of you having a Jensaarai or Disciple of Twilight character. It would be extremely interesting to see how they interact with the story, as its EU heavy but not really rehashing everything in the EU. An Example being the Imperial Knights are being founded now instead of forty or so years after Endor..And by a former Master of the council during the era of Darth Ruin no less. There's an order of force users who consider the dark and light as raw material and are generally passive and non interventionist run by a former Jedi master from the era the Republic Golden age before the clone wars and the founder of the Imperial Knights is about to do something similar to the Albigensian crusade, without divulging too much..

Luke's NJO is a bit larger than it was in canon, but I've kept his personality and approach to other force using sects generally the same but so far all we've had in the story are..Former Inquisitors turned Knights and Mara Jade getting with Luke earlier than in canon. We've got none of the diversity of conviction we saw in the EU and it would be speaking as a fan of the old EU it'd be neat to see some of the disciplines and traditions show up in the NJO.

Luke in this RP is flying blind knowledge wise..So he needs help in that regard.

Conversely the Alliance of Free Planets (which is the New Republic in the RP's "canon") is kind of up shits creek in terms of political division and infighting. So there's stuff you can play around with there as well.

First @Honesty Crow needs to decide if he wants more force users in the RP at this time, most GM's are weary of that and I understand why. After that it's up to you how you go about it man.

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