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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Loved it.

Sort of wondered if it was for us, though. xD
"@mentions" and all being a thing.

Yep, it's for everyone. Except StormHeart, 'cuz her character's in the middle of the ocean and about to tackle the Kraken in about 3 in-game days. :P
How did you guys like Caradras' introduction?
So.. the story is moving forward? O.o

Yup. Can't wait for ineffable forever. In the lore, meeting the Guardian is a rite of initiation for a new Hero, for reasons you'll soon see. Caradras is waiting to see what Ravadon does when faced with a power so much greater than his own.

It's not why Caradras is here, though.
Lore: The Legend of the Twelve Guardians

During humanity's darkest hour, when the Imperial starfleet was destroyed, all defense towers rendered inoperable, and all human life on the planet driven close to extinction, there rose from the earth twelve mighty life forms, called Guardians. They all spawned with a single mission: to protect human life from its enemies. Together, they pushed back the billions of Voidspawn and either destroyed them or forced a retreat through the portal. Most of the twelve perished in the battle; thus far, only the fire dragon Caradras, the Kraken, and the Wyrm are confirmed alive. The Wyrm is believed to have been taken by insanity a few centuries past, and the Kraken restricts his activities to pirate-hunting and making mischief.

Only Caradras has shown any real interest in human affairs. It is Imperial tradition that new Heroes bearing the Mark be initiated with a pilgrimage to the western volcano, where Caradras makes his abode. The dwarves in the region have made a pretty penny off the arrangement. In recent years, the dragon has been cutting himself off from outside contact.

He was last seen attacking Midhaven. He could not be reached for comment at this time.
The screaming and rumbling would have gotten Sykes's attention.

Out in the throne room, the guards had just finished hauling off Isabella to prison when the chaos started. At first, the King thought the rumbling was due to the tapestries coming off a mysterious living map in the wall. But the screams soon told him that something much, much bigger and dangerous was afoot. He quickly surmised that the wall map depicted a radius around Midhaven castle. A large icon of a dragon overlapped most of the south gate. Unsure of how to process this information, the King barked, "Get me intel, NOW!" A couple guards scurried out of the castle.

"And get me Sykes. I'll need his help to activate this tower."
The time has come.

I can feel it in my bones. I have witnessed the wickedness of men, the endless bickering of orcs, the vain prattle of elves, and the primitive constructs of dwarves. I have seen civilizations, even whole races, rise and fall in my time.

But something has changed. The dynamics have shifted. Some things that were buried have risen again. Some secrets that were long hidden shall be exposed. The truth fled from me as a hare flees from a falcon, and the earth rose up as a forest to swallow her. Yet I spotted her from afar, and with a swift claw I shall catch her. I know now, as none yet do, what lies beyond the Dark. The proof sits upon a little golden throne, in plain view of all, but unseen to any. Give me time but a little, and all that we seek shall be found.


The air burned his wings as the dragon Caradras glided several miles away toward Midhaven. Many eons had passed since he had last flown, and despite the pain, it felt good to exercise again. His golems overran the key locations around the city as planned - the barracks, market, major industries, and dense residential districts. Exceptional losses came from the market, doubtless inflicted by the few "exceptional" individuals he'd heard about.

How far you've fallen, Reaper, to have chosen such pathetic Heroes. He folded his wings and nose-dived for his grand entrance. A cloud of dust and brick flung up into the air at his landing in Midhaven's south gate. His foot nearly crushed a house. People all over the city who could see the gigantic dragon dropped everything and fled shrieking. He took a single step and levelled an entire block. This might be fun if it weren't beneath me to end their short lives prematurely. He waited until everyone evacuated the next block before stepping on it.

Caradras spotted unusual movement from the corner of his eye. He turned to see the three individuals who caused him trouble at the start of his operation: the vain man, the dragon man, and the Reaper. So he drew his head closer to street level and studied them with his left eye.

That dragon man. He knew him. His toughest foe during the Void War, the Black Dragon "Edward," now stood before him in the stature and likeness of humans. Caradras knew better than to underestimate him, though. His gaze twitched right to Edward's recruiter. The two locked eyes, both unflinching.

Your confidence speaks well of them, he mused. I suppose I shall wait and see how you shape them before judging them with my fire.

One of the humans, though, he felt needed a good scare. His turned his gaze to Ravadon and held it for half a minute. He narrowed his eye and emitted a low, almost inaudible, but deeply unsettling growl.

The Reaper spoke up with a measured, respectful tone.

"Everyone, no sudden moves. Meet Lord Caradras, the Fire Guardian."
Solomon patted Rose on the back. "You're right. We'll have to fight eventually. When we do, though, it will be on our own terms I hope. By then, we would have laughed at them enough to make them seem like nothing compared to us. Also, I could probably take on at least one of them, oh ye of little faith. With the hand tied behind his back, at least."

Rose giggled a little. "I like your confidence. With you leading the way, I think we could take on anyone." She pulled back a hair behind her ear and smiled at him.

"I sersly h- I'm -fitting th- cnvers," Solomon mumbled.
She glanced back. "Pardon?" I seriously hope I'm fitting this conversion? That doesn't sound right.
Just then, Princess Amalthea loudly yawned and stretched her arms. Rose hurried to put a finger to the girl's lips, but the Princess decided to take it as an insult. "What the heck, Rose? What, am I already making too much noise for you?"
Panicking, Rose shoved a hand over her mouth and fought to silence her. "Hush!" she hissed. "Enemy scouts are looking for us! You'll give us away!" She glanced back. It was too late; the scouts had heard the nose and started coming their way. Rose growled and palmed her dagger.

"Looks like we'll have to run. Solomon, get us out of here."
All right, rewriting the script. Sit tight everyone.
"You certainly know your stuff," he'd told her. Doubtless he meant it as a compliment, but it bit her just the same.
She certainly knew...how to kill a good man.
She certainly knew...how to hunt down an innocent princess.
She certainly knew...how to help the forces of evil.
Yes, she certainly knew her stuff.

Guilt surged through her once again. She kept her gaze focused on the enemy, unable to look Solomon in the eye. "Thank you, I try," she replied, making sure her tone remained even and revealed nothing.

Solomon took a stab at narrating how the other scouts were faring. Rose decided it would make a good opportunity to forget her guilt, and watched with interest as Solomon interpreted what he could see. He soon had her cackling again after he introduced the carrots.

At the end, though, he resumed his inadvertent crusade to resurface her guilt. "I will never know as much about scouting as you would, Rose, but I'm quite sure you aren't supposed to loot, not even ashy carrots."

The 'ashy carrots' line would normally have sent her giggling. But Solomon didn't know how deathly scared she'd been of those enemy scouts, nor of the guilt he kept insensitively pricking. She decided it was high time to tell him.
One cannot fix a problem that is not first put to light.
"It's not that I know so much more about scouting than they do, really," she began quietly. "It's just that...well, bad guys don't seem so scary when you can laugh at them, you know? It takes away their power over you. If you can recognize their strengths and flaws and see them for who they are, you can more appropriately choose when to run and when to stand strong. Honestly, even one of these guys could eat you for breakfast with one hand tied behind his back. If they see us, it's over. But we don't stand a chance if we cower behind our rocks quivering every time they look this way."

She paused to find her words. In her mind, she drafted up half a dozen ways to broach the matter of his pricking her conscience, but they all felt like victim-blaming, fishing for compliments, or worse. So she kept her mouth shut and smiled.

I'll brood on it later.

Rose looked again to the newly-cristened Phil the Amataur. Now he was looting the bakery, near the same place Rose herself had looted the sack of bread rolls. "Yup, looting ashy carrots definitely falls outside the bounds of civilized behavior," she quipped. The midnight dark was all that made her joking smirk seem real.
"Alright, I could eat," Solomon replied. He waddled over to the sack, withdrew a few pieces of bread, and handed one to Rose. "Do you want some?" he asked.
She looked at him, then at his offering. "Aw, thanks." Rose plucked it from his hand and nibbled on it. Considering the bread endured dust, heat, and blunt force, it wasn't bad, if a bit stale.

The two chewed in silence as they watched the enemy scouts the way nobles watched theater. Rose whispered live commentary on their blunders and exploits, cackling whenever they drew weapons at nothing, stumbled into traps, or bickered over each other's incompetence, and staring with rapt attention when they expressed frustration or gathered for meetings. Rose even named one of the scouts: Bob the Clumsy, a scout who always dove head-first into whatever trap, real or imaginary, was nearby.

"Look, look, Bob's going into the barn now. I'm betting he'll impale himself on the fried straw in there. Two cents says he'll complain to HR." Rose tore off another bite as she watched the scout enter the barn. No activity for a few minutes. Then he came out again nursing his arm, and rushed over to his commander to display it as if he'd won a prize. Rose slapped Solomon on the arm. "What'd I tell you? Nailed it."

She strained to see what his partner was doing at the general store ruins. "Can you make out what that guy's doing over by the general store? You might be able to see him better than I can."
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