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4 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Looks good. Now I have to decide whether Grace will be given the Mark of the Hero, and if so, how to mechanize it...
So having one of these smaller nations rule as a Theocracy is okay?

Or are they forced to publicly acknowledge Dragan's Deities as the only true ones, making a Monotheistic Theocracy impossible?

holy big words ^^;

Yeah, a theocratic nation should be fine. Dragan's religious enforcement has been lax, so as long as nobody uses religion as a pretext for anything dangerous, it shouldn't attract any unwanted attention.
Yup yup!

I'm thinking she will be from a foreign that is ruled like a Theocracy, church on top. Currently reading through the "lore" to see how to officially work that out .

I really need to get working on the lore for nationalities. e_e

We'll say the human nation is set up more like a confederation - there are multiple kingdoms with their own overlords, but one of these kingdoms stands head and shoulders over the rest, the Kingdom of Dragan. It can control all the others thanks to its nigh-invincible Defense Tower, which was restored to operational status many years ago.
Hmmmm... That works I suppose.

--> Name To be Determined hears news of the kidnapped princess.

--> NtbD wants to find/save said princess, hoping she could either get a reward up front for it, or hold the princess hostage and get her reward by way of ransom.

--> Whether this works out or not is dictated by how she ends up interacting with people.

That's the base "timeline" i have in my head

So, NtbD is female, eh? That works out with my headcannon about Paladins being exclusively female. Your timeline proposal should work once the princess's capture actually gets underway in about 1-2 posts.
Welp, stalwart paladin it is.

Just for lore friendliness, what is the primary religion structured like? Is it similar to a church, and a paladin functioning as a "holy warrior" would work?

There are about as many religions as there are people in The Faraway Land, so there isn't really any "primary" structure there. The Kingdom of Dragan has an official state religion involving a number of deities, but enforcement has been lax, so a multitude of other religions have sprung up. Orcs and elves both tend toward monotheism, though there are numerous exceptions. Worship of the deity that created the Guardians is notably rare, though, in part because there is little documentation about him on this world.
I would love to.

Currently debating what sort of character I go for. If dragons are a common thing, I was thinking of doing someone who worships dragons and such.

Otherwise I may just do the stalwart paladin.

Dragons per se are not very common. The few in existence are extremely powerful (read: plot-important). Wyverns, the two-legged versions, are much more common and are popular air units in national armies. The Kingdom of Dragan is famous for its elite Wyvern units.

That said, there are those who do worship dragons. Caradras tends to kill those people, since he, too, has a god he worships and is rather sensitive about the subject.
Did I leave you on an awkward hook?
I haven't read a bit of IC honestly.

However, I did read the first post in OOC on the "lore" and such. I like the idea ^^;

Awesome! The princess is just about to be kidnapped by the dragon in the story, so you're just in time. Want to join up?
Avali's Gale does have a better ring to it than Revali's... I like it!

And yes, the Frenchiest Thing is a meme I believe.

So, how can we help you? You're enjoying the story, I hope?
It is I, the frenchiest fry.

Hello Friends ^^;

I've heard that quote before somewhere...

Anyway. Time for a Zelda joke:
"Avali's Gale is now ready."
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