@AvaliThe High Priestess squinted.
"What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, waving the letter in her hand.
The messenger prostrated himself to the floor. "Mercy, milady! I only delivered the message! I am not privy to its meaning!"
The High Priestess scoffed and read part of the letter aloud. "'The dragon guardian captured both my daughters. Please send help.' What, does he think we give a crap? He demands our tribute, sends spies and assassins all over my lands, and expects me to send help? Oh, he'll get his help all right. Summon Grace the Paladin."
@AtomicNutThe peak of the tower split open and folded away to reveal a shining glass sphere. It radiated blinding light as electric currents collected around it. Then there was a flash, and a white-hot beam fired from the sphere at the fleeing dragon. The sudden clash of fire and air sent a deafening thunder throughout Midhaven. The dragon swerved, and the shot passed him, leaving a cloud of fog in its wake.
The Reaper looked up in awe. "I haven't heard those guns in five hundred years..."
Back in the tower, Herodotus would see a blip on the map, accompanied by warning text at the bottom of the screen.
@ineffableCaradras glanced back at Midhaven Tower. "Intriguing. That old fart of a king must have found someone who knows how to activate that tower." Then he looked down at his hand to see Isabella striving in vain to hurt him with her puny sword. "Come, come now, girl, there is no need for that. Do not waste your blade on me. If you do not break it or lose it, I will enhance it when we get back to my lair."
He looked at the girl in his other hand, the woman who was once called Evelyn. Isabella would see her fidgeting and squirming, while her mouth and tongue moved at random. Everything about her seemed...infantile.
The dragon looked back at Isabella. "Your sister has been dead for a few days. The soul that inhabits her now is an Elder Void. It has never been human before, so it will be a while before anything intelligent comes out of her mouth. I would imagine you have some questions for me."
@Darkwatck01“You doom another in a adventure of ill-gain. March them forth on a path that they no longer have control over. Makes me glad I can not truly join them; however, I am still hungry and my temper has been pushed. Seems that old Salamander can still enrage me quite well.”
“You are gambling, and the stakes that you play with are more than even you can bare. I am sure you remember the last gamble you made, the lives lost. I remember many things, many more things than I should. Much like then, we stand on two different sides. Yet, unlike then I find no orders to hunt.”
The Reaper clenched its fist. "You may remember much, old dragon, but advanced age and great power do not grant you omniscience. Do not try to speak with authority on things you know little about."
@Samdragonx Ravadon handed the Reaper a piece of paper. "Ugh... You wouldn't mind looking at this too for me, would you, Reaper?"
The Reaper held it between the index and thumb, as if it were a disgusting tissue.
The Reaper felt its heart pick up the pace. This was the Portal's activation code, once known only to a couple select Immortals. Lady Valentine had known the code. For centuries, mages searched in vain for this knowledge, whether to shut down the Portal for good or to open it for their own nefarious purposes. Whole empires rose and fell over this information. And now it lay before the Reaper's very eyes.
The magic embedded in the letter soon hid the text from sight. Only Ravadon could read it freely. The Reaper handed it back. "First, we stop the golems rampaging through Midhaven. Then we make for Skytown. I will explain the letter's meaning to you once we are out of the public eye."