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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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*Types "Space" into my keypad an enters it*
Chris: *Enters "corruption"*

*Chris' device makes a small bell chime*

*After a few moments the siren stops.*

Heeellllllooooo new york! Heh, sorry, that was lost on most of you. Well, congratulations on solving the easiest riddle. If you'll all look to your left, you'll see a wall. And to your right, another wall. In fact, you'll likely find there are four of them.

*Laughs* Once you go through the door in your starting room, you'll enter the main compound. And now that you're here, I'll give you all a tip quickly. There aren't any maps here, so making one with the device on your wrist is probably a good idea. Similarly, your device is what you'll use to enter your answers to the riddles. And it's time for the first one.

*A hologram appears in front of each participant that only they can see, and text on it reads as:*
"The world is filled with _____________."
*Those at Dark's game location are woken up by a siren*
*The counter on the metal slabs reaches 1:00:00 and a small device appears at various locations, including Dark's home, along with a note. The device has a countdown of it's own, matching that of the slabs. The note reads as:*
"Congratulations on solving the first riddle. The instructions are simple. When the timer reaches zero, create a portal to anywhere you wish, then press this button. You'll find yourself in the game space once you go through the portal, but be warned that only one person can go through each portal, and the device will only work in the location it was first found. Good luck."
*The slabs of metal, still shrunk to their original size that was in the envelopes, each have a set of numbers appear on their surface*
*It begins counting down at varying rates, faster in dimensions with slower flows of time and slower in those with faster flows of time*
*The envelopes given by Mio all drop away from their holders and open. Shined slabs of metal fly out and hover in front of the envelopes' owners, expanding to a large size and revealing the initials of who the envelope was given to engraved in the center.*

*Every reflective surface in Existence within 50 meters of anything that can travel dimensions glaze over with light for a moment before showing a red room containing a single person. The person begins to speak, and the sound is heard by everything in the language that they normally speak in.*

Hello, hello~ Dear friends and fans, we are gathered here today to shout and cry your eyes out. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Many of you may know me, and many more may have heard of me. Or rather, my creator, who is me in a sense. More specifically, I'm him in a sense. My name, his name, is... well, a secret. But you all know him as...

*He pauses a moment, before grinning widely and somewhat cruelly.*

Dark. And some of you know that he's dead.

*Pauses for several moments.*

Now that those of you who didn't know have had time to cheer, I'll continue. This is a special time for everyone to celebrate. Now, don't worry, I'm just a program, not a return from the grave. But I have an important message for you all.

*He takes a step closer to the screen.*

I'm coming back. The first me. Dark. That's right, kiddies. There was a bit of him hidden away in case things went the way they did. A bit of ethereal self, a full set of memories up to the instant of death... All he needs is a body. And he's got one.

*Smiles again.*

However, we thought it would be a good idea to give you all a chance. So we've devised a game, of sorts. A game to give you all a shot at stopping him from coming back. Sounds fair, right? So it's simple. You're all invited. In fact, some of you are VIPs, and have been given physical invitations. Keep them close by, because those who were given them will need them to get in.

*Stretches and smiles again.*

You all never were able to figure out what "I" was saying. But now, you don't have much choice. If you want to stop him from coming back, you'll have to be able to figure out a few riddles. The rules of the game are simple. Answer riddles, kill. There's a single person who will be there who you need to kill. That person is the avatar, the one whose body is the one in question. So just pull that off, simple.


Well, not quite. You see, the playground, the place where this game will take place, will prevent any abilities you may have. You'll be exactly as capable as an average human from "my" universe of origin. And there's a catch. Everyone who enters the playground will get false memories of their entire lives, which include this little message. Well, not everyone, just the target, but there's no way for you to be sure that you aren't the avatar once you're in, now is there?

*Laughs again, sounding slightly hysterical this time.*

Hey, no worries. Anyone who dies in the playground will simply be returned to the outside, unable to reenter. That is, everyone except for the avatar. If they die, they stay dead. But if not... well, we have to keep some surprises. Once inside, you'll find that you're unable to even attempt to harm anyone, yourself included. To get around this, a riddle will be given every day. Those who solve it will regain the ability to both attempt and, in theory, succeed to do damage to others until midnight when the next riddle is given. Otherwise, you're not going to have a chance to kill the avatar. But, we're fair. Anyone who's attacked by someone will have the pacifist restriction lifted, but only in regards to the attacker. In other words, even if you don't solve the riddle for the day, you'll be able to defend yourself.

*Pauses and smiles.*

Now that you've had a moment to digest that, there's a twist. Weapons. There'll be a second riddle every so often at random times. Solve it, and you get a weapon of your choice from a small selection. Nothing too great, metal rods are about as advanced as you can get. So if you solve both riddles, you have an advantage. Then all you need to do is figure out who the avatar is and take them out to win. But there's two more small details. The first is simple, you'll find that you're unable to harm yourself even if you solve the riddle. So be careful, because if it turns out that you are the avatar, then by killing everyone else, you'll have ensured that "I" come back safe and sound.

*Pauses again.*

The second detail is simple as well. "My" wife will be there, under the same conditions as everyone else, except... She'll have no false memories, and will likely be trying to stop the rest of you from killing the avatar. And that's all there is to it. Now we just need to see who's even worth being involved. A riddle to find the playground. You'll find the coordinates to it at the place where storms brewed. Heh, see you there.

*Every surface that showed this glazes over with light again, before returning to a normal state. The metal slabs that were in the envelopes shrink down again and remain hovering where they were.*

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