Avatar of Threads of Fate


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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
1 like


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*one person types "Light"*

*There is no response.*

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*Types "BDSM Dominant Partner"*

*Your device chimes after some delay and it plays audio of Gemini laughing.*
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*Types "Time"*

*There is no response.*
*A hologram appears in front of each participant of Dark's game that only they can see, and text on it reads as:*
"Day six. The excitement is palpable. Here's your riddle: One if by land, two if by sea. You need me move, you need me to be. If taken away you will still be around, but without me at all you're stuck, still and bound. What am I?"
*types in "Santa"*

*There is no response.*
*types in "Broker" for the first riddle*

*There is no response.*
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

-Rendon- *passing by Misty, types in "Storm"*

*Rendon's device chimes.*
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Me, but
*Immediately types "Storm"*

*Your device chimes.*
*A hologram appears in front of each participant of Dark's game that only they can see, and text on it reads as:*
"Who is the queen bee?"
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Phhhh, too easy.
*Types "Bookkeeper"*

*Your device chimes.*
*A hologram appears in front of each participant of Dark's game that only they can see, and text on it reads as:*
"Day five, I'm getting giddy. I wonder if you've killed them off yet? Here's hoping, and today's riddle. If it seems easier, it is. Only the best should be left now, so we can get to the easy ones.
If it's information you seek, come and see me.
If it's pairs of letters you need, I have consecutively three.

Who am I?"
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