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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

And no words on what it's needed for?

@Threads of Fate

Mierno: wait, whats this about nobles?

...that sounds like lizbeth.


<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Ah; as soon as you mentioned the Nobility, I had expected this. Lizbeth is quite the creator, but despite the freedom, nobody has made a weapons request. There's no telling whether she will even accept one, despite us making it available. If her hearing hasn't returned to any degree, it would also be quite difficult; if she happened to no longer be alive, things would become even more difficult.

Luckily, the design and most specifics have already been figured out. It's the immense skill required to make it a reality that makes me need her help. Obviously, I can't really ensure that she keeps to the design, but from what I've heard of her, it's worthwhile to trust in her judgement on it.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I'll take it.

Among the group known as "The Nobles," there is an incredibly talented blacksmith, the likes of which cannot be matched without incredible resources. My request is that she make a specific weapon, and that it be placed in protective care for quite some time.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Logic is just what I do. But you've sure given yourself good odds; is there any information you can give that you haven't?

Not off the top of my head, unless you'd like to know what the request is.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

You misunderstand my point. The fact that you may be making a gamble here makes it very difficult for both of us; in fact, you've entirely disconnected the variable, if true. If you had this planned in the first place, there'd be a constant to derive a result from. But because the results may be entirely unknown to you, it being a risk instead of a calculated means, there is no way for us to determine whether we should help you. Whether intentional or not, you've effectively reduced the chances to a clean 50/50. And I don't like that.

They're quite beautiful, though I'm more of a computery guy myself.

You have it backwards. I've raised them to fifty-fifty. That's why of the terrible options available to me, this was the best one. To simply make the approach and leave it out of my hands. Even though we could claim it's an even shot now, really, this has a less than one percent chance for me, which is still the highest among the few options I had. You being incredibly intelligent and analytical is a bonus.

I see.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

And you believe that we will simply give in due to this? And I doubt this is actually the absolute last resort; in fact, it's entirely probable that you have presented this information to us in falsehood in order to gain trust that would not be there otherwise. It's possible you predicted my predictions entirely, or someone more strategically minded did.

Take another look.
*Points up*

On the contrary, I don't believe you'll help just because I'm in need of help. Nor would I label this my "absolute last resort." That implies that I have several options that are acceptable to use beforehand. This is simply the best of several very terrible options. I understand that you mistrust me, but you're truly reading too far into this. I haven't told a lie since I was six, and while I assumed you would be observant enough to form the view you did, like I said, I'm betting on things outside of my control.

*Looks up without tilting my head*
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Yet you lack the knowledge that we rarely abide by the rules of individuals who make baseless claims or outrageous request. If telling the truth, you know this path won't work out either and that you're walking it the wrong way. That means that you went into this aware of the fact, or that you're lying. You seem rather intelligent, so I'll temporarily rule out the latter, unless lying is a means to achieve your end. Either way, the result is the same: you know what you're doing here and that it wouldn't work. You prepared to be rejected because it led to the outcome you desired; otherwise, you'd make up some other scenario or go down a different path. Then what's your angle? Why did you choose this way?

When you stare at the clouds in the sky, don't you find it exciting?

*Smiles slightly* Very observant. In the simplest terms, I have very limited options. The fact that I cannot disclose information that may seem trivial is detrimental to me as well as to you. I was also unable to choose a desirable path, as my purpose here was changed against my expectations and against my will. I intended for other things to happen before approaching a surrogate, but several dead ends were reached that, on the whole, have left me in a situation where I have little to no chance to succeed. Since I also have limited time, my actual desires have little impact on what I can and can't do to try to reach my goal. As it is, my bet is on several things entirely out of my control. I cannot give you certain information, and I refuse to give you other information. As such, you don't trust me and are not likely to complete my request. Retaining my observer status requires severely limiting my possible actions, so I cannot do any of the things that would otherwise increase my chances. My angle is desperation.

That's not a question I can answer in a consistent way.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

One of those simple paradoxes you always read of. Unfortunately, life isn't as simple as our perfect little physics, probability, or simulation world. Give us a reason, if you know there is one.

<Snipped quote by Mammalia>


<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Why him? Who was your father? What was he like?

The reason is simply that there is a path where no one's futures are jeopardized and you are left unsatisfied, and there is a path where their futures are placed in danger and you remain unsatisfied. The former is preferable, therefor that's the path I'll take.

My information states that he was involved in the so-called "Nobility Incident," and is capable of making the request I need made on his own behalf and having it fulfilled, allowing for the results that I need without any conflicts or unnecessary interactions. Since I cannot make the request while maintaining my status as an observer, nor would it likely be fulfilled, this becomes a useless path and so I've rejected it. Your other questions have classified answers.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

You are saying many meaningless things. Perhaps they have meaning for you, but our lack of knowledge of these things does not provide grounds for your authority.

Hm. That could lead to several interesting conversations. I'll take note of that to recite later.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

So be it. You may have to find another surrogate, then.

Would you have any suggestions?
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Sounds rather stalky to me. Why us? How do/did you get the idea?

If that's you opinion, I don't have the opportunity to try to change it. Because you, specifically, have had contact with him. *Points to Spirit* I overheard my father say it once when I was young.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

You are not helping your case much. I'm sure this is important, but if whoever has classified this believes that we are important enough, they will have to disclose quite a bit of relevant information.

Simply put, you are not important enough to disclose information that could potentially do harm. As such, the information I can provide is limited.
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