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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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Is this really the state of the Codex at this point?

Regardless. Our chances as they stand now are around two percent of defeating Nyarlathotep. If we free Azathoth, that chance raises to thirty. That's our best shot. There are unknown factors, such as the more powerful Codi still not aligned with either side, but those close to Azathoth would quickly rejoin her, and the battle between them and Nyarlathotep's closer allies would weaken both sides. Unfortunately, I won't be able to participate if we go this route, as I'll be preoccupied with preventing direct confrontation from the two. At best, if we can ally everyone not already on their sides, we have just under a fifty-fifty shot at victory. Those are our best odds, as they stand now. If we count the rest of our universe being dragged into this fight, that goes down significantly. To offset this, I invited Ma'at's mate; if he assists, we may be able to prevent the war from spreading. Though this is all to be said without the possibility of other universes joining with Nyarlathotep, or should we release her, Azathoth.
<Snipped quote by Disdain>

<Snipped quote by System>

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*Appears behind Xirqiae-Ulthar*
That's right, little Codex~ It's tempting to simply be rid of you now, but where's the fun in that? Now that Azy is gone... Well, the idea of her becoming a Codex is slightly alarming. So I'll leave you free for now. But know this: There will come a time when you must choose to join me, or perish. See ya~

*Turns around and attempts to attack you but fails* ...

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

<Snipped quote by The World>

-One Codex- The Codi all have powers?
-Another- How can they be threatening Existence?
-Another- We did what we could before, but how are 32 of us meant to stop billions?

Yes. To varying degrees, just as Codex have throughout history. They are a threat mainly because of Nyarlathotep leading them. And our best bet would be to release Azatoth from her seal so that she and Nyarlathotep will begin fighting each other again. There are many who would support her. Though, then it becomes an issue of picking sides. I doubt that both sides can be defeated unless certain things come to pass.
<Snipped quote by System>

I'm surprised. Well, just because Seth was stubborn doesn't mean I have to expect you to be.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*They shuffle and mutter before quieting down again*

Recently, the combination of the NAN Sector and the rest of Existence has finalized. This was the reason for Yander's plan to recreate the original Trigger and restore it to the Original Generator, something you all have likely forgotten. Unfortunately, being at it when it happened resulted in the loss of two of us, Yander and Mikial. Regardless of this, the split that occurred in the first place has resulted in two versions of history. The combination of the two has resulted in the history I'm from becoming the true history, in layman's terms. There's more to this, of course, but that's the basis you need to understand.

In this history, the was a species-wide war between Codi. We all were dragged into it, though you Codex as always remained elsewhere. Eventually, however, we all gained Codex powers. This made the war very... different. There were two main factions in the end, and the leaders of the two are now setting their sights on the rest of Existence. When Baphumet killed two of us, I and another became Codex. That brings us to now.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*The Codex give general expressions of distaste for listening to somebody they don't know, but together acknowledge that you are a Codex with the powers Ma'at explained and that you can probably be trusted; they slowly quiet down*

History as you know it is incorrect. I will be here to answer any questions you may have. The important part, to begin with, is that you may notice your powers no longer work the way they did before. But that is a misnomer, they are now working the way they actually did before, which is different from how you have been using them. It's also important for you to know what has now become the recent history of our home dimension.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

*Grumbles* I dislike when he does that. He should come here physically like the rest of us. *Opens a portal back to Aphrodite's mansion, where the Codex mill about, grumbling*

Everyone! There is information that you need. I watched as one of you attempted to share it, but there was interference. Preventing that, it is imperative that you all understand what's going to happen, and what has happened already.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

None of us have ever met him personally. Perhaps you can manipulate the probability that my portals lead us to him?

... It seems he will make himself available without needing to do that. We can return now.

@Threads of Fate@Dynamics

*With some difficulty, we manage to collect the rest of the entourage, leaving most of them at Aphrodite's mansion to sulk and returning there with each Codex* Abel, next. He's the last one. Is there still a 100% chance?

No. This "Abel" seems to be the exception.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

I'd appreciate it, too.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Onwards. *Makes a random portal and beckons us through into empty space, once again with atmospheric bubbles; the next attempt does not fail and we collect the next Codex without exceptional resistance* One after the other. *We go from Codex to Codex, at a rough average of three portals between each*

<Snipped quote by Mammalia>

This Codex thinks I somehow have a 100% chance of finding every Codex. So I'm teleporting randomly across Existence until I find them. Are you coming with?

<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Hopefully an average of three portals per Codex, and however long it takes them to agree.

<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

I don't have much clarity, myself. She thinks I'm this "Progenitor", and that somehow I know or can get to where every Codex is, so that's what I'm doing, because there's a 98% chance we'll die if I don't. That's all I know.

Hmpf. Progenitor simply refers to your coming before me. There's nothing special to it. Now, if we can continue.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I still think you owe me some level of explanation.

I only have so much to go on that won't need to be repeated anyway. Just wait until we're done.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I hope you're satisfied, at least with this first one. Aphrodite, this is a Codex with the power to manipulate probability, and she is making the bold claim that if we don't all unite, we have a 98% chance of dying.

I will be satisfied when we have found the rest.
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