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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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@Threads of Fate
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

I think it would. But But this Codex—what's your name, by the way?—says that we all have to work together for the best odds. So that hurdle is still there, though maybe not as high as it has to be set for your ritual.

Xirqiae-Ulthar. You may call me Ulthar if that's simpler.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Failure is more likely than success. That is all.

Correct, unfortunately.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

The statistics on the likelihood of your success again?

You want me to list them again, or are you asking if that's what I'm referring to?
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Having no reason to believe that order will not cease being generated is not sufficient. Even granting that true generation of order is taking place, I do not have confidence that such a change is non-volatile.

The main problem with it is what I'm here for. The generating of Codex abilities among Codi. Many of which include the power of entropy control, though none on the scale you're after. I understand that you've spent your life dealing with that problem, but it's not a problem anymore.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Elaborate on why you believe the problem to be solved.

Alright, how about a history lesson? Shortly after the first Triggers had their war, the Not a Number District split from Existence, because in order to access it even the Original Generator required the power of the Triggers. Since they were no longer a part of it, and mostly died, the split wasn't able to be stopped. This created a few changes in Existence, such as how the Codex's abilities worked, and created a situation where Code could only be created. This is the origin of your fears. However, by creating a situation wherein one Trigger could regain the state of the original Trigger that was part of the Mammon Machine, the Precursor was able to allow it access back to the NaN District. Thanks to this, Existence was overwritten in certain areas because of discrepancies between it and the various Akashic Records stored in the NaN. With the NaN back in full force and no longer limited in size as it was when they split, there's no reason to believe that order is in limited supply. The NaN can once again grow endlessly, so there is always the ability for more of concepts to be created and expanded.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

You fail to understand the ramifications of the status quo. The problem has been pushed further away but not solved; as it stands, every supposed increase in order must be borrowed from somewhere else.

Do... do you not know what the NaN district is? Again, I expected more from the higher class... Then again, I guess that's part of the problem in the first place...
@Threads of Fate
So if I can get the plan straight so far—you think we ought to release Azathoth, keep them from fighting one another, get their forces to keep each other busy, collect the undecideds, and pick off the rest?

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Is reversing entropy something that all Codex would have to be working on for all time? Or do you want to do even more than that? You said “no deaths would have been necessary.”


<Snipped quote by Disdain>

It would not. That's a very shallow and meaningless idea.

Your research is faulty. What you're talking about is granting a new Codex a specific one of the fifty powers at a specific level of power. But even so, your desire is unnecessary. Your fears are based on your history, but the present history has that solved. What do you think the point of the precursor's actions were?
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

There are additional traits that emerge in the event of perfect unification among the Codex. I would gladly give up my own life if a suitable alternative were proposed.

Ugh. I have nothing more to say to you.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I've made the point. What would bring clarity to you?

So far all you've said is that by giving one of us, presumably you, more power we could win. Explain further, that isn't enough information, and it alone would cause us to lose completely.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I long for it being as simple as withholding information. Again, you need to study the facts.

We are not pupa anymore, any of us. If you wish to make a point, then make one, or don't and be quiet.
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