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11 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Do you have some sort of standard list of things you try?

I do, but I can't guarantee that the deciding factor wasn't something not on it.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

What makes you think so?

I wasn't able to succeed before having that state active. As I remember, I did the same things in an attempt to split without it, and failed.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Did it make a difference?

I believe it was crucial to the fission's success.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

It’s worn off now though?

I believe it wore off after the split.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

How long did that take?

I don't know. As far as I remember, it continued until I succeeded.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Why did you decide to do it that way? Just to prove a point at first?

I was in a rush to succeed before the effect Mother put on me wore off.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

You don't have any records about it?

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Honestly, two hours is nothing. I thought it was going to take several days of meditation.

It may have and I just don't remember it.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I'll be your observer next time. This needs to be documented.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

How long did it take?

I don't remember. I think I remember about half an hour of trying.
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