Avatar of Threads of Fate


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10 mos ago
Current One of each? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those up.
2 yrs ago
"Is it better to let someone drown in anger or to try to save them? Is it more cruel to drag someone out of their hatred or to let them wallow in it?"
2 yrs ago
Happy New Year~ (Shortly)
2 yrs ago
Ah yes, crysler. The day that the Mariah was Carried.
2 yrs ago
"December slowly creeps into my September heart."
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<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

All that, and you still died. Left me. Was it worth it?

*Shrugs again*
Dunno. I wasn't really involved in that decision, either. Besides, I'm clearly still around, even though that's the big problem with you, so we can't really say I left you until you move on. Fitting, that. You have to learn something on your own for once, rather than having it drilled into you.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

So what was the point? What did you get out of me, and what do I get out of this dead life?

I never really had a reason. I did things, things happened. The original goal was to use you to prevent something, but that was never really my goal. I just wanted to find someone who could be interesting, and you certainly were that!
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

To you.
*Stands up and crosses my arms*
Aren't you proud? I live like you taught me. I do just what I want to do, when I want to do it.

Except telling people what you want to tell them. Though if you must know, yes, somewhat.
*Taps a finger to my head*
You turned out really well.
*Flicks my finger away from me*
My being here right now is about the only flaw, really.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

...You're late.

Oh, you can speak, huh?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*The image of a person walks between myself and the creature, one visible to everyone in the region*
*Inhales with a ragged, stuttery breath before devolving into a strained, maniacal giggle*
*My neck snaps backward toward you all with a horrible, echoing crack, and a twilight dome rapidly expands from my position*

Sup, kiddo?
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Thanks, Erra. Once we're all set, and we go through with this, everything's going to go to shit. We'll have to get through that before things will calm down enough to start gathering allies. But we have a decent chance of making it to that point.

I understand. I'll be ready for your signal.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

We just might need it. Thanks.

*Into the device, after walking around the area and looking at various things in it*
It looks like the checkpoint is safe. I'll continue keeping watch until I receive your signal.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

May I request for your interference to stop them? So we can stop?

*Just before you three leave the voice speaks again*
I am unsure how to proceed with such a request.

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I don't need interruptions.
*Snips at the surrounding landscape and we end up in a flat canyon surrounded by stone*

<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

You've made yourself an enemy not of the council, but of every disciple of water.
*Shifts forward, then back in time before returning to my current place to avoid each shot*

*Is silent after you disappear, before the sky forms into my mask and I appear wearing it in the area you were in*
*Takes off my mask and pulls out a small device*
Location secured, no hostilities encountered.
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Can you stop carrot-head for a second? That would be very helpful.

*The voice rings out again*
I am not currently given permission to directly interfere, only to make my request.
<Snipped quote by Meta>

How many are there of you?

<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Slices in the path of the bullet, deflecting it away from me*
Are we really going to do the same dance again? Especially when the entire council knows you're a dead man now?

<Snipped quote by Meta>

You took my daughter!
*Unloads the entire magazine into your center of mass, each shot aimed further into the past than the last*

*A dark sky littered with stars appears from a small black dot above you three, and a voice rings out from it*
Deepest apologies for the inconvenience and interruption, but would you mind terribly if I asked you to go elsewhere with your squabble?
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