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Event: Melon Derby | Location: Ersand'Enise

Yalen. @pantothenic

There has never been time such as this before, where one should turn from foe into friend. They say conflict is the death of communication, where reason cannot be brought. Before her is a friend and a most reasonable boy, Yalen. Perhaps today is one where conflict can brought to an end.

With the Supreme Melon in hand, Yalen sneaks off by himself, avoiding the protection offered by others of his team. Ayla struck first against Yalen with a sonic attack, disorenitating and slowing down him to begin insightful discourse with him. Ashon, seizing the opportunity struck first against Yalen but missing. Yalen quickly swung around and he unleashed his skills upon the yasoi, catching him by surprirse. Yalen weaved and bobbed, overcoming the illusions by punching through them, and deflecting the internal chemistry, Ashon finds him quickly unable to keep up against him. With a one-two, the Yasoi was down.

Ayla was a significantly different challenge for Yalen to face, the girl danced around Yalen as he struck hesitant towards her. The chemical attacks struck dumbly as they washed over her, ebb-and-flowed as she clapped with her castanets. She moves gracefully as she danced, some how managing to duck and weave as part of the natural rhythem of the music. The castanets slapped against his ears, continuing to grow and increase in intensity and volume around him as he grew more disorientated with each passing moment. The crescendo comes to a stop as the castanets clap deafeningly against his ears, the blonde boy falling back into Ayla’s arms as she gently brings him to the ground and rests his head comfortably upon it. She smiles down towards him as he is still awake. “Rest a moment, and it will fade.” Brushing his hair till he stops struggling, whispering to settle him.

She uses the spare moment to wake Ashon up. “Send the signal, the Supreme Melon is ours!” Ayla takes the melon as it still glows brightly within her hands. Moving off with the groggy Ash trialing behind her as he uses his chemical magic to create a coloured cloud of smoke into the air.

The plot was all a ruse, for Ayla knew she did not have the Supreme Melon. What she did was whisper something else in the ear of her friend, one of hope and cooperation. Was it right of her to place trust in a good friend?
[NPC Secondaries]

Event:Meet the Arslans | Location:Ersand'Enise

The weeks have been tense as Ayla has been frantically preparing. From questioning her friends, to trips out into the city upon Gina. It seems she is seeking something as she makes her way around the city. Her tension level appears to be even greater than the impending attack of the Royal Sand Wyrm.

In the morning, you are greeted with a knock on the door as a courtier brings a parchment to your attention.

The Manson de las Mil Ventanas, or commonly known as the Mansion of a Thousand Windows. This is a beautiful large property sheltered from the road, and known to be the residence of King Sancho of Torragon whilst he attends the Conclave of Thrones.

To be granted permission to enter as a guest would be viewed as an honour, especially for those on the other side of the alliance. As a guest, it is expected you will make a great effort in your appearance, adorning appropriate formal attire expected of one's station, with those below noble are expected to dress above their peers in order not to cause offence.

For those who accept the summons and present the letter, they will find their entrance into the grounds of the mansion. The area is filled with vibrant green, with flora transplanted from native Torragon and brought to root and carefully crafted. Green foliage adorning the tall white-washed walls as colourful flowers sprout from the buds. Tall Cork oak trees shade the mansion’s view from the road with a prominent purple Jacaranda tree in the centre of the courtyard. Smaller trees of almond, fig, and lemon laden with fruit give the impression of bountiful wealth. The outside of the building is surrounded by a well maintained pool, with archways to curtain-lined entrances for guests to use in hot weather to bathe. Columns rise up from the ground to the terracotta laden roof in Avincian classical style to denote learning and sophistication, with the round fort tower-like style of the halls as a subtle display of dominating power and strength. The key feature of what the Mansion is named after, the array of colourful stained glass windows, each depicting a picture of Tourrare history, from humble but strong steppe folk to the mighty empire they have founded today.

As the doors open to the entrance hall, the bright light of the sun shines through creating a rainbow effect which softens as the eyes adjust to the lighting inside. The biros will notice they are not the first to arrive, with staff already waiting upon other guests, and food travelling through to the main hall to ensure tables are laden with food, as the servants prepare a banquet. for those wishing to dine. Ayla is by the door, enthusiastically greeting her friends, and even guests they may have brought along with them. Beyond the initial greetings and settling down, there is a chime being rung against the glass.

A loud voice booms through the hall. “Presenting the host, Duquesa Azahara of House Arslan”.

Attention is focused on the one Ayla refers to as “Ma”, better known as Lady Azahara, mother of Ayla Arslan. Wearing a beautiful long gown of deep purple, the taller and older Arslan is adorned with jewellery and ornaments that overshadows the style typically worn by her daughter, as to give her a prominent regal appearance. If you were to compare the daughter and the mother, it would appear that Ayla is truly a ‘Mini-Me’.

Azahara greets the guests as they enter the room one by one, each guest has their name spoken aloud then formally greeted. Ayla takes a head-count of all those present. “Thank you for accepting my invitation, glad that so many of you were able to make it. When you go through, your name would be announced. Pay your respects to Ma, then walk in. They should be allowing you to dine shortly, free food, yay!”. She smiles widely, giggling, excited to be entering with some of the friends she has made during these weeks at the academy.

The loud voice booms. “Now presenting, Lady Ayla Arslan, and her guests, Biros from Academy of Thaumaturgy…”

“... Miss Ysilla Al-Nader…” @Pirouette
“... Miss Zarina Al-Nader…” @YummyYummy
“... Brother Yalen Castel…” @pantothenic
“... Lord Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft…” @Wolfieh
“... Lady Dorothea Hohnstein…” @jasbraq
“... Lady Jocasta Re…” @Force and Fury
“... Lady Ingrid Penderson…” @dragonpiece
"... Lord Manfred Hohenfelter..." @Force and Fury

As Ayla steps through, she is quietly exchanging a few words with her mother. A look of concern appears on Ayla’s face, as only the words which may be overheard: “... not the only one who is disappointed. Now make yourself presentable and settle your friends into their places.”

As each of the biros come forward to greet the host, they are each met in a pleasant and polite manner. “Thank you for being able to attend our banquet this evening”, the pleasant mask hides her true expression, and those who think they may perceive beyond it may be confused by the idea that it may be hiding a smile.

The guests continue to come through, various nobility and prominent figures in the area are announced and enter through the doors, a few of the names may be recognised and expected to attend such an gathering. Ayla supports the hostess, trying to settle her friends at a suitable table. “There are a few contacts around the room and opportunities, and there is fine food being served. Help yourselves to opportunities, though try not to do anything that may reflect badly upon myself.”

As the welcome starts to draw to the close, there is one last name being announced. The voice boomed, “Presenting Maura Mercador of Varrahasta”.

At the doorway is an auburn long-haired girl in a rollerchair, adorned in jewellery in the style of Ayla’s own, features enhanced with make-up, and wearing a beautiful gown dress which appeared perfectly groomed as if attended to like a doll.

The girl smiles as she makes her way towards the table the biros are at, the wheels moving akin to Jocasta’s own through the use of kinetic magic. There is an appearance of an eerie silence, akin to a calm before a storm, as she approaches the table, the spell broken as she speaks in a soft, sweet, sing-song manner. “Is there room for one more at this table?”

This was the moment the storm erupted, as Ayla cast herself towards Maura, almost diving upon the poor girl to give her best friend the biggest hug that could have been mustered in that moment. Even Maura looked shocked as she freezes for a moment, giving a moment to start curling her arms around the lion cub, holding her tightly in return as she strokes her arms upon her back. Ayla was sobbing hard as tears rolled down her cheeks as she was being comforted, gently being hushed and comforted by Maura. “... what kind of greeting is this, what has got you upset little cub. Are these friends of yours bullying you?” She gives a playful look at those gathered, her eyes focusing upon one of the group for a moment, whispering a tease into Ayla’s ear, “Need me to beat up the one with the dark hair for you? She wouldn’t stand a chance, this chair wouldn’t stop me.” Ayla couldn’t help but to offer a soft laugh at the idea of Maura even harming a fly, nevermind finding herself in a sparring match against Zarina. She uses the opportunity to gather her thoughts and emotions together after her embarrassing display. Maura whispers towards her as Ayla smoothes out the crumpled dress, turning around for introductions. “This is my best friend since childhood, Maura. Her family are merchants who operate from Varrahasta bringing in the northern ReTan trade from Virang and Malabash, then bringing it across the Ensolin sea to Revidia and Ersand'Enise.”

The Letter

The Arrival

The Welcome

Food is Served

After a slow start of awkward introductions, the party started to grow engaging as multiple people got into conversations. Various guests and students start to mingle. What was seen primarily as a social function for the Duquesa and her guests started to become overrun by the other Arslan’s friends. The crowd was impressed at the prestige of the students walking through the halls, the up and coming generation into the world of politics spanning the twin continents. The Duquesa continues to guide certain individuals into one of the back rooms for far more hushed discussions out of earshot from the rest as she makes her way to the front.

“Señoras y señores … …”, Azahara raises her arms up, her hands outstretched as she clicks her fingers loudly, calling to attention to those in the room, and the staff waiting in the wings.

In classic Torragon tradition, the food is brought out on trays which are allocated to the tables. Each try consists of multiple small plates, Ayla-sized portions of food being served up.

The reception is rather different for those from afar, as a few are already showing their eyes wide with insult at the stingy meals, hawking. Thankfully Ayla is able to explain to her friends before they embarrass themselves like some of the others in front of the host.

“Tapas! Great!”, she clapped her hands together as she explained for her friends. “It is a fun Torragonese tradition. Instead of one big meal, you have 4, 6 or even 8 meals! You get to taste a lot of everything. Really good to explore with your taste buds.” The dishes served some offerings from the other nations too, a rather multicultural Tapas buffet. “Please take a plate and dig in, there is always more.”

Ayla moves to one of the dishes, croqueta, using a fork to pick it up. “This is one of my favourites. Croqueta! Deep fried mix of veg, cheese and ham, crisp shell and yummy soft middle.” She looks upon those gathered, deciding to target Trypano, moving the fork up towards her mouth. “Take a bite, you won’t regret it!”

The banquet continues as the empty plates are taken away and the fresh ones brought. Ayla encourages more of her friends to eat as she convinces Kaspar to have chorizo sausage wrapped within a tortilla topped with guacamole and sour cream, even suggesting he can eat it with his fingers. Others who were busy talking and neglecting the food got similar treatment as she didn’t want her friends to go without. There are treats continuing from far and near, even the Djamantese Pastizzi were on the table reportedly baked by Ayla herself. There is no pallet unsatisfied on offer.

The backroom opens with a loud ruckus as further guests who secreted themselves earlier during the gathering make their way into the hall. There is much excitement and chatter, it seems that whatever has been discussed has resulted in a very positive ending and business is concluded. Even if the contents ended up becoming hushed as they entered the dining room, a few cannot help but continue conversations at their table as they wine and dine. The guests begin to take their places at the tables, ensuring the cooks and chefs at the Manson de las Mil Ventana were certainly receiving overtime pay and a bonus.

There was always one who was the last to enter and the gravitas was clear for those around to see. The Duquesa moves up towards the man, giving a bow and offering her arm as she leads him to the position at the head of the table, usually reserved for King Sancho himself.

It was the man most expected to make a presence, the one many have heard about. Duque Duerte of Casa Arslan del Torragon, Guardián del Varrahasta, Protector del Río Arapor, Warden del Reserva Natural de Arapor, Keeper de la Basílica la Llama Sagrada…

As he reaches the seat, the characteristic ring of the bell is done as the room falls into silence.

“Thank you all for attending.”

“It is with great pleasure that business has concluded on his happiest of occasions. Now, before my announcement later this evening, we wish only for this. Eat to your heart's content and indulge in this wine, for we shall celebrate well into the night.”


Duque Arslan gives the sign as he gestures for those to lower themselves and get comfortable. He is soon seated himself, sitting next to his wife as they chat. Ayla looks somewhat confused by the supposed announcement, but shrugs her shoulders.

She turns to her friends with a big smile. “Right, that can only mean one thing. Expect everything to be in generous portions. Help yourself to anything and everything, though don’t sneak too many bottles out in your bag, Ingrid” She gives her Eskandish friend a teasing wink, though certainly code for some of the others to help themselves this evening.

She also waves Dory down, hoping to cause an opportunity for Zaz and Marci to exchange a few words with the other pair.

The Announcement

The plates were being removed from the room as those present had dined well and the conversations started to die down. There was a buzz within the dining hall as the guests were starting to eagerly anticipate what is about to happen next. It was as if on cue, the Duque raises to his feet, the bell chiming as silence descends on the room.

“It is great to have so many gathered on such an auspicious occasion, having so many friends gathered under one roof, including half the academy.” A chuckle rings through the room as eyes gather to the table occupied by Ayla and her friends. “A warm thank you for the de la Mantoline family who travelled for this occasion as well.”

On the right-hand side of the Duque is a well-dressed gentleman of some apparent importance who nods, mouthing thank you to the gathered guests as a show before indicating something towards the Duque. Duarte appears to concede the floor to him as he indicates for Ayla, Azahara and the other Arslans to come to him at the head table. Ayla simply follows the instructions given

The gentleman stands up as he speaks to the room. “Hello hello, and I guess, welcome to the Banquet”, he gives a big but slightly awkward smile towards the crowd. “For you who don’t know me, my formal title is Marchesino Alexandre de la Mantoline, graduated from this academy as Alta Summa cum Laude. You know my writings on the subjects of the Twin-Continents, Callanst, Tarlon, and beyond.”

There is some whispering in the hall as a bonafide respected academic is being presented before them, the others who know him well pouring out more wine into their glasses.

Alexandre starts to bring out a map, presenting it as it is covered in various drawings and scrawling towards the room. “These routes are important for what we will deem merchant activities, and not forgetting the marine wildlife living along the coastlines, such as the Mihalu Striped Dugong who often pair for the mating season… oh, and over here is a nest of Kabus Al’ard which I discovered”, he continues to point and circle at various sections of the map, whatever the original topic was, it now gone on a tangent of the wildlife along the Virangish coastline.

After a few well placed coughs and muted comments, Alexandre ends up on track to the subject at hand. “Where were we? These shipping routes are important to those of Djamante, Varrahasta, and beyond. It is important that these be secured. It was an opportunity to be in a room of good faith actors who shared my concerns and agreed to work together to resolve these difficulties. In my discussions with Duque Arslan of Varrahasta, House De la Mantoline will fully cooperate on efforts to ensure the integrity of the coastal passage.”

There is a round of applause at both the positive conclusion and that a conclusion has been obtained. Duque Arslan moves alongside Alexandre, shaking his hand whilst putting his other hand upon his shoulder. “After an exchange of many letters, a great many, we of Casa Arslan have come to greatly appreciate the work and knowledge obtained for our future generations. It is when you get to know an enterprising man like this, you cannot help but think of him like a son”.

There is a muted silence as Duque Arslan holds his hand out towards Ayla. She looked puzzled as she tentatively placed her hand on his. It is at this moment that the Duque took Alexandre’s hand, combining the hands together as they were left holding upon each other.
“We would like to announce the joining of Casa Arslan with House de la Mantoline with the betrothal of Alexandre to my daughter, Ayla.”

Ayla herself looks shell shocked, looking around as if she was caught in some elaborate prank as Alexandre raises up her hand, “For all it is worth, this is the true prize of the announcement”

The room is filled with applause and cheers as the betrothal has been formally announced.

Event: Best Served Cold | Location: Meldheim.

Under the city, light filtered weakly into the catacombs through sewer grates and crumbling entrances. It was the pale, flickering yellow of the occasional lantern, bobbing from a wagon’s hook or an early-riser’s hand. The sun had not risen, but if the gray dim was anything to judge by, it was no more than an hour or so away.

Osanna stifled a yawn in the sleeve of her voluminous black cloak, her eyes prickling with the dry ache of having spent far too many hours peeled open. Searching the catacombs at night and playing servant or tutor by day was wearing her thin, but it would not last much longer. It was probably a construct of a very tired mind, but Osanna thought she could feel the tension pooling in Meldheim, a miasma thickening as the various pieces moved into their starting positions. One more day, maybe two, and then she could rest on the long—hopefully uneventful— trip back to friendlier pastures.

It was still near-dark when Osanna reached the exit she had found the night before. It was above her head, a heavy iron door set above rotting wooden rungs. She dropped the heavy rucksack she’d slung over her shoulder—that ladder didn’t look like it could take any extra weight, and hauled herself into the empty space at the back of a dirty, crowded alley. It was empty, so she settled in to wait.

After uniting with the Parrench operatives and Pentad converts, Asier started to better understand what had been going on. It seemed a detachment was sent to cause some trouble, and he was on board from the moment they said their plans. He was to meet up with Osanna, the woman he last saw before the battle, working to secure the ‘guests of Arcel’, a fancy term for hostages from the royal palace.

After being cleaned up to appear like a respectable Eskandr warrior, he made his way to the meeting point down the back alley, spotting the hooded figure. With a gruff and terrible impression, he spoke out towards her with one of their war cries. “Det som er dødt kan aldri dø! - what is dead may never die he holds out his arms towards her, hoping for some kind of recognition as he approaches, then speaking quieter, “Donc, couper la tête du serpent. - So cut off the snake's head.”

Osanna’s shoulders relaxed as he approached, hardly perceptible beneath the cloak. “I think today, it is their hearts we’re striking at.”

Asier nods as he glances his eyes across to the building looming in the backdrop. “The heart is the most important organ. Gives us courage, passion, and love. Be good to see if they are motivated for things other than greed, envy, and lust.”

”They’re just as human. I doubt our motivations are all that different at heart. Come. We can talk more freely below.”

Osanna disappeared. At first, it was impossible to see where she had gone in the shadows before the sun rose, but upon closer inspection, the black maw of a hole leading downward opened up behind stacks of crates and small piles of refuse. Osanna’s voice echoed up from within. “Step lightly—this ladder won’t hold up much longer.”

He moves towards the darkness as he descends into the abyss, the wood whining and bending as it takes his weight as he steps further down, following his ally. “You’re likely correct, though one likes to think we do follow a nobler purpose.”

”You could say we follow the same purpose as well—to serve our respective Gods. Really, it comes down to who you believe in, which God will come for your soul when you die.”

“These are the days of Echeran, though once there was death, comes life. Let’s hope we reach the days of Oraphe once this war is over.”

Once his feet were once more on solid ground, Osanna scurried back up the ladder to close and lock the hatch securely behind them, less a solid form than a darker patch of shadow. Dust fell in a light rain as the bolt creaked home, and the assassin followed it, dropping lightly rather than test the ladder once more. “Can you see? There’s a cloth sack at the bottom of the ladder containing a guard uniform. I guessed your size, so forgive me if it’s off, but I do have an eye for that sort of thing.”

Asier nods as he begins to undress himself in front of Osanna, taking a hold of the cloth sack as he empties it, “As long as your guess is too large, it should be workable”. The shameless horseman starts to fit himself into the garments, sliding his arms into the cloth and leathers, a far more colourful display as he is adorning the royal colours. The fit was not too terrible, though snug in some places, the voyage thankfully lost some muscle mass which would have left a lot more to be desired. “Have you been around the guards? Make note of any greetings, phrases, or patrol patterns we need to be aware of. Important relics?”. He turns towards her, somehow carrying a more tanned Eskandr guard look within the outfit.

Hidden in the cowl of her cloak, Osanna was impossible to read, but he had the impression that she gave him a once over. “That will do, I think. Just try not to speak much. If anyone asks, you’ve been rotated into the house guard to help cover additional watches. Give them a name close enough to yours to remember, but less… Parrench-sounding.” She laughed. “I’m Ositha. Nice to meet you. Best forget I’ve ever gone by anything else, please. Come on. We’ll talk as we go.”

She turned in a swish of dark fabric and strode into the gloom, taking long strides without making much noise. Cobwebs and dust blanketed the passage, and scurrying creatures scuttled out of sight. More light was beginning to work its way inside, but ahead, the path disappeared into impenetrable shadow.

Asier was impressed at how Osanna kept her composure and knew her information; he couldn’t help but admire her skill. “Ási seems simple enough. Just have to come up with something like a farmhand background.”. He got himself into the role of the house guard, clearing his throat as he does his best impression. “Lady Ositha, pass på dine skritt - mind your step.”

“Thank you, Guardsman, Ási,” Osanna said, laughing. “The guards patrol the keep either alone or in pairs, checking the more heavily populated areas more frequently. There is a contingent constantly stationed around the Queen, and usually one or two trying to keep up with the royal children, though they don’t always succeed. On the day of the attack, I’ll need that to be you, if you can manage it. If not, meet me in the kitchens after you feel the tug.”

Ási nods as he absorbs the information. It seems he would have somewhat free reign of the palace if he passed with being alone. Typically it is simply acting like you belong there to avoid unnecessary suspicion. As for the children, that shouldn’t be too difficult, simply offer them something fun and exciting and they will follow you out willingly. He does make a mental note to have that talk with Maëlle when he returns home. He does raise an eyebrow at the last statement, “The tug?”.

”Oh! That’s right. You rode over with the Eskandish. You’ll have to tell me how you got away later. I’m sure that’s an interesting tale. By tug, I mean the signal Maud will send us. It feels like someone pulling on your ear.”

He nods confirming the assumption that they know he is present. As for the story, it was definitely an interesting and long tale, though the comment spurs something to memory. “We may have reinforcements, sea raiders, coming to sack the palace and might provide a good distraction. They may want water access to the palace and the treasury. Do you know such a route?”

She sighed in a long-suffering sort of way. “I believe there are a few sea entrances in the catacombs but I’ve yet to find them. I could do that this morning, but I’m exhausted and I’m not sure how we would get the location to them in time—if I could even find them. These tunnels are vast and I’ve yet to uncover any sort of map. I know the entrance where you met me, the way into the keep through the kitchens, and a path that lets out on the far side of Meldheim. That is where we will take our charges when the time comes.”

He noticed the tonal shift in her expression, only offering a smile. “These are not your… average sea raiders, they are sea people. We need all the help we need. A lantern at the entrance should allow them to find it” He scratched upon his chin, “Will use the rounds as an opportunity to make a mental map of the palace. Especially the kitchen.”

“Sea people…” her voice was full of wonder. “Well, I suppose that changes things.”

A few minutes later, Osanna stopped at another ladder. This one was in better condition and it showed signs of recent use—probably her coming and going as she worked out where the various passages led. She laid a hand on it and listened for a moment, the tunnels filling with a silence so profound, it made his ears ache and the sound of his breathing oddly loud.
Osanna put one hand on the ladder. “Be careful looking for relics. Other than the throne, the Tree of Life, they keep them well hidden. I’ve only found a few interesting eggs, despite the fact that I had my hopes pinned on stealing away their Monsigneus Dragon-Tooth sword. And Asier, no matter what you do, avoid Dietrich Erhaben at any cost. He’s already suspicious of me.”

“Lady Ositha gets the sword, got it”, he grins as she starts to mull over the other information. The Tree of Life certainly sounds interesting, so taking a few seeds and fruit from that might be worthwhile and easy to conceal.

She laughed.”If you find it, it’ll make my day, but don’t worry about it.”

“This Dietrich, what is the story with him?”

“The long and the short of it is that I messed up, and he has an idea that I might not be who I said I was. Rookie mistake, really. A bit embarrassing. With any luck, though, we’ll be out of here before it causes problems and I’ll swap the whole story with you for the one of your escape.”

The assassin led the way up the ladder and into a well-stocked pantry that smelled faintly of yeast and flour and salted meat. There was more light here, and he could see her plainly. She smiled and dusted off his shoulders before giving him directions to the guard house. “You look the part, Guardsman Asi. Just keep your head down. I’ve got a sea-facing door or two.”

With that, she disappeared back down into the dark.

After that farewell, it is time to start his duties, making his way to the guard house whilst swiping a morning bread roll from the pantry.

I would add-on those comments.
This roleplay is a lot more similar to an Advanced Roleplay in terms of commitment. You are expected to be semi-active in the Discord and engaging with the content.
Big difference between this and an advanced is that if you are generally interested, active and want to take part, you do not need to post novella (some like to do so) and not faced with the same restrictions and high writing standards.
Game is perfect for someone who wants something very immersive but concerned about low confidence in their writing.

Event:Taldes, 5th Velles. Great Melon Derby | Location:Academy of Thaumaturgy, Ersand'Enise

The time of the games are beginning as multiple guess teams make their way through the city. A sense of vibrancy erupted in the city as those from many different cultures and ways of life intermingled. Despite all the jovial greetings and welcomes of the different teams, the most important feature of the pre-event is sizing up the competition and getting to know them. The group came together to decide a name: SYCAMORE, created after Ymiico tried to spell out the first letters of Silas, Ymiico, Casii, Ayla, Manfred.

Ayla sat with a group of bard sisters from Greenfields as she enjoyed her coffee, the others enjoying their coffee, milk, and honey treat. “Oh, wow, you put milk in it here?”, Mio looks wide-eyed as she slurps upon the cup, enjoying the sweeter brew. “The cream makes the dream… too bitter otherwise”, the girls are having a friendly chat, even joining in with a Zenobucks chorus. Ayla ticks another group from her list, at least if it all goes wrong, she may have a place at another academy ”Remember to look out for Sycamore!”. Other groups were less suited, giving ominous vibes and feelings.or personality clashes.

Casii and Ymiico had some good success with a group known as Yyshta’s favoured. Fellow Yasoi like themselves who definitely fit the profile of what they were looking for in the Melon Derby, a very strong candidate to winning the tournament as well.

The strategy and planning comes to an end as the instructions are given. Three minutes to pair with the other team not from your school. The signal was Vyshta, and using a sonic-broadcast attack, Ayla crafted the words and sent them up into the air, as the sound-flare announced their location for the other team to find them. “This should make it easier if they know where we are.” Ayla said with a smile, with some disapproving looks.

It wasn’t long for bird calls to ring out as the team identified the fabled team heading their way. They prepared their approaches, Ayla was on the look out for Velani’ashen’orpax. Her only clue was that she apparently talks a lot, and she wasn’t quite certain how Casii expected her to find her on this information alone until she was able to hear how cynical and mouthy she was from streets away.

Ayla brushes herself down, hoping to at least make one good impression to a yasoi. She makes her way towards the group as she heads towards the Velani, with a big smile. ”Ah, you all came! Good to meet you, my name is Ayla and you must be Velani, we heard you coming.”
Velani tilts her head to the side as she points towards Ayla, then looking back towards her group, “What is with this sassy… lost child?”
The Yasoi appeared to burst in laughter, including Casii who appeared to be in on the joke. Ayla groans, as she failed to make another good impression on one of their kind. She moves to grab the outstretched pointing hand, pouting a little. ”You know what they say, good things come in small packages.”

With the recruitment done. Team Sycamore is now ready to take on the Melon Derby!

Event:Week Nine: Assani 26-30, Student Societies Faire | Location:Academy of Thaumaturgy, Ersand'Enise


There was a rap on the door as the knocking was relentless. Even as she tries her best, the pillow held around her head failed to drown out the sound. The lion cub growls and stretches as she tries to fight away the nose at this ungodly hour. “By order, if you don’t open up this door. We will break through it.” When the door eventually opened, it bore witness to the comical sight of Ayla looking like a demonically possessed ghoul with a serious case of bed head. ”... We will be back in an hour. I am sure we can prioritise some other students first.”. The DRAGON agents return in an hour, though this time, a fresh faced and charming Ayla Arslan is there to meet them. ”Lady Arslan, it has come to our attention you are in possession of a Dragon Egg. We are agents of DRAGON to check upon their welfare.”

Ayla opens the door to let them in, the room was warm, really warm, the kind that those in Eskand love to enjoy before diving into the snow after their sauna session. The girl seems to be acting oblivious to it, wearing her typically loose Torragonese clothing. ”Didn’t think my application inquiry would come to you so promptly.”, she moves over towards the special brazier where hot ashes are keeping the Froabase eggs nice and toasty as advised by the fireflies. “The big one when it hatches is going to be named Áureo, and the small one Amêndoa.”, indicating the large one with the aggressive red and encrusted gold pattern, and the small black one which would bear an albino. ”That one looks to be a runt, it is better…” the agent began to speak, before being cut short, ”Oh yes, Amy is just like me. Runts! We would be perfect together” The agents looks towards eachother, but deciding it is wise not to continue their comment after that remark, ”... better with you after all the paperwork is in order. You mentioned an application?”, ”Yes, went to the Fireflies for some advice which they provided with recommendation towards yourself. Having raised Lion Cubs in the past, it is not completely new to me to house... those that require additional requirements”. ”Well, your application was not in time, but since you are so willing and seem to be taking the right steps, let's work together. This is a first offense, you are taking the right steps though running afoul. Let me give you a fine, it looks like you can easily pay it, and we go through the paperwork here. I highly recommend joining the Order as well for learning proper care. Does that sound good?” Ayla nods in agreement, paying the fine and the membership in the hallway, and out of the heat of her room. They didn't need to double check if she qualified under the fireblood bracket.


Ayla has spent some of her free time between moving one place to another working upon a song for Zazzy's new venture. It was good to see her getting along with Marci, especially since that spicy first meeting, and admittedly feeling a tad jealous, but it is all fine. Friends stick together and work together. The melody wasn't too difficult, especially as she decided to do some creative borrowing from a well-known Revidian song, she started to put the chalk to board. Now, how to get more people interested… let’s get that curiosity, that spark, starting small. One foot through the door.
♪ Just one coffee,
give it to me, ♪

Now, for something exotic. Things are always nice and exciting when it comes from abroad. Does it even come from aboard? She shrugs her shoulders, Zaz is from Virang, so it does kind of count. Writing the next lines.
♪ delicious elixir,
from over sea. ♪

So they need to know what to order. Black coffee can be very bitter to taste, so they won’t be getting a lot of return customers. Milk can help with the bitter taste, and whilst sugar would be best, it is pricey. What about honey… something lighter on the taste buds.
♪ Creamy milk and honey dream, ♪

Now the last important detail, where can they order this treat from!
♪ give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Ayla smiles widely as she reads the words, and with a hum and a sing-song of her voice. Sings on her way to recite Zazzy the song she came up with.
♪Just one coffee,
give it to me,
delicious elixir,
from over sea.
Creamy milk and honey dream,
give me Coffee,
from Zeno Bucks team.♪

Society Stalls

The big weekend has finally arrived! Ayla starts the day with going to the stalls after her advertisement, the streets around the dorms especially are filled with song. It appears some did the wrong idea, as Ayla is buzzing as she is rather loaded up on coffee as they have been purchasing one for themselves and one for her. What is now known as the ‘Ayla’ order has become popular, with stories reporting about the distressed girl singing in need of her coffee and once you taste it, you can understand why.

Ayla takes a look at the map trying to work out the best route to go. It doesn't help that the map was unclear and starting walking around in circles, and it doesn’t help that all the numbers are out of sequence. She decides on attempting a clockwork manner starting close to the dorms, bringing her right to the Fingersteepler Society.

It seems she missed the silence at morning, the anticipation which kept the rest waiting, and due to her late start, this resulted in meaning she arrived perfectly in time for the chocolate. She wolfs down the piece happily as she meets the Shadow Sovereign and his friends dressed in red. ”So what is this, another do-gooder in ignorant bliss. One who aims to thwart my schemes? Perhaps in their dreams!”
Ayla smiles widely in excitement at the verse, and cannot help but get into character as well. She puts her fingers across her face. “Don’t mean to fright, for usually this one travels out at night. You think one is a knight? You will soon feel my bite!” she gives a low roar with a biting motion.
The Sovereign is being challenged as he hops on top of his seat. ”Sister! Who can resist her? You shall come tonight and dine, you are to join us fine.” "Mister! Don’t you dare diss her. For this is a sign, for she is in fact a dark divine.” Ayla continues her edgy looking pose towards him as if attempting to darken her features. The sovereign shadow looks towards her with that immovable gaze of his mask, clapping his arm upon her shoulder. ”I accept defeat, challenger! You have now joined our number”.

After the word play and potential recruitment into the ranks of one of the ten evils of Sipenta, she starts to continue her journey. She stopped by the magic based clubs, though by stopping, more like trying to avoid them unsuccessfully. Being an Arslan, the Firebreathers were vying for her attention to join their ranks. You may wonder how she gets spotted in a crowd of students so easily, then you remember she is head-to-toe in lion jewellery. ”Arslan! I see you Arslan, come and join us!” After trying to be grilled, both figuratively and literally by the fire breathers, she managed to escape with her clothing relatively intact, and avoided the cloudchasers all together. Her full clothing was much to the shame of Ipte’s courtyard where she ended up next. There was a display of couples dancing and having fun, and she even waved towards Ismette she saw there, but she seemed to be too preoccupied with the kissing booth and offering to take over, much to the joy of many who were gathered there. Nearby was the Torragonese league, making a courtesy showing and signing up, especially as she represents one of the large families, happily discussing Varrahasta with some of the other homesick natives.

Travelling through the arboretum, and after paying appropriate tribute to Mallow, is the Fauna society. It is definitely the best stall around with so many pens of animals, that it could only cause distress with there being so many, there was no time to hug them all and get through the rest of the fair. She ended up speaking with Beryl Mundi, the current president, talking about whether the society would consider paying a visit to the Reserva Natural de Arapor and seeing the famous Arslanian Lions. This resulted in a reluctant a yes based on merits, after a less than impressed statement about her family renaming the local Araporian Lion for their own purpose. Cannot please everyone.

Outside the park is the Pumpernickel Clubbe, with the Taster’s Union conveniently located just opposite. Though that won’t stop Ayla taking advantage with her height to sneak a few extra portions of the pastry delights for herself. ”Hands off. If you cannot bake it, you cannot cake it.” Ayla’s cake-hole was filled, but after a swallow, she responds to the large woman addressing her. ”Oh, yes! Able to make lots of yummy treats. Desserts are my favourite.” The woman raises her eyebrow towards her in a curious then furious manner, ”Treats? We don’t deal with treats here. We are the Pumpernickel clubbe, we are a patisserie club. This is baking, an art, not some... treat!” It appears Una has been enraged by Ayla’s words, as the little cub reels from the woman’s fury. It happened that she was in possession of her own baking in the form of Pastizz, for a completely different savoury purpose, ”Would my Pastizz lunch work?” Una looked down upon the girl, a common event given the height difference, taking a look at the pastries. She decided to take the girl on her offer as there is a light crunch as she takes a bite into it. ”This Pastizz has so much fat, I wonder how many Virangish Stripped Manatees were slaughtered in its creation. This cheese is like candle wax, and the pastry flakes are as tasteless as the dust of a carpenter's workshop. If you really want to learn how to be a pâtissière, I will see you at the exam. Otherwise stick to your… treats. Begone.” Ayla eyes widen as she was surprised at such a harsh review of her baking, another was friendly enough to suggest that her being requested to take the exam was actually a compliment. She sighs in visible relief, she was absolutely convinced she blew her chance then at joining the clubbe. Lessons learnt. Pastries are serious business.

The Bard and Aesthetics societies went as well as expected. The bards were hounding her for paperwork and receipts for performing without a licence, as apparently singing in the streets for free, especially as a clear endorsement of a business, did not constitute as fair use of your vocal ability. It appeared Jaqweshia was unhappy with trying to explain to their other customers that the lion girl was not for hire nor a member of their college and told in specific terms they won't press it further and event enhance her career if she applied. The Aesthetics society on the otherhand was very focused on their art, though some of the pieces were looking very pretentious. She swears that one of the prominent pieces was the aftermath of the artist being attacked by Mallow for wandering too close to the pond, then trying to pawn it off as some kind of masterpiece. There was a strong undercurrent of ‘Make Art, not War’, and some impressive usage of painting styles and techniques using the gift to achieve them which rivals traditional methods of chalk and brush. One artist used binding to create 3D sculptures created layer by layer, looking almost revolutionary in its potential applications.

There were smaller stops at the Needle & Thread Guild, and the Gamers Union. The Needle & Thread looked to be fun, with fashion displays and practical advice on how to use different fabrics. She has heard that the Yasoi girl, Casii, was thinking of joining this one. Perhaps it might be a society to try to befriend her at, or perhaps even hire her. As for the Gamers Union, Ayla thought it was going to be a lot more fun, though the head to head challenges were heated with those present taking it very seriously, and as for every sharp dresser, there were ten more experiencing significant hygiene issues and wardrobe malfunctions. Perhaps this wasn't the scene for her.

It was when she was on her way to the Draconic Order, the Fireflies, especially after her recent visit by the lovely people from DRAGON, that she came across something unexpected.

Last time she came across someone confrontational was Casii, the rather confused and eccentric Yasoi girl, but this was a different level that showed a geninue hatred. ”Look at that one there. I bet she looks down at you even at that height!” Ayla couldn’t help but not notice the obvious reference to herself as the girl was giggling to her friend. ”Oooo I think she heard us, perhaps she covers herself in all those lions so she looks so big and scary! Yet, she can fit in the palm of your hand, like a Palm-Top Lion.” Ayla sighs long, nothing ruins the day like coming across another bully. It is fine, just have to move on. ”Run away now little Lion, don’t worry, Mother will put some spratz in your warm milk for you.” Ayla stops. Normally, she would run away, keep her head down, but there is something about facing death multiple times in the Desert that makes you want to try something different, and it is at this moment, she decides, that sometimes you just have to do something for yourself. She turns around as she walks up towards the girl, then simply smiles. ”Don’t know who hurt you so badly that now the only pleasure in life you take is in the misery of others. Hope you find real happiness without it being at the expense of others.” The crowd of girls looked shocked, the brat even more so, “HOW DARE YOU, NOBLE BITCH”. The girl struck towards her with a mundane slap, as Ayla used the gift, foaming a sonic-sheet with the girls screaming to create a barrier, the hand clapped against it with no harm to either party except for a loud noise. “Is your rage because of my birth? No one chooses their birth, rich, poor, strong, weak, tall, short” the latter with emphasis with a smirk in that self-depreciating manner, “in this unjust world, what matters is our actions. Those who are strong help the weak, those with wealth help the poor, those who are tall get things from the high shelves… and those with power and noble have great responsibility. What is it you choose to do? Help or hinder those around you.” The girl looked like she was not going to give up easily, though it seems the presence of another caused her to reconsider her options as she turned away scowling and cursing.

“Don’t mind her, a large chip on the shoulder. A Noble displaced her family from their home to make way for a private game reserve.” The words did make Ayla frown as she pitied the angry brat, feeling sorry for their experience, the long haired man came up and held his hand out, ”The name is Elek. Don’t get the wrong idea, I wasn’t chastising you, Petra was in the wrong. I thought you spoke beautifully. The world could do with more of that mindset.“ Ayla looks out towards the direction Petra walked off to, ”It was really wrong what happened to her. She has a right to be angry...”, Elek nods as he follows her gaze, ”You are right, but it shouldn’t be misplaced. An eye for an eye, it makes the world blind.” he offers the palm-top Lion a big smile, Ayla couldn’t help to feel charmed by the sentiment. ”Mind if I borrow that one for next time?”, Elek laughs out, ”Gladly. It is all yours to use.”, ”Will do then!”, she smiles, waves, and is about to walk off as she gets tugged back a moment. ”Wait a moment, there is something. I do run a society, and it is actually what you describe. It is called Egalite Fraternite, Perrence for meaning a friendship group of equals supporting each other, regardless of class, RAS, or other such measurements. We do struggle to actually have members of the Nobility join, so I think someone like you would be perfect. Perhaps show Petra that there is good out there, even in the noble classes. What do you say?”. Ayla considers for a moment, then nods.

”Spicy like Virangish pepper.” Yasoi is leaning along the tree branch as he peers down towards the girl. ”Kitty has claws like a ferocious lion, and a loud roar to match.”. Ayla blinks as she looks up towards him, is it really going to be one of those days? Though she gets surprised as an apple is tossed towards her, the yasoi rolling to the edge as he dangles down upon his legs, matching her eye level by hanging up-side down. ”You are not scary like a flock of froabase like Casii makes you out to be.” she tilts her head to the side as she tries to match his look. ”Are you a friend of Yasii?”. He smiles brightly as he flips from the branch, the tall man appearing behind her, lowers himself down upon his knees as if trying to match her height, and still being on the taller side. ”Ashon’amar’loiyang, if you can tie your tongue around that, I would be impressed like a yanii reaching their 80th birthday.”, ”Ash-on’a-mar’loo-e-yang ?”, he claps, ”Close enough! Now, don’t tell Yasii we met-sii, though for a peck on the cheek, I could put in a good word for you with her.”, Ayla raises an eyebrow, ”You are strange one.” Ashon blows a kiss, giving a wild smile, jumping back upon his feet as he hops back up in the tree. ”The friend group sounds fun. Let’s see if they can handle the both of us in there~”

The last but not least is the Draconic Order. Ayla looks up as the fireflies are in action overhead as the riders buzz against the rooftops in a chorus of roars. No where impressive as the Tyrannus Monsigneus, but it definitely lured many eager to join the ranks. A lot of fans are turning up and cheering as stewards create barriers to keep them behind the lines and safe. Ayla joins the crowds as she cheers too, slowly making her way towards the front. It seems that the lines are being formed based on factors such as ownership. Ayla makes her way to the significantly far shorter queue for those who own dragons. ”Hello, can we see your DRAGON paperwork?”, Ayla rummages through the paperwork to produce the provisional licence and also a fine for owning Class B dragon eggs. The man looks at the paper, including the date, looking up towards Ayla. ”Ah, you were the one asking about the dragon eggs, weren’t you? Sorry about that, we need to report suspicious activities. We have had reports of several sales and illegal activities.”, Ayla shakes her head, ”It is fine. Though my eggs were rescued in Torragon, not through the black market. A couple of my friends did as well.” The man nodded, ”You do have a valid licence, so you are eligible for membership. So welcome to the Draconic Order. Put the choice on your application and we can sign you up to the Egg & Hatchling classes our Breeder’s host.”.

Ayla found her way towards the admission office and towards Margot Maloise’s desk by the end of the day. Her application filled out with a Pastizz placed upon it. Office work is hungry work.

Event:Meet the Arslans | Location:Ersand'Enise

It has been a busy week. It was hectic before the fair started but now trying to find lodgings for a Duque amidst these conditions proved to be exceedingly difficult. Now only are the alumni returning to host the faire and their sponsors, but also a 100 strong Century Knights have taken up residence. She had already been to see Yalen for his advice on the matter and he informed her about how Colette, his sister, has been staying in his student accommodation due to the lack of availability, not a good start. She had even considered offering her residence at the Pizza slice, though Jocasta easily persuaded her out of that one especially as the last thing she wanted after the events of the Desert was to be next door to a Torragonese duque, present company being the exception. Zarina suggested Ayla should house her father in a brothel to chill him out and give his wife a rest, but even if the temptation was there, there are currently high turnovers due to the volume of business being concluded in those establishments. Ingrid was currently too busy making arrangements for her auction to assist, and Dory locked back into her room again, waiting for her boyfriend to turn up. Marci politely declined stating that she isn’t the best candidate for roaming the city and had just recently arrived herself, and Eun-ji had been recalled to her nation's residence urgently. Last she saw Kaspar was when they had lunch but he has been absent recently, apparently further important family business. The best suggestion actually came from Silas, he recommended she go to Ipte’s Rest at the Cathedral Square, and after kissing the two Dragon Eggs goodbye, marks the location on the map and begins her journey.

Gina clopped upon the cobbles as she made her way towards cathedral square. The streets were abuzz with activity as many travellers came into the city to peddle their wares in time for the society fair. Along the many taverns and inns were notices showing that there are no-vacancies available. The torragonese girl approaches the intended destination as she pulls back upon the hood. The inn would be rather respectable for a merchant, but she can tell from the advertised prices outside the front, Silas did make a sincere effort, she will have to thank him later. She gently guides Gina to the front, tying her to one of the posts as she pets upon her head, informing her she would be back as she enters the establishment.

Inside was decorated with colourful furnishing as she made her way through the door, attendants providing room service around her as the place appeared to be very busy with the volume of customers, even as a couple appeared to be giggling as they moved down into the basement. She makes her way to the reception desk to ring the little bell. An older man comes to the desk, peering over the side to look down towards Ayla, ”Greetings little miss, you appear to be rather young and too well dressed to enter an establishment like this”. The man polishes his glasses, peering towards her. ”Hola, we were looking for a Señor Moriff, recommendation from a friend. He told me that could provide a pleasant and secure accommodation for the Duque, my father.” The older man moves his hands towards the parchment which made note of the lodgings and their availability, ”That could be arranged and prestige of a Duque would enable you to have a discount, but tell me why you would house a Torragonese Duque in a place like this. Is there no availability at Mansión de las Mil Ventanas?”. Ayla does look somewhat perplexed, ”Isn’t that the residence of King Sancho, no?” The man smiles, ”You’re correct little miss. Visiting Duques do have authority to stay there when the King is not in residence. I recommend you go and ask there first. I’ll make sure Mr Moriff saves this room for you, in the event there is no room.” Ayla smiles with a nod, ”Gracias, will go and see straight away!”. The older man waves her away, ”Send Duque Arslan Mr Moriff’s regards.” She curtsies in return, though does question how the man would know her fathers identity.

Ayla made her way to Mansión de las Mil Ventanas after returning to get the directions. The pair did receive a plethora of looks as they travelled down the road together, the petite girl and her Shetland pony being the perfect match for each other. ”No te preocupes Gina, están celosos de tu hermosa apariencia.” With a clippity clop they arrive at the entrance, a gate lies between the building and the road, with a Torragonese guard stationed outside. She trots up towards the guard, who raises his head towards her in a nod, recognising as some form of nobility. ”Buenas noches, Ayla, hija del duque Arslan desea hablar con el chambelán de la casa - Good Evening, Ayla, daughter of Duke Arslan wishes audience with the chamberlain of the house.”, one of the guards nod their head as they move through the gate, leaving Ayla with the other. He indicates for her to step down in preparation of being allowed to enter, as she nods, dismounting as she brushes her hand through Gina’s mane. ”Dicen que un caballo se parece a su dueño - they say a horse takes after their owner.” Ayla raises an eyebrow as she looks up towards him, “¿Estás sugiriendo que parezco un caballo? - Are you suggesting we look like a horse? The guard grew flustered as he attempted to make his apologies, as Ayla giggled teasingly as she stroked Gina’s neck, ”One can only wish to look this good.”

Ayla is brought through the mansion as she is led through to the welcoming room, and guided towards the indicated seat to wait in the well furnished room and served a Leche merengada for her trouble. After a short while, the door opens, only to not be greeted by the chamberlain. “Ayla Arslan, you appear to have lost your allure since leaving the Desert”, the very handsome man smiled widely, taking his seat opposite towards her. ”Augusto Frannemas, sometimes the allure can be deceiving. If one was to scratch below the surface, they may find that all that glitters is not always gold.” She continues to sip upon her glass as she looks towards him, the Duque’s son smiling in return. ”Sometimes it is, mi amiga de lengua plateada.” Ayla drums her fingers upon her knee for a moment before speaking again. ”Amigo, this amiga of yours does require a favour. Duque Arslan will be visiting the city during this time and requires a residence to stay. We hope your word may persuade the chamberlain to open these doors to him.” Augusto continued that damned smile, ”Amiga, friends help each other. I will gladly speak to the chamberlain, and you may be able to help me complete my business in the city. There are three I wish to speak with from the Desert: the bluebell of Eskand Ingrid Penderson, your negotiating friend Jocasta Re, and a merchant girl by the name of Trypano Somia.” Ayla considers the proposal, ”One may be able to place a good word in for you with Ingrid and Jocasta, the third is barely known, but willing to approach for an introduction.”. With a nod and palms opened, ”I trust my friend to do her best, that is all that matters.”

With the conclusion of her adventure, Ayla mounts upon Gina again to trot back to the dorms. Off on her way to convince the three lucky ladies the chance of an introduction with the heir of Duque Frannemas, and to prepare for the arrival of Duque Arslan.

[NPC][Shifty Elf Gang]

Event:Week Seven, Class Arc | Location:Academy of Thaumaturgy, Ersand'Enise


Translated from Torragonese

Dear Diary,

After getting sand in every nook and cranny for the past week, now we are back in the classes. The classrooms are very humid compared to the dry desert air, and we can feel the sweat clinging to our bodies.

It didn’t help that I had maths class in the morning. Was trying to avoid snoozing off and before long, resting my eyes involved heavy breathing and dropping my head to the desk. The teacher tried to be smart and catch me out, asking me to do percentages for RAS values, which were rather simple, though one Perrench boy was convinced he could rival Hugo with only a fifteen percent increase. He still didn’t understand how he couldn’t even break through to RAS 8 with that small of an increase.

Met Kaspar at luncheon again. He drew a picture of Varmkorv’s egg in charcoal. He is really obsessed with it and is fixated on using his native language, even around the picture. Pleased that he was able to get something tangible from the trip, he looked down whilst he was there. He is still eating his deconstructed sandwiches, so need to consider bringing a spare for him.

Specialisation classes went well. Supported Zemara in teaching the other students in Kinetic class. Got an opportunity to speak to Manfred von Hofmeister. Turns out he had a sister which disappeared, and let me know that Marceline is looking for her brother. He was tentative, but thanked me for the information.

Practised the splitting of chemicals into their constituent parts and re-arranging the formation. Already well versed in splitting, years of practising at home made sure of that, but formation was difficult. Managed to create a sweet smelling aroma of almonds, before being dragged away for not following correct safety guidance. Some people really do get hangry.

Parted with Zarina after class to attend to the horses. We managed to find a nice little corner in our respective accomodations rent. Gina looked happy and licked my hand when she saw me, searching for a tasty treat. She knows me too well already.


Translated from Torragonese

Dear Diary,

Thankfully Kaspar also turned up to drawing class with art supplies and having a reputation for painting watercolours covered for this school girl error. Still trying to adapt to the weather at the Academy as it disturbs my sleep, enough to make such a simple mistake.
You would think Avincian class is simple, considering every subject is taught in the language. Imperator non supra grammaticos. Never forget: Parencii delenda est.

Took advantage of the luncheon and the free period to start having a preview at the set-up for the Society Faire and attend to some errands. After being told from a special birdy, decided to have a ‘spare’ Pasteis de Nata and offered to share it with Margot Maloise, the secretary in charge of student societies. Some small talk about the process, limits, pumpkinnickle society, and tasty treats. It seems she caught onto me, as she was unable to provide a favourite and rolled off a few options. Looks like we will need to add baking to the activities of the week.

Business class was interesting. Zarina, Ingrid and Trypano towered over Desmond, Kaspar, and myself. Got the opportunity to sit with Zazzy, though she used the whole period to discuss her fifty year business plan. It sounded very good, but Ingrid seemed disturbed by the conversation as she kept looking over, though she seemed heavily involved in her own discussions with Desmond. Kaspar and Trypano on the other hand appeared to not make a peep to each other, though their colour coordination of red made them look oddly familiar with each other. Perhaps Kaspar is into tall women?

Gina is always happy to see me. We had a nice ride together.


Translated from Torragonese

Dear Diary,

Ipte is my favourite god out of the five. Who wouldn’t want to live in a beautiful world?

Got to spend the afternoon with animals. My friends Marci, Zaz, and Yalen were there too. Got to tell Marci about her brother, and she informed me that he has already reached out to her, and planned to meet up. That was a cheering moment. Tried to talk to Ismette, the yasoi girl, but she appeared to be far too preoccupied with the animals to notice me. Are all Yasoi so rude? Or are they simply that different from us humans, despite our similarities in appearance.

Nothing has been as relaxing as brushing through Gina’s long white mane. The stress seems to just melt away.


Translated from Torragonese

Dear Diary,

Morning was statecraft sat next to the Feskan girl called Dory. She appeared to be very sweet like Spratz, though appeared to be lonely and down. Invited the other girl, Carmillia to join us as well. Her hair is like freshly fallen snow. The boys seem to huddle together, with Jomurr and Evander caught up in some heated exchange, whilst Benny was the third wheel. Introduced myself to the boys but they appeared to prefer not to have my presence around as they were heavily involved in their discussion. Dory was especially talkative once she opened up a little, and would have followed me into Music class if it wasn’t for her realising she had a free period and wanted to be elsewhere.

Finally got an opportunity to have a chat with Jocasta! She seemed to have been incredibly busy since she returned to the academy, and appeared reluctant to reach out. Growing concerned that she may have fallen out with me. Her fingers are light on the harp.

Also, Laella would be incredibly jealous, got to have a jam session with Leon Solitaire! No opportunities to actually talk to anyone, as we had to communicate through our music, and once class ended, Leon disappeared through three separate doors at the same time. He is a strange individual.

Kidnapped Jocasta for luncheon before she rolled away, it was great to meet up with her. She has been spending a lot of time with the other tethered that came from the refuge, supporting them settling in. She is really good at looking after her siblings like that. Offered to help out, but she turned down the offer as not being required currently, but kept me in mind.

The afternoon was spent meeting gathered for the new and improved master-apprentice group. It certainly looked as if it was made for me, it was even titled the “Lion’s Den” as it was overseen by Joshe Intaba. The group is led by the zeno, Hamir Zemana, a fellow sonic-using fireblood.

There is one girl in the group which really caught my attention, Seung Eun-Ji, though prefers to be addressed by her surname, Eun-Ji. She reminded me a lot of Maura in how she was dressed and presented herself. Her skirt was so gorgeous that it was near impossible to draw my eyes away from it. The intricate pattern of the white flowers upon the sky blue cloth was different in its manufacture from anything produced in Torragon. Made it my personal mission to befriend her.

Caught up with Silas and Manfred. Silas thinks he has found a buyer for his venom gland and was going to pitch with a hard sell. Manfred informed me about how it went with meeting Marci! Eun-ji seemed to be even more reserved when talking to the boys, perhaps she has a problem with groups.

So what was not to love about the group? Casii entered the room. Perhaps it is the Pentad’s way of testing me. However, we’re going to use the opportunity to befriend the Yasoi girl and show that those stereotypes about them are plain wrong and judgemental! Hopefully.

Told Gina about my new class and the friends being made there. She is happy for me.

On the way back to my room, got diverted by the queues to Ingrid’s dining party. She has this strange system of allocating everyone a slot to speak to her privately. It does help with making sure to spend a precious moment with the guests. She was very sweet, would like to speak to her more.


Dear Diary,

Plan to write in you today was side-tracked due to the following: They're coming to the academy. *scribbled mess underneath writing*

“Dear Ayla,

We hope that you remember that your attendance to the academy is to represent the interests of House Arslan and the Empire of Torragon. You are not there for your personal amusement.

We are not so far removed from having not learnt about your truancy, and we are most dissatisfied with this outcome. Your placement at the academy is being personally requested at the insistence of King Sancho, and you failed to pay the appropriate respect and homage to show our dedication to the crown which we were held personally responsible for. If not for the benevolence of the crown, we would recall you to Varrahasta and handle our affairs internally.

We have given you far too much free reign over these years, and your defiance won’t be tolerated for much longer. If it were not for your physical and mental feebleness, we would have put an end to this farce but we are afraid we might have spared you the rod for too long.

In this vein, we are coming to the academy to remind you of your duties. You are expected to have found us suitable accommodation within the city. We expect it to be situated by the academy, on green grounds, as the sole occupier, that is benefitting a family of your status.

By the time you have received this letter, we will have departed from Varrahasta. I trust you will have this matter resolved by the time we arrive.

For now,

Duque Duarte Arslan
Casa Arslan del Torragon, Guardian del Varrahasta, Protector del Río Arapor, Warden del Reserva Natural de Arapor, Keeper de la Basílica la Llama Sagrada”

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