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Steve Miller - The Hull

Corrine responded to Steve's gesture by moving closer, much to his relief. It had been nearly two months since he had seen a woman, much less touched one....he had to be careful not to overreach.

"So," Corrine said, "if you're from the mainland -- like a desert, you said? How did you ever end up as a sailor?"

"Not all of it is a desert", Steve replied, "But the Reds pasted Washington but good with dirty bombs....not much grows there even today. Radiation was so bad that aside from Megaton, hardly anyone lived there until about sixty years ago. Well, except the ghoul Chinese commandos, that is."

"Remember when I mentioned Rivet City", Steve continued, "the old Warship beached at the Navy Yard? My dad was from there, and growing up while Dad was running caravan routes I helped gramps and his work gang keep the power and ventilation running on that old heap. Learned a lot about how to fix equipment on ships from him. After gramps died from the Red Lung, dad took me out on the caravan routes with him...I took care of the brahmin. Those were some good times....until the Enclave War."

"The Enclave", Steve continued, remembering things he would rather not, "Were a group of assholes who claimed to be the descendants of the Pre-War government. Tribals with pwer armor, fancy weapons and aircraft, in reality. They made a play to take over the whole Capital Wasteland, killing anyone who got in thier way. Rumor has it they were sending death squads out just to kill Wastelanders, but I never saw that myself. If it weren't for the Brotherhood, they probably would have gotten what they wanted, whatever hat really was. They fought for weeks...until the Brotherhood built or found some giant robot and beat the hell out of them with it. Well, we were making a run, running a load to Hagerstown from Junktown....they called it Baltimore in the old days before it took a direct hit from a big one...past the edge of the Fort Detrik rad zone, and our little caravan got caught in the crossfire of one of their battles. Lost Dad there, and most of the caravan, too. The Boss lost it all, and had to fold so I was out of a job. There was nothing for me in the Capital Wasteland anymore....unless I wanted to join the brotherhood and be cannon fodder for thier war...so I went back to Junktown and signed onto the first steamer that was willing to give me a chance. I can weld, am a pretty good machinist, and knew my way around an engine room so work was easy to come by once I got established. Been working as an engineer on ships from Halifax to C-Town ever since."

"What about you, Corrine?", Steve asked. "What's your story?"
Steve Miller - Outside the Last Plank

"This way," Corrine, now smiling, said. She headed towards the gate, but instead, ducking into the old souvenir shop and going up the stairs and out the second floor door to the upper gangway of the outer wall of the settlment. Steve followed her, coming to a spot along the southern part of the wall. She then spoke "The Hull is the wall with the main gate that protects the town from the rest of the island, but it's also the best spot in town to get a quiet moment and a...view."

Corrine gestured southwest. The sun was starting to contemplate setting on the day, filtering through thinner patches of the fog and looking hauntingly beautiful. The rocky cliffs of the northeastern edge of the island were highlighted and the sound of the water breaking on the shore was just slightly louder than the din of the town behind them. "I'm really not a tour guide," she explained. "You seemed to be askin' about the island and I thought I should just...show it to you."

Corrine was certainly right about the view. The setting sun and the fog gave the vista they looked out on a haunting beauty he couldn't help but appreciate.

I see what you mean", Steve replied, "it is beautiful."

She sighed, happily. "I ain't been anywhere else, I'm sure you figured that out. I don't know what the mainland looks like, let alone any of the places you've talked about, like where you're from. But the island...it's a part of me, as I'm a part of it. I don't know any other life than to live every day lookin' at that." She gestured at the nearby ruins of gift shops and bait and tackle stores. The sunlight, combined with the fog, blanketed the sight in a beautiful mist that almost looked serene. A breeze picked up once more. Instinctively, she pulled her coat tighter around her body, taking a moment to just enjoy the relative peace and pleasant company.

"This is a lot different from the Capital Wasteland", Steve said, "It's practically a desert there. Nothing but Mutants, ferals, and Brotherhood fighting endlessly over the picked over bones of Old Washington. Couldn't wait to get away and haven't been back since. Some areas of the Mainland aren't too bad though."

"So, that's why I ain't takin' off, even if it seems like the wrong choice. I don't want to live anywhere else." Corrine leaned forward and looked out into the fog. "If you've got some ideas on how we can defend it, or die trying, then I'll gladly hear 'em. But..." she pat the rail next to her, encouraging him to come closer, "maybe later?"

"Yeah", Steve said as he took a seat on the rail next to Corrine, "Later sounds good to me."

As they sat together, enjoying the moment and watching the sun set over the fog shrouded trees, he nonchalantly put his arm around her waist.
Brother Martin - The Tops

“This truly does please me, but, and correct me if I am wrong, you know of another Apache?” Calypso looked at Martin, her eyes filled with great curiosity, “I would also be interested in negotiating a deal for a second one, which would make patrolling and defending The Empire a great deal easier.”

"Finding a engine should not be difficult", Martin replied, "I cannot guarantee we have access to a servicable airframe, but I will discuss it with the Paladin-General's office and see if one is available. We have acccess to a significant number of Pre-War aircraft, though, so it is possible."

She dabbed the corner of her mouth with a cloth napkin, “I hereby cordially invite you and Lord Paladin to The Grand to discuss the project in greater detail. I will assemble my most noteworthy and capable members to hear your instructions. I did wish to speak about the infrastructure of The Empire; I am in awe at Mr. House’s extraordinary accomplishments here in New Vegas. I find myself wanting to improve our grid, to develop a much better system for which we receive power.”

"I will inform of the Lord-Paladin of your generous invitation", Martin said. "I think a State visit can be arranged. With the current state of affairs, there would be plenty for you and he to discuss."

Calypso slid her plate away and looked deep into Martin’s eyes, she overturned her hand in his, “Enough talk of business,” she graciously slid closer and took Martin’s hand to her waist, “Do I not please you Martin? I am willing to put off my other meeting if you so wish, for you have pleased me far more than I expected and I wish to show my appreciation.”

Martin sighed sadly. While Calypso was lovely, the repercussions of bedding her would be dire for him.

"You do please me, my dear", Martin replied, "But the responsibilities of my Office from time to time interfere with my private life...and sadly, this is one of those times." He gestured about idly with his free hand. "I guanrantee you, there is at least one member of the Inquisition in this room watching me right now. It's the price of the authority I have been granted. The Lord-Paladin is a jealous master...enjoying your company would call my loyalty into doubt."

"For that reason, regrettably", Martin concluded, "Such a thing between us cannot be."

Later that night

Martin entered the room, finding Joseph seated on the couch as the Lord-Paladin paced back and forth as he ususally did.

"Can you report now", Barnaky said teasingly, "or do you need a cold shower first?"

"I'm fine, my Lord", Martin said as he took a seat next to Joseph. "She was ameanable to the offer...she also invited us to visit her at her home at the Grand."

"Good", Barnaky said, "We need her cooperation or operations on the Lakes will be difficult at best. Things are going to heat up fast up there once the Cult realizes we're coming for them. If the Canadians show up tomorrow, see if they are interested in shells or parts for those naval guns of theirs....that should inconvenience Cult slavers considerably."

"Yes, My Lord".

"She also wants a engine for the attack helicopter they possess", Martin continued, "and another helicopter of that type if we can provide one."

"An airworthy Apache helicopter?", Barnaky groused, "Christ....does she think they grow on trees?" The robot then shrugged. "I've messaged the Paladin-General...I told him to check with the mission at Davis-Monthan and see if they have one out in the Boneyard. We'll see." He then addressed Joseph. "how about you, Brother Joseph?"

"Salvatore agreed to take the contract", Joseph said, "He told me to tell you that he will not take up arms against the NCR under any circumstances..and wants language to that effect in the final contract...which isn't a problem since we planned to deploy them in the Indiana Front."

"As expected", Barnaky replied, "Only a fool shits where he eats...and the Van Graffs aren't fools. Once they get out East and see those freaks in action we won't have any problems with the Van Graffs."

"What would you have us do tomorrow, My Lord", Martin asked, "besides reach out to Ronto?"

"Sound out the Pennsylvanians, and the Children", Barnaky replied, "They are just as threatened by the Cult as we are, perhaps they can help or at least shed some light on their operations. In addition, I've been told that Vault 99 has sent a delegation. We need to open a channel to them, in case the Texans decide to interfere again in our operations in the West. And finally, we need to negotiate with the Boomer tribe holding Nellis AFB for basing rights."

"Will House intercede with them?", Martin asked.

"He'll set up the meeting", Barnaky replied, "from there it is all on us. Offer them the Lucky Lady...you should get thier attention with that."

"As you wish, my Lord." Martin and Joseph said.
Steve Miller - The Last Plank

"Where were...ahem. Something about a plan. To defend the island." Corrine said slowly, as she doodled in the water droplets between their drinks. "You said somethin' about wantin' to help, right? Have you been up on the hull? Let's...take a walk, after this drink."

"Corrine's moonlighting as a tour guide these days," drawled one of the harborfolk from behind her yet again, clunking his empty beer bottle onto the bar and waving for another.

"[censored] right," Corrine retorted. "I don't mind showin' you where to go, if you catch my meaning, Errick."

Errick chuckled, took his beer, and walked off. After shooting a baleful look in the direction of the local man, Corrine turned back to him.

"What do you say?", she asked earnestly.

Steve wasn't sure at this point what exactly her intent was, to show him the situation this town faced first hand, or something else entirely...and from the talk he had heard from the stairs coming down and this Errick fellow's remarks everybody in the place had picked up on her interest in him...but he did know there was only one way he was going to find out.

"Sounds like a great idea", Steve replied, working on his beer to keep up with Corrine's progress on her whisky. "I'm ready to go when you are."

When Corrine rose to leave, Steve got up and followed her out, grabbing the door and holding it open for her as she walked out, then let it close behind him as he left.

"Downside of small towns", Steve said as he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the bar behind him, "folks like to get into everyone else's business." He shrugged. "Just like my old home in Rivet City. Anyhow, you mentioned something called "The Hull", what's that?"
Name: Steve Miller

Age: 28

Race/Gender: Male

Brief physical description or picture: Caucasian male, 5"10, 160 lb Brown hair and blue eyes. Moderately handsome, he has a pale complexion from spending most of his time below decks and his arms and legs have numerous small scars from burns and cuts from a life spent around machinery. Due to his profession, he does have hearing damage (tinnitus). He also has inherited his mother's immunity to radiation, common amongst the Children of Atom. Not being familiar with the tenets of the cult, he does not realize this and found his survival while the rest of the survivors died one by one due to radiation sickness unexplainable and somewhat traumatic. As Natick steamed towards Far Harbor, he has begun having dreams he finds rather disturbing, both of figures from his past and of Far Harbor itself....as if he were being summoned.

Clothing/Armor/Weapons: Grey turtleneck sweater and blue denim workpants with a navy blue woolen pea coat. The pea coat is rolled up when not being worn. Wearing a pair of battered but sound boots of high quality...that someone in the know would recognize as Enclave officer issue...that are slightly too large for the wearer. Carries an ancient but meticulously maintained .45 ACP service revolver in a leather belt holster with lanyard. Has a second revolver, a worn but serviceable .357 Police revolver in his rucksack wrapped in a oilcloth. Has 36 rounds of .45 ACP in speedloaders, 2 boxes (100 rounds) of .38 Special and 18 rounds of loose .357 ammunition. Aside from a utility knife, no other weapons.

In his rucksack are miscellaneous items, including a canteen, working Geiger counter, a nautical grade compass, a pair of binoculars with case, an inoperative Pip-Pad (intact but needs new power supply), and a leatherbound pocket Bible with (unknown to Steve) an Enclave ID card for a 2ND LT Leroy Jenkins (the picture on the card is of a African American male in his 30s) hidden in the back cover. Has 200 caps.

Brief Background: Born in Megaton in 2259, his mother, a member of the Children of Atom, died in childbirth. His father, a brahmin driver for a caravan, claimed him (after a tense standoff with Confessor Cromwell that escalated to threats of hiring Talon Company to "rescue" the infant before Sheriff Simms intervened) to and took him to Rivet City to be cared for by his grandfather. As he grew up, he assisted his grandfather, who led one of the work gangs that maintained the derelict aircraft carrier, in the endless task of keeping the pre-war systems that Rivet City's existence relied on operational. When he turned fifteen, his grandfather died (of Red Lung) and he joined his father in his caravan. After three relatively happy years, tragedy struck when their little caravan was caught up in the Enclave War. Caught in the crossfire during one of the innumerable battles between the Enclave and the Outcasts, the caravan was decimated before they could escape, one of those killed being his father. The caravan owner disbanded the caravan shortly after. On his own, he decided to leave the Capital Wasteland behind and signed onto a passing coastal steamer, putting his work experience in Rivet City to work as an engineer. Over the next twelve years, he worked on several ships that plied the trade lanes along the Atlantic Coast. The last one was the SS Regina, a coastal steamer out of Halifax. Three weeks ago the combination of a storm and one of the mutated creatures that lurk in the open ocean caused her to founder, leaving only six survivors that managed to reach a lifeboat. Over the next week, five of them died from radiation exposure, leaving Steve the last survivor of the Regina when they were finally spotted by a passing fishing boat, the Natick, who rescued him. His story, as well as multiple sightings of large mutated creatures that began once he was picked up, caused the crew to consider him a "Jonah" who brought bad luck to the ship, and the loudest among them began to call for him to be thrown overboard. The captain, who needed a good engineer, resisted at first but after a near mutiny was forced to agree to remove him from the Natick, though he did get one key concession....rather than throwing Steve overboard, he would be put ashore at the first port they could reach. That port was Far Harbor.

His only possessions being what little he and his shipmates had with them when they took to the lifeboat and the boat itself, the Natick's captain traded Steve a .357 revolver, a supply of ammunition, a broken Pip-Pad, and some caps for the lifeboat, as well as agreeing to take the Regina's log book and Captain's sextant and other effects (except for his compass, binoculars, and service revolver which Steve kept out of necessity) to his family in Halifax.
Brother Martin - the Tops

“Yes, it has certainly been proving difficult to say the least. But of these incidents, whatever do you mean? We had a breech from a settlement to the north, to which I shall address upon on our return home.” Calypso replied as she took Martin's hand in hers and placed it on the bare skin of her chest, “The aid in reconstructing my bridge back to it's glorious splendor pleases me greatly. But I must question when you say aid in maintaining it. Are you suggesting some of your people will be taking residence in the surrounding area?”

"We didn't think you would find a permanent settlement in your lands to be acceptable", Martin said as he gently but firmly took her hand in his and moved it from her chest to the table, and patted it affectionately, "the idea we had was to train some of your people, and perhaps assist with reprogramming some of your robots for the work." He then added, "But if you would like a permanent mission to assist you with the task, we can certainly discuss it."

The waiter brought their dinner, “It looks exquisite, thank you.” Calypso cut into her steak, blood dripped onto her plate from the rare slab of meat. Calypso looked at Martin, “This can perhaps be acceptable, though I must ask, are you able to locate a turbine for my Apache? I would be ecstatic if si, as that would aid greatly against opposing settlements whom wish to breach our borders. In which case I would accept your offer and adhere to toll free passage in my lakes.”

"An Apache, hmmmm", Martin mused to himself. He remembered Joseph mentioning in the last briefing about Calypso that she had a pre-war attack helicopter that was relatively intact, but hadn't deployed it. A bad engine would explain that nicely. While it wasn't a real threat to the Brotherhood....there was only one, after all...it would be a thorn in the Cult's side if they angered her. If they didn't have one already...or could not rebuild the existing one on the helicopter...he knew just where one could be found.

"I believe", Martin said as he patted her hand again, "that we have a deal then. We'll either repair your existing power plant in the vehicle, or provide a rebuilt one. i'll forward the request at my first opportunity."

SAC HQ Bunker - Omaha

The Operations room was abuzz with activity as usual, as Scribes and Paladins oversaw operations throughout the Order's Domain. The Duty Officer, seated at his desk, was distracted from the paperwork he was doing as the teletype machine next to his desk suddenly chattered into life. Rising to his feet, he pulled the sheet off once the machine stopped again and read it.
****** PRIORITY ONE MESSAGE FOLLOWS!!!! **********







****** MESSAGE ENDS ********

The Duty Officer smiled, then reached for the phone on his desk.

Simon Barnaky - Ultra Luxe

"You would have to take that up with the Boomers, who reside there and operate as the only human military component of the FZM thus far.", House replied. "I rule this territory, but I know better than to make promises on their behalf. You will have to coordinate it with them. I would be glad to equip you with an embassy in my territory. Terms will be drafted on paper and sent to your group momentarily."

"Very well", Barnaky replied, "If you would be so kind as to arrange an introduction, I believe we can convince them such cooperation would benefit them significantly."

House paused his speech to ponder Barnaky's final suggestion. "A rail line between our territories would surely bridge the gap between Midwest-and-west. I believe that such a gesture could be a stepping stone toward re-developing the high technology sector. I accept."

"We already have rail lines into Legion territory in Colorado and New Mexico", Barnaky said, "I believe I can persuade Lucius to allow them to be extended into the FZM....once his assent is secured, then we can proceed."

"Before I draw up an official document", House said, "is there anything else?"

"Yes", Barnaky said as he rose to his feet and walked over to the terminal, plugging a memory stick into a data port, "The contents concern some of your guests, the Cult." He then began to pace again. "Radio broadcasts, after action reports, technical evaluations of captured equipment, strategic analysis, even some film footage of what we've found in areas they operate in. About eight years ago, they seized Pittsburgh from a particularly ambitious Raider, who had managed to get at least one of the steelworks there functioning again. Six years ago, they butchered virtually a whole battalion of good Infantry in Cleveland...we were only able to pull about forty of them out alive. We've been at war ever since. These people are a threat to any sort of civilization....and a threat I intend to deal with. When you get time...I recommend you take a good look at that data and then we'll talk about it. I think you'll agree that you don't want them for neighbors."

Barnaky then stopped and looked at the picture again.

"Also", he asked, "Can I take this thing out of the suite now?"

Several Hours Later

“I think all that has been said is all that needs to be said", Gladstone replied. "If I may Lord Barnaky, I shall bid you a fair day, and take my leave. I have many meetings to attend to.”

"Of course, High Elder", Barnaky replied, "Steel be with you."

Walking over to the door, Atticus paused, before turning, giving a small bow of respect to the Lord Paladin, and promptly exited the room.

"Kind of frosty", Barnaky thought, "But then that was to be expected. In the end, they are family...even if they are not our friends."

Brother Martin - The Tops

Calypso smiled at Martin, “Why do you across from me Love?” She slid into the seat next to Martin, “There,” she gently laid her hand on his thigh, “This is much better, don't you think?”

She stared deep into his eyes with a touch of innocence, “I find myself eager to hear your proposal regarding The Passage my dearest Martin.” She took a sip of scotch with her free hand while lightly rubbing his thigh, “I do hope that we are able to come to an agreement that favors us both. After all, we are neighboring nations."

"The Passage, yes", Martin replied, steeling himself against yet another attempt by Calypso to seduce him. "The Lord Paladin is not opposed..in principle..to your efforts to control commerce in the Upper Lakes, but he doesn't like the idea of paying tolls to pass under the Mackinac Bridge. He's quite adamant about that, i'm afraid, and once he makes up his mind on something, it's almost impossible to change it. I know there have been incidents recently, and I fear his reaction if your subordinates actually fire on one of the Order's vessels while trying to collect a toll. He wouldn't take that well at all."

"To that effect", Martin continued, "I have proposed a plan to the Lord Paladin that would defuse such tensions before something happens that everyone would regret. We have noted that your people are attempting to repair the Mackinac Bridge, but that is a daunting engineering task to say the least. What I am offering is this. We will assist you in repairing and maintaining the bridge....in return, we ask that you cease attempts to levy tolls on Order flagged vessels and allow them to transit the Passage without let or hindrance."

Mark Johnson - Aces Theatre

"Throw in a ton of aircraft grade aluminum and you have yourself a deal", Renault said as he held his hand across the table.

Johnson quickly ran the figures through his head. The gold wasn't a problem, The Veribird parts was steep...while they had expected that the "Angels of War" would likely want to be paid in aircraft parts and/or fuel, the amount they were asking for strained the budget he had been given, especially with the demand of a ton of aluminum. But it was still within limits. The Engineer-General's Office would no doubt complain about the effect on their Vertibird production line...but there were larger issues in play here, the briefing he had received from the Paladin-General's adjutant before he left Cheyenne for this mission made that clear, even though he had not been told why, exactly.

"Deal", Johnson said as he took Renault's hand and shook it. He then handed Renault another document. "Initial payment will be delivered in seventy-two hours, half down, the rest once your troops are deployed. This is the route we have arranged for you to reach the staging area."

"Any questions?", Johnson concluded once the applause died down from the Rad-Pack's first set.
Simon Barnaky - Ultra-Luxe

"Done", House replied with little hesitation. "I have no interest in repeating the mistakes of my deceased contemporaries. If it means that the FZM and Brotherhood of Steel can enjoy a mutually beneficial and stable relationship going forward, I will let you handle the deconstruction of nuclear facilities....That is part of your mission, isn't it?"

"As an Elder in the Brotherhood", Barnaky said firmly. "It is my duty."

"I will not interfere." House said. After a pause, he continued. "We can put this all on paper and I can write up a formal document for your party before it leaves New Vegas. In fact, I'll have it drafted momentarily. Included would be that the your chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel will be allowed sanctuary inside FZM lands, so long as it does not incite any violence within my lands. The FZM will formally occupy The Divide and hand over any ICBM technologies discovered to the Brotherhood. In exchange, the Brotherhood will assist in developing the FZM's future human military and the two parties will together ensure that the NCR does not advance into the east. Satisfactory?"

"It is", Barnaky replied. "Our Staffs will need to meet to work out the details on the size and nature of our Mission to the FZM, of course. It would be helpful to have access to Nellis AFB, and it's military runway and hangar facilities, if that is feasible. We should also exchange Ambassadors, I would be pleased to offer suitable facilities for a Embassy in Omaha. Also, if this is to be a long term Alliance, I think the matter of trade, and establishing reliable rail links between the FZM and the Order's lands should be discussed as well."

As Barnaky waited for House's reply, he considered events thus far. He thought it ironic that much of his success in this conference was likely due to the ineptitude of NCR diplomacy. House, and especially the Western Order, would never have reached out to him...for sound logical reasons on their part, Barnaky had to admit, even though in actuality he had no malevolent intentions towards either of them...if not for the fact that the Kimball's behavior was so threatening it overshadowed the threat they thought he presented.

"As smarter men than I have said", Barnaky thought with amusement, "Never stop your Enemy when he's committing suicide."

The pieces were falling into place....soon the NCR would be locked in chains that it had forged itself. Contained for the foreseeable future, the NCR would either reform or die by it's own hand. And he would at last have a free hand in the East, where the true threat to Humanity festered and grew in the carcass of Pittsburgh. That would change soon enough...he would drag them from the darkness of their lair into the sunlight, so that all the World would see their true nature, and then he would Scourge them from the face of the Earth.

It was his Duty.

Hours later - Audience with the High Elder

"My proposal Lord-Paladin, is simple.", Gladstone said. "Whilst we have been too far apart for too long, both in distance and in time, as well as the diverging circumstances that have made our respective entities evolve, my hope that we can reconcile to as warm a degree as possible. To that end, I would suggest an accord, of trade and non-aggression, with further clauses acknowledging the shared heritage of our polities establishing embassies for political reconciliation."

Pausing to take a breath, Atticus continued his proposal.

"Following that, I'd then suggest perhaps an exchange of culture and suchlike, with the hopes of overcoming the ingrained differences between our groups, and finally an alliance."

Falling silent, Gladstone sipped his drink, and waited for a reply with cautious trepidation.

"We have been apart for far too long, and that estrangement is a luxury that neither of us can afford.", Barnaky replied. While we disagree on a number of things, there are still plenty that we do agree on. We should build on that, and the rest will follow."

"I agree to your proposal, Brother Atticus", Barnaky said as he stood and extended his hand to the High Elder. "Our Orders will face the uncertain future...together once more."

"I will make arrangements to receive a delegation at Omaha", Barnaky continued after sitting back down, "or send one to Electric City if you prefer, to hammer out the details. The first order of business, I think, should be formally re-establishing direct diplomatic relations be exchanging Ambassadors. We'll also need to establish some sort of agreement with the Khans regarding trade routes."

"While we have much to discuss", Barnaky concluded, "I think we have gone about as far as we should...here. Uness you have further concerns that can be safely discussed here, of course."

Mark Johnson - The Aces Theater

Mr Johnson, nattily dressed in a gray business suit, sat at his table, sipping his Ice-Cold Sunset Sarsaparilla while discreetly watched the door. Eventually, he saw one of the two men he was waiting for enter, and after checking in with the Maitre d', approach the table.

"Good afternoon, Mr Renault", Johnson said, extending his hand in a business-friendly manner, "I'm glad you decided to come. Please, have a seat." As Renault took his seat, a waiter appeared, plaingf a menu before each man. Johnson picked his up and studied it casually, "Order what you like, Mr Renault...I've got the check. The New Vegas Strip is excellent." Once orders for dinner and drinks were taken, the waiter departed and left the two men together to engage in small talk until their orders arrived, just as the lights dimmed in preparation for the Rad Pack to begin their show.

"I apologize for the unconventional venue, Mr Renault", Johnson said quietly as the emcee announced the entrance of the Rad Pack performers, to strong applause, "but my superiors thought it might...complicate things for your Company if Brother Martin approached you directly at the conference. Also...all the hotel rooms are wired, I can't really be sure we're secure here for that matter."

"We have a contract offer for your group", Johnson said quietly as he passed Renault a folder, then returned to his mashed potatoes. "Rear-area security, no offensive operations will be involved. Initial term is 90 days, with option to extend as necessary. The AO is sensitive, but we have good relations with the host government and there will be no trouble unless they are provoked. Details are inside." Johnson then watched crypically as Renault studied the documents inside.

Brother Martin - Tops Casino

Brother Martin, dressed in a black business suit with red tie, spent the time before his dinner date with Calypso wandering the casino floor, silently shaking his head in wonderment at the sheer amount of money flowing from the guests to the Casino, and by extension, House. Like most residents of the Order's lands, he lived a simple austere life....while there was certainly gambling back home, the Inquisition or Office of Administration police would step in long before an operation could achieve this kind of scale.

"No wonder they are bankrupt", thought Martin sadly, "this is sheer madness."

Behind him someone cleared his throat. Martin turned to see the Maitre d for the Tops Restaurant.

"Ring a Ding, pally", the Maitre D said in the shtick Tops banter, "Thought I'd come out and let you know....your lady friend just arrived and is seated."

Shocked, Martin checked his wristwatch...which read 1935 (7:35 PM).

"Ex..", Martin began to say before the Maitre D answered the question for him.

"Yes, it's 7:35, Pal", he said with a wink. "You Brotherhood types sure know what you like...no wonder none of you are over at that other place". His momentary grimace made it clear he meant the Gomorrah.

"Thank you, my good sir", Martin said gratefully as he pressed a gold Aureus bearing the image of Lucius into his hand, then made his way towards the restaurant.

"Nice!", said the Maitre D with genuine appreciation as he looked at the tip, then said cheerfully as Martin left "Don't do anything I wouldn't do...Ring a Ding, Baby!"

Entering the restaurant, Martin was ushered to a table at which sat Calypso, who looked stunning in a tailor-made purple evening dress, and curly black hair instead of her usual cornrows.

"Calypso", Marin said as he took her hand and kissed it, then took his seat. "You look simply ravishing!"

Ordering a bourbon and water from the waiter, Martin picked up his menu and opened it, looking up at Calypso.

"Have you ordered yet, my dear?", Martin asked. "I hear the New Vegas Strip is excellent here."
Simon Barnaky - Ultra-Luxe

"Hm...", House replied. "It pleases me to see that you have not fallen prey to the fatal ideologies of your contemporaries. The only way we can rebuild is if we learn from the pitfalls of our predecessors. I have a vision for your Brotherhood of Steel and my city, but we must lay down many layers of bricks before it can come to fruition." He paused. "If the New California Republic were to invade New Vegas, they would suffer extreme losses, but they would win. As long as this hypothetical is true, my vision will not be able to run its course. We must become powerful enough to halt their expansion."

Robert took a deep breath. "The NCR--just like my generation was before them--is doomed to destroy itself. It is a warped facsimile of America's doomsday government. We must create a large enough barrier that they cannot grow any larger. They have the capability to swallow the entire western stretch of this nation whole, and in a few centuries, they will be letting all of those people down." He chuckled. "I suppose that is where our ideologies align. We must ensure that humanity does not repeat its mistakes."

"Indeed", Barnaky replied matter of factly. "The NCR as it is currently configured is a long term threat to us all....like the worst of the 20th Century Dictators, they expand by necessity lest their economic mismanagement catch up to them. That is exactly why we stepped in at Albuquerque five years ago. It's also why Kimball is in Arizona now. And I want to make this perfectly clear...I haven't stayed alive far longer than I deserved or cared to so that everything I've built, all the sacrifices my people have made in obedience to my commands, is pissed away by those greedy, short-sighted fools in Shady Sands." He then added, "I swore on my wife's grave I would bring about a world fit for her to have lived in...and I will not tolerate Kimball, or the NCR, or anyone else for that matter...and by that I mean the Cult...getting in my way." He then concluded, "Speaking of the Cult, that is something else we need to discuss eventually."

Mr. House gave himself another few moments to articulate his thoughts. "The first steps toward keeping the NCR within their own borders is for the FZM to establish a human military. Years ago, one of my former associates led his own expedition into an old military fortress known as 'The Divide'. It is filled to the brim with priceless military tech, including dormant ICBMs and special weaponry and armor. I want to restore it to its former glory and establish a human military, filled with my own citizens, NCR deserters, and anyone else who wishes to fight for the old flag. I would be willing to share any research I find from The Divide with you, in exchange for the Brotherhood's help with training my inevitably human military. A formal alliance would imply that we could defend each other and become a formidable partnership in this war's landscape moving forward."

"Perhaps Caesar's Legion can play a role in all of this..."

"I don't see why not", Barnaky said, "Lucius is far more progressive than Sallow was, and if my intelligence is correct he has taken a wife and may be trying to establish a Dynasty." Barnaky shrugged. "If the Legion evolves into a Monarchy, that isn't necessarily a bad thing....a well-established Monarchy is remarkably stable."

"As far as your proposal for the Divide, that is agreeable to me", Barnaky replied, "But I have one condition, and this is not negotiable, I want every last atomic or nuclear warhead found in this place turned over to the Brotherhood, so that they can properly destroyed. We have the infrastructure in place already, and I'll gladly grant verification of decommissioning, but I will not help anyone establish a nuclear capability, much less deploy one."

Hours later

“Lord-Paladin Barnaky", High Elder Gladstone, resplendent in his best ceremonial robes, said gravely as the door to the suite closed behind him. "If I might be presumptive, I suspect neither of us thought this day would ever occur, and certainly not in such circumstances. Or such surroundings.”

"Indeed", Barnaky replied, "It was welcome, but a surprise nonetheless....I had feared we could never overcome the circumstances of our departure, I'll be pleased if that turns out to be wrong. I must apologize for the robot, but I've learned over the years that it's easier to interact with others remotely via one of these constructs than through a monitor or set of speakers....and my current physical condition is quite disturbing to most to behold." Barnaky then gestured to one of the seats at the table. "Please, be seated...we have much to discuss. I must warn you before we begin, however, that we are most likely under surveillance at this very moment." He then added as he took his seat, "If this meeting goes well, we can arrange for follow-up talks in a more, ahem, secure location."

Barnaky then offered the High Elder a drink, proposing to serve it himself.

"Now then, High Elder", Barnaky said as he settled back into his chair, "Let us discuss your proposal, I'm eager to hear it."
Brother Martin - The Gourmand

Appalled to the core, Brother Martin watched the spectacle as in response to Calypso putting a bounty on Kimball's double's head, her lieutenant withdrew a steel rod that she had been using to hold up her hair and stabbed him in the shoulder, inciting a all out brawl between the two, much to the horror or delight of the other representatives. Calypso, not surprisingly, was enthralled by the whole affair.

“She is a fantastic protégé is she not?” Calypso tilted her head towards Martin while watching Shelby attack the NCR rep, “About dinner Martin, where did you have in mind?”

"Erm...she certainly is bold.", Brother Martin replied awkwardly, "I have reservations for the Tops at eight, but depending on how House takes your protégé's actions, we might have to reschedule to the Bison Steve in Primm."


The waiter sidled up to the two bored mercenaries, carrying a tray with two ice cold beers of the best quality, two glasses and two napkins, one containing a envelope.

"Compliments of Mr Johnson, Messieurs", the masked waiter said as he served them their drinks, and then placed the napkins, Lenix receiving the napkin discreetly enclosing the envelope. His mission accomplished, the waiter glided away gracefully.

(OOC - The envelope contains two tickets for the 4pm performance of the Rad Pack at the Aces Theatre in the Tops, and a business card for a Mr. Mark Johnson, a purchasing agent for the Consolidated Trading Company of Cheyenne, WY)


"Are there any here who have business with Western Brotherhood?", High Elder Gladstone asked, "Or wish to speak to us on any matter?"

The Scribe, Brother Joseph's Aide, approached the Elder.

"High Elder", the aide said as he gave the Brotherhood salute respectfully, then offered him a envelope. "I have been directed to deliver this to you."

The letter inside read as thus:

High Elder Gladstone,

I have been made aware by my lieutenants that you have expressed the desire to bring and end to the estrangement between the Western Order and the Mid-Western Order that has caused no end of sorrow to all concerned. To that end, I would like to meet with you for the purpose of beginning the process of overcoming the differences between us. For the present, I can only receive visitors in our suites, though I am in negotiations with our host to gain freedom of movement for the construct I must necessarily use to interact with others. I will be available at your convenience any time after 5pm. If you wish to see me, please advise the Brother bearing this letter and I will see you then.

Yours in Steel,
Simon Barnaky

Brother Joseph - McCarran Field - Several hours later

Brother Joseph sighed with pleasure as he closed the passenger door of the aircraft behind him, luxuriating in the air conditioning. Nevada's weather was oppressively hot, to say the least, it reminded him of the Engine Room of one of the river or Lake monitors. Making his way to the rear of the aircraft, he found the dormant robot, still strapped into it's seat, and took a seat opposite from it.

"Robot", Joseph said sternly, "Activate."

The robot's head jerked slightly and looked blankly at Joseph.

"Your orders, My Lord?", it said.

"Enter page mode", Joseph said, then waited. After several minutes, the robot tilted it's head slightly, and drummed it's fingers on the armrest of the chair it was strapped to.

"Ah, Brother Joseph", Barnaky said, "Report. Keep it quick, I'm still talking to Robert."

"Commander Furman's soldiers have located a active pre-war ICBM, My Lord", Joseph said, "They wished our aid to dispose of it."

"I take it you offered that aid.", Barnaky replied in a tone that indicated the answer to that had better be affirmative.

"Of course, My Lord", as he pulled out his notebook and flipped it open, showing the page to the Lord Paladin for a few seconds. Once he nodded, Joseph tore the page out and produced a lighter, setting it on fire and dropping the burning page into a wastepaper basket. "We will need Sister Nakamura's NEST Team, and one of the heavy cargo lifters, rigged for Arctic conditions."

"I'm transmitting the orders now", Barnaky replied. "What about Operation Thomas?"

"It's Go, My Lord", Joseph said, "They will deploy once initial payment is received."

"The good Sister will deliver it." Barnaky said. "Excellent work, Joseph. Return to the Ultra-Luxe and assist Martin, he needs all the help he can get with Calypso. One of her people attacked Kimball's double, it's created quite a stir."
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