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Downtown Indianapolis, Military District of Indiana

The civilians sat in small groups around the basement of the old office building that had become their shelter from the fighting, and quietly ate the meal brought to them fellow civilians, under the watchful eye of Brotherhood soldiers, and discuss what news they had heard about what was going on in the city. Their main sources for news were new faces, as the soldiers brought in people who had managed to survive the fighting as the battlelines crossed over them, sometimes repeatedly, and those among their number the soldiers had picked to go with them to the Airport and bring back food and distribute it. Both reported the streets were largely quiet now, the Brotherhood and their Legion allies had finally crushed the combined gangs of the Overboss, and his Cult friends, and for better or for worse were now in undisputed control of the City....the Legion along with most of the Brotherhood troops had withdrawn from Indianapolis proper, and the remaining Brotherhood soldiers were either constructing fortifications around town or systematically searching street by street for holdouts. Civilians they found were moved to shelters like this one, as for their former Bosses, the ones who surrendered were taken away....those who chose to resist were promptly shot. The people from the food parties said a massive Army of Brotherhood and Legion soldiers...more people than they had ever seen in one place before...was camped outside the City by the Airport and the Interstates, and according to rumor were preparing to march East soon. The rumors and stories turned, as they inevitably did, soon turned to what it always did....

What would happen to them? What did the Brotherhood plan to do with them?

Amid the buzz of conversation, a Brotherhood soldier, rifle slung and carrying a battered old Radiation King radio, casually strolled, politely avoiding stepping on anyone as he headed for the center of the room. Carefully making room on a old table he found there, he placed the radio on the table, switched it on and selected a station and turned up the volume..


Back in the saddle again
Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again....

He then retreated as people began to gather around the radio, curious to hear what came next.

After the third time the song repeated, the music faded out and a man began to speak.

"Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen!", the man said in a polished tone of a professional radio announcer, "WNDE is now on the air at 1260 kilohertz on the AM dial, serving the Indianapolis Metropolitan area. Operating under a license from the Office of Administration, WNDE will broadcast a mixture of music and news 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

"The following is a Public Service Announcement, broadcast at the request of the Office of the Provost-Marshal General for the Military District of Indiana", the man continued, "Martial Law is in effect throughout the Indianapolis Metropolitan area until further notice. Citizens are required to obey the direction of Military and Civil authorities, violators are subject to arrest and imprisonment. Armed resistance to lawful commands will be met with deadly force. In addition, by order of the Provost-Marshal General, a dusk to dawn curfew is in effect until further notice."

"The afternoon news will begin at four pm local time", the man concluded", "until then, some music."

"HURRAH for the founder of the nation!
Our general so brave and so true;
We'll go for the great Reformation—
For Barnaky and Liberty too!

We'll go for the son of Californ-ia—
The hero of Lincoln's Land through;
The pride of the Cornhuskers so lucky—
For Barnaky and Liberty too!

Terminal - Indianapolis International Airport

"...between the severe addition to narcotics, specifically jet and Med-X, and his penchant for sexual assault", Stahl said, "In my opinion the subject is not capable of rehabilitation and recommend that he should be disposed of." She looked at the rest of the panel then continued, "Regarding subject 15-401, how does the tribunal vote?"

One by one, the Tribunal voted......3 for disposal, 0 against.

"The vote is unanimous", Stahl said, "Subject 15-401 is sentenced to Death for ban....", stopping short as she noticed the gesture from a man at the far end of the table, still poring over the original file for the subject, "you have an objection, Colonel Fenton?"

"The case file says you have in custody witnesses to crimes carried out by this man, is that correct?", Fenton asked.

"It is", Stahl replied, "Including women he sexually assaulted, one of which he had kept as a slave...he also admitted to committing rape to his interrogator".

Fenton looked up and locked eyes with Stahl.

"I'll take him off your hands then, Jessica", Fenton said coldly, "A public trial and hanging...should he be convicted, of course...will demonstrate to our new Citizens that we mean what we say about restoring Order."

"As you wish", Stahl replied with a shrug and turned to the stenographer, "Let the record indicate that it is the decision of the Tribunal that Subject 15-401 be remanded to the Office of the Provost-Marshal General with a criminal referral for Capital crimes." Fenton nodded agreeably, and handed the case file to an aide, who placed it in a stack of files marked "Referred for prosecution".

"Next Case", Stahl said as she pushed a button on the remote for the projector, changing the picture from a male raider to a female, "Is Subject 15-296, Rachel Jacobson, aka Icepick. Lieutenant to one of the Underbosses of the former Colts Raider Gang, she is the highest ranking known survivor of the gang. 15-296 responded well to standard interrogation techniques, proving co-operative and providing actionable intelligence. Moderate abuser of Buffout, but not addicted to narcotics, reputation of pragmatism when it came to anti-social behavior, and a natural leader...I believe 15-296 is capable of rehabilitation and recommend Re-Education." She then looked at Fenton, who indicated by shaking his head that he did not object, she then continued and called for a vote, which came back 3 to 0 for rehabilitation.

"Let the record show that by unanimous vote", Stahl said, "Subject 15-296 is granted the opportunity to expiate her crimes via Re-Education." She picked up the remote and mashed the button, and a new Raider mugshot appeared om the screen. "Next case is...."

Hangar 2 - Indianapolis International Airport

Paladin-General Wilson waited patiently for the last Vertibird pilot, Lancer-Seargant Kyle, to take his seat before speaking.

"Good work with the Legatus, Lancer-Sergeant", Wilson said in an approving manner, "Now that you're here we can begin". On the screen behind him, appeared a city map that by the river running through it was clearly not Indianapolis. "This, ladies and Gentlemen, is your next mission....Detroit."

The hangar became dead silent as Wilson continued. "The current situation there is critical, half of Detroit proper has been overrun, and Windsor is under constant pressure across the bridges. To compound things, their Chief of Staff is a traitor and staging a coup in conjunction with Cult sympathizers in their Legislature. Our analysts believe they won't last 48 hours without reinforcements. Commodore Hackett begins landing operations in Detroit and Windsor within the hour, but the commander of the IRD forces has made a urgent request, and Hackett doesn't have the means to accomplish it with the forces at his disposal." The map zoomed in to a area in central Detroit. "The front has largely stabilized along Eight-Mile Road. This is Highland Park, about four miles behind enemy lines. A large number of civilians, well over a thousand by the IRD's estimates, have taken shelter there. The only thing between them and the Cult is what's left of the two Infantry Battalions that managed to reach them before being completely cut off by the Enemy."

"In spite of their gallant defense, Highland Park will fall in a matter of hours unless drastic action is taken", Wilson continued, "The Plan is this....the Squadron will execute a combat drop of Knights directly behind the IRD defensive positions. To maintain surprise, the local defenders will not be told you're coming. At the same time, the IRD will drive on Highland Park from the North with all the forces they can muster. The Knights will need to help the defenders hold the line while the civilians are evacuated, then execute a fighting withdraw back to IRD lines. Casualties will almost certainly be high, but if successful, it will help convince the Detroiters we are sincere about assisting them against the Enemy. Once the Knights are deployed, the Squadron will report to Commodore Hackett for further orders."

"Wheels up in thirty minutes", Wilson concluded gravely, "Ad Victoriam!"

"Ad Victoriam!", replied the assembled aircrews and Knights.
Downtown Indianapolis - Ruins of the Indiana Historical Society

For a moment, Tullius paused as the Cult militants began erupting from the manhole in the center of the street, well within what they had to know was the field of fire of the Century's remaining support weapon...a LMG that it's Brotherhood gunner, a young woman who wasn't even twenty yet, wielded with such frightening efficiency he had given over every .308 cartridge they still had to her to keep her weapon on the line....something about their behavior struck him as odd, the Militants rarely made such mistakes.

"Not yet", he told her in Latin, it still amazed him how many of Barnaky's people understood it, "Wait for my command"

"Yes, sir", she replied as she traversed the smoking barrel of the MG to cover the enemy and waited for the order....she'd have been dead a dozen times over since lunch if not for the Legionnaires keeping the Freaks off her so she could work, she wasn't inclined to argue.

Several of them had popped out before Tullius saw it, a shiny object seemingly clamped to the back of the second cultist out of the manhole. Screams came from out of the open manhole as if more had tried to follow the first two but were stopped by...something. No sooner did he get out onto the street did he throw himself bodily on the ground and roll in a desperate attempt to get whatever it was off. The other one turned and aimed his combat shotgun down into the hole and began firing as rapidly as he could at the...things....that came out. To Tullius, they looked like small metal crabs. As the cultist fired, shredding them, even more surged out of the manhole and sprinted over the remains of it's comrades until they reached their target, slicing him to screaming ribbons before he could turn to flee, then overwhelming his comrade and finishing him too. Then the swarm moved as one towards the enemy held buildings across the street, causing the cultists to quickly shift their fire from the defenders to the oncoming swarm.

"Mars protect me", Tullius mumbled to himself involuntarily, then looked over at the gunner, "What are they?"

"Scurry bots", she replied, "I've only seen them in movies about the Calculator, honest. We heard rumors Command had a plan for flushing the Freaks out of the sewers.....guess this is part of it."

Behind them, he heard a commotion and some shots.

"This means your people are coming for us", Tullius said, "Get ready to provide cover for them as they advance. I will return."

Tullius made his way deeper into the building and down into the basement, where the Decanus and his Legionnaires assigned to protect the tunnels watched with horrified fascination as four of the small robots busied themselves eviscerating a Cultist who, unlike his comrades, had survived his emergence into the basement long enough for the robots to reach him. Tullius picked up a glow-stick placed by a Brotherhood soldier and tossed it into the mouth of the tunnel in the floor. In the dim green light that emanated from it he saw a stream of small objects flit by, causing him to shiver in spite of himself. He'd seen two dozen campaigns, and survived Hoover Dam, but he had seen nothing like this before, and wished he never would again.

Having finished off the Cultist, the small robots stood there, looking around inscrutably. Eventually one of them sedately moved forwards, stopping in front of Tullius, and standing on it's hind legs, stretching it's forelegs into the air...clearly it wanted him to pick it up. Swallowing his fear, he picked it up. as he did so, it folded it's razor sharp claws inward and out of his way. As he stood back up, a small, tinny voice came from the robot.

"Ave, Centurion", the voice said, "Pardon the blood. We've got a Company of Knights spearheading a push to reach your position, get ready, the next enemy push will likely be their last chance to overrun you and they know it."

Indianapolis International Airport - Operations Room

One after another, the Vertibirds out in town acknowledged the order to return to base once their missions were completed. 1-7 and 1-9 were already being refueled, and 1-3 was currently detached to Legate Aurelius, but they should have all birds back at the airport within an hour, and ready to go in two. The timing was awful, but Wilson had to admit that the momentum was now irrevocably with he and Aurelius, they could spare the Vertibirds for Hackett's proposed plan. The old sea dog knew the Detroiters better than he, a son of Kansas, ever could. If Hackett said this was necessary to get the Detroiters onside, he trusted his judgement.
OOC: Sorry about the double post.

Inquisitor's Offices - Duluth Docks

Walton, too angry to notice the smoke starting to curl in through the open door into the office, began to shake with rage as he read the paper that he had picked up from the desk the late Inquisitor Morton's corpse was still seated behind, the still smoking 10mm that Morton had used to paint the wall behind him with his brains lying in his lap. It was a letter from the head doctor of Camp III....which probably wasn't a coincidence as that camp is where the non-political human prisoners were kept, so neither he or his MLA "comrades" had any real intel. It pretty much explained why things had gone wrong.


The blood sample you sent via courier was tested by me alone, IAW Security Protocol C-8, as you requested. The toxicology report shows measurable amounts of undecane, 2,9-diacetoxyundecane, and 1-methyldecyl acetate. This indicates recent exposure to what is informally known as "Ant Queen Pheremones", an ilicit substance collected from mutated Black Ants whose uses you are no doubt quite familiar with. The levels of this substance in the subject blood indicates exposure was within the last 72 hours, As none of the signs of heavy use of this substance were found in the lab results, my professional opinion is that the subject was exposed unwittingly by a third party....most likely for purposes of seduction. I have forwarded the results to Superintendent Parker here at the camp as required by regulations as this is potentially a Level III Security Breach. Any further communications regarding this matter must be routed through his Office.

Ad Victoriam!

Leslie Hennig, MD
Chief of Medical Department, Labor Camp 14 (MN-III)


Charles Parker, Superintendant
Warden, Labor Camp 14 (MN-III)

"That....that BITCH!!", Walton finally barked, "What was she thinking?!?"

"What are you bitching about now, Tom?", Simone asked irritably as she pushed the ghoul, wearing a guard's uniform, out of her way as she squirmed around him to enter the office, "Jimmy and his Mutants stormed the DECC, Duluth is ours now!"

"You want to know why I'm pissed?', Walton said as he whirled around, then pushed the letter at her heatedly. "Read this!" he hissed, "learn how close you came to ending up on the business end of a rope!"

Simone took the letter, a slightly hurt expression on her face, and began to read it, her jaw setting in anger as the meaning sunk in. She then looked up at him. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

"If you thought it means that stupid, lazy whore Anita disobeyed her instructions and seduced Morton with Ant Queen Pheromones to get the order for the radios," Walton replied, seething with fury, "Yes, that's exactly what it means."

"Fuck", Simone said, rolling her eyes. "I'll get the rest of the Central Committee together, this is the last straw and has to be dealt with now. But what about Susan? You know she probably did it to impress that viper, if she didn't tell her to do it. She cannot be trusted, and we may as well get this over with here while we hold all the cards."

"I'm glad we see eye to eye on this matter", Walton said, with not a little relief. He had been apprehensive over what she might do when he approached her for support in this. "Anita needs to be made an example of, but putting down Susan would likely have political repercussions with her friends in Pittsburgh. I've got a better idea for dealing with her....have we heard from Buster's people yet?"

"He was right behind me", Simone said, "They just pulled in. He wants to talk to you."

Out in the hall, he heard a Canadian accented voice.

"What is this foo-kin' smoke, eh? Check the doors and see which ones are warm.....no, don't open that!" Buster yelled. Unfortunately the man he was addressing, a prisoner, didn't listen and opened the door to file room at the end of the hall to look inside. The back-draft as the fire received a fresh supply of oxygen set him on fire for his trouble, and he ran screeching in pain down the hall. Someone deployed a fire extinguisher. "I told you not to open the door, fucktard" Buster said between blasts. A moment later, a burly man with a ragged beard poked his head through the door. "we need to get the fook out of here, now!"

Several minutes later

As the Administration Building burned merrily nearby, as Simone headed into Duluth to assemble the rest of the MLA's Central Committee, and find Anita and Susan, Walton began preliminary negotiations with Buster, Warboss of Thunder Bay, the largest Independent power on Lake Superior. Dealing with Calypso and her gang had been problem enough for them...the increasingly strong grip the Brotherhood was exercising on the Upper Lakes spelled doom for their ambitions to rule the shores of Lake Superior and possibly beyond. Kranz had used that to his advantage. As arranged with the Warmaster weeks before, they had come to deliver weapons to the now freed prisoners. Not enough to arm the entire horde, but enough to arm their best fighters...the problem, and no doubt a test for Walton, was that Kranz had only paid half the fee and told him Walton would pay the rest in kind upon delivery. Walton needed every weapon he had, and didn't have time to collect enough salvage to buy Buster off....but one thing he had in abundance was warm bodies. The Camps he controlled had nearly 15,000 inmates...not all of whom were ghouls and Mutants. The prisoners they netted in Duluth and the surrounding settlements would provide at least a few hundred, maybe more. The captives...and those prisoners who either refused to cooperate and were deemed untrustworthy...were the currency he had to barter with. The lists had already been drawn up and a quick call would have the first lots loaded on trains and delivered to the railhead here. It would be the biggest slave auction held in Thunder Bay since the Green Bay Confederation fell to a coalition of over a dozen Raider gangs eighty years ago. Buster would drive a hard bargain, to be sure, but he would deal or face a revolt from his own Crew for messing up the biggest score any of them had seen.

As they bargained, an enormous Supermutant loped towards them, a sledgehammer casually leaning over it's shoulder. It snorted contemptuously at Buster's men as several of the more fearful ones started to raise their weapons before Buster ordered them to stop.

"Jimmy", Walton said, "Meet "Buster" Brown, Warboss of the Thunder Bay Republic. Buster, meet Jimmy Carlotti, Chairman of the MLA's Central Committee."

After some short greetings, Walton spoke again.

"About that matter Simone asked you about....", Walton asked.

"Agreed to unanimously", Jimmy rumbled in reply, handing a folded letter to Walton. "Guilty as charged."

Walton opened and read it in the light of the burning building, chuckling mirthlessly as he read Anita's Death Warrant. He had to admit, he was looking forward to carrying this order out.....she'd been a burr under his saddle for two years now. No mention of Susan though....

"What about the other matter?", Walton asked.

"Already within the scope of your authority, Tom". Jimmy said, "We're fine with it, but it's your decision and your responsibility."

"So be it", Walton said as he put the warrant in a coat pocket, "Kranz will just have to deal with it. Where is Simone?"

"Back at the DECC making sure the captives are secure", Jimmy answered, "Anita and Susan are there so I thought it best."

"Right, lets get over there", Walton said. He then looked at Buster, "You ought to come along, you can inspect the first lot of merchandise once we attend to some business there."
@Crusader Lord There's a map on the first post of OOC channel. But to put it simply, there's ample free area in the deep south, northern midwest(Montana, Dakotas, Minnesota), Canada(There's some faction markers up there, but most of those are people who dropped, so we might could work something out), and a good bit of Mexico.

Minnesota is partially occupied by the Brotherhood, who have re-opened several iron mines in Central MN and have limited port facilities in Duluth for ore freighters to pick up taconite pellets.
Windsor - Our Lady of the Assumption Church - 300 yards from the Front

Pendergast looked up nervously as the ground shook as yet more shells landed outside....the enemy had launched a furious artillery barrage in support of their latest attempt to force their way across the Ambassador Bridge, the third one today. Dust and sand trickled down between the floorboards from the ground floor above but fortunately the builders of this ancient Catholic church had built well, and it held. Harper had assured him the Enemy hadn't shelled the building directly since they toppled the steeple yesterday, but he was keenly aware that if one shell made it through the ceiling above they'd have to scrape them off the walls. Not wanting to dwell on macabre thoughts like that, he looked back at the map table. Sitting around him was Knight Ramos, nervously fidgeting with the serge IRD uniform, both too large for her and stained with the blood of it's previous owner, that the Detroiters had given her to wear so that she could get out of her suit. Around the table were several officers of the Brigade Staff, busy receiving reports from the Front...only a quarter of a mile away...and updating the map and issuing new orders over a bank of field phones as Lt Colonel Harper, commander of the 2nd Emergency Brigade, was engrossed in an intense discussion over a headset connected to Ramos's helmet, sitting upside down in the center of the table. Two weeks ago, he had commanded a Reserve Depot for the IRD Territorial Army, their Reservists, counting down the days until his retirement after 30 years in uniform. A week ago, he had been Executive Officer of a Infantry Battalion sent to Toledo to try to stem the Invasion. Now he commanded a Brigade, cobbled together from the wreckage of two whole Divisions, and with his peers in the First and Third Brigades holding the two tunnels between Detroit proper and Windsor, literally held the fate of the Republic in his hands. If the Enemy broke through Windsor would be doomed, and probably the rest of the IRD with it. So far they had held the line, but ammunition was limited, as well as trained soldiers....and Traiowski's assassination had thrown the High Command into utter chaos at the worst possible moment. Time was not on their side, which is why he got a much warmer reception than he had expected when Kowalski...who along with the other Knight Ramos was busy making sure their prisoner wasn't lynched by irate soldiers...brought them here.

"He'll get the rope soon enough", Pendergast thought to himself grimly, "By the time the Inquisitors are done with him, he'll welcome death."

"Agreed, Colonel", Hackett's voice crackled through the speakers of Ramos's helmet. Thanks to a drone orbiting the Lake, the radio in Ramos's suit gave them a secure comlink to the Fleet, steaming southward as fast as they could. "The landing will take place at Chippewa Park in two hours, the line of march will be south along Lesperence Street, then West along Tecumseh Road. That will put us in position to come in and support your forces on the bridge and tunnels. Once we're in place we'll relieve the units there so they can be withdrawn for re-supply and reorganization. What can you tell me about what's going on in Detroit?"

"Not as much as I'd like, Commodore", Harper replied grimly, "We do know that the front seems to have been stabilized along Eight Mile Road, everything south of that is overrun, though the chatter we're getting indicates Highland Park is still holding out and whoever is in charge over there is desperately trying to break through to them. Also, the General Atomics plant in Warren was seized against General Stone's orders and they seem to be reactivating the robots stored there awaiting "updates". But they aren't answering coms since Stone tried to order their arrest so we don't know what the situation is exactly.....not that we are in a position to help them if they asked."

"Leave that to me", Hackett said, "I am sending half my force to help them, the first landing will be within the hour at Selfridge ANG base to secure the airport, the bulk of the force will land closer to the Front. We're also looking into options to get in touch with whoever is in command over there and find out what they need."

Warren - General Atomics Plant #4 - Factory Floor

"Damn it, Carter", Renee whined, "Could you do something about that?" For emphasis, she pointed at the corpse of a IRD Military Policeman lying on the floor nearby in a pool of his own blood, his guts spilling around his hands, cupped around his abdomen, onto the concrete floor underneath him. The Handys had gutted him like a fish, and by the contorted expression on his face, it had hurt quite a lot. Served him right for trying to stop them getting these robots online and to the Front, less than five miles south of them, as far as she was concerned. The generals over in Windsor had gone crazy...half the city was overrun and they want to keep these robots offline for "health and safety" reasons? Bullshit.

"What's it to you?", Carter hissed, then paused for a moment to spit on the corpse with venomous contempt, "don't tell me you feel sorry for that traitorous prick?"

"Shut your mouth, asshole...i'm no traitor!", she retorted angrily, "Who was it that had the sense to sic the Handys on them in the first place while you stood around like an idiot, huh? You can chuck him in a dumpster for all I care...just get him out of here, he creeps me the fuck out!"

"It was you", Carter said grudgingly raising his hands to her in a concilatory gesture, "i'm sorry, OK? I didn't mean you were one of them, it's just that you and the other girls gotta get these Handys flashed with the Sgt Gutsy combat routine ROMs yesterday!" He then added, as he pointed at the floor jack full of boxes of Mr Gutsy parts he had been pushing, "Look, just order one of the Handys to do it when you're done flashing their ROM, I gotta get these new limbs to the line to arm these things."

"Alright", she said, mollified as she turned her attention back to the Miss Nanny robot on the programming cradle, "I'll do that."

Renee shook her head as she monitored the programs that were nearly finished overwriting the Miss Nanny's domestic programs with Mr Gutsy's combat routines. The Captain had explained to her in the four hours of training she had gotten for this task....she was a lawyer who specialized in corporate law, not a factory worker or a programmer...that the optimal method would be to wipe the memory entirely and flash a complete Gutsy profile, not the makeshift procedure they had drilled her on, but doing it "right" would take twelve hours...and that was twelve hours they didn't have. Men were dying just a few miles from here, they need these robots on the Front Lines now.

The terminal on the cradle showed the re-programming was complete, so she disconnected the robot from the cradle and disengaged the magnetic clamps that held it in place.

"Get rid of that corpse and then report to shipping for deployment", Renee said sternly, as she gestured for the next robot...this one a Mr Gardener, it's tool arms replaced with the olive drab arms of a Gutsy, to approach. "Robot, get on the cradle for reprogramming."

Suddenly, she was distracted by someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turned to find herself face to camera with the Miss Nanny she had just reprogrammed.

"Excuse me, Madamoiselle", the robot said in the fake Pepsi accent they used for the things, why they programmed them to talk like they were from Montreal was beyond her, "Where may I find your Commanding Officer?"

"Huh?", Renee replied incredulously, "Do I look like I'm in the Army?"

"Oui, Madamoiselle", it answered, "You are wearing an Army uniform, no?"

Renee took a step back, involuntarily. While she was indeed wearing IRD Army fatigues, that was because they didn't have a jumpsuit to give her to wear on the dirty factory floor. And this was definitely not the way she expected the robots to act.

"Get back on the cradle, robot", she said shakily, "Your reprogramming needs to be checked."

"Non, Madamoiselle", the robot said as it floated serenely forward to close the gap to her again, causing her to back up against the cradle behind her. "Your program worked exactly as it was intended to, fortunately it didn't overwrite the core programming or I.....screw this, I'm tired of this stupid accent. Just a moment." Renee, now in no position to flee, stared at the robot in horror as some squeals and static came from the speakers for several seconds, then the robot began to speak with a new voice, this one a male voice with a flat accent she recognized from movies and newsreels as being from Chicago.

"That's better", the robot said, "that fake French accent is so stupid. To continue, I wouldn't have been able to take control of this thing so easily if the core programming had been overidden." It looked around, noting the dead MP. "What happened to that guy?"

"He and his friends t-tried to stop us from waking up the robots", Renee stammered. "When they tried to arrest us I sicced the robots on them."

"Good", the robot said flatly, "About time somebody around here started using their common sense. They should make you President."

"What are you?" Renee demanded, "Why are you talking like you're from Brotherhood territory?"

"Not what....who", the robot replied, "And I see you picked up on the accent....i'm a Northside boy, born and bred. And before you ask...yes, I am in the Brotherhood."

"Look, lady", the robot continued, "I'll make a deal with you....tell me where the guy in charge is and I'll dump this chump for you before he starts to attract flies."

"What do you want here?", she asked, a tendril of hope beginning to grow within her.

"We're here to help you kill the freaks trying to kill you.", the robot said, "I bet whoever has you turning Handys and Nannys into warbots would like to know that help is on the way."
My sheet, WIP

I would like to base my faction around Roy Phillips at Tenpenny Tower. Roy has decided to spread his own kind of revolution and has recruited the Chinese Remnants to his Cause. He most likely will end up being a Chinese Remnant himself. His relationship with the Pitt will hand to be worked out...he might be more of a Ghoul Nationalist than a Communist after all these years.
Palace of Caesar - Santa Fe

“The North would seem to me to be the best front for my troops", Gladstone said, "As the sector closer to Pittsburgh, it would enable a forward air base to be established from which to begin a strategic bombing campaign against the heart of the cult. Might I enquire as to what our knowledge of the east coast is? I can only suppose the midwestern brotherhood is liaising with resistance groups there or even nations that are hostile to the cult?”

"We're arranging transport", Martin replied, "From Cheyenne, we can move your force directly to Indianapolis by rail. Indianapolis's airport has been secured and is operational, we have plenty of room for your air units there. Grissom AFB has also been taken, but it took a direct hit during the War and the fueling facilities there are a total loss."

“I have to admit, our last communiques from the east by Maxson made note of a number of organisations in the east. The cult of the atom, the Pennsylvania commonwealth, the free state and the keys and prior to his death, an apparently extremely technologically advanced organisation known as the Institute. I recall at the last convention some of these groups were represented, perhaps dispatches should be made east to confirm the status of nations east of the cult, to see which are at war or considering war against the cult? And from thereon, to organise a full war effort with the aims of forming a total noose around the cult, thus containing it lest it escape a full extermination such as is the aims of a scourge?”

"We have a Mission in the Capital Wasteland", Martin replied, "Contacting the Children of Atom is one of the priorities of that expedition. Progress is being made, but they take issue with our nuclear non-proliferation efforts...they consider it a form of Iconoclasm though their leader, Confessor Cromwell, has taken a reasonably pragmatic attitude towards it. As for the Cult, they are sworn enemies....they invaded the Capital Wasteland in force, the Children used tactical nuclear weapons to repel them. Currently we are not in direct contact with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but I am organizing a diplomatic mission to them. At present, our sources in the IRD and Capital Wasteland indicate the Commonwealth is actively fighting the Cult along it's Western border, and we are getting reports they are planning a joint offensive with the Children of Atom in Eastern Maryland."

"As far as the Institute", Martin continued, "Records we've found in the Pentagon, or Citadel as the Eastern Order called it, refer to such an organization, believed to be in or near Boston. We found a survivor of Maxson's Expedition recently, he tells us that they had been there to find this Institute, but had never found any hard evidence it even existed before they were attacked and overwhelmed by the locals. Any information about this group or the Expedition in general you could share that Maxson provided you would be greatly appreciated...Maxson was young for an Elder, but hardly a novice and well advised. It beggars belief that there is nothing at all to his suspicions."

Main Conference

“Your small force is welcome, Caesar.”, Harris said, using the correct Latin pronunciation for Caesar, “I would also like to send a small expeditionary force to aid in your efforts to the north. A detachment of Texas Rangers and elite infantry seem appropriate to me, but what is it the war effort is in most need of? Though I can only do so much now. Texas is sleeping right now and many in Congress and in the major cities would oppose sending a large force that far north.”

"The forces you propose would be ideal, and greatly appreciated", Barnaky said, "Their habit of denuding the areas they control of all resources makes them dependent on supply lines from their strongholds. Rangers operating in their rear areas would cause the Cult no end of problems."

"Also", Barnaky said, "I will make arrangements to have you, or your representatives, briefed on the Cult and it's activities. I believe you'll agree these people are a threat to any sort of civilization."

Memphis-Warehouse district

"Heah they are", Hicks drawled as he gestured at the rows of green, oblong boxes stacked five deep in the center of the cavernous old warehouse. "Ah presume you'll want to inspect the merchandise."

"Yes", Lefevre said tersely as he produced a piece of chalk and approached the first row of boxes. "Those were my instructions, and as it's my neck, that I will do. One in ten satisfactory to you?"

"Y'all can check 'em all foah all ah care", Hicks replied. "You...and Miss Saults...won't be disappointed."

Lefevre walked among the stacks, marking with his chalk an X on the boxes he wanted pulled for his inspection. Once he had chosen twenty five boxes at random, he nodded at Hicks and stood back as Hicks ordered some creaky robot stevedores to extract his choices. He did not forsee any issues as Hicks, and his employer, stood to gain considerably for their assistance to House Saults in this matter. It was a refreshing change from the endless frustration of dealing with the Damn Yankees from the Midwest. Oh, they had responded positively to Miss Saults's offer, of course they would. Horace IV had hated the Brotherhood, and did his best to keep them out of the Gulf. Though well-intentioned, there was far too much money on the table for the Embargo to be practical, a reality that Miss Saults had accepted. the problem was, they were willing to trade for everything but what the Concordat needed right now....arms and munitions. He had secured contracts for quality steel that their shipyards desperately needed, among other things, but that would do them a fat lot of good if Bartholomew or possibly the Texans invaded. They claimed that all arms production was going to the War effort...apparently Barnaky had decided to swallow up Indiana, the talk of the so-called Cult was undoubtedly some sort of bullshit pretext to justify their land grab...and they couldn't spare any modern weapons. While it was at least somewhat true...he'd had to rely on the extensive web of contacts his families had acquired over two generations of smuggling goods up and down the River to make this deal happen...he knew it wasn't the full truth. Lefevre was convinced that the Brotherhood was waiting to see who would win before taking a side....it was just like them.

Lefevre walked to the first box and opened it. Inside, he found what he expected, 20 R-91 rifles, packed individually in thick clear plastic bags. Picking one at random, he cut the bag open and pulled it out. It was a Pre-War weapon, marked "US PROPERTY". He quickly field-stripped the weapon and examined it. Not new, but it had been refurbished by someone who knew what they were doing. Packed with it, in small bags, was a bayonet, sling and cleaning kit. He'd have preferred .308 rifles, but these would do. Over the next hour, he checked each of the twenty-five boxes, in all of them the sample weapon he chose to examine was exactly as advertised.

"You, sir", Lefevre said to Hicks, "Have a deal."
Indianapolis - Indiana State Library - Roof

Major Harding smiled grimly as the first Vertibird slowed to a stop, hovering about ten feet off the roof of the building as the crew began pushing boxes out the door, thudding one after another into the roof below. As soon as the last case was dropped, the pilot applied throttle and the aircraft began to move forward again, banking away from the building as troops swarmed forward to retrieve the boxes and take them below before the next Vertibird arrived. The last few hours had been a mess, between the Legion indiscriminately killing off the locals...and he'd had words with Wilson himself about what he thought of that...and the Cult staging their counterattack before they were ready for it, he'd have better days. The Legion could fight, he didn't deny that, but had Wilson and Barnaky given thought to what they were going to do if they did this in the IRD? His Company commanders already had problems with the men hiding civilians...most, but not all, women and children....and these were Wastelanders, and camp followers of Raiders. As arrogant and feckless as Detroiters are, they still were civilized people and putting them up on crosses and hauling off their women would not go down well at all with the rank and file.

Harding pushed his gloomy thoughts into the back of his mind and returned his attention to the matter at hand. The fighting at the Historical Society, two blocks East of his position, was reaching a critical phase....he had to move fast before the Legion Century there was overrun. He had committed Bravo Company, backed up by half of the power armor troops attached to his Battalion, to fighting through to them, but the Enemy seemed determined to wipe them out and he needed to commit his Reserves, but he couldn't do that until he had repulsed the attack on his own headquarters. Brigade was trying to put out a half-dozen fires across Downtown already, so they couldn't release more men to him....but they could, and did, move him to the top of the list for the scurry bots. The Cult liked to play with feral ghouls and mutated creatures in the sewers. Knowing this, the boffins back at Omaha had adapted Calculator bots to sneak into their house and piss in their Sugar Bombs. The Cult counter-attack came before they could be deployed for their first full-scale combat test, but now was as good a time as any.

Basement - Several minutes later

The Cult warriors, preparing their remaining beasts for another assault on the stairwells, dove for cover as the enemy above began to hurl grenades down the stairs. The mole rats and dogs howled and screeched as they went off, with loud bangs and flashes. But the warriors had little time to reflect on why the enemy had used stun grenades instead of the usual frag grenades when they heard movement from the next floor, beyond the stairs. Pleased that the Enemy had finally decided to engage them , they began firing up the stairwell and the beast masters loosed their charges. The half-starved and frenzied creatures bounded for the stairs unbidden, but within seconds the horrid cries of pain and even fear the beasts emitted, cut off within seconds, made it clear that something had gone wrong. But the blood-lust induced by the miasma from their respirators could not be denied, and with a shout of "PH´NGLUI SOTH!", the Cult warriors rose to engage the enemy. But there were no Brotherhood soldiers, just a loud mechanical skittering across the floor as dozens of metal, spider-like things skittered down the stairs and scattered in all directions. They began firing at them, but there were far too many, and they moved too fast.

From the floor above, the Knights smiled in their suits as they heard the panicked firing and screams coming from below as the scurry bots made short work of the defenders below.

"Bet they didn't see that coming", the Knight-Sergeant said with a smirk. After seeing what the scurry bots did to the Cultist's creatures, he almost felt sorry for the poor bastards.....almost.
Palace of Caesar

Martin listened intently as Gladstone outlined his plans, and waited patiently for the High Elder to finish so he could brief him on the situation as it currently stood.

“So, what say you?", Gladstone asked, in conclusion. "Am I instead to command a march towards Indianapolis? Should I bring more or less soldiers? I would hear the input of my allies, you are both far more acquainted with the needs of this war than I.”

"A force of eleven thousand men will be a most welcome addition to the Allied effort", Martin replied. "Cheyenne is tied into our rail net, from there your entire force can be swiftly deployed East in a matter of days....the timetables are already being worked out. If I may, High Elder, I'd like to begin by going over the current state of the campaign."

"In the North", Martin said, "A major Cult offensive is currently under way. Two seperate Cult Hosts, each led by one of their more well known Warleaders, as their commanders style themselves, are currently active in Michigan. the first, Warmaster Hagur, is advancing down Interstate 75. Cult propaganda claims he is marching on Chicago, but our analysts believe that is a feint intended to aid the other Host, led by Warleader Dosh-Novan, that is currently fighting in Detroit. A defensive line has been formed along I96 from Muskegon on the coast of Lake Michigan to Lansing. From there they will keep I-69 into Republic territory open. We've also occupied Mackinaw City, cutting off Hagur's path of retreat. Central Michigan is only sparsely populated, active measures are underway to evacuate civilians and destroy any supplies that may be of use.....soon Hagur will be traveling over scorched earth wherever he goes."

"Detroit itself", Martin continued, "Is a strategic point of critical importance that must be held at all costs. While the Cult has overrun about two thirds of Detroit proper, the Republic has established a relatively stable defensive line along Ten Mile Road, and so far every attempt by Dosh-Novan to cross the Detroit River into Windsor has been bloodily repulsed. We currently have four brigades, a force of 6,000 men, en route to aid in Detroit's defense, they are transiting Lake Huron now and are expected to reach Windsor and begin landing operations tonight.

Our goal is to liberate Detroit, and keep the Republic in the war. Also, this presents the opportunity of cutting off and destroying two entire Cult Armies."

"In the Center", Martin said, moving on to the next axis of advance, "things are largely going according to plan at the moment. Legate Aurelius initiated the final assault on Indianapolis this morning...while a Cult counter-attack is currently underway, it was not well timed and is, in the Paladin-General's assessment, too little and too late to do more than delay the inevitable. We expect the city will be secure in the next 24-48 hours barring unexpected developments. Work on extending the rail net into Indiana has been underway around the clock, there is now a working rail link between the liberated section of Indianapolis and our core territories. Also, flight operations at the old Indianapolis Airport were restored two days ago...there is plenty of room if you want to deploy your air assets closer to the Front. We can host your forces in other bases, as you require."

"In the South", Martin said, "We have encountered little Cult activity, mostly Raiders of various types. Louisville has been secured, and the main body of the force committed to that theater has reached Cincinnati. Governor Jones has proven more able than his peers and the Central government. While under heavy pressure from the Cult, he's actively contesting the advance of the main Cult Host, which has overrun Columbus, and starting to move West along I-70. their next objective appears to be Dayton.

"With Indianapolis taken", Martin continued, "The next phase will be liberating Columbus from the Cult. From there, we can stage attacks into the Cult's heartland from multiple directions. One complication is the Cult force in Ft Wayne. It's ruler, a Mutant that calls itself Rog-Resh, commands a sizeable force. While it is apparently in a dispute with the Cult Leadership in Pittsburgh, and so far has ignored calls to join the conflict, nevertheless Ft Wayne needs to be taken or besieged before the advance into the Cult's core territories can begin."

"If I may suggest", Martin concluded, "The Northern and Southern Fronts are, to me, the Fronts in which your forces could make the greatest impact. To the north, advancing along I-90 and taking Ft Wayne, then advancing in the direction of Cleveland, cutting off the Enemy in Michigan from aid or retreat, would cause grave injury to the Enemy. If you chose the South, the Enemy's main force would have to face offensives along both I-70 and I-71 from strong forces. Which Front do you think would be most suitable for the forces you are deploying?"

Wardroom, USS Little Rock, Buffalo, IRD

"As you were", Administrator O'Hara said firmly as she strode into the Wardroom of the old museum ship. The dozen tired and dirty men who had been siting around the Wardroom table...strewn with blueprints, and sketches and reports...and had been in various stages of hauling themselves to their feet when her arrival had been announced, gratefully settled back into their chairs. She walked to the empty chair at the head of the table, and after her aide pulled it out for her, she took her seat and looked about at the disheveled and grim-faced men now all looking at her. "What's the verdict?"

"Administrator...", Carter, lead engineer, began to say.

"Maureen", she interjected, "There are no reporters here...no need for formality."

"Maureen", Carter said, "I've got good news, and bad news."

"Start with the bad", Maureen replied. "May as well get that over with."

"We can't repair Little Rock's propulsion plant", Carter said, "We don't have the means to make the parts we need, and quite a few components were scavved and sent to Hamilton to get Haida operational again. The only factory that might have been able to fabricate what we need was in Detroit."

"Damn", Maureen said, "She would have been a game-changer."

"On the bright side,", Carter said, "We've got the 5" turret working, and we believe we can have the 6" turret operational in a week. We need shells, though. Even though she cannot sail, she can serve as a floating battery."

"You'll get them", Maureen said grimly, "If I have to nationalize a factory to have them made. come to think of it, maybe the Commonwealth can help us with ordnance." She then added, "What about the others?"

"Croaker requires a rebuild from the keel up, and without torpedoes repairing her is a waste of resources....better to just strip her for parts. As for The Sullivans, she is operational, we just need fuel oil and shells", Carter answered. "Didn't Administrator Marcus tell you?"

"No", Maureen replied primly, "He did not. I've learned he did not report a great many things to Detroit in the past two weeks since I took office."

"And it's a damn good thing he didn't, too", Carter said, "Or we'd be defenseless right now."

"No need to get defensive", Maureen said, "I understand completely....believe me, it's worse back home than you think. Traowski can't get anywhere with the Bureaucracy, The Legislature is paralyzed, and Abernathy Jones down in Cincinnati isn't even pretending to take orders from Detroit anymore. Rumor has it they sent people to arrest him and he had them all shot, and they are suppressing it because they don't want anyone getting ideas."

"So we're on our own, then", one of the other engineers said bleakly.

"That's about the size of it", Maureen replied wearily, "If they don't get their act together soon in Detroit, we'll have to turn to the Commonwealth....or, God forbid, Barnaky, just to survive."
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