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Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

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The Dinnin Lands Of Sand

Ivraan and the Giant

Drinking, Fighting and Sand!

A few hours later at the caravan's tavern

And there I was! Staring death itself in its small eyes and it was afraid! Then I JUMPED with a ROAR and single handedly destroyed the throne! HA! HA! HA!” shouted Galaxor between large gulps of dwarven ale as he regaled the story of how he defeated the necromancer. His words were mostly slurred and way too loud, as 6 other barrels laid empty next to him.

The crowd roared in laughter and amazement of the story that the resident giant regaled them and if they suspected or knew he embellished the story a bit, they didn't show it.

O, o, o! I got one for you! Fresh! ” Galaxor shouted again over the crowd as he started singing:

In the tomb of death,
I, Galaxor, stepped into impending doom.
Axe gripped tightly, heart pounding with cheer,
A necromancer's lair, where dread drew near.

With a roar like thunder, I charged without fear,
Slaying skeletrons, their demise drawing near.
Bones shattered beneath my relentless axe,
Leaving no trace of the undead in that desolate space.

The necromancer quivered, his dark powers fading,
My laughter echoed, victory's tune serenading.
So I raise my barrel high, a toast to triumph so grand only I could achieve it!

Ivraan stood besides Galaxor as he was singing, a new glorious battle scar on his shoulder where he was hit by the Wraith, his first of many he had hoped. He let Galaxor revel in his glory, fully aware of how he had embellished the story a bit. Ivraan too was drinking ale like water, but somehow wasn’t showing the signs Galaxor was. When the ballad was over Ivraan raised his mug in the air for a toast. ”Hear! Hear! For triumph!”

After a little, a curious dwarf would come up to Ivraan asking him if it was true what Galaxor told them. Ivraan gave a light chuckle; ”Well, yes indeed it is true what Galaxor said. You should have seen him, his massive figure and his axe battering down upon the throne. The cries of anguish by the necromancer who was unable to stop him. I mean that was due to me and a new guy Terilu who weakened him. But without Galaxor we would be majorly fucked.”

As the evening went later and later, and the morning sun came and the ale kept flowing and flowing some got more rowdy and rowdy until a dwarf challenged Ivraan or Galaxor to a fist fight stating that they had to prove their stories true with a fight. Because there was no way they could win against so many undead if they couldn’t even beat him. Ivraan suspected jealousy and chuckled. He looked over his shoulder and saw Galaxor still hammered and thus decided to step up. Whilst he himself wasn’t in the best of shapes he could if need be clean up the alcohol rather quickly. There was however no need, as the dwarfs stubby arms couldn’t even connect with Ivraan. He chuckled and said; ”Are you even trying to hit me. Man you are slow.” That infuriated the dwarf even more. Ivraan smiled, he had totally proven his point and thus now it was time to unleash havoc; ”BAAAR BRAAAWWWLLLL!” This basically unleashed a bevy of drunken dwarves like a dam had broken down and water gushed down the river.

After a few more barrels, Galaxor finally realised that Ivraan was fighting with someone, not that Galaxor could see what. Not only was he drunk, unusually so after only a few barrels, but the dwarf was just too small.

And then he heard the words ”BAAAR BRAAAWWWLLLL!” and Galaxor sprang into action. Stumbling once or twice, he was just about to squish someone when, maybe for the better, realised that it wasn’t his place to fight the pilgrims. It wasn’t as if they were a threat for him and he really couldn’t pull his punches.

Going right next to Ivraan, Galaxor sat down and said “Don’t wanna kill’em but I can knock’em back. ” before proving his words as he “gently” tapped an incoming fighter on the chest, throwing him back a few metres.

Ivraan just started belly laughing at Galaxor finger flicking away dwarves. Honestly, the drunken dwarves really couldn’t touch Ivraan, their swings were maybe the most telegraphed thing since well.. The telegraph. It didn’t help their case that their arms would barely reach him. Ivraan was casually drinking from his tankard and dodging trying to exhaust the dwarves. This seemed to work at the very least on some. Slowly but surely the dwarves would start sitting back down and started cheering instead of fighting themselves. Honestly the tavern wagon was chaos, tables had been run over, chairs had been flung and there was a few centimeters of beer on the floor. Nonetheless the atmosphere within was great, everyone was having a laugh.

At one point Ivraan stood up; ” Alright lads n lasses, that’s it for me I’m going back to my wagon and sleep. It was fun, let's do this again!” The other patrons who would continue raised their mugs, tankards, and barrels in a cheer as Ivraan left. He went back to his own wagon, chucked his clothes over a chair and ploffed onto his bed, and was gone.

Minutes passed as Galaxor, in a dazed, knocked down dwarf after dwarf as he laughed at the tiny creatures, ‘alas, Ivraan had to stop his fun. Groaning, Galaxor shouted, a very slurred

Oh, shut it, younglin’!” before downing a whole barrel in one big gulp and then dropping on the ground, deep asleep. His snores waking up even the most drunk dwarves or pilgrims that somehow managed to avoid the chaos.

A few hours later, he’d find himself on the back of a wagon pulled by some very tired animals. A massive headache raging in, Galaxor jumped off the cart and realised that they were out of the forest already and somewhere else. Not exactly understanding where he was and with the headache doing his head in, he decided to fix the one issue he could. The hangover. ‘Thus, Galaxor made his way to the tavern wagon…only to see it closed for repairs.

With a roar of frustration, the angry giant started moving forwards with the caravan, trying to catch a glimpse of their next destination with great hopes of new exotic alcohol he could try.

The day after came, Ivraan woke up without a hangover. He had a massive secret, he never got one, ain’t that nice. As he peeked outside the window he saw that the Caravan had moved, the once vibrant forest had been replaced by an endless sea of sand.

The homeland of the Dinnin, master artificers, craftsmen, and well slavers. Ivraan had run into them during his travels with the Caravan and back home at the tavern his family-owned. He never had any problems with them and actually heard a great deal of stories from a regular back home. He was really enthusiastic when he realised they'd arrived there, his explorers’ spirit brimming with passion. Luckily the Caravan had a few resident standout Dinnin, one of whom was gathering folks to take with them into the clanhold. Ivraan luckily caught up with the group which now consisted of Terilu, Gadri, and Ryt. ” Mind if I tag along for the ride? Honestly, I’m really hyped to explore and what better way than with a guide right?”

When Galaxor finally saw the sea of sand, he was first confused, then the heat hit them and he was angry. For a Stone Giant living up on the mountains at freezing temperatures his whole life, the heat of the desert was just unbearable. If he could sweat, Galaxor would’ve definitely created small rivers behind wherever he walked.

Stone King, grant me strength, WHAT IS THIS HEAT!?” he shouted out loud, making a few pilgrims, the ones more used to the desert, laugh at his clear discomfort.

Eventually, arriving at the Dinnin settlement, Galaxor saw Ivraan joining a group of pilgrims going into it. Embracing his mission, Galaxor ran towards them and without asking for permission to join them, asked out loud with a genuine and confused tone:

Guys, got one for you. What’s this yellow snow that we keep stepping on? It’s HOT!

While attacking one of the exploding assassins, Ashe saw how the other one's tattoos flared up like the one that destroyed the bar. Taking a deep breath, she threw her side-dagger at the assassin and...

Hit the assassin right in the head, killing him on the spot. But with her attention momentarily distracted, she didn't notice the punch that came from the one she was fighting initially.

@Tortoise You're one of the best RPers I've ever met on this website. Pretty much always positive, always supportive, you make sure your RPs stay alive and well, you make sure anyone can somehow fit in your roleplays and last but not the least, you're a damn good writer! Keep it up mate!
Underground lies the treasure

Galaxor and the Outer Gods

Is the Underground, a thing?


By the Cat, why did it always have to be him that got the absolute worst jobs? It was bad enough that his mate turned out to be a witch, but for her familiar to be one of the Shades? Ridiculous.

He sighed. Step after step. That was all that mattered now. All that had mattered for the past billion days, according to his inner clock. “Rah is stupid isn’t he?”

Rah nodded in response to his own comment, adjusted his backpack’s straps so that it would stop bouncing with each step down, and simply carried on.


Rah licked a deep scratch along his left forearm, grimacing a bit at the taste but powering through. It was moments like those that made him glad his mate was a Witch, for it was only her that knew how to make saliva-disinfectionator potions.

As soon as he finished slathering his wound in saliva, it glowed a deep purple and sewed itself back together in front of his eyes, leaving behind a subtle scar.

“Stupid bug thought it could eat Rah.” Rah scoffed, looked to his right at the dead ant beetle and broke off one of its thick legs. He slurped up the slimy flesh on the inside. It tasted like vomit.


Rah panted. He dragged his feet. He brought his waterskin to his mouth and tipped it fully, and groaned when not even a single drop of water came out.

Yeah, it was the right idea, not bringing anyone else on the way down. Having more people with him would result in the two of them going through supplies faster, and would increase the chance of them catching the attention of bugs and worms and bats and demons and whatever else was in these godforsaken caves. And the last thing that Rah wanted was to see one of his family members dead.

So yeah, coming down here alone was the right idea. Even if it would be the end of him.

No water, no food for the last 2 days, a broken knife and a missing claw. Yeah, things didn’t look good.


It was very hot. Nearly as hot as his mate’s brewing room. He couldn’t believe it, but he actually missed her. Her annoyingly smug face, her soft and slow way of speaking, her thick white hair. Rah flicked his ears in thought.

Suddenly, in the distance, a grand pair of doors appeared. He froze in place for a moment. Sparks flew in his brains. “Those are the doors.” Rah said, squinting, before chuckling, then laughing. After a few seconds, he was laughing so hard that he nearly slipped down the carved staircase, but he caught himself on a loose stone in the cave wall and took a deep breath. Then he roared. “RRAAAAAHHHH!”

Dust and pebbles fell from the ceiling. The walls vibrated with the strength of the echo. He broke out into a full on sprint, and crashed through the large ornate gates, passing by the queues of novices who screamed at him as he ran.

He came to a stop at a staircase just past the entrance. It was hundreds of metres tall. Shelves, filled with many shiny rocks and not-so-shiny rock squares and other things, were everywhere. Rah didn’t care in the slightest. In fact, he grabbed the nearest thing, a big book, and threw it at the outraged crowd of nerdy goblins just outside past the open gate.

“Rah hates all of you! Freaks, why make it so hard to come down here?! Rah will never deliver for Goblins again!” Rah roared. The short novices just cooed and fought amongst themselves to grab the book he’d thrown.

It was then, before he had a chance to gag at the novices, that a group of larger goblins ran up the stairs towards him. Each of the guards wore a mix of leather and diamond-encrusted iron pieces accented with splashes of purple, the colours of the Library.

Halt in the name of Galaxor! ” they shouted almost in unison.

“Slaves! Tell Galactor that Galactor has horrible tast-” Rah froze, the hamsters in his head turning. After a second, he sighed and relaxed as much as he could. Which meant he was still snarling with bared claws.

Goblins, humans, beastkin and some elves, all dressed in loose clothes with purple accents looked at him with furrowed brows and scrunched up noses.

Soon, a goblin from outside followed Rah. He wore long purple robes and his face was covered by a hood. The goblin was short with yellow skin and as he approached Rah, he put a hand up towards the guards.

Welcome seeker. ” he said in a monotone voice, as if he said the same words hundreds of times already.


Rah was pushed hard. He pretty much flew and landed on his side a few meters into the largest study he’d ever seen. Compared to Kah’s, this study must have been at least a hundred times the size and a thousand times more unnecessary.

The panther-kin coughed up a few droplets of blood and dragged himself to his knees, then to his feet. It wasn’t very fast, but it could have been a lot slower considering his shackled wrists.

After a moment, one of the guards that had pushed him threw his backpack into the room as well, before shutting the door.

He was left waiting in that study for a long time… So long, in fact, that at one point he had even tried to figure out what the books in the shelves were about, which was impossible due to the language. And also the fact that he couldn’t read at all.

“Books full of scribbles… Goblins are so weird. Pictures are better.” He said to himself.

Attracted by the noises made by the guards and the Great Sage asking him for advice on what to do with the first person to ever try to break into the Library in such a bold manner, Galaxor teleported into the room with a flash of golden light. Wearing his usual attire but with a book in his hand, he looked at Rah and nodded at him before returning to his book.

Panther-kin. I’m Galaxor, the god of this place. Any reason why I shouldn’t teleport you back on the surface for breaking in? ” Galaxor said, his tone sounding bored, as if he didn’t want to be there at all.

Rah sucked in a breath and squinted at the God, “I am Rah of the Plainstalkers.” After another second, he continued. “I have a delivery for Galaxor. Sent by Wakeful Presence, the Shade. It is in my pack, and I cannot open it with my hands shackled.”

At the mention of the Wakeful Presence, the book Galaxor was reading disappeared and the shackles that held Rah too. Locking Rah in his chrono-eye. Rah had no doubt the deity was doing something unsavoury.

Very well, mortal. Show me what you have. ” said Galaxor before a powerful glowing hammer flew into his hand, growing in size until it became almost as big as his arm.

Rah said nothing, he merely walked up to his pack, opened it and pulled out the package. It was small and was wrapped in several layers of cloth and leather. Not even Rah knew what it was, and he wasn’t supposed to either. So he just offered the bundle to Galaxor. Every member of his family knew how dangerous deities could be, so not saying anything was perhaps the wisest choice for someone like him. He hadn’t survived for close to three decades by just being strong. Sometimes, a little bit of tact was needed when facing something that strength could not beat.

Galaxor approached the package very carefully and started unwrapping the cloth and leather. Before he could remove the last layer, he looked up at Rah. “If this was all you had to do, I’ll teleport you out, Rah. Unless you want to learn more from the Library. ” said Galaxor, as suddenly a few large diamonds and two bottles of RALK appeared inside Rah’s backpack. Payment for a job done.


Rah was gone. Silence coated every part of the study, and after a moment’s contemplation, Galaxor removed the last layer of cloth covering his delivery and beheld the precious item beneath.

A collar. Thick, heavy, and most importantly, made of the metal of the gods. Pure Divinium. It was made up of two halves, connected by a hinge to one side and a clasp on the other, with miniscule writing carved on the rim in an out-of-this-world script, proclaiming the wearer as ‘Guardian, Maintainer and Slave of All That Lies Below’.

Inspecting the collar from all sides, Galaxor frowned at the miniscule writing. Determining it doesn’t represent any immediate danger, he touched the collar and heard a voice.

“Hey, hey!” A rogue thought flashed into his mind, followed by an undesired grin and a fist pump, as if the voice was using his body to express itself. “You took care – of that cute old Egrioth, didn’t cha – We found it oh so entertaining!-- we thought we’d give you a little something to congratulate – And what better reward than – huh? Wear the collar – allow our stay in this cramped, musty head of yours – and you can enjoy having control – all that lies below.” And just like that, the voices disappeared.

Puzzled, Galaxor took his hand away from the collar. Putting it back, nothing happened. The voices were gone but it didn’t take much to figure out what they were. Outer Gods and they were impressed by his valour in battle.

Days passed by as Galaxor thought out the offer. It wasn’t as if they could do anything to him. Sure, they could spy upon Galbar but that was only if he wore the collar. After a few more days of thinking and considering all the possibilities, Galaxor took a deep breath and put the collar on him.

Almost immediately power surged within him and it felt like the whole underground world of Galbar responded to his command. Better than before, he could sense every living being, every rock, diamond and gemstone. Everything.

Suddenly, besides the color, an earthly aura appeared around him, melding with the golden-blue-purple-ish colours from before. Taking the collar off, the aura and the sense of the underground disappeared.

The Lost Village Of Foreverspring

Veneficus Malum And The Attack Of The Outer Beasts

Humble Beginnings

Heroes. Villains. People that walk the line. Innocents. They all have a story to tell. A story of how they ended up where they were. This is the story of Veneficus Malum. One of the greatest wizards on Galbar.

His story starts in a peaceful village nestled within Arbor's vast range, a young boy named Veneficus Malus endured the harsh reality of being the only goblin in the village. The air was filled with the sweet scent of fruits from the orchard, and Veneficus, a 16-year-old goblin with fiery red hair, a slight build and bright red skin was being beaten up by some human children almost every other day.

One fateful day, the cruelty of his peers escalated. They cornered him, taunting and jeering until Veneficus found himself thrown into an old basement, the creaky door closing above him and the echoes of laughter faded as he lay there, surrounded by shadows. In the dimness, Veneficus fell into an uneasy slumber.

When he awoke, a strong smoke invaded his senses, and he noticed red liquid dripping from above the wooden door. The distant screams of terror outside reached his ears. Panic set in, and Veneficus struggled to open the door, but it was locked from the outside.
Suddenly, an elf crashed through the weakened door, granting Veneficus freedom. Shattered wood surrounded him as he clambered out into the chaos. The village was under attack by the Outer Beasts of Egrioth. The air filled with the acrid scent of smoke and the sight of fiery destruction.

As Veneficus stumbled through the chaos, an Outer Beast, resembling a manticore but larger and more menacing, confronted him. Fear gripped his heart, but just as the creature lunged, Veneficus noticed two gods soaring above the village. This distracted the Outer Beast momentarily, allowing Veneficus to evade with only a few wounds.

Through the chaos of battle, Veneficus Malus sprinted between burning buildings, his every breath laced with the acrid scent of smoke. The village was now a battleground of flames and destruction. The glow of the Outer Beasts' eyes flickered in the inferno, and their guttural roars resonated through the air.

With every step, Veneficus felt the heat of the flames. His survival depended on timing and agility. Small Outer Beasts, agile and relentless, pounced from the charred remnants of buildings but Veneficus evaded their reach with calculated leaps and rolls. Even as the screams of other villages could be heard, cut short as they were.

As Veneficus navigated the remnants of his village, his eyes saw something that momentarily took his breath. Amidst the charred ruins, a lone druid stood, their robes woven from vibrant green plants that seemed to pulse with life. The druid was surrounded by smaller Outer Beasts which stood still, circling him, as if afraid of him. Eventually, the druid had enough. Vines erupted from the ground, ensnaring the Outer Beasts in a green embrace. The creatures roared in defiance as the vines constricted around the, attempting to resist the forces of nature.

Veneficus marvelled at this display of magic. He heard of it before but he never saw it in practice. Each spell the druid cast was a testament to their connection to Allianthe. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the pulse of magic.
However, the sheer number of Outer Beasts soon proved too much. The larger creatures, undeterred by the magical onslaught, pressed on.

The smaller Outer Beasts, though momentarily restrained, began to break free from the enchanted vines. The druid, determined to protect the village, summoned more magic, but the strain on their powers became evident. The green barriers weakened, and the relentless advance of the Outer Beasts continued and soon the once-vibrant green robes were torn apart as the Outer Beasts tore through the druid.

In the wake of the fallen druid, Veneficus knew that survival demanded immediate action and Veneficus, fueled by the memory of the fallen druid, evaded their gaze as best as he could. The air was thick with tension as he darted between the remaining buildings, each step bringing him closer to his future.

Suddenly, from the shadows, another Outer Beast came into view, its massive form towering over Veneficus. The creature's eyes glowed as it locked onto the young goblin. In a moment of panic, Veneficus tried to change directions, but the speed of the creature caught him off guard.

The tail of the Outer Beast came upon him with massive force, striking Veneficus and sending him hurtling through the air. His body collided with a crumbling building and out of its window and into the river. Right before falling unconscious, Veneficus saw a massive creature advancing, bigger than any Outer Beast. Egrioth itself and he knew that Arbor was doomed.

Welcome back!

The Goblin Underground & The Dwarven Kingdoms

Civilization vs Heroism

Dead Goblins, Broken futures and Goverments?

The underground caves were vast and even deeper they went underground. The caves began wider at least that was something that the goblins would notice when going further deep. The expedition deeper was thanks in part to goblins disappearing the deeper they went with those who returned home to ever bigger caves.

The GU went through hard during this period. First earthquakes, then attacks of the monsters, then disappearances. It was as if someone was set to kill them or make their lives hard.

In regards to the disappearances, Maxima had enough. Arming her best warriors turned heroes due to the monster attacks, she led them deep within the caves. In the lowest parts, just above the Library.

It was there they noticed signs of life. Sentient life. Signs of people other than goblins. Danger.

The caves were more like mine shafts and well carved as the deeper it went occasionally. But during the trip they would return to a more natural state and the deeper they went the more common it was to see mushrooms growing in the walls of caverns. Eventually, they discovered that the cave stopped at a large opening too dark to see but incredibly deep like an underground ravine. It was incredibly large. It was bigger than most other caves seen below and it seemed more humid than others. The group could also easily see lights in the darkness below at the bottom of the cave but it seemed a bit distant.

The party quickly readied their weapons and approached carefully through the shafts. It wasn’t until they saw the first creature that they stopped and hid. Each goblin, all specifically selected by Maxima for this task, all small and easy to hide in mine shafts if the need ever arose to escape danger.

Then, Maxima, unarmed, stepped forward in the light. Her eyes adjusted slowly to the light and saw what must’ve been a small goblin with a long beard. Trying to extend her influence over him, she quickly realized he wasn’t a goblin but something else.

Hello! Do you understand me?” said Maxima in what was her friendliest tone. Behind her stood at least 20 goblins, hidden from view. Ready to attack at a moment’s notice if needed.

The creature that they found was fair skinned, compared to then with auburn hair and a brown bear, his clothes were rather strange too and he seemed to have a pickaxe out of iron seeing then the silence was rather deafening before he opened his mouth shouting. “Uthgúr! Uthgúr! Vod Sheget!” he soon grabbed a lamp beside him and started running screaming down the shaft. The lights of the mine shaft seemed to begin extinguishing as the sound of panic began to echo through the walls.

Not understanding what the person was saying, Maxima and the group advanced. Weapons at the ready to kill anything that would endanger them and with Maxima’s connection to Galaxor, he was aware of what was happening.

The group continued to move forward as the echoes of the dwarfs began to diminish in the distance but the lower they got through the mines the more the echo of sound of the dwarfs returned and with the group arriving in a new cave tunnel they soon saw a group of the creatures heavily armored in iron with weapons a officer shouting. “Ïkor!” As the group of dwarfs in front of then readied their warhammers and got into position.

Immediately, Maxima and the goblins went into position too. Spear throwers in the back and a group with diamond shields in the front. Maxima was right in the thick of it. Leading from the front was always her style after all. With a bit of luck, she could take a good part of these dwarves on her own but she preferred not to try it out.

Hold! We’re the Goblin Underground and I am their leader, hero of Galaxor God Of Heroism, Knowledge and Time. Know that we are under his direct protection and we don’t wish to fight but if you want a fight…we’ll make sure to take you with us.

The dwarfs continued ready for a fight with the officer saying in his language. “What did she say?” Another dwarf mumbled. “Don’t look at me i don’t know…” someone soon replied “At Least they speak… compared to when things like this happen…” The officer coughed before shouting. “Returning your lands! Green things you are bypassing our lands!

With a puzzled look, Maxima looked behind her at the others but they shared the same confused looks. Neither of them spoke each other’s language. That didn’t make things easy…at all. That’s when Maxima had an idea.

Quickly taking out a stone table, she sculpted on it a picture of a goblin and then a happy face on it, thinking that hopefully it’ll translate to “friend” in whatever language these creatures spoke in. Afterwards, she slid it across to them, not wanting to approach too much.

The group looked at her, the officer seeing the happy face with him saying in dwarvish. “Marvelous, now that…” He seemed annoyed saying to the man beside him. “I don’t like this especially after the invasions… A soldier soon said. “Sir, you think the high queen mother El’zadir might help?” “The message might take forever to reach her… I don’t like this…” The officer replied looking more nervous; he felt it could be a trap.

As the dwarves looked at the drawing, it was clear that they didn't understand anything out of it. Confusion written clearly on their face.

Luckily, it seemed that both groups had the same idea. If they can't understand each other, maybe their divine patrons could help.

Raising a hand in the air, Maxima started speaking.

Oh’ great timeless warrior-sage, Galaxor. I, Maxima, your hero and first creation call upon thee! Please show yourself and help us avoid unnecessary spilling of blood. I don't wish to kill them.

And then nothing happened for a few tense minutes…and then it did.

As if he was standing there all the time, a golden-blue-purple-ish dwarf appeared in the middle of the dwarven group.

Boo!” said Galaxor as soon as he was been noticed by dwarves, letting out a divine pulse of energy, sort-of beacon that only divine beings could sense and follow.

The dwarves jumped in panic seeing their line disorganized and they panicked with screams as they looked at him in surprise, some shouting the name of their goddess. As they pointed weapons, cursing to themselves and against him as they were shocked.

With a laugh, Galaxor transformed into his usual self and teleported to Maxima’s line which tried to tell him what happened but got stopped before managing to say a word.

It's ok. I know what happened. Foresaw it and was waiting for this moment. ” started Galaxor to say with a wink before continuing “Terrible what would've happened if I wouldn't have come. Whole cave would've fallen down. Now shush. Let's wait for their goddess.

With a wave of his hand, Galaxor taught the language of the dwarves to Maxima and gave her a wink.

The earth soon began to shake for a moment as the dwarves looked at each other before shielding themselves. The wall of the cave soon broke revealing the great expanse of the underground once again the surface covered in mushrooms and hanging from the wall was El’Zadir her eyes glowing white in the dark until the dust settled the obsidian skilled El’zadir was in full display looking at Galaxor she then said. “... It's been a while since i saw another divine… especially this far deep.” El looked nervous but also a bit exhausted by what Galaxor could see.

A second before the wall would collapse, Galaxor snapped his fingers and when the debris flew towards the goblin lines they disappeared…and reappeared somewhere far into the past.

Well, hello to you too. I'd like to say the same but I've met quite a few recently. I am Galaxor, God Of Heroism, Knowledge and Time. ” he said, while approaching the goddess, his Cosmic Destroyer hanging by his side.

The dwarves seemed equally fine having shielded together as the rubble was moved El’zadir looked at Galaxor she seemed curious yet reserved by her body gesture she then said. “Galaxor… god of heroes and time?” She was curious, he seemed more like a warrior war god, a hero yes but a lord of time seemed unlikely.

Aye, and knowledge too. All three are timeless. Time to spend heroing, knowledge to know when to stop and let others take the mantle. ” replied Galaxor with a grin. He knew how mismatched his domains of power seemed, yet, they all were linked to one another.
She raised an eyebrow in confusion but she then gave a nod and a light bow saying. “Well…my name Is El’zadir goddess of civilization and mother of the Dwarves you see around…” she said with education and politeness something she exuded well. Compared to herself who looked more like she went through a few battlefields. With the introduction she then replied. “Well god of heroes… and goblins…” She smiled to then for some reason her presence made the goblins trust her it seemed to be her divine aura she then continued. “What brings your group to the 13 dwarven kingdoms in the underground.

Civilization? Interesting domain you’ve chosen for yourself. Goblins are just one of my mortal creations, I have made humans too. The tall ones, I’m sure you’ve seen them. ” replied Galaxor as he turned towards Maxima and the goblin group.

Off you go back home. I’ll handle things here. ” and before they could reply, they’ve all been teleported back to the Goblin Underground.

Well, some of their people have gone missing while going in your tunnels and while they wanted to initially send an exterminator squad to eliminate whatever manner of beasts inhabited these tunnels, I advised them to check it up themselves. Quite strange it took them so long to meet your dwarves after you broke a hole in their ceiling.

That was due to the ongoing war… at least that is finally ending.” El’zadir replied to his statement of the ceiling it was more in her panic she dug quite deep as well after a moment of pondering she then said to her dwarves. “Return to your homes for now this might be a meeting that takes time…” With a bow they began to leave as well going down the tunnel to the ground floor access she then asked. “Choose? no i was born to my domain… without much of a choice or…” she looked at her hands again they were roughed by time but she pondered as well who she was still.

Aye, it’s ending now. Asheel and I killed off one of their leaders and Sylia destroyed a large part of their forces…not to say that she sealed some of them off in the blood ocean. From what I saw, they’re building their own civilization there. ” said Galaxor in reply before raising an eyebrow at El.

I think you misunderstand godhood a bit. No offense intended, of course. But a god chooses their domain. Some do it consciously, as I did with my knowledge and time domains and some do it instinctively, like heroism was for me. Maybe some part of the divine energy that created you came from countless mortal civilizations on Galbar that were, are and will be. You might’ve had the domain of evil or death or disease or anything that comes associated with civilizations, yet…you’ve become the essence of civilization itself. ” replied Galaxor to her pondering.

Seems like how i began…” She said with a light smile after a moment of silence she then continued. “So would the greatest of heroes quench his thirst in a dwarven feast or would you believe yourself too busy?

Busy? What’s busy for divine beings? Lead the way, El’zadir and I’ll bring some of my own drinks, if that’s alright. Trust me, they’re divine. ” said Galaxor in reply while adding a wink at the end.

El’zadir smiled saying “You remind me of a friend at times…” she soon lead the way to her holy site in the citadel of Donoroll a grand fortress made out of carved stone constructed north of the tree of life a grand city underground in the cavern layers. Inside the grand citadel the feast halls were readied and with El’zadir’s arrival together with Galaxor the halls soon were filled with drinks made from rock nut ale or what other plants they could brew.

Many plates of food distributed against the giant hall able to accommodate one thousand individuals echoing through the halls were songs made by singers, composers and their instruments. “Hope you don’t mind, my children are rather festive…” El’zadir commented as both were seated at the end of the grand hall.

I’m everyone’s friend, El’zadir. Part of the whole hero thing. ” replied Galaxor with a wink before following El.

As Galaxor was led through the citadel, he waved, smiled and on occasion threw stone tables with information about mining and what plants can be used to make what, translated in dwarvish around to onlookers. All the information that was given, was collected by the GU over time and as it is with information, it is meant to be shared.

I hope you don’t mind. I spread some tidbits of information my GU gathered to your dwarves. They have been around since…the beginning of Galbar as for the “children”, well, they’re mortals. It is in their nature to revel. ” said Galaxor, apologetic in tone before smiling at the mortals around and then with a wink to El, he added “Especially in the company of two divine beings.

Afterwards, he lifted a hand up, and bottles of RALK appeared on the tables, one for each dwarf. “Drink up! It 's divine. ” shouted Galaxor for all to hear.

Ralk?” El’zadir looked confused as her children would start drinking many of then liking it she soon shrugged saying. “Drink what the gods do…” she soon took a large swig out of her bottle and then said. “Rather bland for my taste…

Galaxor laughed out loud at El’zadir’s obvious distaste for the drink. “You’re the only one to think so, El’zadir. Look around at your people. They’re enjoying it. ” and true enough, it seemed that everyone was loving the new drink introduced to their city.

Now, as much as I love a good feast…shall we speak business? ” said Galaxor, suddenly serious.

She gave a shrug to the drink, it was probably because she was used to less divine drinks. Hearing of him turn more serious she gave a nod saying. “Yes i believe so… what brought your people to my peoples land’s i may have been underground for too long so i don’t know the situation above.

The beasts that attacked your people came from other divine beings. They were servants basically of some other divines that wished to consume this world… ” started Galaxor before telling the whole story of the Outer Gods to El'zadir.

...and so I killed one of them. Now, regarding the Goblin Underground. Maxima has received reports that goblins have gone missing in the tunnels that lead to your people. ‘Thus, she came to investigate. ” concluded Galaxor before taking another sip of RALK.

El’zadir pondered hearing the story of the outer gods. She somewhat felt their presence but she was always busy until recently. Her mind seemed to blank for a moment as she pondered again at her situation looking at the metal plate reflecting her. She felt empty thinking who she was or even what to do. She sighed for a moment until hearing the reason why Galaxor’s people came and she gave a nod replying. “I see…” She soon gestured to a servant approaching replying. “queen mother anything you wish? El’zadir gave a nod replying. “Yes do you have reports of goblins from the other kingdoms?” The dwarf gave a nod before stopping and saying. “Goblins?” El’zadir gave a nod using her powers to show the image of a goblin before vanishing and cleaning her hand from the dust she attracted to make it, seeing it he gave a nod commenting. “Let me see…” he soon went to a corner where a shelf was picking a scroll, something that made El’zadir a bit confused, approaching she said. “When did you get that?” He smiled replying. “[color=blue]Some lads figured how to make this my queen mother…[/blue]” El took a bit back thinking for a moment before giving a nod as he read some of the pages the dwarf looked less happy by the moment before coughing and saying. “Ahh…. my queen… according to reports involving foreign attacks they were… killed… El immediately rose up in worry turning to Galaxor saying. “Forgive me Galaxor i was not aware of this…” She lowered her head in a humbling way with a bow.

The moment El mentioned that the goblins were indeed dead, a few of the bottles from the table shattered and then transformed into dust. “I do not approve of the killing of my subject, El’zadir. I care not what mortals do to one another but those goblins were under my direct protection and out of all of them, two of the children had very interesting futures ahead of them. Futures which I intended to watch over. ” said Galaxor, his anger obvious on his face.

Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t erase your kingdoms from the face of Galbar. ” he added, as he stood up from the chair. Almost immediately, the Cosmic Destroyer, godbane artefact and killer of the Egrioth appeared on Galaxor’s waist.

El’zadir still bowed, while raised from her chair in humbleness and apology. “Still forgive me for my lack of awareness for my children” turning to the hall that was silent and seeing the two she soon raised shouting “OUT!” her voice was commanding something that exhibited royal command divine, making the room quite quickly empty of people.
Once the room was empty she sighed, turning to him she bowed again she didn’t display much emotion but she was nervous and anxious a fight between gods could be disastrous especially with a deity that seemed more specialised in fighting it could result in calamity against her even if mass destruction is made she could rebuild but the thought sickened her in part she soon replied. “I can’t bring them back that much is true Galaxor… Albeit following ancient rules I believe I am at your service until this blood debt is paid.” But even if he seeks revenge she would be ready to fight for her children’s safety even if foolish.

Upon seeing El’zadir’s obvious…fear at a fight, Galaxor’s heroic aura exploded with divine power breaking a few tables under the weight of it . “Stand your ground and stop giving me blood debt bullshit! ” Galaxor’s voice rang through the nearby tunnels, creating a small earthquake as it did.

With a deep breath, Galaxor’s aura receded and the Cosmic Destroyer became small once more.

I care not for your lack of awareness, they are your mortals. You should’ve taught them better. I refuse your blood debt, yet I shall take a boon to be bestowed upon the Goblin Underground as payment. Refuse and I shall bury your kingdoms as payment.

El’zadir held her ground covering her face from the blast of wind, once cleaning herself she kept a worried expression only ending when hearing he talk once again about blood debt she soon looked confused. “That… is literally what you asked… why are yo…” She replied, stopping for a moment, freezing in place for a solid minute thinking of something after the moment she then said. “That is only fair Galaxor whatever you wish to give to your goblins I shall give

Careful with whatever I wish, El’zadir. I could ask you to bring back all the dead to life. It is within our power, as you know but it's a costly business, in terms of power. My goblins require one thing currently, more than anything. Civilization in the style of government. Currently it’s Maxima taking all the decisions and while she’s more than capable…the Goblin Underground is growing exponentially. If my predictions of the future are correct, in the next 3 years, they’ll reach your kingdoms. So, teach my people the benefit of a government and how to make it work while also…agree that the dwarves will not harm any goblin that doesn’t deserve it. ” said Galaxor, as he slowly calmed down, before adding “Maybe an alliance between the mortals would be useful.

El’zadir seemed pensive, mumbling out loud. “Well i could ask death to bring your boys back but i haven’t seen him in aeons at this point…” She soon stopped thinking after a pause she soon answered him. “for what you requested I shall do, it's only fair.

Death? Is he even still around? Ever since I’ve helped him make the humans, he went away. But, thank you and I apologise for my previous outburst.

She shook her head replying. “No Galaxor I am more at fault for the actions of those I rule… As the mother of civilization, the law and justice of the system dictates I am at fault for what happened. You have the right to be angry and even have the right to strike me down… Even if… ” She gashed perside, feeling pain again from her closed wound she hasn’t focused on healing it much since the attack. “Even if i would not like it…

If you let your mistakes define you, you shouldn’t be a divine, El’zadir. Learn from them and fix your own mess. As for striking you…there’s no joy or honour in striking someone weaker than me nor there’s no logic in it. ” he replied, shaking his head.

She pondered for a moment what he said, giving a nod she then said. “I see… well would you guide me to your people for me to fix my mistakes?

Gladly.” said Galaxor as he teleported both of them to the Goblin Underground.

The Goblin underground was something El’zadir only saw once cracking her knuckles she soon said. “Right… Time for me to do this. It's been a while…” and with that she started working immediately on what Galaxor asked of him. Beginning to create the laws and governmental structures that she thought would be good for a centralised state and kingdom. The state apparatus creating a sort of autocratic state centred around Maxima the ruler of the goblins, the bureaucracy helping ease most of the problems. But at the same time El’zadir worked in repairing and increasing relations with the goblins and dwarves teaching the goblins commerce and trade with the 13 kingdoms that lived down below. With an apology gift for Maxima and Galaxor being an artefact she made a sceptre made out of pure gold with the help of her children encrusted with a ruby, with green and yellow diamonds flanking it crafted with the greatest of care and quality.

The Tricity Quest

Lily, Seam and Jaxx walk in a training field

Eye for eye and…arm for arm?

“Come back to us dear, its rise and shine, because I am afraid my dear daughter needs you awake for this next bit” came an intruding voice into his dream, gentle yet irresistibly instant, causing his eyes to blink open, and reveal the source to be a short green motherly goblin not wearing a witch’s hat.

“There we go, good man” the goblin praised, before telling him “now, I’ll be around, so just ask if you need something, but for the most part I’ll be leaving you in the capable hands of my lovely daughter” and stepping back to allow a similarly small goblin to step into view, one who even if he didn’t recognize her face he was able to recognize the tendrils she had grown just after she’d met him.

“Welcome back Jaxx,” Lilly said, before explaining “ya’ve been out for a while. Me mother insisted we let ya rest while I tinkered on ya new arm, which is, well iz a thing we can do now. But ya need to be awake so I can tell if I’m hooking things up right”

She gestured to his side where he was still missing an arm, and where, next to the stump, lay a table with a familiar looking limb, one of a silvery metal that he had severed from the Outer beast that had taken his own.

Pain. Screams. Death. More screams. An arm flying around. Pain. So much pain and death. Innocents. Danger. Everywhere. Dodge. Attack! Pain.

Jaxx’s dreams were…not peaceful. Not peaceful at all yet in all his dreaming, there was one thing that brought him peace. There was no ringing, no hero sense that prompted him to save lives or be a hero. It was quiet. His thoughts were his own and he could rest.

And then with a jolt, Jaxx woke up. Almost immediately he tried to stand up only to be held back by the straps around his arm and legs.

No. No. No! Aaaaggghh! ” he screamed, letting out a roar of pain as the pain of his missing arm made itself known.

Eventually after stopping, Jaxx acknowledges Lily with a curt nod of his head.

I…sorry. I don't remember you're name, miss. But I remember your fighting. I can feel the heroic energy around you, safe to assume you've proved yourself? ” said Jaxx, his voice tough and croaky as if he hadn't spoken in weeks.

Then, as soon as Lily replied with a nod and her name, time slowed down. Briefly.

Hello? What….oh. Great! You couldn't bloody let me rest in peace and had to use your shitty divine bullshit on me again!” started Jaxx to say before realizing what happened and looking upwards, shouting at his invisible patron.

“Are ya alright?” Lilly asked, glancing up at the ceiling as well, before enquiring “are ya yellin at yer god?” in a tone that made it clear that she didn’t think this was quite as strange as others might have.

With a shake of his head, the time slow effect stopped and Jaxx turned towards Lily. Finally understanding her words. “Apologies. My god? That bastard is not my god. He just doesn’t want to leave me alone! He gave me some new power. You seemed…slower. The sounds from outside slowed down.

“Slower? Well, ya do seem faster” Lilly replied, before thinking for a moment and then asking “doesithelpifitaklquicklylikethis?”

Stop, stop. It stopped now. Anyway. What were you saying? My arm is quite in a lot of pain, you’ve got something for it?

“Yup, new one” Lilly replied as she patted the metal limb laying next to him, before adding apologetically that it would “hurt more first though. Plus yer gonna be a bit reliant on this stuff for life if ya wanna keep it” as she gestured a hand at a bowl of black goop. A faint mist seemed to hang over it, never rising or dissipating, one charged with something old as the world yet had so far been so rarely wielded by mortal hands: magic.

Jaxx took a deep breath and inhaled the smell of the black goop and almost gagged on it. “Gah, that thing smells foul. Magic to make me a new arm? Good, let’s get it over with it. I have…work to do. ” replied Jaxx as he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down as the ringing in his head started to intensify. Innocents were in danger, he had to save them.

Lilly looked like she was about to say something about that, before simply nodding in agreement. Then she blinked once, her posture changed slightly, and she requested in a voice that both was and was not her own “now please, hold still. Working with the great one’s gift is delicate work”

The Octari wearing a goblin’s skin picked up a paintbrush with a stone handle and metal bristles in one hand, dabbing it in the bowl. Then in the other they took up a small fine knife with a similarly unbiological stone handle and informed Jaxx that “your body has tiny parts of it that act like daffotales along a riverbank, sending messages to and fro. I will need to cut away the scar tissue to expose them to the air so I can extend them and mesh them with your new arm. This will hurt”

He did not lie.

The operation was long and arduous, and required the hero’s participation to test each new nerve connection was synced up correctly, but stroke by stroke, Lilly’s past live painted a masterwork of flesh and steel, till at last the deed was done, and Jaxx was whole once more.

Jaxx didn’t have an easy time. His body screamed in pain as his mind screamed with the lives of innocents that he had to save. Luckily for Jaxx, a certain someone intervened halfway through the operation and nulled the pain his body felt. Fact which made Jaxx even more angry even if he was grateful for a respite from the pain.

Eventually, the operation was done. Jaxx was whole once more. The arm was different. It felt different. Otherworldly. Yet somehow it felt like it was his original one. Even if this one was made out of metal, a strange metal at that.

Standing up, Jaxx slowly touched his new arm with his original one, feeling the metal from the wrist up to where his flesh began. It was a weird feeling. On one side, he was grateful for his new arm as he knew he’d use it to save many lives…on the other side, he lost an arm. He was made with that arm and now it was forever gone. Was he still a goblin even or something more than that?

With just a short curt nod at Lily, after he was done inspecting his arm he said: “I need my sword, Heropentia. The arm looks and feels great and all but if I can’t wield a sword, it’ll be all for ‘naught.

“Dis way” the goblin replied as she set aside her implements , her voice back to normal, which was to say dripping with the distinctive accent the goblins of the city seemed to have. She led the hero through her family's home, passing by members of said extended family many of whom stopped and stared in amazement at the sight of him, be it his arm or that he was awake at all.

Then they were out into a courtyard where someone had set up rudimentary targets and training dummies, which Seam, the lanky seriema fullblood, was in the midst of practicing with, jabbing away with his second hand billhook. He and Lilly had a brief exchange, before he tossed her a key which she then used to open a large trunk set against one of the walls of the courtyard.

Within a small collection of arms could briefly be seen, but the one of import was, of course, the hero's blade, which she promptly presented to him, alongside a suggestion that “Maybe you and Seam could spar as a warm up?” one that the beastman in question said “I’d be honored” to do so.

Jaxx, not one for manners, didn’t say much to Lily’s family and only gave a slight nod as hello before hurrying up. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have manners, it was more that he never had the chance to learn them or practice them. It was always “onto save a new life for him”.

Yet, the moment he saw Seam, his face lit up. If he didn’t fully understand manners, he definitely understood combat and Seam was definitely not the best fighter out there, yet the kid had potential that was obvious to see.

Very well but just so you know, this won’t be a fair fight. Even if I hold back. ” said Jaxx as he took Heropentia and swung it with his metal arm. He could barely feel the weight of it. Before, he had to hold Heropentia with two hands to be able to wield it properly but now? Now it was as if he had a short sword. This new arm of his ‘sure came with interesting perks.

Going into a fighting pose, Jaxx closed his eyes and nodded to Seam.

You’ve got the first move. Whenever you want.

The birdman cocked his head to the side curiously at the hero closing his eyes, before, with the arrogance of youth, going easy on his first probing stab with his billhook.

Before he even moved his arm to push the billhook forward, there was a slight buzz in Jaxx's mind, warning him of the incoming hit.

In a flash, he dodged to the side and took a step forward, his sword touching the billhook's owner's arm.

One. ” said Jaxx with his eyes still closed and took a step backwards.


The beastman blinked a few times, and then put his back into things this time, taking a step back of his own and then performing a far faster leaping downwards jab.

This time, Jaxx decided to test out his new arm rather than his sword skills and as soon as the familiar buzz came, he dropped Heropentia and struck his metallic hand forward right in the path of the blade.

Sparks flew out as the two metals collided and promptly pushed the two fighters to the side.

Ugh, I kinda felt that but who needs a shield anymore. ” he said while opening his eyes, a grin on his battle scarred face.

“Ya can say dat again, ting’s working like a charm” the goblin woman agreed, clearly rather proud of her handiwork, to which Seam nodded in agreement.

Aye, it'll be useful. Now, Seam. I want you to jump a few times left and right, then circle me and strike from my blind spots. You're small and fast, use it for your advantage. ” said Jaxx to Seam with a smile before adding “Like this. ” and went on to demonstrate the zig-zag movement then a jump to the side and he was behind Seam.

It felt strange to Jaxx to talk with others and not do any traveling or killing. One could say this was Jaxx’s first holiday and he was enjoying it.

Your turn and also I suggest getting two daggers or short swords instead of the billhook. ” continued Jaxx with a smile before getting back in position.

The birdman seemed about to disagree, but was prevented from doing so by Lilly noisily rummaging in the weapon’s trunk again before pulling out the dagger Seam had first fought with before claiming the hook he was holding, along with a sheathed bronze blade. An exchange was made, and then the heroes faced off again, with the avian beastman performing fluttering leaps to and fro before darting round to the side and striking with his weapons, new and old.

And soon he was behind Jaxx who, upon receiving the all familiar buzz, jumped to the forward at the last moment, both weapons almost nicking him.

If I didn't know you were coming, that would've been a hit. Now, let me demonstrate why two weapons are sometimes better than one. ” Jaxx said as he gave Lily his long sword, Heropentia, and took a long staff from the pile of weapons.

Defend yourself. Try using one weapon if you can with the second one, wait for an opening and stab me. ” added Jaxx and he waited for Seam to get in position before advancing towards him and then started jabbing at him with the staff.

The younger hero did as he was told, and got repeatedly jabbed for his efforts as he tried to learn the trick. It was only after some pointers from the other two that he at last managed to parry away the head of the staff using the knife, and made a stab forwards with the sword.

Even with Jaxx’s foresight, the blows were erratic. The moves of a beginner, with no purpose other than to hit the opponent with everything they’ve got and eventually, a stab went through Jaxx’s defense.

It wasn’t a deep stab but enough to draw a bit of blood from Jaxx. “Well done, young hero. Do the same thing everyday for the next few years and none shall be able to stop you. ” said Jaxx with a satisfied smile.

“That long?” the younger hero groaned, while Lilly inquired “and how long have ya been at it anyhow? There be generations of tales about ya, buy you no look that old”

It’s been…20 years since I completed my first quest. Saved some goblins from some beastfolk, Goddess Asheel gave me the quest and that arrogant bastard Galaxor cursed me with the hero sense. ” said Jaxx calmly before mentioning Galaxor when his tone turned dark.

You’ll find out that us, heroes, live longer than the average person. If a healthy goblin can live 100 years, a hero will live 200. We age slower and are stronger, faster, smarter. ” explained Jaxx, his previous hatred gone.

“Tha still no be right, ah’ve lived more’n 2 dozen lives so far, an tho lotta em ended short, that’s still mor’n 200” Lilly replied skeptically

Jaxx's face betrayed his confusion and a bit of horror at realizing that he's talking with someone a few times his age while also, the horror of being 200 years not 20 since he left.

That…that doesn't seem right. Impossible. I counted the days since I left. Every single one of them. Started as a way to keep myself focused and then it just became a habit. Every day, every kill and every quest. ” Jaxx said before putting his hands on his face. A few “no, no, no” could be heard under his breath.

No! That doesn't make any sense!” he shouted, anger clear on his face.

“Ya did just do a time slow thing when ya woke up” she pointed out, before theorizing “means time can be different in different places. Jus less obvious. Would explain why ya can’t rely on anything coming from up river showin up on time” and though that last part had been said in a tone of jest, it did cause her to “hmmm” and wonder if there might be something to that.

Probably that bastard’s doing. Again! I swear I'll find a way to ki–” started Jaxx to say before stopping mid sentence, a scream following. A blood curdling scream that would send chills to those around.

The buzzing in his mind started to intensify while it gave him a few moments of peace, it decided that it was ignored for far too long.

I..I…innocent people. Save. ” he shouted once more before taking Heropentia and starting to walk in the direction his sense was pulling him.

“I… what?” Lilly said, taken aback by this sudden departure. She glanced at Seam, sharing first a pair of confused looks, and then a nod of agreement. The goblin first grabbed another knife, a small crossbow and an accompanying bandolier of bolts from the chest before locking it up again, and then, along with Seam, going after Jaxx.

Despite both the delay to arm herself, and the subsequent detour to grab one of the family Buggys (which had been thoughtfully pre-packed with water and rations by her Mother), they caught up with the elder hero easily enough. There was only one place he could be going after all. South, towards the ransacked southern half of the city, just beyond which danger still lurked in dark hidden places.

Once Upon A Chronomancer

Saving The Hopeless With Hero-Making

The Great Wall Of Sylia



Inside the Goblin Underground’s city, deep underground, Galaxor was busy watching over the pilgrims or, better said, novices that made their way down to the Library. It wasn’t an easy trip, it was hard and gruelling.

A voyage that only the toughest and most determined even attempted to make and only a fraction of those would reach it. Different challenges awaited those that went down, from single combat to survival in a massive tunnel that the dreaded Viscor worms called home, to a test of wits.

And each novice would bring with them new stories, information about the outside world or tales they’d heard from their families of Maxima or the others. Each novice sought the same thing: more knowledge. More wisdom. The good majority of novices were goblins but from time to time a human, elf, dwarf, or beastfolk would make the journey.

That was when he heard an interesting story. A few novices, human survivors of the Outer Gods’ attack and the rampage that followed them, were talking about a massive wall that appeared down south. An army, commanded by Sylia, killing any Outer Beasts they came across and then raising a wall to keep the others contained.

Appearing before the humans, Galaxor asked for more details and after a few minutes where the humans showered Galaxor with praises and words of thanks for allowing them to make the journey, Galaxor found out all that he needed to know. One of the humans even managed to catch a glimpse of the Goddess herself as she raised the wall…but not before killing thousands of Outer Beasts.

Thanking the humans, Galaxor smiled to himself. A place such as what Sylia created would be a perfect place for heroes to grow and any survivors inside would prove more than heroic; they’d be legends. In a breath, Galaxor appeared high above the wall and surveyed it, taller than tall, wider than wide. Taking his eye patch off, briefly, the Time God peered into all the potential futures of the wall and what he saw, made him laugh with joy…but he did frown at the future where the wall fell due to someone allowing the Outer Beasts inside, only for that person to be stabbed by his fellow guardsmen while shouting something about a watch.

And that’s when he noticed two humans killing an Outer Beast. Quickly and with no harm brought upon themselves. Again, Galaxor watched their futures and shook his head. Things weren’t looking good for those two. Dead within the year no matter what, out of the millions of different futures, they wouldn’t survive.

With a smile, Galaxor decided to test them before deciding whether he should change their fate or not. Transforming into a small goblin, he grabbed the attention of an Outer Beast and made it chase him. Close enough for the two humans to notice him but not close enough for the Outer Beast to notice them and run or call for backup. There was no need to kill every single one of them…yet. The ruckus caught the attention of the two, and they watched hesitantly for a few moments. The one smeared with blood hefted his massive blade in one hand, clearly eager to swing the great thing into yet another monster, but a tap from the other lad tempered his enthusiasm. They both placed the hide they were carrying down and, squatting low and fingering their weapons, watched the goblin’s flight from the beast. Whatever they might have known or seen of goblins before, this one seemed to give them reason for pause.

At last, the blood-smeared boy rose to his feet and slouched forward, keeping low. With an exasperated sigh, the other followed him. They were rather fleet of foot and were able to close most of the distance between them and the beast, but it noticed them before they were upon it and made an about turn to meet them. It was quite different from the pinniped monster they had hunted earlier. This one had the horned head and form of a great lion, the wings of a giant bat, and a tail that ended in a scorpion’s stinger. It dwarfed the two boys - they looked barely pubescent. Still, they seemed quite adept at hunting together and were quick to fan out around the creature. It was bigger than them, true, and likely quicker too and in every way stronger. But it remained the case that there were two of them, and only one of it. The blood-streaked boy swung his great bludgeon of a sword here and there, and the other hefted his war hammer, now turning the vicious pick towards the monster and now the hammer.

A heavy tension fell upon the three, the beast snarling and turning its head now this way and that as the boys circled around it. With a growl and lightning speed, the monster shattered the tension, its scorpion tail snaking for the blood-streaked boy. For whatever reason, he had seemed to unnerve it far more than the other. A scream cleft the air as the boy, blood-kohled eyes bulging, struck. A severed head flew threw the air, blood streaking behind it, and it landed a few feet away from the boy with the war hammer. He gulped, and his eyes slowly homed in on what had fallen by him. It was the beast’s bulbous stinger head.

The blood-streaked boy’s laughter swept across the sands even as his companion rushed in and struck the beast a glancing blow across its now-defenceless flank. Even as it turned to deal with this new threat, the blood-streaked boy struck, cleaving one of its wings away. The beast roared in fury and leapt away, flapping its one wing uselessly. They watched as the beaten monstrosity, far too quick for the two boys for all their speed, made a rapid escape. They checked one another, laughing and swinging their weapons about in triumph. The blood-streaked one whooped and leapt, bashing the stinger head with the flat of his bludgeon sword. As he did so, the other lad approached the goblin and looked at it cautiously. He was obviously unsure whether he could trust it; his grip on his war hammer remained tight, his eyes wary.

While the two made short work of the Outer Beast, Galaxor pretended to be scared, his hands over his head as if to protect himself from any incoming blows. The two worked well together, like a team, no talking between one another yet they knew exactly what each other would do. A hero party to be!

Standing up, Galaxor pointed a hand towards the fleeing Outer Beast, causing the boy to glance behind him in confusion. From high above, The Cosmic Destroyer flew down, killed the fleeing beast and started circling around the area and killing any Outer Beasts that might choose to disturb them. This happened, of course, out of sight of the two humans, and so the boy turned back to him with a brow raised in confusion, clearly unsure what the goblin was playing at pointing at nothing. How was he to know that the trials weren’t done yet and that being disturbed would just not do?

Noticing the grip on the warhammer, Galaxor jumped up in the air with a yelp and screamed once or twice for good measure. “No, no! No hurt me! Roxalag friend! Me lost, far-far nest. Big BADADADA and poof, no nest.” said the goblin Galaxor mimicking the story he once heard from Rajesh, his voice sounded like a child’s and the tone reflected his fearful nature. The blood-streaked boy came up behind the unstreaked one and observed the goblin with a grin. Once the goblin had stopped blabbering, he quickly squatted in front of him, holding his bludgeon-blade over one shoulder and patting the goblin’s little head with his free hand. It was obvious that they were not unfamiliar with goblins.

Galaxor pulled back almost immediately after that and laughed. “Yooz good humies. Yooz save Roxalag! Brave humie, good fighty. But iz humie smart too? Roxalag reward, if humie answer three questions!” he said while eying the unstreaked one… Longsight. Just a look from his chrono-eye, Galaxor could see that between him and the blood-streaked one, Badboy, it was Longsight who would’ve survived the longest in this place, even if he’d die in the end. As if to prove that, Badboy slouched down, his interest in the goblin’s words clearly dissipating swiftly. Longsight lowered his war hammer at last, his suspicious glare giving war to one of mild interest. He raised three fingers, then raised an eyebrow. Three? He smiled slightly and looked at the goblin expectantly. Go on then.

Galaxor jumped from one foot to another and rubbed his hands together. “Good, good! Me yap wit'out gob, listen wit'out lugs. No body, but roar to life in da wind. What am I?” said Galaxor, an easy riddle that anyone with a bit of brain could answer. It was something they would’ve heard in the desert, after all. Echoes. As Longsight frowned, clearly struggling to understand, Badboy looked over at the dancing goblin and laughed, clearly quite entertained. He clapped for it and gestured with his hand in a manner that indicated he wanted it to dance more.

Suddenly, Longsight perked up and turned around. He poked Badboy with his foot to get the distracted boy’s attention and gestured towards their hide bag. Badboy leapt to his feet as Longsight barrelled off towards it. Pausing, he looked back at the goblin and a grin grew across his bloodied face. With little courtesy, he grabbed the little goblin and, hoisting him under an arm, ran off after Longsight. All the riddling was forgotten by the time they reached the bag. Depositing the goblin in the bag, Badboy hoisted it from his side and both boys continued their journey - and a long journey it was to that far off sheer cliff.

With a yelp as he was grabbed and deposited in a bag, Galaxor settled in for the journey. He could’ve killed them both for the impudence of touching him and treating him like that but in this case, he laughed it off. The two weren’t very smart, that was obvious but damn if they weren’t brave. As he was carried away, Galaxor decided it’s a good time for him to take a nap. Godly business was tiring after all and breaks were always welcomed, for everyone knew that heroes need long hours of training and even more hours of peace and quiet to fully comprehend what they’ve learned from their training.

Eventually, after about half an hour of travel, Galaxor woke up and noticed he wasn’t too far from where they left. These humans were moving too slow for his liking and as such, decided to teleport out of the bag and just a bit further up the path out of sight, enough for the two humans to see him after a few more steps.

As soon as they saw him, Galaxor laid on the floor and shook his head. “Kidnapping goblins. That’s not very nice, y’know? Anyways, you didn't answer the first question correctly. Second question. What is more important, your duty to the tribe or your friends and family? ” he said, this time speaking differently than before and he was speaking the same language as the humans. The two boys were frozen in place for a while. Eventually, Badboy glanced into the bag to confirm what both of them were thinking. Longsight did the same. Gulping audibly, they both looked back at the goblin, wariness stripping them of any weariness they may have suffered. Badboy was tense, his grip on his weapon tight, but Longsight placed a calming hand on his shoulder and bit his lip. The two boys shared a knowing look, and Badboy relaxed.

Taking a careful step towards the goblin and, with the but of his war hammer, drew a circle in the sand. It was large enough for him to draw some ten loosely humanoid figures crouched around what looked to be an attempt at a campfire. Their postures looked relaxed, happy. It was a tribe, and the tribe was itself nothing but the extension of one’s family. The tribe was where friends were made, joys were had, protection was found, safety, warmth, camaraderie - all of that, and more, he drew.

Puzzled, Galaxor studied the two humans. Were they not capable of talking? Was that the issue? Waving his hand, as if to swat away a fly, he revealed the energy of the universe, the very essence that divine beings drew power from and noticed the two small threads of power linking the two humans to Sylia’s HQ at the wall. Somehow these humans managed to meet not one but two divine beings already and somehow annoyed one of them already.

When Longsight drew the picture, Galaxor looked at it inquisitively, studying it from all angles as he did. It was crude, very crude but they answered correctly, nonetheless. Both are important because they aren’t two separate things, but one thing combined.

Clapping a few times, Galaxor nodded at Longsight. “Well done, human. You’ve answered correctly. One out of two, one more correct answer and you’ll get a reward. Now, if you’re ready for the third and final question…” said Galaxor before stopping, taking a few steps back and staring right into Longsight’s eyes. “Do you think you can take me in a fight? ” The boy stared back into the goblin’s eyes. His jaw was fixed with determination, but his eyes betrayed his fear. Badboy rose up behind him, a scowl on his face. A loud slap cracked the air, and Longsight released the breath he had been holding. He glanced back at Badboy, who gave him his to fucking shit with monsters face. Taking a deep breath and tightening his grip on his war hammer, he turned back to the goblin- demon- god- whatever- and opened his mouth in a silent warcry. By him, Badboy raised his bludgeon-sword and beat at the black sand before him with it. Cracking their necks, the two boys advanced on the goblin.

Putting a finger forward towards Badboy, Galaxor shook it. “Aaaa. Not you. Him. Alone.

That gave both boys pause, and they glanced uncertainly at one another. Before they could come to a decision, however, Galaxor moved forward towards Badboy and, before he could react, put a hand on his chest and threw him up in the air where he'd find himself suspended in air by an invisible force. The boy struggled and swung his bludgeon-sword about, screeching silently, his face blackblood-streaked face livid. But there was nothing to be done. Seeing this, Longsight wasted no time and struck out at his quarry.

Dodging the attack from Longsight, Galaxor took a few steps back and laughed at the group's bravery. In a flash of bright light, Galaxor transformed into his usual godly body with his golden-blue-purple-ish aura radiating strongly.

Hey-ho human. While in presence, you may speak. I, Galaxor, God of Heroism, Knowledge and Time, give you permission. Now, before your friend ill advised you, what was your answer to my question? Not your current answer, your previous answer. Not knowing what I am, even if you were suspecting it.

Blinking quickly and backing away from the god’s bright aura, Longsight raised a hand to his eyes and squinted at the mighty being. “I-” he began, his voice a croak, “it’s a bad idea.” He said. “We can’t defeat gods- or demons, whatever that thing from yesterday was. And… well, you didn’t seem like you wanted us harm, so I thought there was no need to worry- even if you were a god after all. What would I do?” He paused for a few moments, “if I could avoid fighting a foe I had no hope against, I think I’d do so. But if I had no choice, say if Badboy was in danger or if the fight was for some other reason forced on me - and it was forced on me when you challenged me; what man of honour would flee when challenged? - then there is no choice but to fight bravely and die. As they say, the brave are remembered in the songs of harvest while the coward has no song- but is perhaps cursed by the hearthstone of winter.”

Galaxor laughed out loud at Longsight’s explanation and answer but still shook his head in the end.

While you do give a good, honest, answer for it, something that I appreciate, there is something you’ve missed. I didn’t challenge you to a fight, a fight requires both parties to be equal or similar in power to make it fair. Even if I’d fight you without any of the many powers in my arsenal, I still have aeons of combat experience and the knowledge of all the universe. It would be less than fair. What I did, was to ask you a simple question, “Do you think you can take me in a fight?”. The answer was obvious, no and that’s it. It ain’t cowardice if you accept that one adversary is more powerful than you, it’s stupidity. What do you do when you meet an adversary more powerful than you? Retreat, train to get better and return. Trust me, there’s more than enough time for everything…if one plans it right. ” said Galaxor before half-remembering that Badboy was still suspended in air.

Waving his hand, he gently let him touch the ground but still banned him from speaking. “Badboy. A fitting name. You should learn how to think before acting. Being brave doesn’t do you any good if you end up dying for those you try to protect. Now, stay silent while I talk with your friend and before you try something, remember that I’m a divine and I don’t wish to have to kill your friend because you’ve done something rash and had to send you in a den of Outer Beasts. Alright? ” The boy scowled at the god, picked himself and Headsplitter up, walked five purposeful steps away, and plopped himself down on the meatbag.

“He’s been a bit off it since we got here…” Longsight explained, looking at the god, “I reckon he just misses Rockpetter.” A small smile hovered on his lips, and then his eyes grew hooded. Breathing whatever dark thought had beset him away, a certain curiosity overtook him and glimmered in his dark eyes. “I don’t mean to sound unduly curious- or, heaven forbid, ungrateful- but… you are the second god - though I still don’t know if that thing from yesterday was anything such!.. But you are the second great being to take an interest in us in so many days. And you certainly don’t seem so keen on punishing us, else you would’ve done so already I think- certainly that demon punished us for far less! Anyway, I ramble, but what I mean to say is this: what is your purpose with us? What is the reason behind all this that you’re doing? That beast, that riddle, these questions, these… tricks? Puzzles? Are you just toying with us or is there something more to it? I mean, I’m sure a being so powerful as you could just about toy what whatever he likes- there’s nothing we can do to stop you- but indulge my curiosity, if you will.”

Rockpetter. Interesting name, maybe I’ll pay her a visit. Tell her how bad, Badboy was. ” said Galaxor initially with a wink towards Badboy. The boy gave the god a sidelong glance, his pretence at nonchalance breaking momentarily before he straightened himself and returned to idling on the sack.

I’m not sure whom you’ve met yesterday, be it an aspect of the Goddess Sylia or herself, but it was related to the person who put up the wall behind you. If I were to guess what happened by how you’ve reacted to me…did you try to attack her? ‘Cause if you did, you’re lucky you’re here and not dead. As for why I took interest in you. Hmm. ” continued Galaxor while making a few chairs appear and a table with a few bottles of RALK. Longsight’s eyes widened on seeing it, and even Badboy on his sack looked over in surprise. It was clear they recognised the drink.

Take a seat, drink up. It’s quite a divine drink. Now, where were we? Ah. Yes, Why I took an interest in you. Very simple. I didn’t. Some humans that reached one of my temples told me a story about a wall and the Goddess Sylia. Thought I might see it for myself and then I saw you two. Let’s say I looked into the future and neither of you survive out here, Badboy dies first always…and it ain’t a nice death. Decided to see if you’re worth something. Call it curiosity.

Having taken a seat, Longsight eyed the god across him and chewed at his lip upon hearing the revelation. “I… well…” he seemed crestfallen momentarily. He glanced over at Badboy, who was looking over at him, having clearly heard. If the blood-streaked boy was fazed by the words, he didn’t show it. Anger glimmering in his eyes, Longsight turned back to the god. “With all respect- and I mean it, I’ve no business offending any gods- but your words mean nothing to us. If in every future we are to die, then… then…” he tried to chalk up the words that would illustrate his anger, resolve, “then to shit with every future- Badboy and I will make our own. We’re getting out of here, we’re returning to our clan- to Reaper and Donkeywhacker and Rockpetter and Lifedancer and Herbsprinkler, to everyone! And when we get back to them, we’re going to Fort Skybreak and we’re finding all the others. That’s our future uh- Gacks- Galakser. It’s the only one that matters- you don’t see it ‘cause we’ve not bashed it into existence yet!” A grin, reminiscent of Badboy’s, if less crazed, spread across his face. “We’re Revenits; we traverse the sandracked wastes and live against the odds, it’s what we do.”

I applaud your bravery again but, as I said, I did see all potential futures. Not saying there isn’t a chance one of you escapes this place but not both of you. Never, both of you. As for disrespect, don’t worry about it. I, for one, can understand that mortals care about their lives and in times of fear…they bash out. It’s normal, just your nature. ” replied Galaxor before drinking a whole bottle of RALK in one gulp and throwing it behind him, only for it to reappear on the table, full once more.

In every future where you two are left alone, you will die. Unless Sylia decides to forgive you or any other divines intervene to save your lives, you’ve got no chance. Yet, here I come in. I find myself in need of an aide. My Goblin Underground has more than enough to handle. You, Longsight, hold potential for greatness. That’s obvious to anyone and in all my predictions, you always fight to survive. When you’ve lost an arm, a leg…when your whole lower part was being eaten by an Outer Beast you clawed yourself out of the pool of your own blood, killed it and somehow still survived to kill another one.

The boy’s face was a picture of horror and…a certain galvanised animation. He had no desire- or intention- to be consumed on this beast-blasted shore, and yet the idea that he would fight so indomitably, unbreaking despite the breaking of his body, stirred the fire of his browned coal eyes. He leaned forward. “I’ve spoken my piece. I’ve no desire to die here- but if my future is, as you say, to die so bravely, then so be it! Such a death can hardly be called death anyway- that is ascendance into glory and eternal life!” he paused, calming his excited breathing, “but… an aide, you say? You mean… you need me? Or, rather, you want me? I don’t understand. What for?”

Gods, Longsight you remind me of myself when I was but a mortal. Brave as for 10 people and dumber than 20 but before I say anything else, let me show you both what I’m talking about. Fair warning, you might get a headache after this. ” said Galaxor with a smile before taking off his eye-patch and revealing his chrono-eye. Immediately both of them were drawn to look into it.

As the two humans looked into his eyes, they found themselves transported back to where they were just seconds before Galaxor showed up. From there, they continued on their journey and survived for a few weeks, only for Badboy to be killed by an Outer Beast. Longsight managed to survive a few more days after. The moment they were killed, they were transported back to the original place and so it went on until twenty different futures were shown, all in which they died…and then they were back, looking at Galaxor.

That’s all you can handle currently. If I showed you more your brains would turn into dust…think for a second of what you’ve seen and believe me when I say, all your futures end like that. I selected the ones that aren’t too gory so they only get worse from there on. ” Galaxor finally said before giving them a few minutes to think things through. Satisfied, he turned to Longsight.

Aye, you’ve got the stuff of heroes even if you’re not the sharpest tool. No one is, that’s why one needs to study more. As for what I need you…It’s quite an important task. I’ve seen the fate of this place and it doesn’t end well for it. Time is fickle, easily manipulated. You’ve been stuck in the sandwaves for a long time but back at the Goblin Underground, you only spent a few days. I know it’ll be hard for you to understand but know that if things go on like this, bad things will happen. Very bad things. I need someone to handle any and all discrepancies in time. ” Longsight blinked at the god, not fully understanding what was meant. Perhaps the strange visions he had shown them were still addling their minds, but it took Longsight many long seconds to process and reprocess what the god had said.

At the Goblin Underground…
only a few days…
time is fickle…
stuck here a long time…
but back at the Goblin Underground…

He reeled back, eyes wide.

“I… don’t know what- how.” He frowned, and his eyes grew wide. Time is fickle. They had awoken to beasts long thought to be the stuff of myth. Ancient myth. They had awoken to find them upon them in peaceful, sleepy, happy Renev. And escaping that carnage northward towards Fort Skybreak they had found not Fort Skybreak but… desert. Endless desert. Desert as was whispered of sometimes in the most ancient epics relaying the beginning of all things- mad stuff that only brain-addled monks and ascetics passing through the village on their endless voyages blabbered about. A mad hellish desert with divine wheels rolling across to deliver the people of the world from the plains of hell to the promised riverlands. All mad nonesenes, he had always thought and been told, conjured up in the mad ravings of wandering loons. And yet… time is fickle. His heart beating loud and fast, he gasped for breath and would have fallen had he not been seated on the chair. Their troubles… everything that had happened to them these last five, six, seven- gods only knew - years: it was all the fault of fickle time. His eyes saw it now. He could not see it otherwise. With those coals of brown, he SAW it.

His hands shaking and mind still reeling from the epiphanic unveiling of the truth and simultaneous breaking of all he understood of reality, he looked at the god. “I’ll do it.” He said simply, without any explanation.

Galaxor gave the two a minute to calm down and come to terms with what they've seen, it wasn't easy to know what awaited you. It wasn't easy knowing you'll die a horrible death and seeing your death. It wasn't easy knowing that all you've known to be a myth and mad sprouting of lunatics to be true. Meeting divine beings was never easy and almost always illuminating.

With a glimmer in his other eye, Galaxor studied Longsight. There was no hesitation, no fear. Just determination. Cold and strong as divinium determination, yet he had to be sure.

Are you sure, mortal? You'll never be able to stop being my aide. I'll always know where you are and what you're doing. I'll always be with you in a sense. Your duty won't, ever, stop. So, I ask you again. ” said Galaxor, channelling his Aspect of Heroism as his voice became commanding, his golden aura outshining the other two.

Are you sure?

The boy rose, the chair falling back behind him. “If it’ll help me understand, and if it’ll help set things aright, then of course.” A gleam of mischief lit up his eyes. “I can’t promise that you won’t be the one with regrets, though! If I can never stop, that only means you’ll be stuck with me!” Badboy had dallied over as they spoke and now stood by Longsight, a smirk on his face. “I’ll do as you bid, but I’ll do it my way.” For a person not in a position to haggle, he knew how to push his luck.

Galaxor laughed out loud at the sheer bravado of Longsight and with a wink, replied: “I can always kill you, you know? As for you doing things your way? I wouldn't want it any other way. If I guide you at every step, you won't learn anything. Now…

Galaxor closed the distance between him and Longsight and after taking his time-slowing artefact, The Egrioth’s claw, drew on Longsight's chest arcane runes in languages not known to this universe. Blood poured down his chest but as it did, it changed colour to a bright blue and shone with chrono-magic.

When Galaxor was finished with Longsight’s chest, he took some blood on his finger and tapped one of Longsight’s eyes which immediately turned the same colour as Galaxor's chrono-eye. Later on, Longsight would find that the runes would disappear from his body but his blood would remain blue-ish.

A surge of divine energy flowed from Galaxor as the runes activated and Longsight fell on the ground as his body was attuned to the timelines.

And it's done. You'll feel the power coursing through your veins. Stronger, faster - more charming and intelligent too. All things that come with being a hero of Galaxor. The powers I've bestowed upon you will take time to get adjusted to. Your life will never be the same. Your friends will seem boring in comparison to who you are now. Your destiny has been changed forever and don't forget, when I call…you gotta answer. No choice in the matter.

The boy was quiet as the god’s powers worked their way into his form and altered the fundamentals of his being. Even if he wished to say something witty or snarky in response, the weight of what rushed through him made that nigh impossible. His long brown hair was saturated with power and stood rigid, blue veins streaked across his form, seemed to split his very skin and carve themselves into it in pulses. The blood in his heart boiled and gurgled, shedding forever its crimson hue for that cool, all-seeing blue. It would be difficult to correctly call the boy ‘human’ after this; he was now a being almost at one with the chronoflows. His sight would be irreversibly changed- whatever long sight he might have had before this will be nothing but the scramblings of a field mouse in a hole.

It was a while before the energies grew calm and the veins of blue light faded until nothing remained of them but his right eye, now of milky blue, and a few angular vein-like runes that speared out from the epicentre of his eye up his brow and down his cheek, pulsing gently. Badboy gazed at him in curiosity and awe. Then he grinned, and Longsight knew what that mischievous look meant. You’re in the shit now. He had no doubt about that - but maybe it would be some good shit. He looked up at Galaxor. “Now with that… we’ll survive right? Both of us. We’ll return to our people- with that, none of those visions will be, right?”

I don’t actually know, not even I can see your future anymore Longsight. You've been removed from the timeline but, what I know is that you won’t be alone. As soon as I leave, your voices will be taken away from you. If you’re to survive in this place, hero of mine, you’ll need multiple things and one of them is the ability to communicate more than through…looks and signs. Give me a moment. ” said Galaxor before teleporting away but not before making some food and more RALK appear on the table. The two boys glanced at one another, their stomachs rumbling audibly, and launched themselves at the veritable feast.

After about twenty minutes Galaxor reappeared and with him, four goblins. Two of them were the small type of goblin and two were massive, each two metres tall. Out of them, one of the smaller ones and one of the bigger type, wore long robes that covered every inch of their body but their face while the other two, were dressed in diamond armour.

And I'm back. These four are Fee, Fie, Fo and Fum. Guards and novices at my Library back in the Goblin Underground. They'll keep you safe and they will teach you the art of writing. Any command you have, they'll follow it…Longsight. Only your commands. They won't listen to anyone but you. ” said Galaxor as he pointed at each goblin, which did a small bow towards Longsight, as he named them. Badboy eyed the goblins with pursed lips, fiddling with the handle of Headsplitter, as Longsight acknowledged the four. “I’ll remember that - there’s safety in numbers, no doubt, and a way to talk to one another will be good. Heaven knows this whole gesticulating stuff is wearisome.” Badboy nodded glumly at his words, then flashed the god an annoyed glare for not removing the curse if even for a moment. He did not stay angry too long, however, for he got to grabbing whatever undrunk RALK and uneaten food remained on the table and delivered it into their meatbag for later.

Looking at Badboy, Galaxor shook his head and then nodded at him, giving him permission to say exactly 20 words.

You’ve got 20 words, Badboy and then back to silence, use them smartly. Two of the guards are experienced in survival underground, maybe you’ll find yourself a nice cave. In a year or two, you might even reach some place below the wall somehow. The other two are smart. They know many things. Ask them and they’ll answer to the best of their ability but don’t expect much, you need to show that you want to learn.

RALK and foodstuff in hand, Badboy looked up at the god. “Look here bossman, if anyone should get any sort of powers here, it should be ME.” Satisfied that he had made his position abundantly clear, he continued. “Is Rockpetter doing alright?” He asked. He had spoken swiftly, true enough, but had managed to say everything he wanted exactly in those twenty words. It was likely nothing more than sheer dumb luck. The blood-streaked boy did not wait for an answer, but turned around and hobbled towards the meatbag to drop more of his haul into it.

I’ve given you the power of being alive, as you’d be dead otherwise. If you want me to retract my power, let me know and I will. ” said Galaxor while teleporting right in front of him, staring him into the eyes with the Aspect of Heroism. The one that managed to intimidate divine beings with. The boy dropped what he was holding and fell onto his bottom, clearly shaken.

After a second or two, Galaxor burst out laughing. “I’m kidding. Don’t worry, but I suggest that you keep your mouth shut if you meet other divine beings or at least try to show some respect to your betters.. As for Rockpetter? She’s alive. I can’t take you there but here. ” added Galaxor as he stared once more with the chrono-eye into Badboy’s eyes. This time, Badboy would feel time go backwards even more than before, back to when he was with Rockpetter.

“Argh!” Badboy screamed, throwing his axe to the ground. “Look what you did, Rockpetter! You held me up and I missed all the fun!” He glared at the girl, and she frowned back. “Don’t shout at me!” She shouted, whacking him with her stick, at which he yelped and ducked behind Longsight. “I told you not to come with us! You just slow me down!” He insisted, barely managing to avoid another strike from her, which instead caught Galloper on the buttocks. The bigger man swore, but the girl had already disappeared after Badboy.

On the black sand, Badboy shook himself from the vision, a smile on his face. She sure knew how to whack a lad. He looked up at Galaxor and slowly ascended to his feet. Giving the god a thumbs-up by way of thanks, he rushed back to the table - magically full again! - and grabbed what he could. It was going to be a long five years after all, they had to stock up.

You’re welcome, Badboy. Actually, fine, you may speak until I leave. ” said Galaxor before turning to Longsight. Badboy whooped in the background, running in circles around the waiting goblins even as his great food heist continued.

“While I’m here,” Longsight said to the god, “that is, while serving this wholly unjust prison sentence, is there anything you’ll need me to do as far as the duties you mentioned go? Other than surviving, of course, and learning what Fee, Fi, Fo, and Fum have to teach.” He glanced at the goblins uncertainly.

If you acted like you did with me…it isn’t unjust. She could’ve killed you both and yet, here you are. Alive. Or she could’ve cursed you and your kin or many-many other horrific ways to torture you. As for what I want you to do. It’s quite simple. I need you to master your new powers or at least reach a level of proficiency with them that is acceptable. You won’t be able to do much at first but with time, you’ll be able to stop time for short periods of time, revert the passage of time over objects or people or use your eye like I did and see visions of the future or the past. It won’t be an easy task, that’s guaranteed and don’t try to overdue it. The strain on your body will kill you if you try to use your powers too much, generally stopping when you feel “out-of-time”, when past present and future are the same to you, that’s when you stop and don’t continue until the feeling is gone. No matter how long it takes. Trust me, you don’t want to end up a timeless spectre. ” explained Galaxor with a calm tone.

Longsight nodded in understanding. “So be it. In that case, it is best we make a move now. It will be sunset soon and I don’t like the idea of spending another night out in the open. We need to walk quickly if we’re to get to the cliff before dusk.” Moving over to the now overstuffed bag, he called out for Badboy to come help him with it. “Let this big fella do it!” The boy shouted back, gesturing at Fo, one of the two great-goblins. “I’m not some ox!” The blood-streaked boy continued. Longsight glanced at the two great-goblins, then at Galaxor. Without complaint, Fo moved across and, with remarkable ease, hefted the bag over one shoulder. RALK bottles and assortments of food fell helter-skelter to the sand, to the protestations and profanities of Badboy.

Ignoring him as he lectured Fo, Longsight turned back to the god. “We’ll be going now, if you’ll allow us.” He paused for a few moments. “It… it’s been a pleasure. Far more than our first encounter, that’s for sure - and though we can no doubt disagree on the justice or otherwise of this state of affairs, you’ll not catch me being ungrateful. I - we - owe you a debt of gratitude.”

Waving a hand at them, Galaxor appeared in front of the group. “You plan on walking there? Blah. Let me give you a small push forward and yes, you do owe me. Both of you. I’ll come and collect soon enough. Especially the debt Badboy owes me. That’ll be fun to collect. ” said Galaxor with a laugh before waving his hand as if to “shoo” the group away, teleporting them close to the cliff, about five minutes away from it in fact. Badboy looked at Longsight, wide-eyed and dazed. Longsight turned away and placed one foot on a nearby rock, and gazed silently into the endless red waves.

The Nature Of Time

Galaxor’s Ponderings

The Holy Library Of Galaxor

Once upon a time, Galaxor was perched upon his throne, looking at Maxima, now an old goblin with hundreds of grandchildren and great grandchildren, as she was reading ancient stories to the runts about the time she was created. Galaxor’s eye reflected the brilliance of countless stars and the aura of wisdom enveloped him as he contemplated the enigmatic nature of time. His divine mind delved into the intricacies of temporal threads that wove the fabric of existence.

Standing up, Galaxor locked himself in his study, a small room completely sealed to mortals. In there, he summoned ancient tomes that chronicled the epochs of reality. With each page turned, he sought to unravel the mysteries that transcended mortal comprehension. The whispers of past, present, and future echoed in this sanctuary of his.

As the God of Heroism and Knowledge, Galaxor pondered the interplay between time and the heroic deeds of mortals. He looked at the narratives woven into the tapestry of history, where valiant champions rose to meet the challenges of their epochs and even other epochs. Each moment etched in the cosmic timeline held the potential for heroic exploits that resonated across the ages.

At the end of Galaxor's contemplation, a new understanding washed over him. The very essence of time, with its nonlinear dance and interconnected threads, became clear to the God of Heroism and Knowledge. It was not a revelation of control, but a realisation of harmony.
Galaxor, in his newfound understanding, embraced the chaos and beauty of the ever-shifting temporal landscape. Rather than seeking dominion over time, he acknowledged the balance that existed in the mashup of divergent eras. As Galaxor's insight into time, he became a custodian of the temporal currents, ensuring that the equilibrium of the timeline remained undisturbed. Mortals continued to embark on heroic journeys that transcended the boundaries of conventional time.

As Galaxor understood the mysteries of time more, a surge of divine energy began to resonate within him. The very fabric of the universe responded to his understanding, and in a moment of transcendence, a glow enveloped his vacant eye socket. Temporal energies, ancient and unfathomable, converged to weave a new form—a celestial eye that pulsed with the essence of past, present, and future.

The divine eye, now a beacon of temporal insight, opened to realms beyond normal comprehension. It possessed the ability to pierce through the veils of time, granting Galaxor a panoramic view of the cosmic tapestry. The boundaries between past, present, and future blurred as the eye became a conduit for the ebb and flow of temporal currents.

Exiting his sanctum, Galaxor looked upon the world differently than before. One of his eyes seeing the world as it is, the other one, seeing all the potential of it. Everything and anything was now in a constant movement as it was being pulled towards its future self.

Remembering his deal with Sylia, Galaxor clapped his hands and the massive armoured plate, he took from Erigoth, appeared in front of him. Chipping just a tiny bit out of it as an extra memento, he looked upon it once more before teleporting himself and it to Sylia’s city. He instructed the citizens to let Sylia know and disappeared without a trace.

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