Could i join and take that adopt a dm partner from you, my character is named Timuir pronounced Team-your and is a 6'4", Egyptian skinned behemoth, based mainly by his knowledge and natural strength, though most times you can find him in a library reading on historic things of religions and such, he is a medium and has a natural aptitude with the dead and is naturally drawn to otherworldly creatures, his sight is poor so he uses his mana, therefore concealing him better through its concentration into his eyes, in order to "sense" creatures in the area, mostly in a midnight purple aura for most creatures and tends to be solemn, quiet, reserved, and when he tries to make a friend, he stays with them until they betray him. He carries a nordic ring for being a focus crystal for his magic and tends to be more towards the dead side when he is alone, I.e. acting as if he is dead. He loves books traditionally about history and mythologies and has a tattoo on his back of ravens symbolizing his beliefs in the norse pantheon. He always has his journal on him though hasn't ever written in it and it is turned into his grimoire, a midnight purple, leather-bound, large book consisting of its exterior of ancient Nordic runes that symbolize dragr, the dead, the realm of Hel, and protection magics. Would you be ok with this? I especially think it would work great because he is highly protective of ravens due to his beliefs and would be highly guarded towards your demon character, especially when he is in familiar form.