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Right, where is everyone at the moment? Wanna figure out where to put the two besides the City Ruins (Obviously).

Dante is in city ruins with Doom Slayer
Spiderman is in the city, though I haven't had him do much in a while so he can be anywhere
Master Chief is in the city with Vader
And Sombra? ¿Quién es Sombra?
@Majoras End
@Zoey Boey
I'm working on a new character right now, and I feel like I have an idea for him involving Dio. And @ZAVAZggg bringing Dracula in won't make it worse (actually, that might make it better)
Either one is fine, either starting out in the mansion or using the tokens to get his supply (that kind of thing is pretty much what that summoning feature is there for, in fact)
They don't usually come into the crossroads with a house unless you specifically wish for it with your three tokens.

This actually isn't true, they can come into the Crossroads with a dwelling place. That's how Dante was able to bring Devil May Cry with him and Chief was able to bring the Forward Unto Dawn (and all the stuff in it) with him
Where would they be waking up? The OP says that they usually come into the Crossroads with like, their house too? Or am I misreading that?

They sometimes can, but they don't have to. I've left it open ended so players can start wherever they want with whatever they want
stormtroopers: DROP YOUR WEAPONS
master chief: no u

Just have them wake up in the Crossroads having no prior knowledge of how they got there, have them find the tokens and the rules for the tokens, and have your characters start looking for characters that haven't been interacting with too many people yet. If you're not sure who that would be, just ask on the OOC
Alright, I think we've managed to pick out all of the OP aspects. I think I'm confident enough in saying that he's accepted, as long as you play him responsibly

Remember to Drac responsibly, kids
Location: City Ruins


Dante watched as Doom Slayer backed up to avoid Dante's sword and started to fire at him from a distance again. Thinking quickly, Dante held his sword horizontally in front of his chest as the shots were being fired. The broadness of the sword allowed it to catch quite a few shots, but some of them managed to fly by it and hit Dante in his left arm, the right side of his waist and his thigh in particular. The shots hurt, not as much as the last ones but definitely enough for Dante to take pause for a moment before running in the opposite direction that Doom Slayer was, just to throw him off

Alright, if bullets didn't work and he wasn't gonna let Dante get close, then he'll just have to try something else. While still running, Dante made a vertical slash with his sword in the air, followed by 3 more slashes. On the 4th slash, a wave of energy flew out of the sword and flew straight ahead at Doom Slayer. The energy wave was about the size of the sword, was crescent shaped, and had the same glow and color that the sword itself did only a moment ago. It wasn't as fast as a bullet, but it flew quick enough to be difficult to avoid
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