Avatar of Tlstiffl


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6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

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General IC- LGBTQ+

FxF Smut

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just bumping to see if anything happens.

Warning: This is an extremely specific plot idea and it is MxF and I will be playing the female. Continue on if this does not bother you.

Good day my lords and ladies. My name is Tee and I am 32 years old and a total nerd. I have had this plot that I have tried to get started multiple times and every time it has fallen through. The main thing being a lack of understanding. I will throw this out there now, I am looking for someone who has seen the movie Ever After with Drew Barrymore. If you haven't seen it and this interests you, let me know and I can give you the best description of the movie as I can. I really want to use the movie as inspiration. The difference though for this RP, the roles are reversed. So the 'Cinderella' character will be a male, and the royal person will be female. But in terms of how they meet and their development of their relationship, I want to really take from the movie and adapt- really the key part is how they meet and how the character Drew Barrymore plays has to pretend to be a courtier.

So maybe I am just older than I thought, or this movie isn't as popular as I thought (which if you haven't seen it, you should watch it!). But so far, I have yet to find a partner who has seen the movie and because of that I have a difficult time depicting what I want. And again, I am open to some interpretation.

Now for a few rules. The fun stuff.

1. This will be a high casual-advanced RP. I usually write between 4-5 detailed paragraphs, a little less if it is a heavy dialogue scene. I am looking for a partner who can give the same. Although, quality is far more important than quantity.
2. 18+, purely for the fact that I am 32. Smut will be limited in this RP. A sexual scene must make sense to the plot and it will probably be 50/50 of playing it out vs fade to black.
3. We all have lives. I have a life, or at least pretend. But looking for a partner who can be available a fair amount of time.
4. Grammar and spelling are not a huge deal, but no internet slang, and it has to be understandable to some extent.
5. Love romance. I am a sap for romance and it is key. Hence me picking a cheesy chick flick as inspiration.

Ok if you are still with me and are interested, please PM me. I feel like I am coming off as a total bitch here, but honestly I am just desperate to get this RP going. It has been over a year since I have started to try.

Bump bump.

If you were not a teenager in the early 00s, this will not be appreciated by you.
@Jaredthefox92 send me a PM!
So my life lately has been a mess, meaning that posting is a bit sporadic. However, because everything is so crazy I need some distractions, and RPing is a good one. So if you are looking for a partner who will post everyday, I may not be that person. But there is also a good chance that you will get posts from me everyday, maybe even a few times a day. It honestly depends on my personal life.

So if you are still on board, I'll continue.

I'm looking for an 18+ partner. I do not do smut, but I'm ok with mature scenes if the RP calls for it. I do MxF, FxF and MxM. In MxF, I do prefer to be a female, but I am ok doubling so we both get a chance.

The roleplay must have romance and drama... It is my forte. I like to consider my RPs sorta like soap operas. But I never do anything that isn't logical to the RP and I don't drag things out longer than necessary.

Writing style, I consider myself advanced, but because of personal life, I'm ok with high casual. Quality is definitely more important that quality, but I don't do one liners... Or even one paragraph. Average length is a good detailed 3-5 paragraphs... With the occasional 7-8 paragraphs thrown in. All I'm asking is someone who can keep up with that.

So to summarize...

1. 18+, no smut
2. Any pairing, romance a must
3. High casual- advanced writing
4. Understanding of each other's personal lives.

If you are all with me, I will now list what I'm interested in. I don't have any specific plots at the moment, so if you have an idea you think I'll like, send it my way! So for now, I'll list pairings and genres I enjoy.

1. Slice of life (probably my favorite)
-I tend to stick to school RPs, high school or college. But open to other ideas

2. Harry Potter
-I'll do any era: Marauders, Golden Trio or post final battle.
- I'll do Canon or OCs

3. Historical
- WWI/WWII eras are my personal favorite

4. Fairy tale (Not fantasy)
-You know, knights, princesses, castles, etc.

So that's basically it. There are others, but this is my main core. If you think we could get along and RP well together, send me a PM or mention me here!
@Tranquility that would be fine with me, PM if you'd like :)
@TheEldest I won't lie, ive never done a vampire RP, but I'm definitely interested. And if I'm playing a human, I think I could keep up!
Do you do MxM pairings? Cause I'd love to do. Harry/Draco plot @Tranquility
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