Avatar of Tlstiffl


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

Newest IC

Current Open IC

Plot Specific IC

General IC

General IC- LGBTQ+

FxF Smut

Surprise me!

Most Recent Posts

Bumpity bump bump
One more tiny bump. Really hoping to find one partner. Craving SOL mostly, but will happily discuss other genres.
Bumpity bumpy bump!
Bump bump!
If you love MxM or FxF RPs, you have come to the right place!

Hi there! Just a little about me, I am Tee and I am 33 years old. I am looking for dedicated partners. I will do my best to post at least once a day, at the very least once every 3-4 days.

Now the not so fun part. My "Rules" (it is such an awful word).

+++I am a high casual-advanced writer. I can and most likely will easily post 5-6 paragraphs (3-4 if it is a heavy dialogue scene), if not more. The more you give me, the more I give in return. At the end of the day though, quality is more important than quantity.
+++ 18+ (21+ preferred) please. I know, lame, but I mean... come on. I am 33, it'd be weird.
+++ For smut, it varies. Sometimes I am all for it, other times I prefer a RP focused much more on the plot, so smut will be limited/fade to blacks. If we go the smut route, I will want to discuss limits/kinks.
+++ I am not the best at grammar, so I don't expect perfection. Just an effort.
+++ Just please be dedicated and motivated. Help me move the plot along. And forewarn you, I am a huge fan of drama.
+++ I don't have any more rules. I just wanted to complete the rainbow.

Now the fun part!
My prompts! Some are more specific than others. If you have any ideas, I am all ears. And at the moment, I really am only looking for MxM or FxF. That isn't to say I wouldn't do MxF, I just prefer playing female. So if you want to do MxF let me know! And romance is a big must for me!

Ok that is about it. Hope this wasn't too awful to read. If anything peaks your interest send me a PM or if you post here, be sure to tag me! Though knowing myself, I will obsessively check this thread anyways and will probably see if you post. I am so cool ;)
Bump bump bump
So I have a pairing idea that I want to try. It is based off of Finnick and Annie from the Hunger Games. We don't necessarily have to be in the Panem world, but I am looking to play a couple that have been through hell and back. And one will have a lot of PTSD and suffer from delusions and what not (essentially Annie's character).

This is a rough idea and would be happy to build a world with a partner. I do want to play the female role, so looking for anyone will to play a male. I'm open to which of us is playing the character with the PTSD. 18+ cause my ass is almost 30 and it would just be weird.

PM if interested :)
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