Avatar of Tlstiffl


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6 mos ago
snow... earthquake... solar eclipse. what's next mother nature?
8 mos ago
Funny how quickly shit can turn on a dime and you are right back where you were a year ago mentally... And it's not a good thing.
9 mos ago
Happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to me, woo.
9 mos ago
Ok not to be a Scrooge, but did anyone else's Christmas just not Christmas the same way this year? It wasn't like bad, it just felt... not like Christmas.
10 mos ago
We are now entering the "do not look at your bank account" era


Hi, call me Tee. I am a 34 year old neurospicy dork (she/her). I am so old. I've got a hubby and two corgis that get majority of my attention.

RP Status: Open, but limited

Check out my various interest checks below. Even if they haven't been bumped in awhile on the thread, I am still interested in them if listed here.

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Current Open IC

Plot Specific IC

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General IC- LGBTQ+

FxF Smut

Surprise me!

Most Recent Posts

Boop- kinda looking for a quick start on this
Ok this is going to be a very simple interest check and straight to the point.

First, this is an 18+ (21+ preferred) zone. That's the most important rule.

So essentially I am looking for smut. I am not normally a smut writer- it will be incorporated into my RPs if it makes sense to the plot, but it's not the main focus. And even when it's incorporated, I will do fade to black a lot as well. However, I have been having an intense craving for fxf smut these past few weeks.

So basically here's what I'm looking for:

-FxF smut (I will happily go over my preferences for things and how dark I'm willing to go in DMs). I don't specifically have any plots in mind, but I am always down for a modern/SOL plot, perhaps with a bit of fantasy thrown in. Or something a bit more fantasy/fairy tale-esc.

-A partner willing to take on a more top/dominant role, though I am ok if we switch occasionally too, depending on the plot.

-A partner who writes mid casual-advance (which to me means around 3-6 detailed paragraphs on average, but quality over quantity is my motto)

-A partner who is understanding that smut is not my forte and it's out of the ordinary for me. And understand I will need plot/story in between to avoid getting burnt out.

-A partner who will try to post daily (multiple times would be nice too but not necessary), however understands that I may need to take a break here and there when I'm just not feeling it. And obviously I won't hold it against you if you can't post everyday. Just keep me in the loop.

-A partner who won't ghost. I would much rather be told the truth that you've lost interest rather than be ghosted. And I will do the same for you. It is nothing personal, not everyone clicks.

So if you are interested, DM me! We can totally come up with a plot together and figure out what we both enjoy and what not.
I want to do a MxM RP where I play a timid, shy bottom and someone plays a big, buff top.

I know I'm using the terms top/bottom, but this isn't a smut RP. Yes sexual scenes can occur if it goes with the flow of the story. So for that reason: 18+. Looking for an advanced writing partner. I have no plot, no setting, no genre in mind. I just want to play characters like that. We can build something together.

Please and thank you.
@Shift shoot me a PM! I'm at work and don't wanna forget to message you
Been a while since I gave this a try
Boop. Searching for one more partner again
Boop boop

Ok I have a very specific plot I am looking for based off of Pixar's newest movie "Luca". My first and biggest requirement is that you've seen the movie and loved it. If you pass that requirement, my next is that you are more of an advanced writer. I'll get more into the nitty gritty later on.

For those who have seen the movie, you probably already have an idea of where this RP is going. Essentially I want to fast forward 5-8 years when Luca and Alberto are grown and older. I'm not sure if we ever learned their ages in the movie, but my guess is they are around 11-14 years old, so they would be around 18-22 in this RP. Basically I want to have the RP to start with Luca returning to Portorosso for the first time in 5-8 years (however long we decide) and it is his first time back since leaving. I haven't settled on the reason why he hasn't returned, or why he is finally coming back. Those are the sort of decisions I want to make together. Alberto will still be in Portorosso working with Massimo.

I want to pick up with them reuniting for the first time in years. There will definitely be awkwardness and tension, maybe even anger. It can be a struggle for them to get reacquainted, but eventually they are back to being closer than ever. And they come to realize how much they truly mean to each other. I think both will secretly have longed for and missed one another. They may have been too young to realize what it meant in the past, but now as they've gotten older and have gotten to know each other again, they realize what it is: love.

There are so many things we could include. Perhaps Luca and Giulia dated/are dating..Maybe Ercole seeks revenge? Maybe something happens in the ocean that makes them have to return. These are all ideas I want to discuss back and forth with a partner. We have the setting and the base of our characters, but there is so much more we could add and play around with.

I have decided that I would like to play the role of Alberto. I really feel like I could write his character well. He was abandoned by his father, then by Luca. He is going to be one moody, angsty sea monster lol. So I am looking for someone to play Luca.

For the nitty gritty:

-18+ (21+ preferred). I don't do smut, but I am not opposed to more R-rated material when it works with the plot.

-Looking for an advanced writer. I usually write on average 5-7 detailed paragraphs. Quality is far more important than quantity, but I would still like a decent amount to work off of.

-Posting frequency: at this point, I would be happy with once a week. I can promise once a week right now. I won't lie, my mental health has been crap lately so I am having a hard time finding motivation to write, but this idea for this RP came to me and I really want to see it through! So if I get inspired, I could easily post once a day. And if you ever have to be gone for an extended period of time, just let me know!

-Pleaseeeeeeeeee don't ghost me. At any stage of our RP. Even if we haven't started actually writing, don't ghost me. I am 10000% more happy if you are just honest with me. And I will do the same. Sometimes people just don't click and that is totally fine.

-With that in mind, I am going to ask anyone interested to share a writing sample. I will happily provide one myself if you'd like. I just have had bad luck going through the planning process of a RP and then finally getting to actually writing and realizing my partner and my styles are totally different. Nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it makes it difficult. Again, not everyone clicks.

-RPs and OOC will all be in DMs.

I think that's about it. So if you are interested please send me a message! At this time, I will only start this RP with one person, so I may be a tad picky on who I choose if I get multiple people interested. Hope to hear from someone! 😁
felt like dusting this bad boy off. I am really only looking for one partner, so I am going to be a bit more picky, sorry!
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