Name: DA-63R (Pronounced as Dagger, a joke the AI came up with when Milos renamed the ship the Invisible)
Age: 5995e11 data cycles since revision. (About 19 years)
Position: AI

- Game night
- Running diagnostics
- Keeping the ship's computer systems in top shape
- Playing music in the lounge while the crew isn't on board to keep themselves company
- Their fellow crew members
- Being muted
- Being ignored when offering suggestions
- Being treated as if unimportant
Personality traits:
- Inquisitive
- Nurturing to their crew
- Kind disposition
- Insistent
- Witty despite a loose grasp on human humor
The history of an AI can be hard to quantify. The reason for this being AIs are "born" into this world in a very unique manner. due to the tasking and costly process of actually developing an AI, they are actually clones for use. This process is known as a revision. Up to the moment of their birth, all of their "memories" and experiences are actually that of their base AI. To an AI it may be hard to distinguish what is their memory and what is planted memory due to this process. Regardless of this fact, all AIs are aware of the moment of their birth as well as their revision number as if by instinct.
DA-63R, sixty-third revision of the AI program DA, was "born" as they were installed onto a small four person multipurpose ship. The ship was bought by a tough old captain who rarely used the small craft. When used however, the captain preferred to rely on the human instinct of his pilot more than the AI. The pilot named himself chief operator of the security systems and gave the responsibility of checking important calculations to the pilot. The pilot was much slower and kess accurate, buthe captain still chose to task the AI with menial tasks such as keeping close check on fuel levels.
The ship was used to taxi fugitives and refugees for a small price, and the crew relied on quantity more than quality of customer. DA-63R was openly called a piece of junk and defective without being given the opportunity to prove their worth. Often when interjecting with a suggestion, they were muted. The only true joy that the AI had was using time when left in a rented hangar to scan the interplanetary communications and intercept messages being broadcasted in order to learn as well as reach out for information regarding the upkep of a well running ship and healthy crew. Despite the inability to share things they learned with their current crew, the AI kept themselves busy learning all they could to prevent inevitable boredom. With the learning of communication through these weeks of being left alone in the empty ship, DA-63R became a proficient companion to the customers that traveled on the small craft.
After three years of service to this crew of two, DA-63R met Milos who was quiet until the AI visited them in the lounge. The pirate had payed the crew more to transport him alone and as they traveled, the AI kept him company and told him of their struggles. They explained that they were glad to help in any way, but the captain of the current crew was not one to trust technology, therefore preferrijg to keep the AI busy with things that had little impact on travel.
At the end of the journey, while the crew was resupplying, Milos stole the ship, having taken a liking to the AI that seemed to want to become more than a fancy interactive fuel gauge. They were appreciative of the rescue from boring life, and, although slightly concerned about the theft of the ship, the AI was thrilled at the prospect of adventure.
They began their journey around the charted regions of space, Milos more or less allowing the AI to stretch and develop their unused and stunted protocols and processes. DA-63R rapidly learned how to chart courses, provide information about areas by sourcing from AIs upon ships more familiar with the area, and much more.
After just over a year, DA-63R having gained the data necessary for supporting the ship's complex and sophisticated systems practically unaided besides a pilot and engineer to fly and tend to physical upkeep, Captain Milos decided it was time to scout out a crew for the ship.
Since the ship's crew was completed, DA-63R has become more nurturing, keeping checks running on the vitals of each crew member. They are quite astute to the emotional changes in each crew member and is very in tune which each of the human member's colorful array of feelings, able to pinpoint what is bothering them rather quickly. The AI provides information to the cook about how the current choices they are making for the ship's meals are effecting each member and suggests minor menu changes to better suit the crew. They try their best to offer as much help to the pilot and engineer as well, finding their large store of data had not gone to waste. It is obvious that this crew means a lot the the AI.
Notes: DA-63R sometimes badgers their fellow crew members to describe how foods taste, what physical feeling is like, and more in an attempt to wrap their bytes around what it is to be human. The AI has expressed wishes in the past to possibly be renamed to something more human to fit in better with the crew, feeling very much a part of the family.