Avatar of TrixSilverpalm
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 (0.00 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. TrixSilverpalm 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Looking for RPs. You must be willing to move to Skype. rpstarters.weebly.com/starte..
8 yrs ago
Looking for RPs. You must be willing to move to Skype/Chatango/F-list/Hangouts. Please choose one because until I learn this site I will hardly be here. rpstarters.weebly.com/starte..
8 yrs ago
Looking for RP


Hello. I am an experienced RP-er and I am looking for only experienced, long term, partners.

I can be found on Chatango under the screen name, Demonatrixsilverplm, or on F-List, on TrixSilverfang. You may also contact me on skype, my skype is Morwin44982. If you do contact me on any of these, please tell me where you are from, so I can know and so I won't block you.

I do have a few rules, but we can get to them at the end. They are not bad, but I do need some of my needs to be met and understood. If you would like to RP with me, you can find character sheets on Chatango, or F-list. If you're like me and don't always care about character sheets, please click my link which will take you to a weebly site.

On the site, I have many starters and ideas for starters. They are NOT set in stone, so we can change them up. I will not always be on this site, so feel free to contact me elsewhere.

Here is the site: http://rpstarters.weebly.com/starters.html

1. I only Role-Play with Men. Please understand I do not care you are herm or a female in reality, or even having a sex change. Please understand. I only RP with men because I do not get along well with my own gender.

2. I require that you post to our Role-Play at least three times a day. I really would like people to be consistent and dedicated, but I can understand people get busy.

3. I only Role-Play in third person and I require that you must do so as well.

4. You must post up to three sentences as a minimum. If you can do more, great! But if you can't do more than three, I'm sorry, we can't Role-play together. *I usually match or go above what you give me, so you should strive to do the same, or at least a decent amount.*

5. No Vore, Gore, Vomit, Piss, Shit, or Foot play.

6. You must add before messaging if you are interested in Role-Playing with me.

Most Recent Posts


Hello! My name is Trix and I have a lot of roleplays in mind. To be honest, I hate clutter. I made a roleplay weebly site that holds all my starters (since there are quite a few). Sorry to say, I do have a few stipulations, but if you agree with them, PM me and ask me for my Skype.

1. I only Role-Play with Men. (DOMINANT MEN) Please understand I do not care you are herm or a female in reality, or even having a sex change. Please understand. I only RP with men because I do not get along well with my own gender.

2. I require that you post to our Role-Play at least three times a day. I really would like people to be consistent and dedicated, but I can understand people get busy.

3. I only Role-Play in third person and I require that you must do so as well.

4. You must post up to three sentences as a minimum. If you can do more, great! But if you can't do more than three, I'm sorry, we can't Role-play together.

5. No Vore, Gore, Vomit, Piss, Shit, or Foot play.

6. You must add me on skype if you are interested in Role-Playing with me.


*(Feel free to ask me for the starter for any of these if you wish to start them.)*

The Surprising Savior
Overview: In this Role-Play, a demon finds a little angel girl and keeps her as his daughter. As she grows, she, as a baby, is sweet, mischievous, and adventurous. Once she is sixteen, which is when her powers begin to come in, she is loving, sweet, and innocent. My character will be an angel and yours, a demon who for some odd reason, loves the little girl as his own, doing anything to protect her.
Reminder: This is a NON-SEXUAL Role-Play.

The Experiment forming Life
Overview: In this roleplay Angel will be a woman who was struck by lightning, only to die. Her boyfriend let her body be experimented on, just so she can live. Angel is a human with strange abilities she had never had before. Her boyfriend is rich, but not the obnoxious type of rich, he is kind and helpful, but still the dominant man in the relationship.
Reminder: This is a SEXUAL Role-Play.

The Father
Overview: My Character will be part Human and part Demon. Your character will be, of course Demon or part Demon. This rp is based on Trix, Marcus’s daughter who he didn’t know he had, ending up being separated from her mother after being in a tragic fire accident in a building of a town. Marcus seeing this over the TV he instantly figures out about Trix and stops at nothing to find her, will he succeed or will she end up a scared and lost.
Reminder: This is a NONSEXUAL Role-Play.

Single Mother
Overview: My character will be human, as will her daughter. Your character will be human as well. Single mom alone in the big city takes a lone out with some mobsters to pay for her daughters schooling. They send a guy to get a payment and she doesn’t have the money. So he makes her sleep with him, but ends up falling in love with her.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

The Attack
Overview: My character will be human in the beginning. Your character will be a vampire or demon of your choice. I made the starter, starting from the males point of view so you can know how your character must behave. Its a basic vampire man attacking a human girl because her blood is the most alluring blood he has ever smelled or tasted.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

A Forced Marriage
Overview: My Character will be human. Your character can be whatever you wish. Its basically what the title says, except it's more in the medieval times.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

The Hidden Lover
Overview: I'm looking to do a Role-Play where a king becomes fascinated with a new servant/maid, wanting to please her with worldly items like gems, fine clothes and what not, but she continues to ignore him in the loving fashion but serves him as normal cleaning and such until he finally tares into her with his manhood, making love to her and getting her pregnant on accident. As he finds out she's pregnant, he locks her away to keep her to himself and keep her quiet. Meanwhile, during all this, he is married and his queen is sick and in bed all the time, him knowing Angel is pregnant with his only heir.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

The Capture
Overview: My character is human and will always be, just as your character will be. You're a cruel pirate, the Captain of the ship, and you capture this princess on her wedding day.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

The Spark
Overview: This is a mutation Role-Play. My character will be human, until it is later found out that I have the spark. Your character will have the spark, but has already been bitten and experienced the light change. In the beginning, you will begin describing yourself and the bus, before finding me on the roof.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

Best Friend Love
Overview: My character is human. Your character can be whatever you’d like. They have known each other for a long time and grew up together.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

The New Girl
Overview: Angel is a vampire at a new Monster school. Your character can be any species you wish, as long as it is able to communicate with mine. This is meant to be a love story and it’s meant to be a slow building romance story. If you need an example of what the school looks like, think of Monster High, the cartoon show.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play, the romance and such will be slow building.

The Roommate
Overview: Because of the lack of housing in the city, we have been housed together for the time being. During this Role-Play, we will both be human. It is a basic slice of life story where a man and woman live together, but they're not dating, well not yet anyway. The house has one bedroom with two beds, one television, two wardrobes, two desks, and one large dresser. There is a nice sized kitchen, wash room for laundry, and there is a small living room that fits a television of course, and a couch, as well as another chair and a few lamps.
Reminder: This Will be a Sexual Role-Play.

Don't want to wait for the starter and you just want to read them already, instead of the Overview?


❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (≚ᄌ≚)ℒℴѵℯ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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