Avatar of TrixSilverpalm
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Looking for RPs. You must be willing to move to Skype. rpstarters.weebly.com/starte..
8 yrs ago
Looking for RPs. You must be willing to move to Skype/Chatango/F-list/Hangouts. Please choose one because until I learn this site I will hardly be here. rpstarters.weebly.com/starte..
8 yrs ago
Looking for RP


Hello. I am an experienced RP-er and I am looking for only experienced, long term, partners.

I can be found on Chatango under the screen name, Demonatrixsilverplm, or on F-List, on TrixSilverfang. You may also contact me on skype, my skype is Morwin44982. If you do contact me on any of these, please tell me where you are from, so I can know and so I won't block you.

I do have a few rules, but we can get to them at the end. They are not bad, but I do need some of my needs to be met and understood. If you would like to RP with me, you can find character sheets on Chatango, or F-list. If you're like me and don't always care about character sheets, please click my link which will take you to a weebly site.

On the site, I have many starters and ideas for starters. They are NOT set in stone, so we can change them up. I will not always be on this site, so feel free to contact me elsewhere.

Here is the site: http://rpstarters.weebly.com/starters.html

1. I only Role-Play with Men. Please understand I do not care you are herm or a female in reality, or even having a sex change. Please understand. I only RP with men because I do not get along well with my own gender.

2. I require that you post to our Role-Play at least three times a day. I really would like people to be consistent and dedicated, but I can understand people get busy.

3. I only Role-Play in third person and I require that you must do so as well.

4. You must post up to three sentences as a minimum. If you can do more, great! But if you can't do more than three, I'm sorry, we can't Role-play together. *I usually match or go above what you give me, so you should strive to do the same, or at least a decent amount.*

5. No Vore, Gore, Vomit, Piss, Shit, or Foot play.

6. You must add before messaging if you are interested in Role-Playing with me.

Note This feature is new and under construction

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