Avatar of Tuujaimaa


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4 yrs ago
Current Boy, you're like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.
4 yrs ago
I think I should write a pithy roleplay about how an expenditure of effort does not entitle you to your perception of an equivalent reward. Anyone know someone who'd be interested?
6 yrs ago
Okay, let's be honest for a second here, if we stop the status bar from being edgy angst land it really doesn't have anything going for it except sheer autism.
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where you can get a white trilby embroidered with threatening messages? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
My genius truly knows no bounds. Only an intellect as glorious as mine can possibly G3T K1D.


Behold the Terrorists of Valhalla:

Behold the Cavemen of Valhalla:

Most Recent Posts

Lin Beifong is a god.
I would like to remind you that Ouroboros' character is capable of sensing emotions.

Your rebellious nature has not gone unnoticed.
Oh, if any rebels want to interact in Konoha, Windspeaker Touho is free.
"I'm wearing clothes. Clothes for sneaking up on people. Isn't that obvious?" Kasumi retorted, turning to Chelle Lee and letting out a strained laugh. Laughing for extended periods of time definitely seemed to be something that Kasumi was not particularly good at. She made a mental note to keep to smirks, brief chuckles, and on occasion a single breathy laugh. That was probably for the best if she wanted to avoid looking any more ridiculous than she did when she attempted to laugh properly.

"I didn't throw him on the ground. He did that himself." She added, motioning towards Dom with a grin on her face. Granted, they couldn't see it, but it was one of those things that was heavily implied, and she just had to hope that they'd get it. Her hopes were not high, however, given Dom's performance and obvious lack of perceptive ability. She briefly toyed with the idea of taking his PDA or his keys or his wallet, or maybe all three, but decided against it. Chelle was a much better target - the look in her eyes was vicious enough that Kasumi was fairly convinced she could rile Chelle up enough in order to get a clean swipe of her material possessions.

"I don't have a deal. I like sneaking up on people. The weather isn't really ideal for it, though." She noted, pointing up towards the sky at the sun. If the pair had any wherewithal they'd realise that it was a classic ploy to shift their centre of attention so that Kasumi could become invisible again and circle around for long enough that she could surprise Chelle. Probably by stealing her stuff.
@Sketcher: Your character's name needs to be changed, I think, according to your bio?

Because he's an Uchiha with three commas, shouldn't his name be Katsu,,, Uchiha?

EDIT: There are some acceptable variations that I've thought of for you.

,Katsu, Uchi,ha is a good name.

K,at,su, Uchiha is also acceptable.
The invisible form of one Kasumi Touho had been, again by happenstance, stalking the very same plaza in order to work out potential marks. She'd identified three poorly guarded stalls, a merchant whose pockets practically begged to be picked, and she'd even caught glimpses of little safeboxes kept beneath the stalls that she would easily be able to pick if she'd had more space. It was practically a buffet, but she had also noted the presence of Shio and her Kujaku, and decided against the brash actions in her presence. She might not particularly care, but her lack of understanding of social convention could have a potentially adverse effect on her cover. It was better to simply steal everything she could get her hands on closer to dusk where awareness began to slip.

Lurking around the marketplace, she was careful to keep out of the Kujaku's Psychic Aura, and by default the sight range of Shio and Dom both. Seeing the potential for a little fun, she snuck up behind Dom, knowing full well that Shio would know it was her (unless Shio was more paranoid than usual) and probably not say anything. The visual cues would be there, but Shio was not the target she intended to surprise.

"Shio's a bit awkward." Kasumi's voice would echo out as she slipped into sight, directly behind Dom with her head looking directly over his shoulder at Shio. His reaction would probably be to turn around and attack her if he had any sense, but she was prepared for that - you didn't get to be a long-lived assassin if you didn't know how to defend yourself in close quarters.
Hyakune su Jikankizami, Ra

The cool air settled atop the lofty tenements of the Empress, giving the vantage point a sense of forboding, and countless sets of eyes looked down at the almost trivial gathering of enemy ninja that were laid before them. It was a grim moment, if put into the correct perspective, but it was grim moments like these that truly showed the worth of an establishment or an institution; the results spoke for themselves of the establishment's tenacity and grip upon the land. The Empire had a large and strong enough grip that this grim moment in particular, which would normally have been of some serious importance, was laughable. Still, Ra knew all too well the effects of crushing a last stand upon the people.

Too many ruling classes in history had forgotten a simple truth that Ra was all-too-keen to remind the Empress of: "Take away a few things, and rebellion will ensue. Take away all things, and the oppression will be accepted as fate." In truth, it was most likely not the exceptional ninja of the rebellion that would lead to the Empire's downfall, if it came to that - it would be the momentum of the people that flocked behind their banners. There were truly incredible individuals that could change the face of the earth - the Empress among them - but in truth their value was not as high as people presumed to believe it was. If no citizen of the Empire would dare revolt, if the oppression was so set into their minds that they could not bear to leave, then the rebellion would fail. They would be crushed beneath the weight of the Empire as the rest of the lands were, in time. All things would go according to plan, in time.

"No survivors, your Grace? I doubt any of them know anything that we have not already discovered, but perhaps there are those among the enemy who might turn to our side, with a little persuasion. I doubt we truly have need of any of them, but bolstering our forces hardly seems like an idea to idly pass by. I am confident that with the correct... Persuasion, a few of them could even become evangelists. The morality of the people will no doubt have a profound effect in the coming days, your Grace, and it is something to consider." Ra spoke, her voice a spark of warmth among the cold spires upon which they stood. Simple tactics such as vocal manipulation would, of course, be ineffective with the Empress, but it was something that needed to be done regardless of its efficacy. There were others listening, after all, and if they could be convinced easily, the coming storm would be that much easier to weather.

"I will have little impact on this battle, your Grace. What would you command of me?" She asked, turning to face the Empress and curtseying as a sign of respect. The intrigue of the court was something she had learned well over the years, and despite her current position, the basics were no less important.
Konohagakure - Windspeaker Touho

The Windspeaker had spent most of the day floating silently above the metaphorical ivory spires of Konoha, looking down upon them with a mixture of familiarity and contempt - a mixture of hope for the future, and despair over what was already lost. It was not an activity that she engaged in every day, for there were people who needed her guidance, but today was a lull in the great musical that was life, a sudden drop of tempo before the great crescendo of war came crashing down upon the world in droves. She could feel the beat of the war drums in her veins even now, and the thought of it filled her only with regret at what she had to do. Still, she would do it, for there was no price that she would not pay to keep her people safe.

There were others of a similar, pensive nature in the rebellion, though they were far and few between, and at times even the great shephards needed guidance to ensure that the flock stayed on the right path. Today, a day that could be anyone she knew's last day, seemed like the correct day to obtain whatever guidance she could. It would perhaps make the coming storm easier to bear. Fuujin would not help her, for it was his storm that she intended to weather - another test of her faith and of her resolve. It was not the first time that she had tested, and it certainly would not be the last.

It was this line of thought that had brought her to Shizune's door, and no sooner than she had let her feet touch the ground had she knocked upon the wooden door. The familiar voice echoed out a response, and Touho opened the door. It was a practiced ritual of sorts, in truth, and each motion that she took tried in vain to hide that fact. She always refused a cushion, not wanting to impose, and simply floated above the ground at a comfortable height, so Shizune would not have to strain herself in order to speak freely. Perhaps it was an unnecessary kindness, but that mattered little, in the end.

"Thank you, Shizune. I came so that I might hear your guidance before the coming storm." The Windspeaker started, keeping her voice low and airy, but still filled with the gusto and passion that she held close to her heart. It was an interesting way of speaking, at the very least.
Fear not! The Windspeaker will come talk to you.
Yeah, I'm done with this conversation. We can resume when you've read what I've written and started being rational. o_o
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