Avatar of Tuujaimaa


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4 yrs ago
Current Boy, you're like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.
4 yrs ago
I think I should write a pithy roleplay about how an expenditure of effort does not entitle you to your perception of an equivalent reward. Anyone know someone who'd be interested?
6 yrs ago
Okay, let's be honest for a second here, if we stop the status bar from being edgy angst land it really doesn't have anything going for it except sheer autism.
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where you can get a white trilby embroidered with threatening messages? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
My genius truly knows no bounds. Only an intellect as glorious as mine can possibly G3T K1D.


Behold the Terrorists of Valhalla:

Behold the Cavemen of Valhalla:

Most Recent Posts

Yuganori, Kinuko

Shafts of pale light crept along the cold floor like a pool of frigid candlelight, illuminating everything in a soft white glow as silent footsteps coursed across it, seemingly unwilling (or perhaps unable) to break the serenity of the moment. Slight gusts of chilly air rushed through the pockets of brief incandescence, accompanied by the dying crunches of fallen leaves, splitting into infinitesimally small fragments before joining the bleak nothingness of the light surrounding them. It was part of the cycle of nature, that that which died might give way to new life, and just as this small act was the completion of a cycle, so were the actions of the one who had ended but a single facet of the cycle of nature.

The tight embrace of the forest and its cyclical nature did not allow the wickedness of mortals to pervade it. More footsteps completed more cycles, each time bringing another cycle closer to its eventual end and rebirth, and before long the previously contained pools of light spilled forth into the open grasses, illuminating the field before the village of Konohagakure in a still, radiant light. For all of the radiance of the light, it too was tainted by the actions of men. The light spilled forth unto what was quickly becoming a raging inferno of a battle, a great beast with a thunderous heartbeat pounding through the ground, each pulse of its fiery blood surging through its veins like the drums of a great hunt, out to kill and maim and turn everything it touched into ashes.

Another cycle, perhaps.

Perhaps not.

There were cycles whose times had come, cycles that needed to be reset to preserve the grand design that the world had taken upon itself to create, but it seemed to the woman standing before the fields of battle that this was one such cycle whose time had come prematurely. To one of a small perspective, the change would have been significant, but not disastrous - it could be reversed, or remedied, or a new cycle could be instated. To one possessed of a greater perspective, it was the opposite - catastrophic. There were greater cycles that demanded an appropriate time to close in order to allow more important things to happen, and for each of its constituent cycles that failed to take their proper course, its proper course was delayed. With enough delays, it could be thrown from balance, and with it the entire balance of the world. There were those, blessed with a great understanding of the world's design, that understood the havoc so much as a single errant word could cause - people who would maintain the balance. Intentions were meaningless before the needs of the grand design, however, and those who sought to work against a cycle could bring it to its natural end, and those who sought to preserve them could break their fragile frames with misguided actions. Kinuko was careful enough to intervene only when necessary, to minimise the risks, but even she could not prevent every errant word that sung through the fabric of the cosmos.

Each victim felled in the battle unfolding before her was another victim of the great beast of war, each life extinguished a cycle ended. Some of those cycles were long since due to end, and some had many years left before it was time, but saddest of all were those which had ended at precisely the correct time. Kinuko saw not sadness in that, but beauty, and in the cycles that should have long since persevered she saw a great sadness, a void in which no truth or beauty could exist. It was her place to intervene, but such things must be performed delicately so as to disturb as few of the natural processes as she could. So, on the outskirts of battle, she waited for the great beast to rear its head and rush towards her, drawing her into the deadly dance of war. It was a dance that she knew well, and it was one that she loathed. After all, those who were following the paths set out before them would die before they had trodden their final steps if their paths crossed with hers.

It was a haunting thought, that balance could only be preserved by breaking the tenets one sought to protect, but the preservation of the grand design took precedence over all things - even the tenets designed to protect it.
I'll get a post up for Windspeaker Touho when I get home from work but I'm not going to involve her in combat just yet - she'll stay with the civilians until everything clears up.
“Lighten up, Trynd!” Kasumi shrugged, pointing a finger at Chelle Lee. Shaking with rage was obviously a sign of the rare disease Tryndameritis, which was especially known to infect Lifanese people - though it could easily infect other people if they were angry enough. At the given point in time, Chelle Lee definitely looked like she qualified for the disease. It was a little scary, to be honest, but given that she had already proven her dominance over the other two in the arts of stealth and generally being a tool, it was not really something she felt the need to worry over. She did, however, keep an eye out for lasers. Even a trained tool like herself could not prepare for the awesome power of lasers - especially not Suzaku’s Sun’s Ray. That was a truly fearsome laser that everybody should be afraid of.

“Hey, fun fact. Pinehearst tried to make drones based on Nakumo. They made them red, and for some reason they were immune to heat and electricity. It was really strange. Now they’re used as portable heat sources and lamps. I heard somebody made a sphere of them and wandered into the crystal forest. Apparently the Red Nakumo would break down the poison particles. They died. Of poison.” Kasumi opined, pointing towards the restaurant that she and Shio had eaten at.

“I bet if we launched a fireball at it, nothing would happen. But it’s probably weak to particle physics.”
Hyakune su Jikankizami, Ra

The Empress' visions were like a storm raging through an otherwise peaceful land - promising death, destruction, and oppression. The sights and sounds felt familiar to a woman who had lived out the lives of many others in order to gain their secrets, but the aura of severity that coursed through these visions was something Ra herself had only felt on occasion. The sensations tried to assault her - bombarding her with information that it was assumed she could not begin to understand and process - but for a woman like Ra, the visions were not as dark as they should have been. As they passed over her, and she returned to the confines of reality, her face was unchanged - as were her emotions. She had seen the suffering of her brethren first hand as a child, and those who were weak had died. It brought back memories, not necessarily unpleasant ones, of her childhood struggles - of how she and the others born into her generation had had to live.

To the Hyakune, there was no greater crime than weakness. Their children were expected to steal their own bread to become strong, and the fates that befell the weak and unfortunate were almost horrific - but Ra had always been strong of mind, and she had passed the metaphorical ceremony easily. Her own brothers and sisters had not been so lucky, and she had been trained not to help them. Watching them die had, she supposed, given her a buffer against the recoil of horrifying thoughts and scenes - she had experienced all of her tragedy already, a little more was not going to perturb her. Even as a young child, she had found the suffering unnecessary, but she had also found that she did not care enough to actually help them. Empathy had never been strong in the Hyakune, and she was no exception to that rule.

During her teenage years, Ra had surmised that the world was better off under someone else's control - when left to themselves, humans wrought destruction and chaos upon themselves. They would tear themselves apart for the bread that another had, and wage wars for trivial reasons in order to better their own agenda or find some demented profit amidst the chaos that ensued. It was far better for those destructive urges to be quelled by the soothing control of another. It was the tyranny of thought and free will that brought them to the brink of destruction, that brought them to their hate-filled ways, and it was freedom from that tyranny that could bring them peace. Empress Shoko was one of the few with both the will and power to make that happen, and that had been what had caused Ra to join the Empire in the first place. Another had finally understood the cause of the suffering in the world.

Things were rarely as clear-cut as they seemed, however. There were people who were just, and kind, and proved that they could exist peacefully with their own free will... But those people were far and few between. If they understood the suffering that their brethren caused, the wars that had been started, the families that had been destroyed by the wanton nature of the human condition... They would have joined the movement to strip the unworthy of their basest desires. Surely, knowing what she knew, anyone would come to the same conclusion? Questions that did not have answers. They were for another place, for another time, as the world around her returned to reality and the forms of the people in the room became visible once again.

Shoko, Yakoul and Ryuza left fairly quickly to deal with the Shukaku, and Ra was left again with Namine. It was a familiar situation - but they had been interrupted before, and there was answers to questions that Namine had asked that needed to be said.

"She's right. When left to our own devices, we will allow the less virtuous things to creep into our minds and overtake us. You travelled the world for a time, didn't you? Is there really a spirit of peace and co-operation that binds the masses, that they might take it upon themselves to overthrow the corrupt ones that rule them? In all of my years, I have never seen it. I have seen only the innocent who suffer and can do nothing about it... The Empress has a sense of perspective that we lack - and this lack of perspective casts shadows of doubt upon our resolutions, staining them that they might falter. No matter the sides of this war, is it not the weakest among us who deserve the greatest protection? The Rebels fight for their liberty - for their right to exercise their power upon the world, to make their marks upon history... But they see only the glory of this war. They see liberation from an oppression that would seek to strip them of their glory... They do not see the families that they tear apart. They do not see the children they make orphans, or the elderly that they let starve to death with their needless crusade. I know that you are on the side of those who need the most help, sweet Namine, and there are no questions of where your loyalty lies... But the Empress' methods will be justified by peace. It will be our job to stop the needless suffering where we find it."
New Zealand.

New Zealand is more free than America.
Your hands will betray your mind when you type quickly. Proven fact.
Yuganori, Kinuko

<Insert Anime knowledge and opinions here>

Also, Code Geass. That shit is pretty incredible.
Scorpion Sage is probably my favourite Sage. Or maybe Spider Sage.

... Nah, Scorpion is cooler.
Sorry for the lack of replies recently! I've been ill and it turns out that writing quality posts with a high fever is not as easy as I thought it would be. T_T
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