Ophelia blinked, and then blinked again in disbelief as she listened to Harold's words. Some primal and animalistic part of her, embolded by the Old Blood, screamed at her to run--to return to the Hunter's Dream as quickly as possible. To tell the Moonborn Hunter of this epiphany, and to... Well, she didn't know what to do. They wouldn't know either, she figured, they being what they were... But all of that was quelled with soft motes of light, and she looked up at the waxing moon beginning to make itself known in the sky of this world. She breathed in slowly and deeply, and steeled her focus.
"The genius of what you've done is matched only by its recklessness, I fear. The Dream... it is a realm of Nightmare, intimately tied to its source--a Great One that is dead. You are not tapping the source of the Dream, love, but those marked by a Great One... and that diluted power, disconnected from the source of the Dream, might put more strain on it than it can bear. There has never been, to the best of my understanding, more than one Hunter tied to it at any given point--and they are all released in the fullness of time, once they have served whatever inscrutable purpose was deemed necessary of them. I... I know that weather changes seem trivial, dear, but they're not. They represent a loss of control over the nature of the Dream by the forces that steward it in its creator's absence. Is this not the next step of your research? To have made the connection, to know it is possible, and to use the knowledge of those who are tied to the Dream to understand the how and the why? Forgive my ardour, I can... simply feel the consequences of these actions in a way you perhaps cannot--and it is my duty to report them to you, love." Ophelia spoke, choosing her words carefully with a great number of pauses and moments of reflection as she spoke. She tried her level best not to sound confrontational, having picked up on Farren's tension, but the situation was taking a toll on her--and she was struggling very much on the knife's edge between getting all of the knowledge she could and her need to not overplay her hand.