Avatar of Tuujaimaa


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4 yrs ago
Current Boy, you're like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.
4 yrs ago
I think I should write a pithy roleplay about how an expenditure of effort does not entitle you to your perception of an equivalent reward. Anyone know someone who'd be interested?
6 yrs ago
Okay, let's be honest for a second here, if we stop the status bar from being edgy angst land it really doesn't have anything going for it except sheer autism.
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where you can get a white trilby embroidered with threatening messages? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
My genius truly knows no bounds. Only an intellect as glorious as mine can possibly G3T K1D.


Behold the Terrorists of Valhalla:

Behold the Cavemen of Valhalla:

Most Recent Posts

I legitimately despise Yiazmat. Biggest waste of a day ever.

Hnnng FF12 <3

Can we make a Yiazmat pls

We can all have fun spending between 3 - 8 hours attempting to kill it depending on gear level woooooo
If you've played Final Fantasy 12, I can see him being like Venat (with no combat capability)?
@Wern: Let me know if you don't like any aspects of the post! I'll be happy to change it if you feel anything is too much c:
"Koilembolon of Tasalkonic, He Who Fled... I've been expecting you. Please, do step in." the voice echoed back, the sound escaping the Gorgon's mouth echoing the surprise that most mortals felt upon hearing Koil - for a creature so supposedly monstrous, Dormeria's voice was like satin - rich, sensuous, and encompassing. That was without the added effects of magic. Still, she saw no need to begin a battle of sorcery.

Assuming that Koil reacted like anybody would when they first spoke to an oracle that they did not know was such, the room around them would echo the silence that no doubt would be beginning to creep into his mind (unless of course he had interacted with seers in the past, but the chances of that seemed slim) - the fae scattered across the room would stop moving and stare down directly at the intruder. Occurrences like this were fairly commonplace for Dormeria, and while by a mortal's lifespan they may have seemed far and few between, Dormeria's unnatural life had continued for a sufficient span of time that she found them considerably more frequent. Still, the situation was not one that could be read in the pool alone, and even with her foresight she could not see beyond the glimpses into Koil's arrival and mere fragments of his past. The playing field could certainly be considered uneven, but for Koil, that seemed to have been commonplace in the past.

"I feel like I owe you my name, given that I have you at a disadvantage. I am Dormeria, the Sage of Stone, and I provide alchemical services for the many inhabitants of Tiaquin... I have also been known to prophesy in my spare time - why I know your name and title. Would you like to sit and be civilised, or will we be resorting to petty combat after all? I doubt that would go well for you." She added, laughing a little to herself. The laugh was dry, almost as dry as the city she lived in, and the sound would perhaps be a little jarring to her unexpected guest. Such things were to be expected from a race that lived primarily underwater. Even so - while his arrival was not entirely unexpected, it was not something she had meticulously planned for. The situation at hand would require tact and perhaps a little persuasion to deal with, but from her initial impressions Koil did not seem to be unreasonable. It was very possible that a deal could be struck...

Or perhaps there would be new additions to her collection. It was difficult to tell these sort of things, even with divine providence by one's side.
I thought drugs included Faeries :c But in any case:

We should all meet up and have a party! That sounds like a good idea.

We'll bring the drugs.
That would be an interesting interaction! I think she still has the edge though, just because she's on home turf and you're on enemy territory, haha.

That said, there really are a lot of ways it could pan out. :D
If you have business with the Gorgon I'm fine to RP with you, haha c:

That'll also provide a nice opening for Tatsua too.
The same dream that had plagued Shira for days now was what caused her to bolt upright from slumber immediately, and cold sweat poured down her brow as she struggled to regain control of her breathing. She'd heard of what happened to Kirugetsu and his squad members during the night - Bujin had woken her to inform her of the damage dealt and the plans that the village had for her, noting that she had missed a scroll from Kami-sensei. It was odd to think that missing that message could have saved her life, but not odd in the way that most people would've found it. Shira's self-defeatist wishes made her almost regret passing up an opportunity to end it all and die in combat, but she knew that the death she'd have gotten at Hayato's hands was not one worthy of the Hataga. Even so, the desires bubbled up inside her like an overflowing cauldron, and she could not bring herself to sleep again. She didn't want to face the dream again.

It was fairly standard routine to get up, washed, dressed, and to train - but she also had new orders, according to a letter she found addressed to her in the front room of the Hataga compound. She had been reassigned already with two new shinobi - she recognised the names in so far as having seen them written before - and she was to be tutored by Iroh, the Seismic Sage. She'd seen the impressive stand he and his counterpart had made firsthand in the war, and she immediately knew that he was not the teacher for her. One whose purpose to survive conflicted somewhat with her internal goals, but she was also excited to be trained by someone famous - especially one who had served. The honour was great, and it was not something she'd squander.

Shira set out for the training grounds, preferring to begin her daily routine there. It would save her time and effort, and a training ground was certainly the right place to begin one's morning training. She stayed fairly far back, retreating to the shade beneath the trees to help hone her tentative control over the Throes of War that her bloodline had given her. Darkness was a good way to test her gut instincts and help better develop her ability to use the kekkei genkai. After two hours exactly, it was time for Shira to meet her new sensei and her new teammates - she'd barely got chance to talk to Namine the other day, and she hadn't had nearly enough time to grow attached to Kami (though she made a mental note to visit her in the hospital to give her flowers). She felt what could only be described as a numb consternation at the thought of meeting new teammates, though the excitement confused her a little - she had no reason to be particularly fond of meeting them, but Kami's enthusiasm may have rubbed off on her just a little.

It was with heavy determination that she emerged from the woods to see Ageha, Isao, and Iroh at the training grounds, with the former two having struck up the beginnings of a conversation. Shira elected not to join in until she was spoken to, standing to attention before Iroh as a sign of respect for her new Sensei.
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