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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Kessir Tarkin I assume you got the character approved before posting it in the Character tab.

@Thread Generator SIN Are we still adding new ships? I thought we already had a pirate ship.
@t2wave Nice post. :)

Thank you.

Woken from sleep, first by an overenergentic man and then by the police, Quinn was none too happy. She stood with a glare, half from being tired and the other from irritation. When asked the questions she took her time in answering in order mostly out of spite. "No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No..." Really she'd only been there for like a few hours at most. All of this had nothing to do with her and she knew even less. Turning to Sam she pointed to the detectives. "This isn't a normal occurrence I should know about before moving is it?"

Leaning back against the wall again she dropped her head and shut her eyes to rest a little bit more. She allowed the other two answer in the meantime. It didn't look like the universe was going to let her sleep after all. By now she almost didn't care anymore and was beginning to wonder if the whole being afraid of going to sleep was her just losing it. Every now and then her eyes fluttered open just to take a glance at the people around her.

@Dark Light@BubblegumQueen@duskshine749
Shannon - Outside Penrose City Limits

The bus she was riding on made a stop to pick up and drop off some passengers. Whilst sitting she suddenly noticed an aura move over the area. It was hard to say what it was or where it came from. But she had been told that something big was going on, and this felt like it fit the bill. Getting up she grabbed her things and stepped off the bus. Rushing away from sight she transformed and put her staff to the ground. Something rather large was moving around some ways away. If it were smaller perhaps she wouldn't have noticed. "Hm..." Moving further away from the road she waited until the bus left the stop.

Left alone Shannon hardened the ground under her feet and made the surface launch upward. Tossing herself high into the air she got a better view around her. Most of it was pretty open space. With less obstruction she could see a few specks in the distance. One seemed brighter than the other. It wasn't exactly in the direction of Penrose, but not that far off from it. Something big was going down there so she started off in that way.

Traveling by surfing the rolling earth beneath her, Shannon closed the distance to what appeared to be angels surrounding a golden dragon. Further up a portal was open to somewhere. She wasn't familiar with these magical girls but they all appeared to be in fear and frozen to some extent. Though she was on the ground she positioned herself a little ways in front of the golden dragon, as in between the girls and the dragon as she could without being in the air. Raising her voice she tried to draw their attention. "I don't know what's going on here but clearly we have a problem!" She pointed her staff toward Zani. "I don't really care what your motive is. I will not stand by and watch my fellow magical girls be bullied or frightened. If I am mistaken please correct me. Otherwise consider your next move carefully." Despite usually being friendly this was a different circumstance. She was not addressing another magical girl, and the ones that where here were armed. She had also noticed by this point that the dragon's wing had been damaged by multiple gunfire, indicating that they had been attacking with intent. Still she didn't want to jump to conclusions and would at the very least give one opportunity to ever a monster.

@Landaus Five-One
Man, it is not going to be fun for the Beacon girls for a while.
Everyone seems kinda busy, so, uh... I guess I'll just hang out here until someone's free.


Nobody to care about me.

*slurps ramen sadly in the moping corner*

My character is currently indisposed. : /
no problem! seems like everyone's going through that, even me. my main problem is i write too much. im in like 20 RPs, im writing a novel, im GMing a tabletop RPG, and I'm writing a movie script. sooooo...yeah lol


So a bunch of people were apparently broken out of an alien prison and brought back to base. It was surely going to be a mixed bag of people. Now Naomi didn't particularly care if they were heroes or villains, but she knew that the heroes would generally be more cooperative. This was from personal experience. Not that she worked well with heroes all that much. They got in her way far too much to be considered friends.

On her way to where all the the supers had been brought in she caught a glance of Ignis wandering around. This woman had some kind of issue. She probably would be considered a heroine, but only just because she didn't commit crimes. In Naomi's case the hag thwarted her efforts because she had some bizarre attraction to her. Right now the latino wanted none of that nonsense so she tried not to be seen.

Getting to the meeting she glanced at The Collective Man. "Let me guess, they're being stuck up or don't want to work with you?" She looked at those gathered there that hadn't wandered off already. "So how many of you know what it's like outside those cell walls? Because I managed not to get caught and I'll tell you, whatever you had before or think is waiting for you is gone."

She spread her arms out as if to present the place they were in. "Welcome to the new world. Don't worry, it hates you as much as you hate it." Putting her hand on her hips she grimaced slightly.

@t2wave I will be looking forward your post in whatever you choose. :P

Yeah. Pondering if she'd actually locate Fiona or not if she's on a bus. She would probably notice the aura and hop off the bus to find it.
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