Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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As per my talk with @Silvan Haven, I am removing my previous post for Harriet so she can be somewhere to actually interact with someone else.
Is this still active?

Yes. Though the OP still needs a bit of updating.
Done, my brain hurts. May need some adjustment. Links to everyone's profile and character posts.

PW Activity List
I'm on page 3 now. :P

EDIT: Correction, page 4.
@Zarkun@hatakekuro@Caits@Crimson Raven Working on a list because I've nothing better to do at the moment.

Also I will probably need a bit of help who have changed their names since submitting their character.
Could use the 0th post to at least compile a list of active/inactive.

Aboard a ship flying through space. It was a familiar environment for the woman. She'd made plenty of trips in the galaxy and this should be like home by now. But it wasn't and it didn't feel like it. This was the conflicting signals between her mind and body.

Mentally she knew that this was all normal and that they were headed to a station like it was any other day. Nothing odd was about this process. Her body on the other hand was taking issue with the artificial environment. It craved real ground beneath her feet, the gravitational pull of a planet, and the breathing of other vegetation. Being in a room with nothing but CO2 breathers was messing with her own respiration. Perhaps it was all in her head but she could swear that her body was working overtime to compensate for those around her. Which was odd because as far as she could understand planets usually produced less oxygen when in presence of CO2 was higher.

Confusing physiology aside the trip was not that eventful. It was still interesting though, there were many different species that she'd never seen before. Probably one of the more curious to her was the fish woman. Not that she was surprised that one existed, but more that one would be on a ship walking around with mechanical limbs.

There was also the annoyingly loud human woman that was leaving her comm open for all to hear. Though to be honest it didn't compare to the numbing conversations with the scientists that would talk to her about things that were way over her head. That and spending two years alone Harriet was almost glad to be hearing another human talk about something as normal as a pet, she presumed it was a pet. To be fair she hadn'd been paying 100% attention to the conversation.

Oh yeah and there was a giant spider on board that had someone wrapped up. No one else seemed to be worried about that and when they were told to get off the man was taken down and strode off like it was just another day so she figured it wasn't big deal. The universe was weird and she was a perfect example. Falling in line she proceeded with the others following Quinn.
*wakes up and reads OOC*

Uhh... That was unexpected. Sadly I have no advice because I am mostly good at big picture and connecting the dots at the moment. I have less experience with the details. Perhaps I should not have come back when I got a PM about the previous thread.

I am sorry if I contributed to the problem. I am unaccustomed to consistently large posts. Probably because I have a habit of being succinct, always have. You should have seen my research papers and how much "fluff" I had to shove in just to meet the page requirements. Creative writing is not by strength which is probably why I'm in IT where getting to the point means fixing the problem faster.

And there could very well be some egotism behind my uncooperative manor. You clearly are better at this kind of thing than I and you enjoy it more. Or at least you do when you don't have people like me gumming up the works. RP's are more a creative escape for what skill I have in it and not something I take serious. Nor will I pour a lot of time into crafting longer posts filled with details that I personally don't find important. It's not that I can't, I know I can. But really I think I just don't have the passion required to keep up at that level. So it was probably wrong of me to stick around after I realized my heart wasn't in it on the same level. Forgive me.
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