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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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<Snipped quote by t2wave>

He was 17 at the time and influenced by the mutterings of an Alien Warlord from another planet.

But tried as an adult means many of the protections that a minor would receive would be waived. He would also have to explain that an alien made him do it. At which point it would be more likely that he would be committed or snagged by the government for study.

Though I suppose it's not really critical.
Man, I hope that lawyer was paid well for getting a 10 year sentence after 30 counts of murder.
I am confuse. Repeating the post?
I would assume so.
I assume the character was approved via PM.
The guild freaking out stalled a lot of things.
Shannon would probably be one of those people since she's there to help already.

No one seemed to acknowledge that she'd said anything. That was normal really. So she stepped away from the tree and group and into the clearing. Dumb move perhaps, but she had a plan and wasn't the best at articulating the things running through her head. It was like trying to catch a rabbit on caffeine. Pressing forward without seeming regard to the figure looming before her her expression was largely blank. While there was still some distance she stopped and glanced at the circle of kids around Liz's sister. Cocking her head to one side she looked at the sky for a moment.

Bringing her attention back to the monster she pointed back at the group of children. "How do we sacrifice her?" There were about a hundred different ways this could go wrong. To some extent she was relying on her difficulty to read. People usually had a tell when they were lying but she had a way of being blunt. She'd also cooperated with the boy from before. Her fingers twitched slightly. She was building a positive charge which was bound to result in her getting struck. She wasn't close enough just yet so she was risking getting hit by a bolt of lightning prematurely.
Ariel/Ethel - PW Guild Hall

Glancing at Jamie and then back at Ferrin for a while the woman sighed. Why was everyone getting in her way all the sudden? Was it sudden? She couldn't be sure at the moment. There was a sense that something unusual had happened but she couldn't put her finger on it. Unless someone explained it she probably would probably remain ignorant of her own predicament.

Given that it was clear that she wasn't going to be allowed to follow she frowned as she watched the man she wanted to talk to left. By the time she shrugged off her guild master's hand she couldn't hope to find him. Crossing her arms she stepped away. "Fine. Ethel will stay here." Brooding she sat down at one of the benches.

Oralie - PW Guild Hal

Watching silently from upstairs she observed all the commotion going on. The golden woman could have been mistaken as a statue except for the occasional movement of her head. She didn't speak at all and just appeared to be taking in information. A huge amount of the world as it was was new to her. The buildings, the people, the magic, the technology, the list went on. She barely even acknowledged Ferrin leaving. She honestly owned him for saving her but the man had expressed that he wished to be left alone. Oralie obediently left him alone. It was her natural reaction to comply with people she saw as a above her.

Having been deprived of social interaction for centuries she really didn't know how to approach people. Or what to say afterward. It had only been a few days ago that she was reintroduced to, well, anything outside four walls. Thus far she had been treated exceptionally well by the Phoenix Wing guild but this murmur of dragons had her uneasy. Having lived in a time when dragons ruled the world she was probably far more aware of what they were capable of than most. Beyond that though her memories were little more than loose visions. Her own name was almost foreign to her, having been called servant, slave or treasure more than her own name.

She took a step to one side and the floor creaked and groaned. She may not look all that big but being made of pure gold she weighed a little over a ton easily. Noticing the potential problem she made the decision to move to the ground floor. She didn't really need to be anywhere in particular. So long as she had some magic stored up she could operate indefinitely. Theoretically she was immortal given her soul was bound to the material she was made of. Some might seek that but as far as the girl was concerned it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

No one was making a move after the warehouse seemed to have been taken from the local gang. Seeing that Farce put away her gun and made a sign to have the others stand down Angel smiled slightly. "Thank you." She glanced in the direction that had been indicated before the girl that had entered yelled out and the sound of a crash drew her attention back. Confused one moment and stunned the next she caught sight of Zach's body falling to the floor without his head. Pausing the woman had to weigh her options. Seems she'd misjudged the two, or one perhaps, that had burst through the wall. While she'd seen Farce shoot another person, decapitating someone with their powers was a magnitude higher on the shock factor. The thought sent a chill down her spine and she clenched her fists.

The man on the catwalk looked to be coming unhinged. The reaction wasn't something she could blame. However it looked like the situation was going to continue to escalate. Changing focus she turned toward the fleeing women. Crouching to one knee she drove the fingers of one hand into the the concrete floor for a handhold. Pushing off and pulling forward she accelerated toward them despite her increased weight. Once out in the open she launched herself into the air. With that momentum and rapid drop in density she soared overhead to tail them from a distance.

With any luck they wouldn't notice her in the air. People were notoriously bad at looking up unless they knew better. Heck she could fly and she probably didn't pay that much attention when she really thought about it. This also gave her the opportunity to watch the man that was charging after them. This definitely was not how Sarah wanted her day to go.
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