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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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No. Different culture and creature. Similar look though.
Could be interesting.

With the last few days Dr. Matthias made use of the time initially to study herself and data that was present on the Revenant. Security footage verified several things Stryker had told her. The situation was rather unusual since coming back from such little genetic material was astounding. That was on top of the fact that she was alive at all. Past data suggested that she should have been dead years ago. Getting all the details was difficult though, having pretty much lost everything from the last three years. Either because she buried it, it was destroyed, or others that knew about the missing span of time were dead.

Fitting in also proved to be somewhat difficult. It wasn't surprising really. Mobile plants were pretty rare, much less humanoid omes. Couldn't say she was the only species, but none of them had such human like features. That fact was something of a give away to what she used to be. With any luck she would never run into anyone that knew why she was the way she was. Socializing was a tab bit unusual for her anyway though. She didn't have the same hormonal responses so she had to fake some feelings. Though thus far she'd found that if she didn't have much energy she was muted while high energy meant she was really peppy. Somewhere in there was a middle ground she hadn't quite gotten right. And there had been one incident where she'd been surprised and her body instinctively sprouted thorns for defense.

Despite how odd she was though Harriet had been at least tolerated by everyone. The down time for the crew was a blessing that made the initial transition much easier. Also allowed her to focus on a project Stryker gave her. He needed a neurotoxin and tasked her with making one. From what she knew of her biology she should be able to produce one internally. Doing so wasn't that difficult for her. Observing her cells while she made the toxin it clued her in a bit to what was going on. Observation showed far greater levels of complexity to the cell mutations from other subjects. That shouldn't be the case but she watched as her cells altered to produce the specific chemical compounds. As a test she tried to make something that she didn't know the specifics to and it didn't really work. Interesting.

Having given Stryker the requested product a few days ago, she joined the rest of the crew in the War Room. In a better mood than usual she stood by and listened. This was her first mission not counting the one that killed her and this one sounded like it needed more a more discrete approach. That pretty much left her out of that since she stuck out in many situations. Theoretically she could climb her way through hard to fit places but this job didn't seem to need that.

Largely letting the others work out the plan her attention was drawn toward a conner of the room. Harriet had never considered the possibility of a connection to plants but she's sensed something happened before looking. Watching as a dark mist withered the plant in seconds she glanced at the source. She didn't know much about the boy other than that his name was Willow and a handful of general details.

On one level she felt like she should be be put off by the fact that he'd just killed a plant. It was an unexpected sensation that she could only assume was a hormonal response. However as a scientist the agent that killed the simple organism intrigued her. Rapid necrosis was not unheard of but it usually was a biological weapon that affected everyone in range. In this case though Willow seemed to be the source and immune to its effects. Taking out a pad that she'd been using to catch up she made an entry with the observations and a note to ask Willow for further details.
Alright, let's see where we're at now that I can actually get to the page.
I'm on there.
Harriet and Stryker - Med Bay

Stryker and the others got Harriet up to the Med Bay without incident. After getting her situated and using his limited medical knowledge to get her hooked into the life support systems, he turned to face the others, who were obviously confused.

"I know you guys have questions and I promise, I'll explain everything shortly, but it's probably best if I deal with this one on one, just step outside for a minute guys."

He went over and sat beside Harriet, still clinging to consciousness and clearly very disoriented.
"Can you hear me?" he started "Do you know who I am?"

Given her biology just the introduction of water to Harriet's system made a marked improvement. Before responding her eyes darted around at the various equipment. She seemed to be looking for something but didn't find it. Relaxing slightly she turned her attention back to Stryker. "You're... familiar. But I can't say I know who you are." Given her current circumstances she tried not to move much. Both because she didn't have that much strength yet but also she had no idea who these people were aligned with.

"Yeah, I'm not all that surprised, I don't think I left much of an impression on you when we met before. Ok, let's start at the beginning. My name is Stryker, do you remember your name?"

An interesting question considering. Styker had called her Harriet which meant she he probably hadn't been that close. Best to play it close to the chest. "Dr. Matthias if you would."

"Ok, so not complete memory loss then, he didn't know what to expect, if you were just gonna zap back like nothing happened, or if you'd be an entirely new, but genetically identical being. I suppose the reality is somewhere in the middle." Picking up on how confusing that statement must have been for her to hear, Stryker cleared his throat and started to explain.

"There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just give it to you straight: you've been dead for just over eight months. I'm gonna assume you have no memory of the events leading up to that, or where you are now, so buckle up. At the time of your death, and presumably for a while before that, you worked for a pirate crew out in the Deadzone headed by a guy named Vanderos. You and another member of the crew, an Iilusian named Kaeci were sent along with me and my people on a job Vanderos had a vested interest in. Long story short, he turned on us all and a lot of people died, yourself among them. Kaeci was never the same, he went off the deep end after that, I always assumed you two were close. He took some DNA from your body, kept going on about how he could bring you back, and to tell you the truth, I never believed him. Clearly, he knew what he was talking about. I know it's gonna be a big shock to hear all this, so just take a moment to soak it up and I'll try my best to answer any questions you have."

Laying there and listening the story sounded too crazy to be made up. She didn't react all that much through the whole thing. It was a skill she learned as a doctor when giving bad news. Stryker wasn't all that good at it but who could blame him? "Damn. I guess I own Kaeci one." She didn't really know who Kaeci was but the sentement still applied. Processing for several minutes she eventually lifted her eye to meet the captain's. Eight months was a lot of time to be missing. And that was just since meeting Stryker and his crew? "What's the date?" The current time was really the only way to gauge how much she'd really lost.

"Today? It's May 23rd, 2167." Stryker replied "Oh, right, I ought to explain where we are, might jog something in your memory. As you can tell from the decor, you're in our ship's med bay. She's called the Revenant, and although she won't show up on any official registrations, it's an Alliance ship. We're not soldiers, all of us on board have been forced into working for those bastards, completely deniable black ops kind of deal. Anything else you need to know?"

Over three years? Harriet furrowed her brow slightly. Lifting up one hand she opened and closed her hand a few times. It functioned like it normally did but she knew and could feel that it only did so because she was willing it to. Spreading her fingers apart they unwound into many different tendrils before wraping back into her regular digits. The whole action was natural. Perhaps residual memory from her last life. It was consistant with her observations of other organisms that had undergon the same process she had. Although she doubted she should have survived or lived this long. Some variable they hadn't accounted for stabilized her biology. She very well could have figured this out before but had simply forgotten when she was killed.

Keeping her thoughts to herself the woman asked. "Not a fan of the Alliance?" She was trying to get a better idea of of who she was dealing with. In some ways the Alliance was to blame for how she was right now. At the very least if everyone knew her as Harriet Matthias then perhaps they didn't realize she'd survived the first time. That was using the term survived loosely.

"Not exactly, no." Stryker said with conviction "It's a long story, so let's just say, I like them less and less every day."
She seemed to have all her senses about her, so the time was right for Stryker to dive into his own questions.
"If you don't mind, I have a few things to ask you myself. First things first, Kaeci's not around anymore, neither is your old boss, so I'm just wondering if you had any immediate plans for yourself? If not, I'd like to extend an invitation to stay here on the ship. We don't have a resident doctor at the moment, or a chief science officer for that matter. Your skills could be very useful to us."

Considering her options for a moment she shook her head. The rustle of the leaves on her head gave her pause. "I've nowhere to go. And I doubt any plans I may have had are still available." She sat up, her recovery time was a lot lower than most. An advantage of having a much simpler method of producing energy. Not quite to 100 percent but steady enough that she looked to be ready to stand on her own two feet.

"So I take it you'll stay?" Stryker said "Great, well, uh, welcome aboard... again."
He stood and started to extend a hand when a thought came to him.
"Oh, right before I forget, there's a couple of things I have to ask. Firstly, what should we do about the plants downstairs? I mean, I don't want to remove it if that'll hurt you in any way, but all the same, we'll probably need the space eventually, and while I'm on the topic, I guess we should figure out where you'll be sleeping. There are a bunch of empty rooms down in the Crew Quarters one floor down, or if you'd prefer, right over there, at the far end of the Med Bay there's a room. I think when this was an Alliance ship, it would have been a residence for the doctor on duty."

"You can remove the plant material. It will die now that it's served its purpose." A second of thought she clarified. "Probably best to burn it." This was all so bizzare. Waking up like she did, losing her memory, having died. Where does one exactly pick up after that kind of thing. Back to the question at hand, Harriet looked over at the room by the Med Bay. It was tempting. "Perhaps for now I will stay here. I have a lot of questions that I need use of the equipment here to answer." Nodding a bit to herself she looked back to Stryker.

"Ok, duly noted." he extended his hand the rest of the way to shake hers "I guess that about does it for us then, you're all good and feeling ok, right? I'm gonna have a lot of questions to answer when I get out of here, not really looking forward to that, but it comes wth the job I guess. So just to restate it again, welcome aboard the Revenant Harriet."

Finally realizing he'd extended his hand she shook it. "Thank you." Harriet said absently. Things must have been much more casual last time because Stryker comtinued to call her by her first name. "I guess I'll leave you to talk with the others. I did hear what that man said though. I realize I'm not usual but you might want to teach him how to properly address a lady." She smirked slightly.

"I will certainly have a word with him Doctor." He said as he got ready to leave "You should have plenty of time to meet everyone and get to know your way around the ship, hasn't been much action around here lately. And on that same note, wouldn't be any trouble to most of the crew if you asked someone for a quick tour around. I'll leave you to it anyway."

As he turned to leave he nodded in farewell, then exited the Med Bay.
Since Harriet is mostly out of it she probably won't be saying or doing much at the moment. She may have a conversation with Stryker in the between time though to figure out what's going on (and possibly explain to some extent who/what she is).
Yay! Though I will say I think a more average of 30 years would be less newsworthy because it wouldn't be as unusual.
Then I doubt it would have a term. Unless of course the term was a cover for the books in order to get him out of the public eye.
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