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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Well Kyle and Penny have been placed, but I think Janet has Penny's number if you want to go that route

Forgot about that. Hmm... I think she'd still try and talk to Alicia though since she's actually in Beacon.

These last several weeks had been hard. Everything the magical girl thought she had, whether given, chosen, or forced on her had been lost. Even her own appearance had been drastically altered by her last patron. Though thankfully many of the negative effects had been left behind when she rejected Father. The action did however leave her alone in a city of magical beings that could very well be hostile to her.

Having been picked up by the Ebon Mint there was a brief interrogation. However it quickly became clear that Janet didn't have that much insight into Justine or her whereabouts. A pawn is was the girl had been. And while Justine seemed to have had plans for Janet there must have not been time to put them into action. And not really wanting anything to do with the Mint, Janet declined any assistance from them.

Now though there were rumors going around that the Beacon were doing something unheard of. accepting monster girls amoung them. Selectively at least. She'd missed the details since she had been abducted and was actively fighting against them. But there was a chance that at the very least she wouldn't be killed on sight. Having been on the run before though you can't just hope people would just forget. If nothing else she had been controlled to do the awful things she had. And now was the time to face that hurdle.

When you body is made of water it can make slinking around the city rather easy. Most pipes underground were hidden and allowed access to almost every facility. Not that Janet really wanted to but she had to get close enough to the Beacon HQ to talk to someone. Knowing her target well allowed her Absolute Direction to point her where she needed to go. Out of sight she put her plan into action. It wasn't anything big, she just had to speak with someone. With her sound manipulation she generated what sounded like her voice in Alicia's ear. "Alicia... it's me, Janet. I need your help."
Alright, now to put Janet somewhere.
@Ariamis Went though and recalculated Janet's stats without a patron.

Stats (Disguised):
STR: +4 (Gifted)
AGI: +4 (Flexible)
VIT: +4 (Average)
MAG: +3
LCK: +3

Stats (Transformed):
STR: +14 (2 Bronze, 1 Water, 2 Fist, 1 Melee, 1 Flowing, 2 Dual Weapon, 1 Enhanced Weapon)
AGI: +14 (1 Platinum, 2 Water, 1 Sound, 1 Flexible, 2 Amprphous)
VIT: +10 (1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 Average, 1 Meelee, 1 Enhanced Weapon)
MAG: +12 (2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 Water, 2 Sound)
LCK: +5 (1 Sound)

gang gang gang whats poppin people?


All the efforts of the heroes looked to be doing in the giant. The thing was being pummeled bit by bit. What looked to be a cleanup job from that point suddenly swung back. Shatterpoint made himself known and started moving from hero to hero taking shots at them. The details of his abilities weren't that clear to Angel right away but she knew he was real bad news. Going up against him was a recipe for disaster. Before even really getting a chance to think about how she would fare against the villain her endurance was put to the test. Her own strength and durability scaled, on a head on fight she could potentially win. But there was more to a fight than brawn.

The shock from the hit to her side knocked her off balance. It hurt, the first real pain she'd felt as Angel. Though to be fair most of what she'd taken on thus far was small. One could only imagine how her body would have turned to jelly had she not been so solid. Crashing to the rubble that was the statue's head she grit her teeth. The strike just proved the point that she was not invulnerable and should be more on guard.

Where she was on the golem wasn't likely to be the best position. She'd dislodged Ceramix and the rest of the golem was likely to go down with how it was being hit, best she get out of the way. Lifting herself up she jumped to the ground. She didn't dare try and fly. Her lighter frame would be broken in an instant by another blow from Shatterpoint.
Harriet - Med Bay

Observing the couple of things about the new woman, Harriet made a mental note to ask about it later. There were plenty of other things to atend to first. They did just get back from a mission and someone just got a new body. And it was pretty clear that the transition was not going easy. "Right, I'll be back in a moment." She said while briefly placing her hand on Tibulass' shoulder.

Retrieving the medication she returned and offered a small tablet and a glass of water. "It might not be fun right now but you'll have to get this down. It'll work faster that way." Scooting a chair over by the door she took a seat. "It may make you a tad drowsy. We can work out something less potent once you're more stable."
I did a thing.
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