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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
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With various tasks agreed on, the two would walk away and head in the direction to check on the operation. Along the way though Janet opted to head back to the lab to get to work, leaving Jenna to see what all was going on. As she understood it Elora was the one overseeing everything. Making her way to the mission's command, Jenna looked over the magical displays trying to make sense of what was going on. Looked quite chaotic. "I got your call. How do things look?" She stood at a distance so as not to distract Elora by hovering.

Getting back to the lab, Janet began to scrawl out some formulas on a barrier with her magic. They never wrote things down on paper or on a computer when they worked. Just on the off chance someone might try and steal information. Whether that be the Mint, Penny, some other third party, or even Beacon. Working for a time, Cindy wrestled control from Janet when some good progress was being made. Looking over the info before her she scowled. And thus started a back and forth process of talk between them.

What is the meaning of this Janet?

Rachael has given us orders to create a weapon.

I see that. I cannot allow such a thing to be in the hands of Beacon. You know this does not fall under our agreement.

I realize this. At this point I am trying not to get us killed.

If that is your fear then why do you stay?

We're not in a position yet to make the needed changes.

So long as the Ascendancy is here you will not get what you request. You must make a choice.

I'm buying time here.

You're making excuses. I can tell what you're doing here. You cannot change Beacon as you believe.

And you can't just force us to leave yet.

Trapped in a circular argument for several minutes the girl was practically frozen. It was ultimately obvious that the contract they had was not going to work under these circumstances. Some of the restrictions needed to be laxed a bit else neither of them would be able to operate. Perhaps she should have taken up Penny on trying to remove her. Not that she was particularly sure it would work to begin with. Now she was going to have to share in the process of making this weapon. One thing was for sure, this whole wish for knowledge was turning against them pretty fast.


Oros? Ah, the one that Hilde met. They didn't really know a whole lot about her other than she was associated with Faith in some way and let Hilde and her friends go. There didn't seem to be any particular reason not to as least hear her out. Making a connection Janet spoke to Oros' mind. Hello Oros. You need some help with something?”

“yea, bi, dose deeds two be webodized!” There was a short pause in communication. “Bi dose is doh logger adached. So I am thinging with a dazaly voice do illustrate tad pound.”

Taking a few moments to sort out what in the world was being said it eventually came together. Alright then. That is quite confusing. What exactly about your nose? Janet wanted to be sure she was understanding the message right.

“You’re not nearly as fun as your minion is.” The mental message was followed by a mental laugh. “My nose has an interesting characteristic. I can sniff out magical girls based on their patrons. I would like to give it an upgrade.”

That was a new ability to Janet. Also a potentially dangerous one. She did manage a slight chuckle. Well, fun isn't always Beacon's strong suit. What do you mean by an upgrade? Trying to find something? Curiosity had the better of her for the moment.

“Improve the proximity.” was the all-to-obvious answer. “Say I wanted to hone my nose to the point where I could smell everything in penrose… simultaneously! .The rotting garbage on the second floor everyone refuses to empty, the depleted case of lipstick left in the men’s bathroom, your panties, if I could take it all in at once, I’d know who everyone’s allegiance is for.” Oros hummed. “Though I guess a more boring use of that power would be to track down mint agents, wherever they hide...”

While I’m all for tracking down Mint, that’s a pretty tall order. What makes you think I can do something like that? Much less what you might do afterward. The two walked around until they came across a window to look out at who they were speaking with.

A laugh poured into Janet’s mind. It was loud and coarse, like reverberating metal. It would have been total ear rape material if she was listening to it with her ears. “You made a coin that can purify corruption, you made a homunculus, you mean to tell me that making my nose a wee bit stronger poses a problem?” The laughing continued. “Who cares what I’m going to do with it afterwards? I’ll tell you what I’m not going to do with it. I’m totally not going to side with a magical girl who tried to remove all love from the world even though it goes against everything my patron stands for just so that I can lay waste to another, far less dangerous magical girl.” She cleared her throat, or at least sent a telepathic sound that she was. “You want to know my real intentions? My nose isn’t just capable of picking up on patrons. It can also guide me to people with certain qualities. Qualities that make for an ideal, mmmmmm, what’s the word? Not friend, something stronger than that…”

The Beacon girl wasn't quite connecting the same dots, but the message of potential help in the future was clear enough. Seemed this Oros knew more of what was going on than she'd expected. Try as she might, getting allies outside of Beacon had been proving to be more difficult than expected. So really any support she could get toward a more peaceful resolution would be good. Suppose if I want to prove I'm not like all the rest in Beacon I should at least make myself available to others. I can see what I can do. How do you propose I do this? I don't believe those above me would just let me bring you in to study and figure out what needs to be done. Not that I think you would want to be in that position to begin with.

Oros took something out of Summer’s hand and tossed it up to the window where Janet was standing. The small shape hurdled through the air before it got close enough for Janet to catch.

“One of your friends did the honor of removing my nose from my face. I’d normally be pissed about it, but they gave me a cool replacement.” She waved. “I doubt even Beacon would get pissy over something like a nose, but you do you. Maybe don’t report it? I’ve always just done what I wanted.” She folded her arms. “Unless you want payment for this, I can head out, right? I’d just like to know a good time to return for my nose when you’re done modding it.”

Catching the nose thrown up to her, she was rather surprised when she actually took a look at what it was. How? What the... okay. She pocketed the nose and paused for a few seconds. Was not expecting that at all. I can't be for certain. This would be my first nose job. Think you can part with it for a couple weeks? She had loosened up just a little. Getting orders from the Inquisitor always put them on edge.

Oros smiled. “Sure. I’m not letting you keep it though.”

That would not be very good for business. Just come back around the area and we’ll be able to find you. She returned the smile briefly.


They had tried to explain this a bit last time, but Rachel had in her mind that Janet had placed Cindy in her head on purpose. The Ascendancy leader taking over the research department was a big issue. Should they succeed in making this weapon then it would only lead to further division. Well, probably. Forcing people to be purified was something they'd considered, but the risks outweighed the rewards. Making and securing it first off. Afterward though the implications and damage it would do to relations they were trying to forge. And with the Cardinal still largely out of the picture there was no telling when they might be able to be bailed out. They'd done their job a little too well.

Nodding in recognition to Rachel's orders the two stepped back. left the room. This was a problem, primarily because the making of the weapon could run a foul of the contract they'd made with Cindy. No, this wasn't going to work. At least not as things were currently. There weren't that many options at the moment. Leaving Beacon was one such choice, but would not really help with their goals. There were things that, if they worked out properly, would give them the advantage in being able to better coordinate things. Still probably wouldn't put them in a good position with Beacon though. They perhaps were going to have to rework the agreement with Cindy and come up with a better solution. Autonomy was the main issue at play here. The girls had thought they had more time to sort this kind of thing out but this really pushed up the timetable.

The meeting not being particularly distracting the two had kept up their monitoring of the area. A Beacon member, Summer, had popped up nearby accompanied by someone else they didn't recognize. Before moving anywhere else Janet contacted Summer with their mind. Hey Summer, Who is that with you? Even though they'd been given an ultimatum they didn't really plan on going to the lab today. Too many other things going on. Especially with a number of others already out.


Being lifted out from under the crowd, Melisa smiled. "Thank you. I kind of got mixed up in among the bunch of them." The beast she was placed on not seeming to entirely like her there the girl tried to avoid poking the cat with her limbs, opting to sit down. To her advantage she didn't weigh much. Free of being stepped on she looked up to Nuncio.

"I don't really know what Beacon is, so I'm not exactly sure what that means. Some other girls I met didn't seem to like them very much." She glanced around the room. "Seems a good amount share that feeling." Not outright asking about them, it was pretty clear she could stand to have things explained to her.


Janet didn't really like the way things were developing. Seemed they'd done a little too well of a job with the purification tools. Still, they were the only ones able to make them so that at least prevented things from going too out of hand. Handed the document she reviewed it briefly before handing it over to Jenna to look over. She watched her sister for a moment before Jenna shrugged a bit. "This isn't really the same thing as imbuing a coin. Though we expected a request such as this would come up eventually. We can try, but the magic wasn't really designed for something like this. We can't entirely be sure of the result." She ran through the ideas coming to her.

Seeming to be on the same page, Janet turned back to Rachel. "I must express caution in perusing this kind of weapon. The purification we've created is based off previous variants that requires consent. Removing that safeguard further exposes it to manipulation. Namely, if a weapon such as this were to fall into the wrong hands it could potentially be corrupted and have the opposite effect. We run the risk of creating an even greater darkness that could spread far and wide. I do not believe this is a safe course of action and could undermine our goals of saving and protecting the world." This really could get out of hand. They already operated on what was considered fringe magical science. This would begin stepping outside things they understood. Cindy could potentially help, but doing that was risky in its own right and she probably wouldn't want this thing either.


Most of the things going on in the sanctuary were well beyond Melisa's current knowledge. Some kind of announcement about peace that seemed to spark anything but, two different groups that seemed to be against the queen or the people on the video? Something about Beacon which she'd heard were not safe to be around. Really it seemed to be a mess over all. Being smaller than practically everyone else in the room she couldn't really see what was going on. Thankfully Dina, the cat girl that she hadn't really had the chance to meet, calmed things down like a pro. Whoo, well that was close.

Her attention was a bit on the glowing light she could barely make out through everyone there. Despite being made of metal she could feel the warmth of it. What the hell is going on? Weaving her way through the legs of those gathered she managed her way out of the crowd and tried to find someone that might be able to answer some questions. "Hey um, can you explain what's going on? I don't uh, really know what people are talking about." She said as she tugged to get them to look down.

Janet wasn't quite sure how she wanted to answer the question on Penny. Outright lying didn't sound like a good idea though. "We spoke with her briefly. She tends keep to herself, always has. We are mostly waiting to hear back." She rubbed her forehead. "I don't expect to hear much until the attack against Mariette to be over and things settle down." She would state.

"Aside from that. Is there anything you would like us to handle?" Considering she intended to stay behind, Janet figured she should at least make herself useful.

Her hard work looked to be paying off. Though what exactly to do with the info was a bit harder to decide. Justine was not her friend in the slightest. Theoretically Hilde had the vampire girl to thank for her current existence, but she was the one that had Janet kill Amber. Bah, too many factors. Bottom line was the girl was evil and underhanded. She needed to let her friends know. No telling what exactly she was planning. While she hadn't put her name on the list to be contacted about this raid she knew it would be coming eventually. Fumbling for her phone a bit she send a quick message to Ronin.

Be careful around Justine. I think she's the one kidnapping MGs in the city.

Debating whether to send a message to the twins she decided to actually go to Beacon's HQ to deliver the info. They were the ones that were supposedly going to be close to her soon. With her flight and teleportation it didn't take long to arrive. Beacon, while they were on good terms, were on higher alert than usual so they wouldn't let her in. She wasn't a member after all. Stupid. Shooting a quick message to Janet for her to read her mind she passed on the details that way. For the moment she would hang around but would probably be off again before getting dragged further into things going on.

For the most part the twins were going back and forth about what exactly to do still. When this was all over they might see about perusing some other alternatives with Cindy. Appeasing both sides was more complicated once all the outside factors started coming into play. The inner conflict got sidetracked for a moment when they got a message from Hilde.

Getting new info on Justine, potentially anyway, the twins glanced at each other for a moment before seeking out the next person in charge. Alicia being out this fell to Rachel. Considering who it was about though that almost didn't matter. No one trusted Justine to begin with and this only added to the pile. It took a bit before they could get in to talk. "We've just received a report that Justine may be the one snatching people off the street." It wasn't the most far fetched thing. She herself had been kidnapped by the same.

Sanctuary Garden

In a fair amount of thought himself, Shane spent a bit watering everything. Perhaps more of a distraction than anything for the moment. Cindy being "alive" in any capacity was a shock, no pun intended. Paired with a Beacon girl no less. He'd watched Cindy die. Wouldn't have been the first time he'd seen someone go, but they usually weren't back so soon. What was the whole ceremony before this then? Was it actually Cindy? There were probably a few things he could ask of the girl to confirm. He wasn't sure when he'd get the chance though.

He glanced at Dina as she approached the space he was working in. The boy had seen the maids that she'd provided around but had yet to meet her. Right away though he could tell that she was not in a good mood, even if outwardly she appeared calm and collected. Counter productive to that was a peculiar allure that seemed to follow her. Of course Shane had no way of knowing it was due to magic it was still something he noticed since the roles were usually reversed. Perhaps against his better judgment he spoke up. "Did you know her? Cindy?" He would keep his eyes on the task at hand.

Dina for the most part, not reply at first, then all of a sudden, she addressed this gardener. Another person she had not met, yet Penny had brought all over. “I used to exchange words, although they were not always positive.” Dina said curtly. “Differences on what constitutes a good balance of diplomacy if I must say.” Dina added, as she looked at Shane. “...they call me Dina Denisova. But people hardly know my work here, I am afraid.”

He would set the watering can down. Turning he would have extended a hand to Dina but his hands weren't the cleanest. "Pleased to meet you Ms. Denisova. And that's unfortunate. Being absent lately myself I haven't really helped with knowing what all you've contributed. I was told of the maids which I'm sure has helped with morale." He would tackle Dina's portion first. Taking a step back to the first comments though he would nod in agreement. "Yes, Cindy was... difficult to work with. My intention in joining sounds similar. Obviously I didn't get very far in that regard either." He massaged one of his temples with a knuckle to avoid getting dirt on his face.

“Probably, but that was but the first step… afterwards, it’s as if I had faded out of everyone’s minds. I blame the chaos…” Dina said. “...and yet, I did wish for this to be free of strings, for that I engaged in Realpolitik.” She shook her head. “Does that look free of strings to you? We are practically being force fed Beacon propaganda, with a most disgusting mockery of what once had been Cindy.”

His eyes would wander as he considered what Dina said. It certainly didn't look good. Still... "I believe in the benefit of the doubt. I would like to speak to this 'Cindy'. I'm not entirely sure why she's working with a Beacon girl, but I'm sure she has her reasons." He would take a rag and wipe down his hands. In thought for a while longer he pulled down his rolled up sleeves. "I don't know her all that well personally, but from what I've seen and heard Janet is basically part of a resistance in Beacon. I'm surprised she's still alive to be honest. She was at the park that night. She refused to fight. Dropped her weapon and tried talking with Cindy instead. We were all caught in the same blast that allowed that other boy to kill Cindy. Not really sure what happened after that as I got pulled away to another part of the city. Penrose has a lot of moving parts and it makes it hard to know who's with who and why. A healthy amount of scepticism makes sense." He would offer his two cents.

"Yet you would never impose such a decision in such a grandiose manner like the current leader did. That Penny is falling for the same mistake Cindy used to get criticism for, if not worse." Dina stood up. "Besides, the dead should stay dead. This is obscene, how much this will give false hopes to all those gathered here. Beacon is not the Sanctuary's future… not when people think being a monster girl is an affliction to be cured. Or a foe to be slain." Her eyes seemed to pierce Shane. "The people here deserve better than feeding off Beacon's scraps of mercy."

The boy visibly flinched for a moment, but would still eventually present a smile. "Well, too late now. Best we can do is temper any enthusiasm and try to move forward. Like you implied earlier, we're not the most organized. Never were really. Cindy just showed up one day and lay claim. Then we all got whisked away and came back to a mess." Sounded like one excuse after another, a fact Shane was well aware of. "You probably already plan to do this, but if you think there's a problem then talk to Penny about it. Things might not start how we want but that tends to happen after a power vacuum. I’ll probably see what's up with this Cindy person. I'd rather see it for myself than trust a video. Maybe figure out what they actually intend to do rather than assume." He would point back in the direction of the theater. Not that he doubted the possibility of it happening, he more wanted to know the details.

"I tried to make things smoother last time too. But I am afraid most people here just see being Queen or leader as a lofty title and make rash decisions. " Dina said. " I've given enough notice for Penny to talk over this. It would look foolish and wasteful to chase those two hope saleswomen in front of everyone and second guess. It would bring more unpleasantness." Dina fussed. "Even if I don't like it one bit."

"Ah, two steps ahead of me. " He would give a bit of a sigh. It was clear that Dina was displeased with how things were being done. He wasn't really the one to talk to about authority. Leading was not particularly his favorite thing to do. "Not that excuses are a solution, but Penny is new to this kind of thing. She needs help to keep this place running. More importantly everyone else needs the help. Penny isn't Cindy, but she hasn't had the best example to follow. If there is a better way then that needs to be impressed onto her so she has the chance to learn before everything falls apart." While not really being a leader per se, he usually was a decent mediator. This whole change of hands happened in, what, a week or two? Things were moving pretty quickly.

"Tragedies wait for no one. As much as we would like to. If i could afford time certain compromises could be avoided." Dina rebuked. "Sink or swim, as the idiom says." She said. " And mind you, being new is excusable. Not taking advice is a whole different matter. What use is for her to be open to comment now, that she has made an announcement?" The catgirl said, as she began to leave. "Please do excuse me. I did not mean to take your precious time with this unpleasantness." Dina said, before bowing so slightly and leaving.

Damn people and their pessimism. Too many head strong individuals. "Nonsense. I was practically asking for it." He would add smirking to himself. He would hold up a hand to slow her down. "Are you sure you don't want me to leave? I was the one prying. You came here after all."

"You are tending to a garden, are you not?" Dina said. "Why would I kick you out? It's not like I am Queen or anything of this place." She continued to walk away.

"I was, but I'm more or less done for now and the plants aren't going anywhere. Up to you. Hope to see you around regardless." He would offer and take some steps away himself. ”Maybe I should see about mixing in some flowers. Probably would be a bit therapeutic when people need it.” He would muse aloud.

"Anything but catnip or valerian. I do not want to see the maids completely smashed." Dina said. "The offer of escort is certainly interesting, but I am not in the mood of a delightful tea break right now, my apologies."

That wasn’t exactly what he intended, but this was more or less a big hallway so he could see how that could be drawn. Still he would stop. The comment at least assuaged one thing in his mind. ”I will be sure to avoid that. Thank you for letting me know. And it was nice meeting you.” He would leave it at that since Dina was intent on heading out. Wrong place wrong time it seemed.

Beacon HQ

While not directly called upon for the assault that was to happen, the twin Beacon members made their way to base to at least be on call. With as much as was going on they weren't convinced that someone wouldn't try and take advantage of others being out on mission. So for the time being they would stay on point and keep track of those coming and going with their magic. Some of their plans were getting pushed back with this attack going into play right at this moment. The message they made was to put Beacon on blast as much as anyone, but things were not quite in place. They also left releasing it to Penny anyhow and she wanted to let the Sanctuary know before everyone else.

Staying out of the direct conflict was a layered decision. They understandably didn't want to work with Justine given what she'd done to her. Even without that Cindy had an agreement with Mariette. They also needed to be ready if Ronin called on them. Was kind of hard to say what was going to happen. There was also the possibility that Rachel wouldn't want Cindy tagging along anyway.

Penrose at Large

The spirits Huginn and Muninn circled the earth collecting information to pass on to their master, Odin. While often they would simply do their job themselves, in key places and times they would enlist an individual to further their mission. Penrose had become such a place and Hilde was their agent as it were.

While it had taken some time to understand and establish her role in the city, in the weeks she'd been around she'd broken away from Janet and Jenna for a number of reasons. One was being around them put what they were doing at some risk. Hilde wasn't a park of Beacon after all. Still on good terms though for helping save the Cardinal. Just as important though was she could not do her job all cooped up on one place. She needed to gather together the goings on and that required some footwork, or wing work in this case. Her encounter at the graveyard opened up and interesting avenue though. Eyes and ears were everywhere, and not all of them were of the living. It took time and some convincing, but slowly she was getting in contact with the spirits that inhabited the area. A network unseen and that could walk through walls. She would instruct them to stay out of sight though. There were still others with Spirit magic after all.

More in particular, with people disappearing she was looking to find the perpetrator. A general description, where it happened, what have you. It might take a bit but surely something would turn up eventually. The excess level of crime helped strangely enough. So periodically she would make rounds, meeting with various spirits she'd managed to recruit to gather more locally. She would of course take anything else they could give her as well. In exchange she would try and find safe places for them to hide and release others that may have been trapped by previous vices.

Sanctuary Open Area

Despite being a newcomer, Melisa has settled in among the other girls easily. This was mostly thanks to her very being attracting other girls. By now the childish persona being imposed by her patron had set in pretty hard. This of course made things easier still as she would skip around talking with people, getting to know them, and such. The younger in particular took to her and before long they were playing and having fun despite Melisa being an adult. Admittedly she was not ordinarily a fan of children but that had seemingly vanished.

Before long Melisa was standing on a chair around a table with a small group of girls. They were playing tea party. The others had actual tea but the doll did not since, well, she couldn't drink it anyway. Either way they were having fun regardless. "May I have some more tea, Sadie?" She would hold her cup up to a little mouse girl across from her.

Pretending to pour into the cup the little girl would smile. "Of course my dear Melisa." Giggling softly as did so.

"Thank you very much!" She would reply pretend to drink from the cup, which was about half the size of her head. Their little party was cut short as Penny made an announcement. The three of them went up to see what it was. Being new Melisa wasn't entirely sure what it all meant but it seemed to put a lot of murmur through the crowd.

Sanctuary Garden

After a rather eventful what was supposed to movie night, Shane had a bit of an issue regarding Shoggy. After a bit more coaxing he was able to get that she used to be a horror, or something like that. It was not particularly an issue in his mind, but it did tell him enough to know that her understanding of humans was probably spotty. Somewhat fighting to keep her off of him at times he tried his best to convey that relationships with people weren't usually so abrupt and required time. In the end it wasn't clear if the misunderstanding was really cleared up by the time they parted ways. He hadn't really seen or heard from her since.

Back at the Sanctuary a new project began. With help from a number of Sanctuary residents, some lighting, a few seeds, and a trip to Brittany's shop, Shane had everything he needed to get the gardens started. While Wood magic wasn't a magic he'd ever really used he thankfully wasn't trying to do much more than accelerate the growing process. So the plant to do its thing while they gave it the water and light it needed. Since this was a first go around he started with some simpler things to grow. Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and some green beans would be some decent filler. One wall was dedicated to the beans as the vines tended to wield more.

This sort of task was not one he'd ever saw himself doing. Thankfully it wasn't one he minded. Helping people was practically his mission and it didn't particularly matter what it was he was doing. Helped that basically any information he needed was just a search away. While washing up he heard the call Penny put out and came up after a few minutes.

Listening and watching the message Shane was a bit baffled. What, how? And Penny apparently knew. He had a number of questions but he would let others ask their questions before he would. Might get some of the answers from there anyway.
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