Avatar of Twisted Mind


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current I visited the face of the earth.
1 like
1 yr ago
Poll(5+ likes and I do it): Do I finish my cheesecake story even though cheesecake seems to be dying out here?
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1 yr ago
What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Idk but the flag is a big plus.
1 yr ago
I would tell a seaweed joke, but then you would suggest I seek mental kelp.
1 yr ago
The Earth threw me off its face. I'm back.


The Most Important Thing Ever:
RolePlayerGuild and The Haunted Cheesecake
Thanks to the status bar for the idea. Thanks to myself for the writing.

The intro-pic thing I have is not up to date. Turned 18 on June 24th

I won't bite you, if you don't bite me.

Most Recent Posts

Why'd he steal it though?
James glanced at her card, then at his own. Same train. Interesting. He thought. "Ah. Same as me. Very interesting." His card, which he then showed her, also read A Line. Destination: Brooklyn Center Time: 21:30 He checked his watch then. "Two hours late. What's the delay?" He muttered, glancing around.
James sat, though it was a bit awkward. He was used to awkward by now. "Which train are you waiting for?" He asked. If she doesn't answer, then whatever. Just rather not awkward silence like most of the conversations I end up in, He thought, internally sighing. He'd had a long day and needed an honest break. To even his own surprise, though, he kept an eye on the woman who had been near the tracks, as if to make sure she didn't get too close again. Why do I even care? People die on the tracks all the time. She'd have been no different.
James studied the woman, wondering why she hadn't thanked him. Then again, most people these days were disrespectful. He shrugged and walked away, mindlessly heading for a bench. He paused as he noticed Lily sitting on it. He sighed. Great. The only open bench half taken. This is awkward. He groaned inwardly then spoke. "May I sit?" He asked, indicating the open seat on the bench.
James noticed how close the woman was to the tracks. Odd. Why is she so close? That's not safe... He thought, debating whether or not to approach Lajila and tell her how dangerous her position was. He decided to do it, knowing that he should probably make sure the woman didn't get hurt- even if he didn't know her. It was always good to look out for others. He slowly walked up to her, careful not to startle her.
James cleared his throat to get the woman's attention before speaking. "Excuse me, miss. I don't think you should be so close to the tracks. It's rather dangerous, would you agree?" His voice was firm but hushed, almost soothing.
It was a chilly night in New York City, New York. James "Wildcard" Cliff was on his typical path home, waiting for the subway. Rats skittered about, giving him the chills. It was cold underground- especially at ten PM. He'd gotten off of work much later than normal, but he had no family waiting for him. He checked his phone. The train was late. He began to pace. This is bad. It needs to get here, or I could be stuck here all night. I could take the bus if I need to, I guess. He waited for the arrival of his train. Nearby, others were also getting restless- probably with families to get home to. James was lucky since he didn't have anybody to get home to at the moment. Normally, he had a girlfriend but he had recently broken up again.
Would you two be good if I started us off and you two can post as needed? I'd say we only post after the other two have posted- so we don't lose each others' posts. The posting order would be me, Bailey, then Dayzee, I'd say. Unless you two want to switch and Dayzee posts second. Idrm.
It's okay!
Name: James "Wildcard" Cliff
Age: 30
Gender: Male(he/him)
Personality: James is a wildcard. One minute he can be laughing and joking around, the next he can spit out a biting insult with what could appear to be no motive to do so. He always has a motive- that's the problem. Most doctors he's been to call him bipolar, but that's not it.
Searched up the generator BaileyBlue302 used, and got this. Found it decent.
Profession: James is a realtor, and knows his way around words and making deals.
Other: Will be edited while roleplaying
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