Avatar of Twisted Mind


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current I visited the face of the earth.
1 like
1 yr ago
Poll(5+ likes and I do it): Do I finish my cheesecake story even though cheesecake seems to be dying out here?
1 like
1 yr ago
What’s the best thing about Switzerland? Idk but the flag is a big plus.
1 yr ago
I would tell a seaweed joke, but then you would suggest I seek mental kelp.
1 yr ago
The Earth threw me off its face. I'm back.


The Most Important Thing Ever:
RolePlayerGuild and The Haunted Cheesecake
Thanks to the status bar for the idea. Thanks to myself for the writing.

The intro-pic thing I have is not up to date. Turned 18 on June 24th

I won't bite you, if you don't bite me.

Most Recent Posts

Oh. Alright then. This was a good rp, until it wasn't.
Six days later...

Nothing has moved. They have all been frozen in place by the invisible hand. They are all slowly starving to death.🤣
Take your time. There's no rush.
Bailey, can you give me a bit more to work with between the doctor and James if you wouldn't mind? Not to be pushy, since you're normally good about this sorta thing. :)
James slept.


Edit: Strangle me for these one-liners. Anybody got a doctor character we can drag in here?
I only did a one-liner because I have nothing to write. I don't think either of you want to read a whole paragraph about James sleeping.
James remained asleep, unaware that there was the possibility of interaction. He wasn't dreaming, which was surprising.
Part Five: Story Time

Collab With @BaileyBlue302

Ice Reaver: OI! Voice!

“Hm? Wait- what did you just-”

The voice falls silent, and all three of its hench-players look around in confusion before startling as a cheesecake begins to speak in the voice’s ever-recognizable voice.

"You named me! How dare you! What did I ever do to harm you!?"

Red Rust: I don't know. What didn't you do?

The Voice boomed, or at least attempted to boom. The audio was distorted as if the Voice was speaking underwater.

"Stupid cheesecake form. Damn, you, Reaver.” The Voice muttered.

BaileyBlue302: I'm sorry- what just happened? Why the hell is there a talking- boss? Why are you a cheesecake? Ice, what did you do to my boss? I- I'm confused-


Periodity: I really missed a lot, didn't I? CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON PLEASE?

Meanwhile, Twisted Mind had disappeared back into the bakery. Upon noticing this, BrokenPromise frowned. Now. Why are you lurking in the Backrooms, Twisted? This thought was broadcasted as a status in the status bar. It wouldn't be unlike him not to betray us, honestly. Not surprised if he did tbh. Ice Reaver responded, careful to stay under the 200 character limit. That was one of the problems of using Status Communication: character limits. It made staying IC impossible, kind of like a chat box.

Twisted Mind(calling): I'm just looking for something to eat!

Ice Reaver: And I don't believe you!

BrokenPromise: You're the type to betray us, so stop with the bs, Twisted!

Kaga Classs: Hey. Guys. I believe Twisted. I asked them to hunt down some pastries for me. Not being allowed to eat cheesecake made me hungry... okay?

Ice Reaver: Well... that is kind of like-

BrokenPromise: Bullcrap! You didn't ask them to, so stop lying, KC! Don't get your-

Kaga Classs: Don't call me KC.

Twisted Mind(still calling): Look, Broken, Ice, KC would-


That brought silence upon all the players, most of whom just blinked at Kaga Classs in surprise. Nobody had expected such a Hamilton-like outburst from the normally reserved Kaga. Nobody spoke, not even the Voice. It took around three minutes and twenty-one seconds exactly for somebody- or in this special case, something- to speak...

“Well then…”

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